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Hertell sees an opportunity to start civilization over again, and maybe even get it right this time. What could possibly go wrong? Water Memory by Tom Strelich

Kindle Nation Daily eBook of The Day

Water Memory: a novel

by Tom Strelich
4.3 stars – 155 reviews
Everyday Price: $3.99
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Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

And that’s the funny thing about the end of the world, they never tell you how long it’s going to take. Too bad they couldn’t be more specific.

1st Place – Satire – Chanticleer Mark Twain Award
1st Place – Fiction/Humor – Pencraft Book Awards
1st Place – Audiobook – Pencraft Book Awards
Silver Medal – Humor – IPBA “IPPY” Award
Bronze Medal – Literary Fiction – Readers’ Favorite

The earth’s magnetic poles have reversed and civilization has just had its clock reset to the great cosmic flashing 12:00am from almost a million years ago, and humanity, and everybody in it, is pretty much forgetting everything it learned since the last time.

Everybody except Hertell Daggett, who remembers pretty much everything because he’d once been shot in the head — the doctors got the bullet out, but missed a few tiny specks of copper that remained, floating inside his brain, connecting him to the things everybody else on earth is slowly forgetting. Hertell sees an opportunity to start civilization all over again, and maybe even get it right this time. What could possibly go wrong?

Finalist – Literary Fiction – American Bookfest International Book Awards
Finalist – Literary Fiction – American Bookfest International Best Book Awards
Finalist – Literary Fiction – Independent Author Network Book of the Year Awards
Finalist – Humor – National Indie Excellence Awards

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