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Sometimes all you need is a little push . . . The List That Changed My Life: the uplifting bestseller that will make you weep with laughter! by Olivia Beirne

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The List That Changed My Life: the uplifting bestseller that will make you weep with laughter!

by Olivia Beirne
4.1 stars – 2552 reviews
Kindle Price: 99 cents
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Here’s the set-up:

Sometimes all you need is a little push . . .

Georgia loves wine, reality TV and sitting on the sofa after work. She does not love heights, looking at her bank account, going on dates, or activities that involve a sports bra. And she will never, ever take a risk.

That is, until her braver, bolder, big sister finds out that she won’t be able to tick off the things she wanted to do before turning thirty, and turns to Georgia to help her finish her list.

With the birthday just months away, Georgia suddenly has a deadline to learn to grab life with both hands. Could she be brave enough to take the leap, for her sister?

And how might her own life change if she did?

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