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Her dreams are almost impossible, but it’s the “almost” that keeps her going. Hemingway’s Daughter by Christine M. Whitehead

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Hemingway’s Daughter

by Christine M. Whitehead
4.7 stars – 956 reviews
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Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Finn Hemingway knows for a fact that she’s been born at the wrong time into the wrong family with the wrong talents, making her three dreams for the future almost impossible to attain.

She burns to be a trial lawyer in an era when Ruth Bader Ginsburg is being told to type and when a man who is 500th in his law school class is hired over a woman who is first in hers.

She yearns to find true love when the family curse dictates that love always ends for the Hemingways, and usually, it ends badly. And finally, she’d give up the first two dreams if she were able to triumph on the third.

She longs to have an impact on the only thing that matters to her father: his writing. To accomplish that would require a miracle. All three dreams are almost impossible, but it’s the “almost” that keeps Finn going.

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