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Take a comical look at the current state of the Grand Old Party and how their Tea Party conservatives are missing the truth behind the numbers. Stupidparty Math v. Myth: Unmasking the Destructive Forces Eroding American Democracy (StupidpartyLand Book 1) by Patrick M. Andendall

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Stupidparty Math v. Myth: Unmasking the Destructive Forces Eroding American Democracy (StupidpartyLand Book 1)

by Patrick M. Andendall
4.3 stars – 256 reviews
Everyday Price: $2.99
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“A brilliant book, complete with clickable details to verify the author’s veracity.” –Thom HartmannNew York Times best-selling author of The Crash of 2016, and nationally syndicated radio show host

“It is possibly the funnest book with an agenda ever published.” (Breeni Books)

The use of comics at the beginning of the chapters had me chuckling and anticipating what I would read in the following chapter instead of just flipping through page after page of words, words, and more words. (Teresa, reviewer)

StupidParty: Math vs Myth is a sometimes comical look at the current state of the Grand Old Party and how their Tea Party conservatives are missing the truth behind the numbers. The book should be required reading for Republicans and Democrats alike. Common sense and attention to reality seem to be the only way to reverse course on the gridlock and progress in Washington today. (Brian, reviewer)

It is brimming over with cartoons, photographs, graphs, maps, data comparisons and quotes that serve to crystallize the author’s points. He is careful to document everything in the book with readily accessible source information that is easily clickable. (Grady, reviewer)

I consider myself a moderate Republican and could relate easily with many of the conclusions presented by Andendall. Common sense and shared power in American politics is necessary for maintain our values and standards of living. An insightful look that every citizen should review to keep themselves informed and making be

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