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Mr. President, what will you do for women’s suffrage? Victory Garden: A Novel by Meredith Allard

Kindle Nation Daily eBook of The Day

Victory Garden: A Novel

by Meredith Allard
4.2 stars – 97 reviews
Everyday Price: $4.99
Supports Us with Commissions Earned
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Mr. President, what will you do for women’s suffrage?

It’s 1917, in the midst of World War I, and Rose Scofield knows exactly what she’ll do for women’s suffrage. She’ll fight with her very life to make votes for women a reality.

A headstrong young woman who yearns to be herself in a time when women weren’t free, Rose comes of age when world wars are new and automobiles, moving pictures, and airplanes are marvels of technology. She falls in love with Adam Bell, a vaudeville actor who travels the country with his brothers gathering laughs and hard knocks, though she denies her feelings for him, fearing he could prove to be her weakness. While working in Washington, D.C. for votes for women, Rose is arrested for her suffragist activities.

After her release, she must come to terms with her dreams for the future. Victory Garden is a reminder of how far we’ve come…and how far we still have to go.

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