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Following a home invasion, a woman begins to question everything her husband has told her… LOST TO THE LAKE by Anna Willett

Thriller of The Day

LOST TO THE LAKE: A gripping thriller full of suspense

by Anna Willett
4.1 stars – 224 reviews
Everyday Price: $2.99
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Here’s the set-up:

Following a home invasion, a woman begins to question everything her husband has told her.

Beth Jacobsen wakes up in the middle of the night to a home break-in and is held at knife point.

Her faithful dog is injured when trying to fend off her attackers. Not so heroic is her husband, Marty, who seems to freeze and resign to whatever fate awaits her.

Although they fight off the intruders, things are just about to get a whole lot worse.

Marty makes a revelation that means they can’t go to the police. Rather they’ll head, with a new set of troubles, to secluded White Mist Lake Retreat.

Yet instead of finding tranquillity and a chance to heal there, Beth will be forced to confront a sickening truth about her marriage and deal with the consequences.

LOST TO THE LAKE is a thoroughly tantalising read by master of suspense fiction, Anna Willett. If you enjoy thrillers that keep you up all night, you’ll love this page-turner.

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