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‘Til Death Do We Part …’ is not a phrase recognized by vampires… In fact, tis quite the opposite. Raven: A Nocturnal Trinity Novel by Leonard D. Hilley II

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Raven: A Nocturnal Trinity Novel

by Leonard D. Hilley II
5.0 stars – 5 reviews
Everyday Price: $3.99
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Here’s the set-up:
‘Til Death Do We Part …’ is not a phrase recognized by vampires. In fact, tis quite the opposite. REVENGE ISN’T ALWAYS SWEET. Although Kailey Yates succeeded in getting vengeance for her brother’s murder, she unexpectedly lost her best friend Raven to the vampires in the process. Now a neophyte vampire with a lust for blood and revenge of her own, Raven sets her sights on Kailey for failing to protect her. Kailey is an enemy that must suffer misery and pain before finally joining Raven as one of the undead.
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