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Today’s Spotlight Free Title: A.D. Erving’s The Dream Ten: David’s Miracle: Young Adult Sport Games Fiction

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This book is truly one of a kind and a great read for children and young adults who love basketball, perseverance, or just a great underdog story. Highly recommended.
The Dream Ten: David's Miracle: Young Adult Sport Games Fiction (Freindship & Basketball Team Work Book 1)
by A.D. Erving
4.9 stars - 32 reviews
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Here's the set-up:

Do you dream, breath and play Basketball? 

A must read book series for every Basketball lover in the age of 7-14! 

When David Malone and his friends get rejected by the prestigious Raymond Hills Warriors, their local club basketball team, what do they do? They form their own team, the Dream Ten! With a little help from a local hoops legend, Michael Erwin, and with a lot of hard work, the boys learn to confront the unforgiving challenges of youth basketball, including their biggest rival: Dennis “the Truck” McDonald. 


Filled with exhilarating basketball action, this series by newcomer A.D. Erving will really give kids something to cheer about. 


“On offense, on defense, and everywhere,” readers will get to know the dynamic Dream Ten roster, including David “the Brain” Malone, Captain Larry “the Banker” Young, and Tony “the Human Elevator” Baez, with each volume detailing the team’s basketball adventures in a different character’s unique voice. 


The heartfelt 12-book series offers abundant fun and excitement, accompanied by important lessons about overcoming obstacles, achieving goals, and pulling together when it matters most. 


A slam dunk for young sports fans everywhere!

One Reviewer Notes:
It takes no shortage of chutzpah for a relatively unknown Tel Aviv-based author to believe he can teach Americans a thing or two about basketball writing, let alone enlist an NBA superstar to promote his children's series about their hit homegrown sport. But Amir Doron, the creator of the "Dream Ten" series, is anything but lacking in this quintessential Israeli trait. And his tenacity has paid off: Last month, Stephen Curry, the star guard of the Golden State Warriors, signed on to become the "brand ambassador" in North America for this popular Israeli children's book series, which follows a group of young underdogs who get rejected from their own local club basketball team and proceed to form their own.
Judy Maltz, Israeli Newspapaer Haaretz
About the Author
A.D. Erving (Amir Doron) was born in August 1974, and has been a basketball fan his whole life. After playing four years of professional basketball overseas, Erving went on to coach the game for nine years, working with children and teenagers both on and off the court. Although he grew up a diehard Philadelphia 76ers fan, Erving A.D. Erving (Amir Doron) was born in August 1974, and has been a basketball fan his whole life. After playing four years of professional basketball overseas, Erving went on to coach the game for nine years, working with children and teenagers both on and off the court. Although he grew up a diehard Philadelphia 76ers fan, Erving's allegiance has shifted in recent years to individual players who he admires. Some of his current favorites include Dirk Nowitzki, Steve Nash, Paul Pierce, and - of course - Stephen Curry. His absolute favorite player of all time, though, is Julius "Dr. J" Erving, who played for the 76ers. When A.D. Erving was seven years old, he met Dr. J in-person, and a picture of the two of them was published in the local paper. This encounter with his basketball idol is one of Erving's all-time favorite memories. Now in his thirties, A.D. Erving works as a content producer and businessman, in addition to his job as a children's author. He enjoys writing and answering trivia questions, and even used to work as trivia writer for TV shows. In his spare time, he loves jogging, reading, watching basketball, and spending time with his wife and kids, who are six and two-and-a-half years old.

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