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One single mom. One chaotic family. One quirky stranger. One irresistible love story. One Plus One: A Novel by Jojo Moyes

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One Plus One: A Novel

by Jojo Moyes
4.3 stars – 37,448 reviews
Everyday Price: $12.99
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Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

One single mom. One chaotic family. One quirky stranger. One irresistible love story from the New York Times bestselling author of The Giver of Stars and the forthcoming Someone Else’s Shoes

Suppose your life sucks. A lot. Your husband has done a vanishing act, your teenage stepson is being bullied, and your math whiz daughter has a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that you can’t afford to pay for. That’s Jess’s life in a nutshell—until an unexpected knight in shining armor offers to rescue them. Only Jess’s knight turns out to be Geeky Ed, the obnoxious tech millionaire whose vacation home she happens to clean. But Ed has big problems of his own, and driving the dysfunctional family to the Math Olympiad feels like his first unselfish act in ages . . . maybe ever.

One Plus One is Jojo Moyes at her astounding best. You’ll laugh, you’ll weep, and when you flip the last page, you’ll want to start all over again.

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