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Reality is an illusion… Kaleidoscopic Shades: Within Black Eternity by David A. Neuman

Kindle Nation Daily eBook of The Day

Kaleidoscopic Shades: Within Black Eternity

by David A. Neuman
4.0 stars – 17 reviews
Everyday Price: $2.99
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Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Kaleidoscopic Shades – Within Black Eternity – a multi-award winner and bestseller at Online Book Club

Joshua Triplow is just your average kid living in what he believes is the best place on Earth: Corona, California. Only a recurring nightmare begins to plague him – and all the other kids in the best place on Earth – of a man in black… the very same who continues to haunt his father’s tortured childhood.

And soon his father, Bob, understands you can’t run from your past and what has been left behind, half a world away and in another lifetime – another dimension – has found a way to thrive… and that there never has been any other color but black in a place far over the rainbow.

His sanity will become the ultimate struggle while Joshua confronts the dreadful spoils behind his nightmares… a fracturing of lost lives and a menagerie of clocks maddeningly ticking away the hour to nowhere. To the endless plains of Black Eternity. To nothingness…

Having survived the doorway into the unknown, your invaluable insights will greatly assist in propelling the next in The Penny Arcade.

Take care, stay safe and keep discovering those books that transport you into a realm of total escapism,

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