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Waterborne by J. Luke Bennecke will grab you by the throat and pull you into a vicious struggle that will define the fate of the world for generations to come.

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by J. Luke Bennecke
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Here’s the set-up:

A thought-provoking thriller about a very real threat to the essence of life: water. You’ll be forced to consider how you’d react if you were cornered and trapped in a terrifying, life-threatening situation. Jake Bendel and a cunning team of experts create a five-plant desalination system – all powered by environmentally friendly molten salt reactors – providing clean, healthy drinking water to millions of thirsty Californians. But the dark side of humanity sees this as a chance for revenge against the United States. A genius weaponizes the system, threatening to kill more Americans than all of World War II.

The clock is ticking. Can Jake and the FBI stop the terrorists before more innocent people are murdered in the name of the Jihad?

Waterborne will grab you by the throat and pull you into a vicious struggle that will define the fate of the world for generations to come.

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