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Jessica needs to get to the bottom of things before it escalates into something worse… The Devil’s Foothold: A Supernatural Mystery by Marilyn Meredith

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The Devil’s Foothold: A Supernatural Mystery

by Marilyn Meredith
4.7 stars – 8 reviews
Everyday Price: $2.99
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Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
Resident Deputy Jessica McGuire’s day starts much the same as usual, but when she jogs by the old family cemetery, she discovers the grave of a baby dug up, and the skeleton is missing. Not much later, Pastor David Tanner reports the theft of a hand-carved redwood cross from his church. Next, a baby goat is reported stolen, and one of the pastor’s cows is discovered mutilated in the field. Jessica and Pastor David team up to investigate these strange occurrences. He is convinced Satan worship is going on in their town. Jessica isn’t sure until she discovers a hooded and robed group meeting in the woods. They flee upon her arrival. She needs to get to the bottom of things before it escalates into something worse. Or has it already?
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