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“Captivating spiritual ideas” Conversation with Xenex: A journey of spiritually driven self-awakening and unveiling the truths of the cosmos by Adria Sanders

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Conversation with Xenex: A journey of spiritually driven self-awakening and unveiling the truths of the cosmos

by Adria Sanders
4.7 stars – 34 reviews
Everyday Price: $2.99
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Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

From the author of On the Other Side. Memories of a Past Life,comes a diary of awakening triggered by an otherworldly guide, Xenex, a non-terrestrial entity who guides the author’s spiritual journey through past life memories and astral projection to access information about humanity’s deepest questions.

In Conversation with Xenex, you will learn how non-terrestrial past lives can answer the question of what your deepest mission on Earth is, the intricate relationship you may have with your own spiritual guides, and how to figure out your personal spiritual identity.

These include:

– Understanding the connection between past lives and Akashic Records
– Understanding the process of incarnation and the role of Z-Base
– Answers to profound questions such as energy vs. matter, parallel universes, twin flames, etc.
– Connecting with yourself and finding your own spiritual fulfillment

This book invites you to discover your true self and fulfill your destiny; discover your own abilities and skills to achieve enlightenment.

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