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Can she and the VanOps team decipher the dangerous code before extremists trigger a high-tech apocalypse? Solstice Shadows: A VanOps Thriller – #2 by Avanti Centrae

Thriller of The Day

Solstice Shadows: A VanOps Thriller – #2

by Avanti Centrae
4.3 stars – 407 reviews
Everyday Price: $9.99
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Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
A computer-app designer.
An encrypted relic.
Can she and the VanOps team decipher the dangerous code before extremists trigger a high-tech apocalypse?
Genre Grand Prize Winner – Global Thriller Awards – Chanticleer International Book Awards
Bronze Medal Winner – Adventure – Readers’ Favorite Awards

Broad-shouldered covert operative Bear Thorenson wants his girlfriend, Maddy Marshall, to join VanOps, but the software expert and aikido black belt isn’t sure she’s ready for a hazardous dark-operations role that might risk the life of AJ, the nine-year-old boy she wants to adopt. But when an armed Russian thief escapes over her fire escape carrying an ancient star chart, her heart drops. She must join Bear in the mission to retrieve the chart, as it may lead to a superconductive meteorite that fringe members of the Russian government want to use to spark a global war.

Setting off on a mad dash to uncover the chart’s celestial secrets, the VanOps team joins up with a world-renowned archeoastronomer. As the group races across the globe through the dangerous bazaars of Morocco, fallen Turkish temples, and Egypt’s perilous Valley of the Kings, they have to fight to stay even a half-step ahead of sinister assassins.

With millions of lives on the line, can Maddy and Bear crack the chart’s secret code?

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