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On the International Space Station… an unthinkable disaster occurs. Was it an accident? The Incident: Space Thriller by Joshua T. Calvert

Thriller of The Day

The Incident: Space Thriller

by Joshua T. Calvert
4.4 stars – 56 reviews
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Here’s the set-up:

On the International Space Station…

…an unthinkable disaster occurs.

Was it an accident?

ESA astronaut Thomas Ehrmann and NASA astronaut Patricia Michaels escape in a Soyuz capsule. The Russian authorities in Kazakhstan have questions and want to know what happened to the third member of the crew, Oleg Rashkin. They both refuse to talk.

What are they hiding?

Amina Young is a psychologist with the ESA. In her mid-thirties, she’s specialized in and advanced the field of psychological analysis of astronauts. If anyone can get to the facts about the incidents that happened on the mission, it’s her.

The first contradiction of Ehrmann and Michaels’ stories starts Amina down a path she’s not prepared for.

Was the Pentagon involved?

Is the Earth’s future in peril?

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