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A CRAFTY BUNDLE OF COZIES INTRODUCING A LOVABLE FEMALE SLEUTH… Kiki Lowenstein Cozy Mystery Books 4-6: Photo, Snap, Shot; Make, Take, Murder; and Ready, Scrap, Shoot (Kiki Lowenstein Mystery Books Book 4) by Joanna Campbell Slan

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Kiki Lowenstein Cozy Mystery Books 4-6: Photo, Snap, Shot; Make, Take, Murder; and Ready, Scrap, Shoot (Kiki Lowenstein Mystery Books Book 4)

by Joanna Campbell Slan
4.5 stars – 91 reviews
Everyday Price: $3.99
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Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:


˃˃˃ BOOK #4 — PHOTO, SNAP, SHOTA RACIST PAST COMES BACK TO HAUNT ST.LOUIS AND ONLY A MOTHER’S LOVE CAN DEFY IT. Kiki must protect her child’s life by following clues that lead to an ugly chapter of St. Louis’s racist history. (Author’s Note: This book actually resulted in me receiving threats…but I wrote it anyway.)

“Ms. Slan is a WRITER!! Not just a hack stringing words with no meaning on a page. She is an honest-to-god writer who does her art brilliantly.” — Kathy Harris

˃˃˃ BOOK #5 — MAKE, TAKE, MURDERKIKI FINDS A SEVERED LEG IN A DUMPSTER AND a cryptic message suggests that only she knows why it’s there. Can she prove that an abused wife was murdered and save the woman’s daughter from a similar fate? “There is something in every book that I identify with, whether it be love of food or a fondness for my pet. – Peggy Dickerson


A May Day Pageant turns deadly when a sniper takes aim – and a wealthy matriarch, a beer baron’s daughter is shot. Is it possible that Kiki was the real target?

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