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It’s a battle of wills in this steamy medieval romance: His Wicked Whispers (The Prince of Whispers Trilogy Book 1) by Jen Bradlee

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His Wicked Whispers: A Steamy Medieval Romance (The Prince of Whispers Trilogy Book 1)

by Jen Bradlee
Everyday Price: $4.99
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Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Crispin Saville bears the title the Prince of Whispers with pride. ‘Tis known throughout the kingdom the prince serves no one but himself and indulges in every sinful pleasure imaginable. His wicked tongue and devious nature make him unfit to rule Meradin.

When his father, the king, banishes him from the castle without coin or the security of his title, Crispin must learn to make his way in the world using his wits and charm. Neither come to his aid when he finds himself at the mercy of bandits.

Ruby, the Lady of the Forest and notorious outlaw, comes to his aid but their encounter leads to a battle of wills. Crispin desires the impertinent outlaw even though she makes her hatred for him evident. But the Prince of Whispers will not be denied. He must possess this fiery jewel for his own, by force if necessary.

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