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She could end his career with one swift keystroke. Will Declan risk everything for love? Perfect Office Pact by Maria Jane

Kindle Nation Daily eBook of The Day

Perfect Office Pact

by Maria Jane
Everyday Price: $5.99
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Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
Their rules are simple.
He’ll keep his nose out of her personal life and help further her career.
She won’t tell the board what he did.

Declan Jordan crosses a line—a massive line—and he’ll probably lose his job if Mira files a complaint. When your boss majorly screws up, even if it leads to the thing you’ve been looking for your whole life, why wouldn’t you take advantage? Even if that means spending time with a man impossible to work with.

Mira Vasquez pricks Declan’s every nerve. When she was his student, her quick tongue and incessant questioning annoyed him to his wit’s end, but he had to hire her. She ranked top of her class and is bilingual. Now, he’s her boss. That’s a position he never wanted to be in.

Seeing her every day drives him wild because he can’t know her like he wants. Then, when he delves too deep, she turns the tables, leaving him in an even more precarious position. Further, there’s little chance she’ll ever see beyond his one misstep.
To convince her he’s not that person, he’ll have to break the pact he made with her, and she could end his career with one swift keystroke.

Find out if Declan is willing to risk everything for a what if with Mira in Perfect Office Pact today!

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