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Looking For A Good Spy Thriller? Kindle Nation Daily Brand New Thriller of The Week Comes From Michael Patrick Clark’s The Folks At Fifty-Eight … A Delicious Spy Novel, Bold And Graphic – Be Prepared For Seduction, Betrayal, Blackmail, And Murder – The Right Ingredients For The Perfect Thriller!

Like thrillers?

Then you’ll love our magical Kindle book search tools that will help you find these great bargains in the thriller, mystery, and suspense categories: over 200 free titles, over 600 quality 99-centers, and thousands more that you can read for free through the Kindle Lending Library if you have Amazon Prime!

PLEASE NOTE: Occasionally a title will continue to appear on these lists for a short time after its price changes on Kindle. ALWAYS check the price on Amazon before making a purchase, please! If a book is free, you should see the following: Kindle Price: $0.00

But first, a word from … Today’s Sponsor

The Folks at Fifty-Eight

by Michael Patrick Clark

4.4 stars – 17 Reviews
Or currently FREE for Amazon Prime Members Via the Kindle Lending Library
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Gerald Hammond is the exception to the rule; an honourable spy, whose lofty principles have brought him nothing but loneliness and isolation. Catherine Schmidt is the stunning young daughter of an assassinated spymaster, whose murderous quest for vengeance has left her at the mercy of the infamous Head of Soviet State Security.

On a covert operation, in Soviet-occupied Germany, Hammond has no knowledge of the unseen forces that sponsor and oppose his mission. He only knows that he must somehow save her to save himself, but, as ever-more disturbing revelations come to light, begins to wonder which poses the greater threat; the enemy he runs from, or the friend he runs to?

Set against a factual background of government conspiracy, and one of the most audacious espionage coups in history, the Folks at Fifty-Eight is a beautifully-paced tale of seduction, betrayal, blackmail, and murder that blurs the boundaries between fact and fiction.

“This is the best spy novel I have read in quite some time” – Amazon Reviewer

“A subtle homage to the detective and spy novels of the 50’s and 60’s” – Amazon Reviewer

“Delicious spy novel, bold and graphic.” – Amazon Reviewer

“How could it get any better?” – Amazon Reviewer

“I purchased this based on the reviews, and it exceeded expectations” – Amazon Reviewer

Contains adult subject and strong language

Free Contemporary Titles in the Kindle Store

Welcome to Kindle Nation’s magical and revolutionary Free Book Search Tool — automatically updated and refreshed in real time, now with Category Search! Use the drop-down menu (in red caps next to the menu bar near the top of the page) to search for free Kindle books by genre or category, then sort the list just the way you want it — by date added, bestselling, or review rating! But there’s no need to sort by price — because they’re all free!

Inspired by The Actual Events in Northern Uganda in The 1990s, Suzanna E. Nelson’s Award Winning Mystery Thriller Nightmare Along The River Nile: Abducted By The LRA – 25 Out of 26 Rave Reviews & Just $2.99 on Kindle

4.7 stars – 26 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Winner of Editors Choice Award

Elated after finishing high school exams, Edgar and his longtime friends are excited about their future and looking forward to their long vacation. Unbeknownst to them fate has other plans. Edgar’s life turns into a living nightmare when, on his way home, his bus is stopped by the LRA rebels in northern Uganda. Along with other passengers, most of whom are students, Edgar is abducted and taken to the rebel headquarters deep in the mountains of southern Sudan. Things turn even worse when, instead of being forced to become a soldier, he is sold into slavery. His life is changed forever.

Edgar’s friends learn of his fate and embark on a very difficult and unpredictable rescue mission. With the help of a fellow captive, Edgar attempts a daring and dangerous escape, knowing that his re-capture would end in a fate worse than death. But will he succeed? The dramatic finale awaits you as you follow Edgar while he is being chased down by warlords whose mission is to return him to the slave owners and collect a large reward.

The story gives readers an insight into the pain and suffering that Edgar endures at the hands of his captors; and his unshakable faith and hope of eventually being free. Through Edgar’s story, the reader will come to understand the resilience that human beings can exhibit under extreme circumstances, the power of faith and the meaning of true friendship. Looking collectively at the people who are involved in Edgar’s captivity and the ones who assist him, we are reminded that people are capable of good or evil, regardless of color or creed.

Watch Trailer:


“This book does the outstanding job of creating awareness and teaching us about a horrific and ongoing human-rights abuse situation by way of a compelling action-filled story. It will be difficult for you to put this book down before you find out what happens to Eddie.” – Allbooks Reviews International

“The book is a good read, with important lessons about decency and true friendship and human cruelty.” – Africa Book Club

“Publicizing the alarming truth behind modern slavery stands as the novel’s primary achievement” – Kirkus Discoveries

“This book was gripping in every way. I had every emotion known to man as I read it — happy, scared, angry, sad, and general disbelief that something like this can happen to a fellow human being and a young one at that.” – BookwormKala

“…I was moved by the ingenuity, courage and devotion of Edgar’s friends. That raised the story above the thriller category…” – Richard Sheeler

From The Author

This story was inspired by actual events that happened to many young boys and girls in northern Uganda in the 1990s. The story was conceived from many interviews that were conducted with survivors and former child soldiers who managed to escape the LRA.

About The Author

Suzanna E Nelson works for the United Nations and is a published author of two award-winning novels. Her first novel “Nightmare Along the River Nile” is set in Uganda and Sudan. It is a story about a student who was abducted by the LRA and sold into slavery. The second novel “The Helpers” is an international tale of espionage and corruption, and is set in Congo, Europe and United States.

Although both novels are fictitious, they were inspired by historical facts. ‘Nightmare Along the River Nile’ was inspired by actual events that happened to young people in the 1990s at the height of the LRA rebel abductions in northern Uganda. The story was conceived from many interviews that were conducted with survivors and former child soldiers who managed to escape the LRA. ‘The Helpers’ was inspired by colonialism in the Democratic Republic of Congo and how it led to corruption and terror.

Suzanna has lived and worked in Africa, Europe and United States. She is an advocate of human rights issues like anti slavery, protection of war children and child education.

WEBSITE: http://www.suzannaenelson.com
====== (the author website with more information)

FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/SENBooks
========(fan page with human rights issues)

TWITTER: @SuzannaENelson
======== (tweets about books and human rights issues)

BLOG: http://suzannaenelson.blogspot.com
==== (news, events, features, book reviews and interviews)

(This is a sponsored post.)

What to Expect on September 6: It Might Be Amazon’s Biggest Press Conference Ever, with Major Pyrotechnics for the Kindle Fire and Amazon Prime

Amazon’s press office staffers have been earning their keep this month — the company has put out 16 press releases already in August, including 10 in the last 11 days, after averaging 11 per month during the first half of 2012 — but the real heavy lifting lies in the work that’s being done to prepare for what may become Amazon’s biggest press conference ever next Thursday, September 6.

Based on what we’ve seen from Amazon in the last few weeks, combined with developments like the release of Google’s Nexus 7 tablet in July, we’re fully prepared for a blockbuster event that, among other things, should feature

  • the release of a brand new Kindle tablet (to succeed the suddenly sold out Kindle Fire 1),
  • updated eInk models including one or more with a front-lit display to remove any slight hardware advantage held by Nook’s Glowlight feature, and
  • major enhancements to Amazon Prime that could have the effect of transforming customer experience across the entire Amazon Store.

As a Kindle Nation Daily reader you will be well represented at next week’s press conference in Santa Monica, with KF-KND editor April Hamilton and contributing editor Len Edgerly (of The Kindle Chronicles) on the scene (April for same-day coverage and Len for an onsite interview that will be featured in the following Saturday’s Kindle Nation Weekender), and associate editor Candace Cheatham and myself stirring the pot from KND world headquarters.

Jeff Bezos

Part of the challenge for Amazon in such an event is to find a way to distill dozens or even hundreds of product enhancements, feature roll-outs, and new or significantly expanded services into a single compelling story that Jeff Bezos can present to the world from a single stage within, one hopes, a single hour. Our expectation that this could be “Amazon’s biggest press conference ever” is based in large part on the impressive breadth of groundbreaking new announcements that the company seems poised to make, but figuring out how Amazon could break all that ground without stories A and B stepping on stories C, D, and E is way above my pay grade, and perhaps even Bezos’.

And we could be totally wrong, but we can’t think of any way that Amazon could layer an announcement like a new Kindle phone or, say, the acquisition of Spotify AB on top of the aforementioned items without totally losing focus on its various Fire, eInk, and Prime announcements. The image that comes to mind for me is of Henry Ford holding a press event to announce the Model A but also, at the same event, announcing the Model T, the Thunderbird, the Lincoln, the Falcon, the F-150 and more. Wouldn’t the glut of messages have made them all the Edsel? But it may be that we on the outside just lack sufficient imagination.

So let’s start with Amazon Prime.

“Amazon Prime is the best bargain in the history of shopping,” said Jeff Bezos again this week in one of Amazon’s press releases, and this time he teased us — and perhaps next week’s press conference as well — by adding the line “and it’s going to keep getting better.”

Better how?

Over the past five years many of us have come to understand Amazon’s Kindle and now the Kindle Fire as a seamless, friction-free, almost instantaneous content delivery system for a growing catalog of entertainment and/or educational content that began with ebooks and now includes newspapers and magazines, blogs, audiobooks, music, movies, television programming, games and productivity apps, and other web content. Of course all of that content, in order to be deliverable almost instantaneously to handheld devices with no transmission or data cost, is digital in one way or another.

But Amazon is far from just a digital store: it has grown the rest of its retail store relentlessly across a growing number of departments, platforms and nations, with the result that it now offers tens of millions of physical products in nearly every imaginable category. And until Jeff Bezos and his team of innovators manage to turn Amazon into Nanozon by coming up with some way of digitalizing and then reifying physical products via some new wireless manufacturing-via-quantum physics functionality, Amazon Prime may offer the company and us its customers the best chance to revolutionize delivery, even if it doesn’t quite hit the “nearly instantaneous” sweet spot.

One possibility would be a major expansion of expedited Prime shipping options such as Amazon’s remarkable $3.99 overnight delivery service and the same-day delivery program that is now available for some products in the cities of Baltimore, Boston, Chicago, Indianapolis, Las Vegas, New York City, Philadelphia, Phoenix, Seattle and Washington, D.C.

Part of the trick for Amazon is to build as much value as possible into its Amazon Prime buffet while avoiding any increase in the same $79 per year membership price with which it kicked off Prime back in 2005 when its only real offering was free two-day shipping on about a million  selected items. It’s a major feather in Amazon’s cap that the program is still just $79 seven years later with 15 million eligible items and the much newer additions of 22,000 free movie and television offerings under Prime Instant Video and 180,000 Kindle titles that can be borrowed free (up to one per month with no due dates) via the Prime-eligible Kindle Owners Lending Library.

Another possible addition to Prime features might involve the offering of 3G or 4G Kindle Fire connectivity for Prime members. Such an offering would be costly, but we always pay attention to what Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos has to say, and we thought it was very significant when he told our contributing editor Len Edgerly in an exclusive interview earlier this summer that, of all of the company’s customers, the people who read the most (or buy the most books) are people who buy “our 3G version of the Kindle.”

“And the reason, I think, for that,” Bezos said, “is that it makes getting books even more frictionless, makes it even easier. You don’t have to look for a WiFi hotspot. You can just get them wherever you happen to be. And it roams globally at no charge, so people can figure that out, too, and get it wherever they are, even if they’re traveling around the world.”

Part of the DNA that has made Bezos and Amazon so successful, of course, lies in the capacity to take a conclusion like that one and extrapolate that adding 3G or 4G wireless connectivity for a new deluxe Prime-compatible Kindle Fire would almost definitely have a similarly salubrious effect on the shopping behavior of its owners for other content and products, both digital and physical, in the Amazon store. It remains to be seen whether Amazon could make free 3G or 4G wireless connectivity work for its tablets the way it has worked for the Kindle 3G and Kindle DX, but even limited connectivity to the Amazon cloud and the Amazon store would be a significant start. If Amazon could offer unlimited connectivity across the entire web, market share for the Fire tablet family would quickly grow well beyond the benchmark the company announced this week: “Kindle Fire has captured 22% of tablet sales in the U.S.”

Then there’s the very significant fact that the press conference is being held in Santa Monica, rather than in New York like past Kindle press conferences and announcement events. We don’t think the LaLa-land location is any accident, so we’re expecting that the event will include some real Hollywood star power, perhaps in support of original video content that might be free to Amazon Prime customers for viewing on the Kindle Fire and other devices — say, an original docudrama series based loosely on the agency model pricing conspiracy, directed by Steven Spielberg and starring Tommy Lee Jones, Meryl Streep, and John Lithgow?

Nor would we be surprised to see some stars onstage as voice actors in association with even greater Kindle integration and expansion of Amazon’s Audible.com subsidiary, following on the recent Audible roll-out of its “A-List” program of performances featuring Colin Firth, Anne Hathaway, Kate Winslet, Samuel L. Jackson, Dustin Hoffman, Susan Sarandon, and Jennifer Connelly.

No doubt it will all be great fun, and it may lead Amazon’s share price to rise even further beyond its current all-time high levels, but don’t get us wrong: after the confetti has landed and helium balloons have attached themselves to the ceiling, the event should be largely about the Kindle and especially a new Kindle Fire. Although Amazon announced this week that it is “sold out” of the Kindle Fire, this “sold out” status is not quite the same as the “sold out” status that occurred in November 2008 (and lasted for months) after Oprah went Gaga over the original Kindle. This time it is clearly the case of Amazon pulling the Kindle Fire’s Buy button ahead of the announcements contemplated by Bezos when he said in a release this week: “Kindle Fire is sold out, but we have an exciting roadmap ahead—we will continue to offer our customers the best hardware, the best prices, the best customer service, the best cross-platform interoperability, and the best content ecosystem.”

So what about that exciting roadmap? We’ll certainly be paying close attention to see how much adoption Amazon announces of the ideas noted in our July 23 piece entitled 17 Features Amazon Must Add to the Next Kindle Fire, After Google Raises the Bar with the Nexus 7 Tablet. But even that list now seems so July 23 that we’ll expand on it a bit here and suggest the following killer feature set for a brand new Fire:

  • Slim it down
  • Lighten it up
  • Improve screen resolution
  • Speed up the processor
  • Improve web functionality with less reliance on truncated “mobile” representations
  • Allow an SD Card
  • Offer 3G/4G wireless connectivity, possibly free with Amazon Prime
  • Keep the $199 price point for the new 7” Fire and offer a larger Fire for under $250
  • Allow greater user control of font sizes on the web and in apps
  • Allow full input/output functionality for apps such as Google Docs/Google Drive documents
  • Enhance curb appeal so that teh Fire looks and feels as good as the Nexus 7
  • Add external volume controls
  • Provide camera functionality similar to that on the iPhone
  • Provide Siri/Iris Capability that hits the sweet spot both for information and for commerce
  • Add a microphone
  • Add Text-to-Speech
  • Place the power switch (and an external volume control) on the upper right edge
  • Allow greater user personalization and customization
  • Add full-featured GPS for a 3G or 4G model
  • Add maximum Android platform compatibility
  • Add access to Google’s Android Market
  • Seize every available opportunity to make the Fire a replacement for netbooks and notebook computers

See what we mean? Even half of that is a lot to announce in one day. And there are plenty of other possibilities, including even the possibility of a dual screen tablet/eInk combo, but we’d rather see Amazon focus on making each of these very different devices, as well as the Kindle phone that will surely follow, as good as it can be.

Stay tuned.

10 Great eBooks With an Even Better Price – Free! Download These Freebies Now: Marissa Farrar’s Alone, Devon Pearse’s A Lighter Shade of Gray, Barbara Mack’s A Perfect Mistress, Ron DeLegge II’s Gents with No Cents, Anita Felicelli’s Sparks Off You, CL Parks’ She Who Hunts, Diane Vanaskie Mulligan’s Watch Me Disappear, Jill Carroll’s Quail Fried Rice, C.C. MacLeod’s A Walk Beneath the Silver Moon and Tanya Guerrier’s Free Gifts Every Day

With hundreds of new books turning up free each day now in the Kindle Store, it can be tough to hone in on books that you will actually want to read. And almost of the new free books will be free for just a day or two at a time, so we are working hard to make sure that you do not miss the ones you want!

Here are a few books that have just gone free by authors who have already proven to be  favorites with Kindle Nation readers. Please grab them now if they looks interesting to you, because they probably won’t stay free for long!

Important Note: This post is dated Friday, August 31, 2012, and the titles mentioned here may remain free only until midnight PST tonight.

Please note: References to prices on this website refer to prices on the main Amazon.com website for US customers. Prices will vary for readers located outside the US, and even for US customers, prices may change at any time. Always check the price on Amazon before making a purchase.

*  *  *

4.1 stars – 41 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
Caught in a violent and abusive relationship, Serenity thinks there is no escape. On the day she fears her life can get no worse, she meets a stranger, Sebastian, who shows her the possibility of a different future.

Only Sebastian has a dark secret; he is a vampire.As Serenity’s life takes a terrifying turn, she finds herself drawn into a world she never knew existed; one of murder, love and immortality. She is forced to confront her own weaknesses to save both her own life and that of the vampire she has come to love. But in the end all that matters is; can she find the strength to be Alone?

*  *  *

A Lighter Shade of Gray

by Devon Pearse

4.5 stars – 35 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

What does it feel like to stare into the face of madness? Or to anticipate your own? Would you drive away your only love? Could you pretend it didn’t matter? How far would you go to protect a friend, or to avenge a death?

Ten years ago, Devon gave up the love of her life, fearing she would one day fall victim to the mental illness that has slowly ravaged the mind of her mother, who is now being cared for in a private facility.

Just when it seems Devon might have a chance to make up for past mistakes, her best friend Cass becomes a suspect in the murder of her sister’s drug-dealing boyfriend. Devon knows Cass is lying about the details of her involvement and the lead detective on the case, convinced that Cass is guilty, is relentless in his pursuit of justice.

When her mother’s young, emotionally disturbed roommate insinuates she knows something about the night of the murder, as well as details from Devon’s own life that no one else is privy to, Devon becomes desperate to uncover the truth before Detective Lake does. As the investigation continues, Devon is led down a path she never expected and forced to face her greatest fears of life and love.

Tangled in a web of lies, regrets and questions, can she find a way to let go of the past and start again? And, once the mystery is solved, can she live with the secrets she’s uncovered?

Join author Devon Pearse in this semi-autobiographical journey through the most heartbreakingly beautiful and deceptively mysterious events of her own life and the lives of those closest to her.

*  *  *

A Perfect Mistress

by Barbara Mack

4.5 stars – 6 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

***New edition is up and the rough draft file that was inadvertently added at first is now gone. All issues with editing have now been fixed.

Jackson Henry is scarred and lonely. Widowed Sophie Grey is desperate to escape life with her abusive sister. When they meet, her beauty tempts him into making a most improper proposal.

When her sister’s jealousy makes her dangerously unstable, Jackson is there for Sophie. Will the passion that flares between them heal their wounds, or will it inflict new ones?

From bestselling historical romance author Barbara Mack comes another soul-wrenching story of redemption and love.

*  *  *

Gents with No Cents

by Ron DeLegge II

4.5 stars – 27 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

GENTS WITH NO CENTS explores a rarely examined side of Wall Street: Its childish antics. From accountants that can’t count, to financial regulators that don’t regulate, GENTS WITH NO CENTS will make you howl with laughter at their incompetence.

Written by Ron DeLegge II, veteran radio host of the Index Investing Show, GENTS WITH NO CENTS is narrated in an easy going style with sharp satire throughout and 20 hand drawn illustrations by noted cartoonist, Dave Clegg.

DeLegge draws from his personal experiences as a Wall Street salesperson with crazy supervisors and even crazier customers. He offers a refreshing perspective that’s opposite of the angry and condescending tone of financial literature that has come to characterize our era.

GENTS WITH NO CENTS also pokes fun at taxes and the IRS, along with the
media for misreporting the news, inventing questionable facts, and contributing to the public’s confusion.

*  *  *

Sparks Off You

by Anita Felicelli

4.6 stars – 5 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Motherless and estranged from her father and sister, Julie Randeria is effectively orphaned in a chaotic world of sex, drugs, and dissolving identities. She discovers that her assimilation into the world of Silicon Valley’s teenagers only works when she lets go of her personality. But where does personality end and madness begin? When the mythology that barely holds her family together unravels, Julie is driven to the edge of unreality.

“Sparks Off You” presents a beautiful, outsider voice rarely if ever heard in contemporary American fiction, giving readers a portal into the consciousness and experiences of ordinary people struggling with what it means to be perceived as “normal” today, the consequences of cultural alienation, and the limits of empathy. Is society too quick to convert the narrative of a person’s life to a diagnosis?

Lyrical and provocative, “Sparks Off You” is a coming of age novel that follows an Indian-American girl trying to find herself as an artist in the Bay Area at the dawn of the tech boom.

*  *  *

4.9 stars – 7 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Tenna Massey’s husband is possessed, and may be the one responsible for the string of murders in her community. Only a demon Hunter can stop him, and unfortunately for Tenna, she comes from a long line of them, a legacy she ran away from years ago.

If Tenna chooses to become the Hunter she was destined to be, it will mean stepping back into the world she thought she’d left behind for good. Worse, it will mean killing the man she’s loved for so long. But if she doesn’t, the murders won’t stop.

The longer she puts off her decision, the more innocent lives are in danger, and the more Tenna realizes she can’t run forever.

*  *  *

Watch Me Disappear

by Diane Vanaskie Mulligan

4.7 stars – 3 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Lizzie knows it isn’t right to eavesdrop, but is it really eavesdropping if her neighbor Maura makes all of her phone calls on her parents’ pool deck in easy earshot of Lizzie’s backyard? And of course it’s wrong to go snooping around on someone else’s computer, but is it Lizzie’s fault that Maura keeps her computer turned on (and logged in to Facebook) all the time?

Lizzie’s father has moved the family around every few years to advance his career, so she has never had a chance to develop the kind of “BFF” relationships she thinks most kids have. She’s bracing herself for another lonely year at her third high school when Maura gets sick of watching her little brother when she could be partying. Thanks to Maura’s plotting, Lizzie becomes everyone’s new favorite babysitter, and seeing her opportunity, Lizzie breaks her strict parents’ rules and uses Maura’s computer to create a secret Email address and Facebook account. She is quickly friended by Missy, a fellow transfer student as eager for a friend as she is. Things are looking up for Lizzie until Maura’s ex-boyfriend Paul sets his eye on Missy. Caught between her new best friend and the neighbor whose friendship promises instant popularity, Lizzie doesn’t know what to do–because she’s fallen for Paul, too.

WATCH ME DISAPPEAR was a 2011 Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award Quarterfinalist.

*  *  *

Quail Fried Rice

by Jill Carroll

4.5 stars – 19 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
Quail Fried Rice is a romance novel written in a somewhat literary style outside the usual “romance” formula. The story follows Tori Reed and Elena Rios–talented, smart and beautiful women–as they transition their lives away from big cities to the pace and culture of a small town in West Texas. Readers join their journey as they create new lives for themselves in the midst of grief, loss, significant change, and the pressures of societal expectation. The result is an artful narrative of discovery set within the sparse beauty of the desert landscape.

*  *  *

5.0 stars – 1 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
A Walk Beneath the Silver Moon is a short story about a young man named Travis journey into the alluring world of paganism. One late night, Travis and his cat Rosco happen upon their mysterious neighbor Billy Ray. What they discover that night will forever change Travis’s life and set him on a life that he never imagined possible. This short story is the first story in the Silver Moon Collection which stars the lives and adventures of Travis, Rosco and Billy Ray.

*  *  *

Here’s the set-up:
Are you on a quest for more happiness?
Do you desire to live a richly blessed life?If so, this award-winning book is especially for you!This is an Exclusive, Revised and Updated Kindle Edition!Abundance is hereNow you can learn to tap into your inner resources, master spiritual tools and follow on the path to happiness. In an uplifting, yet down-to-earth style, this simple guide offers you secrets and strategies for finding, attaining, and enjoying happiness daily, even in the worst of times.

Looking For Free YA Titles? Check Out Kids Corner @ Kindle Nation Daily!

(This is a sponsored post.)

Like a little romance? Or a lot? KND Brand New Romance of The Week is Stephenia McGee‘s A Legacy of Lies – 4.8 Stars on 8 Straight Rave Reviews PLUS You Could Win The Chance to Become a Character in Her Next Book! Don’t Miss This Great Romance!

Like a little romance?

Then you’ll love our magical Kindle book search tools that will help you find these great bargains in the Romance category: over 200 free titles, over 600 quality 99-centers, and thousands more that you can read for free through the Kindle Lending Library if you have Amazon Prime!

PLEASE NOTE: Occasionally a title will continue to appear on these lists for a short time after its price changes on Kindle. ALWAYS check the price on Amazon before making a purchase, please! If a book is free, you should see the following: Kindle Price: $0.00

But first, a word from … Today’s Sponsor

A Legacy of Lies

by Stephenia McGee

4.8 stars – 8 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Sarah Sanders is so stressed-out at college that she’s having fainting spells. She’s behind on the rent and facing eviction. Dropping out of school feels inevitable. Needing a break, she accepts her boyfriend’s invitation to visit his parents’ ranch out west. But she finds much more in Montana than fresh air and mountain trails.

Ranch hand Jim Anderson has suffered from night terrors for over a year. But despite this secret struggle, his life at the ranch had been a welcomed escape from his past. Until those terrifying dark shadows started coming for him in the middle of the afternoon.

Brought together by an unseen hand, Sarah and Jim must travel across the country to unravel a web of deceit and uncover Jim’s long history of lies before the evidence is sealed away forever.

One Reviewer Notes:

“This book has it all: a nice quick plot, a massive castle, cowboys, a dark mystery, a cold seductress and a story that leaves you thinking about it long after you’ve finished the book. If you’re looking for one good read, I definitely recommend this book.” – Amazon Reviewer, 5 Stars

**PLUS – Send your receipt to the author and you could win the chance to become a character in her next book! Details at: http://www.stepheniamcgee.com/Contests.html

Free Contemporary Titles in the Kindle Store

Welcome to Kindle Nation’s magical and revolutionary Free Book Search Tool — automatically updated and refreshed in real time, now with Category Search! Use the drop-down menu (in red caps next to the menu bar near the top of the page) to search for free Kindle books by genre or category, then sort the list just the way you want it — by date added, bestselling, or review rating! But there’s no need to sort by price — because they’re all free!
Sorry, but demand was too high to complete your request. Please try again.

Kindle Free Book Alert for August 31: 370 brand new Freebies in the last 24 hours added to Our 4,600+ Free Titles sorted by Category, Date Added, Bestselling or Review Rating! plus … Ron DeLegge II’s Gents with No Cents (Today’s Sponsor – FREE)

Powered by our magical Kindle free book tool, here are this morning’s latest additions to our 4,600+ Kindle Free Book listings. Occasionally a title will continue to appear on this list for a short time after it is no longer free on Kindle. ALWAYS check the price on Amazon before making a purchase, please! If a book is free, you should see the following: Kindle Price: $0.00
But first, a word from ... Today's Sponsor
'Gents with No Cents' is a fun-filled romp through the back alleys, sub-basements and greasy trading pits of Wall Street and its equivalents everywhere.
Gents with No Cents
by Ron DeLegge II
4.5 stars - 27 reviews
Supports Us with Commissions Earned
Currently FREE for Amazon Prime Members
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here's the set-up:
GENTS WITH NO CENTS explores a rarely examined side of Wall Street: Its childish antics. From accountants that can’t count, to financial regulators that don’t regulate, GENTS WITH NO CENTS will make you howl with laughter at their incompetence.

Written by Ron DeLegge II, veteran radio host of the Index Investing Show, GENTS WITH NO CENTS is narrated in an easy going style with sharp satire throughout and 20 hand drawn illustrations by noted cartoonist, Dave Clegg.

DeLegge draws from his personal experiences as a Wall Street salesperson with crazy supervisors and even crazier customers. He offers a refreshing perspective that’s opposite of the angry and condescending tone of financial literature that has come to characterize our era.

GENTS WITH NO CENTS also pokes fun at taxes and the IRS, along with the
media for misreporting the news, inventing questionable facts, and contributing to the public’s confusion.
One Reviewer Notes:
Ron DeLegge II happens to be that voice we hear on Index Investing Radio Show. He knows his stuff about economics and he most assuredly knows his humor addiction. Few people have the courage to point to the glow that surrounds Wall Street for fear it may cloud personal fortunes. What DeLegge shows us in this ripe book is that the people in charge of the nation's economy are actually more like dolts trying out for Laugh-In - and while their actions are not amusing, their behaviors in the words and mind of DeLegge provide some of the best laughs of the season. This is an enormously entertaining (and, um, educational!) book.
Grady Harp, Top 50 Reviewer
About the Author
Ron DeLegge II is the weekly radio voice of the Index Investing Radio Show (IndexShow.com) and a former financial advisor. Ron has over 15 years of experience in the investment industry and he also covers the exchange-traded funds marketplace for ETFguide.com and Research Magazine.
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Kindle Free Book Alert for August 31: 370 brand new Freebies in the last 24 hours added to Our 4,600+ Free Titles sorted by Category, Date Added, Bestselling or Review Rating! plus … Ron DeLegge II’s Gents with No Cents (Today’s Sponsor – FREE)

Pump up the adrenaline for “an awesome blend of fantasy, mystery and suspense with a twist.” Brian Dockins’ Betrayal of Magic is Our eBook of the Day at $3.99, with 4.2 Stars on 6 Reviews, and Here’s a Free Sample

Here’s the set-up for Brian Dockins’ Betrayal of Magic, $3.99 on Kindle:


Cadan Johnson lived a seemingly ordinary life. He was on the soccer and cross country teams and had a loving family. But one thing about the Johnsons made them very unordinary- they could perform magic.

When a mysterious spell on his school counselor backfires, Cadan is faced with the realization that everything he thought he knew about his family has been a lie. He leaves his home to search out the identities of his real parents, but before he can discover the truth, he is tracked down by another group of magic-wielders, this time sent by the government.

The top-secret Department of Magic was set up in the 1930s when the U.S. government became aware of the existence of mages and fantastical creatures. For the last eighty years, the agency has been commissioned with searching out and detaining these magical beings, and making sure everyone else believes they are no more than myth.

Now a detainee within the Department, Cadan quickly realizes the truth – that not everything in this world is quite as it seems. The Femme Fatales, a world famous all-female pop group is actually a troupe of fairies. And Tyler Knox, the teen heartthrob, is secretly an elf who has had to alter his ears before appearing in movies.

Now a rookie agent, Cadan begins to train with his new team of misfit operatives, among them one boy with four arms who is afraid of the dark, another with black wings, and an elf with anger management issues. The group fights constantly, their training sessions are disasters, and to top it off, the leader of the team hates him. But when one of the leaders initiates a plan to destroy the Department, the only thing that stands in his way is Cadan and his ragtag band. With the fate of the Department at stake, will they be able to stop the rogue agent and his forces?

From the reviewers:

The characters are so well developed and easy to like that I found myself intrigued.  –  dgbookworm  |  3 reviewers made a similar statement

It was very well explained and had that adrenaline pumping feeling to it!  – Nic from Bookmark Reviews  |  2 reviewers made a similar statement

I thought the book was an awesome blend of fantasy, mystery and suspense with a twist.  – Volleyholly  |  1 reviewer made a similar statement

Awesome new talent.  Young adult fantasy/paranormal isn’t usually a genre I read, but the title caught my eye and I read a sample. Where has this author been? The characters are so well developed and easy to like that I found myself intrigued. A family inheritance of magic – I was hooked. You immediately relate to this family and understand how their struggle to be true to their family inheritance but also be “normal” can be challenging. – “dgbookworm”

.I loved it! I fell in love with Cadan and grew attached to the other characters. It was suspenseful but most of all what I was impressed with was the story was not predictable. The story made me feel like I was part of the characters and living through what they were experiencing.  –  SaraJ704

Pleasant surprise! I downloaded this book without really knowing anything about it. It was very well written. I instantly fell in love with the main character, Cadan, and his story. From the start, I was on the edge of my seat waiting to learn more about Cadan’s history, and I cant wait to find out more in the rest of the series. – “Volleyholly”

Visit Amazon’s Brian Dockins Page

And here, in the comfort of your own browser, is your free sample of Betrayal of Magic by Brian Dockins: