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Free Book Alert for April 16 Featuring Six Brand New Freebies added to Our 1,000+ Free Titles List! Plus The Best Kindle Deals Around
Today’s Spotlight Freebie: Charles Huff’s How to Sell on Etsy With Facebook – Selling on Etsy Made Ridiculously Easy Vol. 1

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Guiding customers to purchase products from Facebook to Etsy has never been simpler. This book outlines the steps necessary to using Facebook as an effective tool to guide customers to your crafting product. The thing I really loved about this guide is that the language is so down-to-earth.
How to Sell on Etsy With Facebook - Selling on Etsy Made Ridiculously Easy Vol. 1
by Charles Huff
5.0 stars - 2 reviews
Supports Us with Commissions Earned
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here's the set-up:
Want to know how to sell on etsy? Tired of finding all your new creations on your Etsy store sit unbought? Want your experience selling on Etsy to be more productive, more profitable...and a heck of a lot more fun?

Well...check out my new book "How to Sell on Etsy With Facebook - Selling on Etsy Made Ridiculously Easy Vol.1"

As an Etsy seller myself I learned, the really hard way and by making every Facebook marketing mistake in the book, how to turn all those likes and comments into actual sales for an Etsy store.

Here's what I cover in the book:

In Chapter 1 - How to Make Your Facebook Page Look Supremely Awesome - We go over the tips and tricks for making your Fan Page look sharp, super professional and optimized for maximum sales awesomeness.

In Chapter 2 - 4 Apps You Just Gotta Have on Your Facebook Fan Page - I show which apps you need, and tips for installing them simply and easily, that'll help you place your Etsy store on your Fan Page and get tons of new cross-promotion at just the click of a button.

In Chapter 3 - 4 Keys to Cracking the Facebook News Feed - I give you the straight scoop on when, what and how to post status updates that get shared, liked and spread around the Internet in no time.

In Chapter 4 - How to Get Thousands of Fans in Just Minutes a DAy - I show you some super cheap, and mostly free, ways to boost your fan base rapidly -- and then turn those fans into customers for your Etsy crafts.

In Chapter 5 - 6 Secrets to Facebook Advertising Success - I cover that most controversial part of Facebook marketing...and that is ads. I break down the different kinds of ads you should focus on, and how to implement them right away for Etsy selling success.

In Chapter 6 - Facebook Contests and Offers Made Easy - I walk you through these two very powerful methods of Facebook marketing that are perfect for us Etsy sellers.

In Chapter 7 - How to Assemble Your Facebook Marketing Team - I show you how to off-load some of those key Facebook marketing duties...and create a low-cost team to take your Etsy business to the next level.

So if you want to know how to sell on etsy successfully on Facebook, and what Facebook marketing perils to totally avoid, check out "How to Sell on Etsy With Facebook - Selling on Etsy Made Ridiculously Easy Vol.1" and you might just find it's the final piece to your Etsy seller puzzle.
One Reviewer Notes:
This book offers a refreshing look on how to use Facebook to promote your Etsy business, with a lot of applicability to improving your FB page in general. Huff gives a simple breakdown of how to best market and promote your stuff. The brilliancy of it is how important timing is to bringing in the bucks (Chapter 3). When you post and how you post makes a big difference in drawing attention your way. I definitely recommend this book! It will help teach you how to stand out above the rest with unique marketing strategies and techniques to help you stay relevant daily.

★★Today’s Free and Bargain Books★★

Prices may change at any moment, so always check the price before you buy! This post is dated Wednesday, April 16, 2014, and the titles mentioned here may remain free only until midnight PST tonight.

Please note: References to prices on this website refer to prices on the main Amazon.com website for US customers. Prices will vary for readers located outside the US. Always check the price on Amazon before making a purchase.

*  *  *

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Here’s the set-up:
It seemed like a good idea at the time. The trouble is, when you run from your problems, you often find out your biggest obstacle is along for the trip–it’s you! Reid Carrington realizes that when he finds Jennifer and recognizes the quiet desperation in her eyes. Can he save someone who doesn’t want to be saved? Or like a lifeguard rescuing a swimmer, will she pull him down into the undertow in the end?

*  *  *

4.2 stars – 104 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
Anna Wilkins is a prototypical housewife. She buys groceries, picks up the dry cleaning and host dinner parties. Everything was picture perfect from the outside looking in until the life she was born to live collided with the life she was living. Her husband is murdered by a creature from another realm, a creature that is only visible to her. Through her pain, his death awakens a part of her she didn’t know existed. She is then thrust into a life of Vampires, Werewolves and Sexy Nephilim Warriors.

*  *  *


by Anne McAneny

4.8 stars – 9 Reviews
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
Janie Perkins rocks a warped relationship with cameras. Forced in front of them as an infant under grim circumstances, she now hides behind them as a crime scene photographer with a bad habit. But for a girl born to a waitress in a coma—put there courtesy of a bullet from her famous father—warped relationships are the norm.

*  *  *

Call Me Cat

by Karpov Kinrade

4.8 stars – 45 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
Catelyn Travis is a good girl who gets good grades in law school, doesn’t date and never gets into trouble. But when a run of bad luck threatens to destroy everything she’s worked for, she’s forced to become Cat, phone sex goddess who fulfills the fantasies of her clients night after night.

*  *  *

Captivated: 1 (Adam & Ella)

by Emily Jane Trent

4.2 stars – 40 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Ella is ordinary in her eyes, but when Adam tells see her beauty, the light turns on in her life. He’s a romantic Italian on vacation, surfing at Ella’s beach. But the gorgeous billionaire has secrets. Ella feels like she’s known him forever, but fears she will lose him. Can you meet your soul mate, only to lose him in the same instant?

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