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Checking in on Kindle Store Prices 4 Days Before Launch of New Kindle Pricing and Royalty Structure: Gradual Migration to $2.99-$9.99 Range, But $12.99 Seeming to Hold for Big Names

By Stephen Windwalker, Editor of Kindle Nation Daily – Originally posted 6.26.2010

Time for a quick price check into the total overall catalog and the composition of the 100 top paid bestsellers list in the Kindle Store, a few days ahead of major structural changes in pricing and royalties for the Kindle’s Digital Text Platform (DTP). Here is what Amazon has announced will happen on the DTP on Wednesday, June 30:

For each eligible Kindle book sold, authors and publishers who choose the new 70 percent royalty option will receive 70 percent of list price, net of delivery costs, beginning June 30, 2010. Delivery costs will be based on file size and pricing will be $0.15/MB. In order to qualify for the 70 percent royalty option, the author or publisher-supplied list price must be between $2.99 and $9.99, must be at least 20 percent below the lowest physical list price for the physical book, and the title must be made available for sale in all geographies for which the author or publisher has rights, must be included in a broad set of features in the Kindle Store, such as text-to-speech, and must be offered at or below price parity with competition, including physical book prices. At launch, the 70 percent royalty option will only be available for books sold in the United States.

Under this new royalty structure, no DTP author with an understanding of the rules and of simple price-demand elasticity would ever price a book between $10 and $25, and few authors with any confidence in their product would ever price a book below $2.99. (This royalty structure does not yet apply to larger corporate publishers under the agency model, but they may create pricing trends that could affect all publishers, and Amazon has shown an interest in publisher parity and may try to move gradually in the future to bring larger publisher contracts into conformity with this structure.)

Here’s how royalties would play out at various price points, assuming a net delivery cost of 6 cents per unit:

Retail   Royalty   Net      Royalty
Price    Pct.      Delivery


$0.99    35.00%    $0.00    $0.35
$1.99    35.00%    $0.00    $0.70
$2.99    70.00%    $0.06    $2.03
$3.99    70.00%    $0.06    $2.73
$4.99    70.00%    $0.06    $3.43
$5.99    70.00%    $0.06    $4.13
$6.99    70.00%    $0.06    $4.83
$7.99    70.00%    $0.06    $5.53
$8.99    70.00%    $0.06    $6.23
$9.99    70.00%    $0.06    $6.93
$10.99    35.00%    $0.00   $3.85
$11.99    35.00%    $0.00   $4.20
$12.99    35.00%    $0.00   $4.55
$13.99    35.00%    $0.00   $4.90
$14.99    35.00%    $0.00   $5.25
$19.99    35.00%    $0.00   $7.00
$24.99    35.00%    $0.00   $8.75
$29.99    35.00%    $0.00   $10.50

Although one might expect that the price array of the Kindle Store catalog would already be beginning to conform itself to these $2.99 to $9.99 parameters, such migration has been gradual and mixed:

  • The overall percentage of titles in this $2.99 to $9.99 price range has increased from 56.96% on May 22 to 57.22% on June 14 to 57.32% on June 26.
  • All of this migration has come from a relative decline in ebook titles priced at $10 and up, from 19.16% on May 22 to 18.82% on June 14 to 18.52% on June 26.
  • Any expected decline in the percentage of titles priced at under $2.99 has yet to occur, as that subset has grown from 23.88% on May 22 to 23.96% on June 14 to 24.16% on June 26.

As for the composition of the 100 top paid bestsellers list in the Kindle Store, the trends noted in our last price check post seem to be extending and strengthening:

  • Titles priced between 79 cents and $2.98 continue to show strong representation among the bestsellers, stead at 13 since June 14, and up from 6 on May 22. Now that the top “free” titles have been separated  from the the 100 top paid bestsellers list, these titles between 79 cents and $2.98 stand out much as free books stood out in the past, with the added virtue of actually earning royalties for their publishers and/or authors.
  • The number of top 100 bestsellers priced between $2.99 and $9.99, which had slipped from 71 on May 22 to 57 on June 14, increased slightly to 61 on June 26.
  • There were continued indications that Kindle readers will pay up to $12.99 for new full-length books by established bestselling authors, as the category of bestsellers priced between $10 and $12.99 held relatively steady at 24 titles, 10 of which made the top 25 list.  The composition of that group is telling: Evanovich at 4, DeMille at 10, Beck at 12, Stockett 13, Sandford 15, Harris 19, Giffin, 20, Turow 21, Deaver 23, and Patterson 25. 
  • Kindle readers are increasingly rejecting agency model new releases priced between $13 and $14.99, and those titles slipped from 5 on May 22 to 4 on June 14 and only 2 on June 26 (none in the top 45, with Picoult at #46 and Coben at #79).

Here’s a price breakdown of the 623,077 book titles in the Kindle Store as of 7 a.m. EDT on June 26, 2010:

Here’s where we stood with the 609,975 book titles in the Kindle Store as of 5 p.m. EDT on June 14, 2010:

  • 20,589 Kindle Books Priced “Free” (3.38%)
  • 5,041 Titles Priced from a Penny to 98 Cents (0.83%)
  • 58,624 Kindle Books Priced at 99 Cents (9.61%)
  • 80,197 Kindle Books Priced from $1 to $2.99 (13.15%)
  • 115,891 Kindle Books Priced from $3 to $4.99 (19.00%)
  • 155,056 Titles Priced from $5 to $9.98 (25.42%)
  • 59,797 Titles Priced at $9.99 (9.80%)
  • 8,173 Titles Priced from $10 to $12.99 (1.34%)
  • 14,105 Titles Priced from $13 to $14.99 (2.31%)
  • 92,500 Titles Priced at $15 and Up (15.16%)

Here’s where we stood with the 587,104 book titles in the Kindle Store as of 5 p.m. EDT on May 22, 2010:

  • 20,584 Kindle Books Priced “Free” (3.51%)
  • 4,830 Titles Priced from a Penny to 98 Cents (0.82%)
  • 55,901 Kindle Books Priced at 99 Cents (9.52%)
  • 76,054 Kindle Books Priced from $1 to $2.99 (12.95%)
  • 109,706 Kindle Books Priced from $3 to $4.99 (18.69%)
  • 151,509 Titles Priced from $5 to $9.98 (25.81%)
  • 56,059 Titles Priced at $9.99 (9.55%)
  • 7,700 Titles Priced from $10 to $12.99 (1.31%)
  • 13,803 Titles Priced from $13 to $14.99 (2.35%)
  • 90,958 Titles Priced at $15 and Up (15.49%)

Here’s where we stood with the 511,759 book titles in the Kindle Store as of 9 a.m. EDT on May 7, 2010:

  • 20,601 Kindle Books Priced “Free” (4.03%)
  • 4,857 Titles Priced from a Penny to 98 Cents (0.94%)
  • 53,936 Kindle Books Priced at 99 Cents (10.54%)
  • 73,987 Kindle Books Priced from $1 to $2.99 (14.46%)
  • 101,014 Kindle Books Priced from $3 to $4.99 (19.74%)
  • 91,871 Titles Priced from $5 to $9.98 (17.95%)
  • 54,342 Titles Priced at $9.99 (10.62%)
  • 7,434 Titles Priced from $10 to $12.99 (1.45%)
  • 13,489 Titles Priced from $13 to $14.99 (2.64%)
  • 90,257 Titles Priced at $15 and Up (17.64%)

Here’s where we stood with the 487,715 book titles in the Kindle Store as of 9 a.m. EDT on April 7, 2010:

  • 20,620 Kindle Books Priced “Free” (4.23%)
  • 4,709 Titles Priced from a Penny to 98 Cents (0.97%)
  • 46,360 Kindle Books Priced at 99 Cents (9.51%)
  • 69,846 Kindle Books Priced from $1 to $2.99 (14.32%)
  • 94,891 Kindle Books Priced from $3 to $4.99 (19.46%)
  • 86,924 Titles Priced from $5 to $9.98 (17.82%)
  • 53,705 Titles Priced at $9.99 (11.01%)
  • 7,537 Titles Priced from $10 to $12.99 (1.51%)
  • 13,124 Titles Priced from $13 to $14.99 (2.69%)
  • 90,011 Titles Priced at $15 and Up (18.46%)

Here’s where we stood with the 480,238 book titles in the Kindle Store on April 1:

  • 20,620 Kindle Books Priced “Free” (4.29%)
  • 4,706 Titles Priced from a Penny to 98 Cents (0.98%)
  • 43,993 Kindle Books Priced at 99 Cents (9.16%)
  • 68,807 Kindle Books Priced from $1 to $2.99 (14.33%)
  • 93,706 Kindle Books Priced from $3 to $4.99 (19.51%)
  • 85,612 Titles Priced from $5 to $9.98 (17.83%)
  • 53,124 Titles Priced at $9.99 (11.06%)
  • 5,952 Titles Priced from $10 to $12.99 (1.24%)
  • 14,158 Titles Priced from $13 to $14.99 (2.95%)
  • 89,525 Titles Priced at $15 and Up (18.64%)

Here’s where we stood with about 463,000 Kindle Store titles on March 10:

  • 20,125 Kindle Books Priced “Free” (4.34%)
  • 2,588 Titles Priced from a Penny to 98 Cents (0.56%)
  • 39,095 Kindle Books Priced at 99 Cents (8.44%)
  • 64,105 Kindle Books Priced from $1 to $2.99 (13.84%)
  • 90,580 Kindle Books Priced from $3 to $4.99 (19.55%)
  • 84,055 Titles Priced from $5 to $9.98 (18.15%)
  • 53,697 Titles Priced at $9.99 (11.56%)
  • 5,793 Titles Priced from $10 to $12.99 (1.25%)
  • 13,731 Titles Priced from $13 to $14.99 (2.96%)
  • 89,448 Titles Priced at $15 and Up (19.31%)

And here’s where we stood with about 447,000 Kindle Store titles on February 25:

  • 19,795 Kindle Books Priced “Free” (4.42%) 
  • 3,023 Titles Priced from a Penny to 98 Cents (0.67%) 
  • 36,370 Kindle Books Priced at 99 Cents (8.12%) 
  • 62,275 Kindle Books Priced from $1 to $2.99 (13.9%) 
  • 87,722 Kindle Books Priced from $3 to $4.99 (19.58%) 
  • 81,230 Titles Priced from $5 to $9.98 (18.13%) 
  • 55,269 Titles Priced at $9.99 (12.34%) 
  • 5,139 Titles Priced from $10 to $12.99 (1.15%) 
  • 9,331 Titles Priced from $13 to $14.99 (2.08%) 
  • 87,771 Titles Priced at $15 and Up (19.59%)

Click here to see underlying statistical analysis (Based on U.S. Kindle Store book catalog as of 7 a.m. ET 6.26.2010)

Scary Saturday, a Regular Weekly Feature of Free Kindle Nation Shorts: “Finicky Eater” by Jack Kilborn/J.A. Konrath

Welcome to Scary Saturday

For the past year our Free Kindle Nation Shorts program has been connecting thousands of Kindle readers with emerging and established writers, and we’re proud to have helped many writers of distinction climb the Kindle Store bestseller lists. One of those authors has been Joe Konrath, and it has been a lot of fun to watch such a talented storyteller become one of the most successful fiction writers in the Kindlesphere. Joe has also been a very important trailblazer in the world of writing and independent publishing, so I was especially pleased when he decided recently that he wanted to give something back to the citizens of Kindle Nation by providing the stories on which we are drawing to initiate a new Free Kindle Nation Shorts feature called “Scary Saturday.”

We’ll continue to showcase many other writers here at Free Kindle Nation Shorts, but on many coming Saturdays we’ll treat you to truckloads of terror with the horror fiction of J.A. “Joe” Konrath. We’ll also provide links to his current and coming Kindle books and we hope you’ll be brave enough to turn all the lights on and keep reading.

Check out the latest bestsellers by J.A. Konrath, just $2.99 in the Kindle Store!
or scroll to the end of the story to read more about Joe Konrath

Horror Stories

 “Finicky Eater”
a short story by Jack Kilborn, J.A. Konrath
Copyright © 2010 Joe Konrath and published here with his permission

Author’s note: This is my very first published story, which was published right after I sold Whiskey Sour. It centers on a theme I’ve gone back to often in my fiction. This appeared in the magazine Horror Garage, which featured a girl on the cover with her face soaked in blood. My mom didn’t pass out copies at her job.

*     *     *     *    *

 “Eat it.”
Billy pushed his plate away.
“I’m not hungry anymore.”
A pout appeared on his shiny little face. A miniature version of Josh’s. Marge could remember when it used to be cute.
“You haven’t even tried it. I made it different today. Just take a bite.”
Marge could feel the tension build in her neck, like cables beneath the skin.
“Billy, honey, you need to eat. Look how skinny you’re getting.”
“I want an apple.”
“We’ve been over this Billy. There are no apples. There won’t be any apples ever again.”
He crossed his arms. So thin. His elbows and wrists looked huge.
“I want a Twinkie.”
Marge’s mouth quivered, got wet.
“Billy, please don’t…”
“I want McDonald’s french fries, and a Coke.”
A deep breath.
“Billy, we don’t have any of those things anymore. Since they dropped all those bombs, we have to make do with what’s available. Now please, you need to eat.”
She pushed the plate back towards her son. His portion of meat was small, scarcely the size of a cracker. Pale and greasy. Marge eyed it and felt her stomach rumble.
It’s for Billy, she chastened herself.
But if he didn’t want it…
Marge killed the thought and looked away for some distraction.
She failed.
After three months in the shelter, there was nothing left to distract herself with.
She knew every inch of the tiny room like she knew her own body. The shelves, once stocked with canned goods, were empty. The TV and radio didn’t work. The three dirty cots smelled like body odor, and the sump hole in the corner had long overflowed with urine and feces. No view, no entertainment, no escape.
Josh had built the shelter because he wanted his family to live. But was this living?
Marge turned to her son, the tears coming. “We’re going to make it, Billy. I promise. But you need to eat. Please.”
“No.” Billy’s own eyes began to glaze. “I want Daddy.”
“I know you do. But Daddy left, Billy. He knew we didn’t have enough food. So he made a sacrifice for you and me.”
“I wish Daddy was here.”
Tears burned her cheeks.
“He’s here, Billy.” She patted her chest. “He’s here, inside of us, and he always will be.”
Billy narrowed his eyes. “You hit Daddy on the head.”
Marge recoiled as if slapped.
“No, Billy. Your father made a sacrifice.”
“He did not. You hit him on the head while he was asleep.”
Billy picked up the small piece of meat and threw it at his mother.
“I don’t want to eat Daddy anymore!”
Marge scooped up the meat, sobbing. It tasted salty. She didn’t want to take food from her son, but she needed the strength for what came next.
She silently cursed her husband. Why didn’t he properly stock this place? Getting nuked would have been better than this.
Her hand closed around the fire axe.
*     *     *
The scream woke her up.
Marge’s face burned with fever. Infection, she knew. In a way, a blessing. Consciousness was far too horrible.
Whimpering. Marge squinted in the darkness.
She shifted, the pain in her legs causing her to cry out. She unconsciously reached down to touch them, but felt nothing.
They’d eaten her legs last week.
“What’s the matter, Billy? Are you hungry, honey?”
“I made a sacrifice, Mommy.”
He crawled out of the shadows, handing Marge his tiny, dirty foot.
The drool that leaked from her mouth had a mind of its own.

*     *     *

“You…you have to do it, Billy.”
Billy was crying.
“You have to do it for Mommy. Mommy can’t cut off her second arm. I can’t hold the axe.”
“I wish Daddy were here.”
“Daddy!” Marge’s face raged with anger, madness. “Your father did this to us! He got off lucky!”
She stared a her baby boy, legless, pulling himself along on his hands. Damn the world, and damn God, and damn Josh for letting this…
There was a noise coming from the door.
It was a knock! Someone was knocking!
“Billy! Do you hear it! We’re going to be…”
Billy swung the axe.

*     *     *

“This one’s still alive!”
Officer Carlton leaned over the small boy, checking his pulse. He was awful to look at, legless and caked with blood. His mouth was a ruin of ragged flesh.
No-not a ruin. The flesh wasn’t his.
His partner, Jones, made a face.
“Looks like the kid ate his mom. There’s another body over here. My guess it’s the homeowner. Why’d they come down here?”
Carlton shrugged. “The father had a history of paranoid behavior. Maybe he convinced them it was a nuclear war.”
He squinted at the father’s corpse. The bones had been broken to get at the marrow inside. Carlton shivered.
“There’s a hidden room back here. Look, the shelf swings away.”
The hinged shelf moved inward, revealing a large pantry, stocked with canned goods. Enough for years.
“Now, Billy!”
Carlton caught the movement and spun around, in time to see the little creature with the axe bring it down on his partner’s head.
Carlton’s jaw dropped. The woman-the gory, limbless torso that they thought was dead-was undulating across the floor towards him like a gigantic worm.
He drew his gun. The axe hit him in the belly.
“We’re saved!” the mother-thing cried.
Her voice was wet with something. Blood?
When she bit into his leg, he realized it was drool.

*     *     *

Marge slithered away from the light. It was too bright outside. There was probably radiation coming in, but she didn’t pay it any mind.
Her only motivation was hunger. And the food was in the hidden room.
Part of her brain recognized the can goods around her, recognized that they contained edible things. But her attention was focused on the police officer, cowering in the corner, holding the pumping wound in his gut.
Her mouth got wet.
She crawled, inch-worm style, up to him.
“Get away, lady!”
Billy crawled past her, faster because he still had arms. The cop screamed, and Billy hacked at his flailing legs like kindling.
A sound mixed in with the screams, and Marge realized it was laughter.
Her son was laughing.
“Billy! Don’t play with your food!”

*     *     *

“You killed Daddy.”
Billy had his mouth full of something purple, and his eyes were far away.
“Yes I did, Billy. I killed him so you could have food. But we have enough food now for weeks. And these men have families, who will come looking for them. We’ll never be hungry again.”
Billy chewed and spit out something hard.
“Daddy is inside me.”
“That’s right.”
“You’re a little inside me, too. Your legs and arms.”
Marge almost smiled at the child’s analogy.
“That’s right. Mommy is a little inside you.”
Billy narrowed his eyes.
“I want all of you inside me.”
Marge watched her son drag himself over to the axe.

*     *     *

Billy opened his eyes. The sheets were soaked with sweat. He turned in bed and shook his wife, who was snoring softly.
“Jill! Wake up!”
Her eyelids fluttered. “What’s wrong, Billy?”
“Get the baby!” Billy rolled over and strapped on his prosthetic legs, snugging the belts tight. “It’s happening!”
Jill sat up. The air raid siren cut through their bedroom like a scream.
“The bombs are dropping, Jill! We have to get down to the shelter! Hurry!”
He hobbled out of the room, Jill joining him on the stairs with their six month old son. The siren was louder in the night air. On the horizon was a horribly bright light, and a pluming cloud in the shape of a mushroom.
He opened the door to the underground shelter, ushering his wife and son down the stairs, frightened and anxious and…salivating.
*     *     *     *    * 
Say Hello to Joe Konrath
J.A. Konrath is the author of seven novels in the Lt. Jacqueline “Jack” Daniels thriller series, Whiskey Sour, Bloody Mary, Rusty Nail, Dirty Martini, Fuzzy Navel, Cherry Bomb, and Shaken (coming in October, 2010.)

Under the name Jack Kilborn he wrote the horror novel Afraid. Two more Jack Kilborn novels, Endurance and Trapped, have just been released.

Under the name Joe Kimball, he also writes sci-fi, which is set in 2054 Chicago and features Jack Daniels’ grandson as the hero.

SERIAL, by Jack Kilborn and Blake Crouch, a free ebook about serial killers, was one of the top Kindle Store downloads of 2009, and SERIAL UNCUT (Extended Edition) is now available in the Kindle Store for $2.99.

Konrath has also released several other books on Amazon Kindle, most of them for just $2.99 each, including:

Truck Stop

– A Jack Daniels novella

The List

– A police technothriller (Jack Daniels makes a cameo)

Shot of Tequila

– A heist thriller (Jack Daniels is a supporting character)


– A horrific technothriller about Satan


– A horror thriller about medical experiments

Planter’s Punch

– A Jack Daniels novella written with Tom Schreck


– A Jack Daniels novella written with Henry Perez


– A Harry McGalde novella writeen with Jeff Strand

Newbie’s Guide to Publishing

– Over 360,000 words of writing advice

You can visit Joe at www.JAKonrath.com

From the Kindle Nation Mailbag: How to Apply for a Credit if You Bought a Kindle at a Higher Price After May 20

Thanks to Jane, who posted this concern:

I ordered my Kindle in May from Amazon and am sorta disappointed that the price dropped so much. I wish they would give those of us who purchased a Kindle within one month of the price change a $50 credit for books. Does anyone else agree with me?

Jane, thanks, and yes, many recent Kindle buyers agree with you and they have been calling the Kindle switchboards by the hundreds. In the past, Amazon has provided just such a credit within a 30-day window.

It’s definitely worth a call, and from within the U.S. you can reach a Kindle representative toll-free at 1-866-321-8851.

Kindle DX Price Break for Refurbished Models with One-Year Warranty! $350 US and $370 Global

If you’ve been thinking about buying a Kindle DX — the one with the 9.7″-inch display, long battery life, native PDF reader, zoom and pan, sunshine-friendly e-Ink display and free 3G wireless and basic web browser with no monthly fees — here’s an offer that may get your attention.

Amazon is now offering refurbished Kindle DX units in the $350 to $370 price range with a basic one-year warranty, while supplies last. The price for a new Kindle DX with Global 3G remains, for now, at $489. Thanks to Andrys Basten for her post on this news.

Here are links to the refurbished models:

In addition to the basic one-year warranty, these refurbished units are covered by Amazon’s free 30-day return policy and have generally been described by buyers as “just like new,” but it is worth noting that, rather strangely, they are shipped without the Kindle AC adaptor plug, which will mean you’d have to spend another $9-$10 on something like this.

    30 New Updates to Kindle Nation Daily Free Book Alert for Friday, June 25!

    The free Kindle books just keep on coming today!

    Stakeout for Love
    Stakeout for Love

    Red Satin
    Red Satin

    Goodbye Blues, Hello Love
    Goodbye Blues, Hello Love

    Kindle Nation Daily Free Book Alert for Friday, June 25: Maui Heat, Naughty Nooners, Stakeout for Love, Red Satin, and Dozens More

    How cool is this?

    We’ve got a pretty incredible bounty of free promotional books to share with you in the Kindle Store this morning. I’ll start out with the lone children’s title in hopes that it doesn’t get totally lost among the steamy romances, naughty nooners, romantic stakeouts, and erotica that follow…

    In Between: A Katie Parker Production (Act I) by Jenny B. Jones (18 reviews at Amazon.com) Children’s Fiction
    It took less than a chapter for Katie Parker, the main character in Jenny B. Jones’s new novel, …

    Christmas Scandal-Not! by Jeanne Savery
    Eccentric spinster sisters Elf and Ally cannot keep their noses out of the way when someone, anyone, needs … 
    The Next Big Thing by Madelle Morgan 
    When Harry the inventor shows up at her bank to apply for a loan, Angela is not impressed …
    Song of the Swan by Kelly Ferjutz 
    Both Galen FitzHugh and his swan, Stephen, mourn lost loves. Hobbled by a battle-scarred knee, the warrior frets …
    Waiting at Eros by Rosemary Laurey 
    Would you keep a five-year-old appointment with an old lover? What if you weren’t the only one? 
    Unexpected Comfort by Kelly Ferjutz 
    Homesteading in the American West isn’t easy. Emilia and Sam Hubbard had made some progress in carving a … 
    Wild Woman by Cara Lyle 
    A World of Love story.Washington State native Bridget Loudoun is traveling Spain on horseback in 1968, her ambition, …
    Part of the Dancin’ With The Devil series.What do you do when a bunch of dark world types …
    Red Satin by Barbara Miller 
    Andrew Devon is reluctantly on his way to propose marriage when he is entranced by a girl riding …
    Maui Heat by Ari Thatcher 
    Erotica, Fiction 
    It’s the final night of her summer job on Maui. Her last chance to see him alone. Maggie …
    Stakeout for Love by Christie Walker Bos 
    Dating websites suck. Skylar’s found that members lie about everything. And photo manipulation is rampant … don’t get her started …
    Goodbye Blues, Hello Love by Christie Walker Bos 
    Blues guitar player Sean has little to sing about. While women love him when he’s performing, once they …
    Just Like Old Times by Hetty St. James 
    A scruffy peasant is picked up by French troops and brought to an officer during the Napoleonic Wars. …
    Message for Minerva by Jean Hart Stewart 
    A Garland of Druids story. Minnie Thomas has learned to enjoy life now that her abusive husband is …

    A satisfying tale of honor, chance, and star-crossed love infused with Southern wit, grace, and charm from the New York Times bestselling author Dorothea Benton Frank

    Changing a Troubled Ship
    Must Read Related Post:

    Kindle Nation Daily Free Book Alert, Step-by-Step Tip: Amazon & Open Library Collaborate So You Can Send Tens of Thousands of Free eBooks Directly to Your Kindle via Whispernet

     L. Ron Hubbard

    Cry Sanctuary: Book 1 of Red Rock Pass series

    Two mid-day additions to our updated list of dozens of free Kindle promotional titles:

    Violet Dawn

    by Dwight “Ike” Reighard 5.0 out of 5 stars (2 customer reviews)
    (Love Comes Softly Series, Book 1) by Janette Oke 4.8 out of 5 stars (104 customer reviews) 

    Here’s the rest of our updated list of free promotional titles in the Kindle Store as of June 25:

    Free Kindle Nation Shorts – June 24, 2010 – “Derramore,” a story by Irish novelist Eddie Stack from his short story collection, The West

    By Stephen Windwalker
    Editor of Kindle Nation Daily ©Kindle Nation Daily 2010

    Each day, these days, I try to take a story to lunch. I don’t always succeed, but it’s the kind of goal that I like to keep front and center. It enriches me, and sometimes it even enriches Kindle Nation. Sometimes it will be an excerpt from something longer, but ideally, a story. Sometimes I get very lucky.

    Today was one of my lucky days, and as a result I have something special to share with you, a longish story by Irish storyteller Eddie Stack, who has also just come out with his first novel, Heads.

    Stack’s writing has been the subject of raves from readers and critics far more Stackdistinguished than me, and I’ve shared some of those below, so there’s no need for me to get between you the reader and Eddie Stack the writer here. But let me just say this: I’ve read dozens of novels and stories that found some way to pay homage to James Joyce over the years, but frankly there have been few of them that convinced me the had any real claim on the reference.

    Not so with “Derramore.” Turbo Tracy’s forgeries may not involve the uncreated conscience of his race, but this story, more than any that I’ve read in decades, put me in touch again with the best of Dubliners and some of the vignettes of Portrait and Ulysses, so much so that, when I finished reading the story and found the blurbs from the Times Book Review and other journals, I actually felt they were understated. 

    See if you agree.

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    Read more by Eddie Stack:

    Heads: A Novel

    by Eddie StackList Price: $2.99

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    s tells the story of Jazz Doherty, an Irish artist who makes a sacrilegious blunder while painting murals at the Church of the Sacred Heart in Berkeley. The parish priest, Fr. Ned Tobin, declares jihad on him and Doherty goes on the run.

    As his work at the church develops a cult following of hippies, punks and assorted outsiders, Jazz starves in San Francisco’s bohemia. Keeping out of the priest’s range, he does odd jobs to get by, planning to leave California as soon as he has the money. While house sitting for a jailed marijuana grower, Jazz discovers a freezer full of money in the basement. He dips into the stash and spends recklessly. He leaves a generous donation at the parochial house for Fr Ned, but his plan to purify their karma backfires.

    The West: Stories from Ireland

    by Eddie Stack
    List Price: $2.50

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    “Variously fantastic, comic, elegiac and nostalgic, Mr. Stack’s fiction is versatile and engaging…a vivid, compassionate, authentic voice…securing (him) a place in the celebrated tradition of his country’s storytelling.” 

    New York Times Book Review

    Out of the Blue : Irish Short Stories

    by Eddie Stack
    List Price: $3.75

    Buy Now
    “Eddie Stack’s stories jet back and forth across the Atlantic, contrasting small town Ireland and big city US. Every time they land, the author seems to test the borderline of what might and might not be possible in downtown bars, crumbling dance halls and drizzly farms.
    “The result is a remarkably consistent collection of short stories.”

    –Ian Wild, Southword

    “This second collection of short stories by Eddie Stack has a wonderful sense of unreality, of weirdness among Irish characters and of downright fun.”

    –Irish Emigrant

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    a short story by Eddie Stack, from his collection, The West

    Copyright ©  2010 Eddie Stack and reprinted here with his permission.
    Turbo Tracy was as welcome as the cuckoo in the West, his arrival was a sign of heady times down the road. In the pubs and shops you would overhear people would say,
        “Somewan was tellin’ me Turbo Tracy is around. He was beyond in Trá Rue sellin’ greyhound pups last week.”
        “Well if he is, they could be lucky pups.  Steam will be let off somewhere.”

        Like when all the casks of brandy were washed ashore in Barr Trá- Turbo had arrived a week before, flogging glass tumblers. Another time he was around selling ‘magic numbers’ that you sent to Dublin and money came back in the post. The summer he had the job playing the piano in Gordon’s Hotel, he ended up riding Mamie’s horse past the winning post for eight races on the trot and everyone made a small fortune.

    But Turbo’s presence did not bring a smile to everyone’s face. Authorities viewed him as the advance party for chaos and he made clergymen fidgety and officials alert. Anarchy in the wind. A lone operator, like the cuckoo,  he kept his distance from them, but when his back was turned, they were sniffing at his heels. He would protest and say that whatever turmoil there was on heaven or earth, he was not the cause of it, just a symptom. They had an ingrained fear that somewhere, some time, Turbo Tracy would arrive hawking fireworks the day after the safety match caught on.  As it turned out, it was the matches he brought.

        One Garland Saturday, the last Saturday in July, he came to St. MacDara’s well with the intention of peddling religious emblems and relics to the people  there on pilgrimage. He set up a green canvas covered stall a short distance from the holy well and cranked up an old gramophone to attract attention with parlor songs from Manhattan.
        “Photographs of St. Patrick at great expense from the New World.” he hailed, “Medals of the Pope, Matt Talbot and Canon Matthews. Relics from Rome guaranteed for life…”
    People crowded to the stall but dismissed his offerings.
        “No, no,” they said, “we have them things at home.”
    They listened and ogled at the singing box. until he abruptly stopped the music and raised his hands.
        “Alright my friends,” he called, “Happy Garland to ye all.”
        “Happy Garland Turbo!” and a chorus of cheers.
        “There’s no demand for medals. Ye want music! Times are changing-how nice! But I can’t play it for naught. Never did. Never will. This machine costs much money and it eats a lot…” More cheers.
        “Its true…but as ye know, Turbo Tracy was always a generous man…”
        “With his flute.” piped someone. Raucous laughter and cat calls.
        “Now, now, not nice talk near holy water…” snapped Turbo, “So people, if ye want music ye’ll have to pay for it.”
    He took off his black beaver hat and placed it open mouth on the counter.
        “Come by the hat, drop in your change and I’ll oblige.”
        In the background the murmur of prayer rose from the well. Nobody ventured to the hat and there was a certain uneasiness with gougers casting crude remarks at the dapper little peddler. But when he raised a few medals and hailed-
        “Medals of the Pope, Matt Talbot and Canon Matthews,” a couple of people rushed from the shadows and money jingled into the hat. More followed and he  gave them music.

        That calm summer’s night, Tracy’s gramophone music was heard in three parishes and country people who had no intention to trek to the well for prayer, were hoodwinked there by the curious noise. By the time Father White arrived, St. MacDara’s Well was a swarm with boisterous men, women and young adults shuffling under a full moon to the saucy crooning of Al Jolson. The priest ripped the disc from its spin and silenced the night.
        “Oh shyte,” moaned some drunk, “Its fadar White.”
        “Sinners.” gnarled the clergyman, “at a place of prayer, you have sinned.”
        “Now now holyman.” darted Turbo, “Music is a gift of the Gods”
        “How dare you interrupt me.” he snapped.  “And this is more sin.” he bawled, holding up a handful of Tracy’s medals and relics. “Simony! Have ye forgotten the words of the Lord Jesus? Have ye? Do ye hear me? I hope he forgives ye.”
    In one sacrificial move he lifted the gramophone over his head, crashed it on the ground and slouched away muttering in Latin.    “You’ll pay for that, you spoil sport.” roared Turbo.
    Smarting from the priests ire, the crowd melted away into the darkness. Cowering like small animals in the shelter of walls and bushes, they watched Turbo abandon his stall and head for Bearnagweithe.

        A fews days later, when Father White called on Mrs Penny Wyse of the Elms, he was startled to see Turbo stretched on a deck chair in the front lawn. He scurried around the back of the house, a thousand thoughts clamoring in his head. Penny was picking strawberries  and waved when he appeared.
        “Father Tom! How lovely to see you! Just in time for some strawberries and cream.”
        “Penny,” he said urgently, “what is Turbo Tracy doing here?”
        “Turbo Tracy. The man lounging on the deck chair outside.”
        “Oh! Boney you mean! Isn’t he a dear!”
    Father Tom shook his head vigorously,
        “Penny,” he said, “that’s Turbo Tracy…he’s no addition to anyplace.”     “What’s the matter Father Tom? Is there something I should know?”

        They adjourned to the conservatory and the priest told her all he knew about Turbo over a glass of gin. It was an unhealthy sign to see his likes in the district. He cropped every few years like a bad penny, always hawking something. The last time Turbo was around he was selling women’s under clothes. Another time he passed through with a bale of green tobacco that turned half the province into dreamers. Penny sighed and explained that he was lodging with her. He was so cheeky-a little wagtail. And at this hour of his life, at least sixty five years old and yet no fear in him of God nor man. She thought he was a writer, a collector of folktales and folklore.
        “He told me his name was Turlough Bonapart Tracy-if I had any idea he was called Turbo I would not have let him under my roof. What a ghastly name-Turbo! But he seemed such a nice man.”
        “How long is he staying?”
        “Three weeks. He paid in advance. He wanted the annex because it has a study off the bedrooms and overlooks the garden. He’s working on something, he said. Well I never.”
        “I wonder what. Watch him Penny…you never know with his type. Anyway, I was calling to discuss the gymkhana.”
    They talked about the gymkhana but Turbo had cast a shadow on the day. His name cropped up in the midst of horses-talk and he became the focus of conversation again. Penny knew the priest did not approve of her lodger, but money was scarce at the Elms ever since Elliott Wyse left without saying good-bye.
        “What can I do?” she asked, “It’s not been a great year for visitors, you know.”
    Father White understood. He took her hand and said,
        “Just be careful Penny. A man like Tracy can cause havoc. Anyway I have a few more calls to make.”
    On his way back to the parochial house that evening, he called at the police barracks and reported Tracy’s whereabouts to Sergeant Turner.

        Over the next couple of weeks, Turbo only left the Elms to go to the post office or slip down to Egan’s for a few whiskeys. He always locked his quarters going out. Penny watched him, but kept out of his way. When he told her he wanted to stay another month at the Elms, she said cooly-
        “Mr. Tracy, I want to have a word with you. Sit down please.”
        “Smoke?” asked Turbo, offering her a slim cheroot.
    Penny Wyse shook her head and said,
        “I’ve been hearing upsetting things about you.”
    Turbo raised his grey eyebrows and listened to his landlady beat around the bush. His face twitched. When she finished he said,
        “There’s two sides to every story and a thousand versions of every song. Anyway, Mrs. Wyse I would not dream to pass another night where I am not welcome-that would interfere with my work.”
        “For heaven’s sake! What work?”
    Turbo shook his head and rose from the chair.
        “You wouldn’t understand.” he said distantly, “You wouldn’t understand. I’ll pack my things and look for a room down the town.”

        She watched him briskly climb the stairs and thought he was an agile man for his age. His brain was always working, she could see it in his eyes and it struck her that he might have been in a seminary, possibly the Jesuits. A spoiled priest, that might be why Father Tom was wary of him. He was a mystery with a history, of that she was sure.
        He was packing when she knocked on the annex door.
        “May I come in?” Penny asked sheepishly.
        “Its your house.” he muttered.
        “You don’t have to leave right away, you know. Your rent is paid until Sunday.”
    He ignored her and continued packing. Rain spattered on the window and the grey house turned cold.
        “Look,” she said, sitting on the bed, “I may have over reacted. Its not been easy for me since Elliott walked out of here. Sometimes I get carried away…”
    Turbo shook his head and sighed. He had met countless Pennys in his travels-down at heel West Britons who lived in big empty houses, full of memories and gloomy portraits. Aspirations of grandeur, a haughty accent and a leather saddle. Blow-ins who changed with the wind.
        “Look, Boney. I’m sorry if I upset you. Please stop packing. You can stay for as long as you like.”
        “Time to go.”
        “I’d like if you stayed. I like to have a man around the house. Please reconsider Boney. Please.”
    She left the room and Turbo yawned. That woman is bats, he thought. Rashers sizzled in the kitchen below and the warm smell of bacon sought him out. He stopped packing and lay on the bed, listening to the rain. It was no evening to be looking for lodgings.

        When Father White called the following week, he heard that Turbo had extended his tenancy. The priest pursed his thin lips and shook his ears.
        “He’s well off from what I can see.” Penny ventured.
        “Well off! Penny! What’s he doing?”
        “He’s writing a book.” she bluffed, she liked to fantasize about her house guests.
        “I know he writes a lot of letters Penny, I often see him go to the post office.”
        “A horrendous amount of letters. But nobody writes back to the poor soul. Writing is such a lonely business.”
    She said he was very scholarly and thought he might have considered law or the church as a career in his youth. He had that look in his eye. Father Tom frowned. Had she forgotten all he told her about this vagabond ? He sensed she might be getting soft on Tracy  and spoke cryptically about temptations of the flesh. He was a charmer he said, and Penny smiled, she liked to see the priest worked up.
        “What about a nice glass of gin?” she said seductively.

        All Turbo’s letters were answered at once and in the same week, eight small twine tied parcels arrived at the Elms. Squirrel like he scampered to his room with them and when Penny politely asked what was coming into her house he said,
         “Money from heaven.”
    She smiled, it was nice to see him happy. Nice to have a happy man about the house. Not that he was very good company-he never spoke except when asked something, and he spent most of the time in his room. But she was getting used to him and wondered if they might get closer sometime. He might even winter at the Elms. Even stay for Christmas. Her mind raced and she wondered if he preferred turkey or goose.

        Penny was unaware her lodger had begun printing money on a small hand press in the annex. When she heard him rummaging upstairs, her husband came to mind and she would sit in the library and  read over newspaper clippings about his disappearance. For weeks before Elliott fled from the house, he  rummaged in the attic, keeping her awake most of the night. Then one morning early the front door bang shut and when she came down stairs, she sensed he had left for ever.
        “The rotten bastard.” she spat, “The cheek of him.”
     That was years and years ago and her anger was long since burned out. She was only sorry for the years wasted thinking he would come back.
        By October Turbo was working day and night only left his room to trot downstairs for meals and trot back up again. Mrs. Wyse worried about him so much that she mentioned to Father Tom,
        “He gone as white as a sheet and he’s up most of the night.”
        “What’s he doing Penny?”
        “Writing all the time, it seems to me. His fingers are always covered in ink.”
        “How can he afford to stay this long?”
        “A son in Limerick sent him money a while back.  It appears the son is in the shipping business. Very well off from what I can gather.”
        “Money for old rope.” Father Tom said cynically, “Baffling. Anyway, what I came to see you about was….”
        “The Hunt!”
        “You took the words out of my mouth.”
        “Oh dear! I was only looking at my calendar this morning and thought-imagine its that time of year already!”
    They both laughed and Penny poured two stiff gins.

        Usually she did not dine with her lodgers, (or guests as she called them) but one morning before Halloween, Penny joined Turbo for breakfast. She chatted about the weather and hoped it would be fine for the next while. Turbo nodded.
        “The Hunt meets here on Tuesday next-I can’t believe its that time of the year already. The years just fly as you get older. Do you find that?”
    Turbo nodded. They ate in silence for a while and then Penny said in a quiet voice.
        “You don’t look well Boney. You’re working way too hard.”
    He poured another cup of tea and sighed.
        “You should take it easier. A day with the Hunt would do you all the good in the world. I could get you a mount if you wanted to ride with us on Tuesday. You would enjoy the company and a day in the fresh air.”
     A lot of very interesting people would be riding with them. The Hamiltons and Lord Greenford, Captain Nightwood and Major Wilson. Lady Anne Mountgomery, Fanny Power, Alice Cunningham-White. He would love Alice. She rambled on and told a couple of tally-ho stories. Turbo shook his head and looked agitated.
        “Well at least you’ll join us for the party afterwards,” she insisted, “We have a fancy dress at the Elms every Halloween after the Hunt.”
    Turbo had visions of the house being invaded by freaks in disguise. He shook his head quickly and said,
        “Actually I’m hoping to spend Halloween with my son in Limerick. Its his birthday.”
        “Oh. Well that’s nice. What age is he?”
        “Thirty five.”
        “A Scorpio.”
    He nodded, dabbed his mouth with his napkin and excused himself from the table.

        Turbo lost track of the days and on Tuesday morning the hunting horns  blew him from the bed.
        “Damn it!” he cried, “I should be in Limerick since yesterday!”
    Crusty accents filled the house. He heard Penny cry orders and lovely-to-see-yous. Someone said she looked as fresh as a daisy, Penny replied it was all the saddle. The Elms bayed. Outside hounds barked and yelped. Gravel crunched beneath boots and hoofs. There was a lot of people on the grounds and the chilly morning smelled of leather and horse manure. Turbo pulled the blankets over his head and wished the foxes luck. He rocked in the bed until the noise disappeared over the hills.

        Later that day he to book a seat to Limerick on the mail car. No car until Friday, he was told, two day service at this time of the year. Friday was fine, it would give him time to get his business in order. He would spend the weekend in the city and return on Monday. On his way back to the Elms he shivered at the thought of horsey people galloping around the house and nipped into Egans for a whiskey.

        Turbo stepped into a nightmare when he returned half loaded to the Elms that night. The house walked with people in all sorts of costumes, everyone barking like beagles. Keeping close to the wall he slid through the hall and was about to climb the stairs when he heard Penny cry-
        “Boney, I thought you were gone to Limerick. How good to see you! Come and join us!”
    He turned around. She was dressed as a clown, white powdered face, red tomato nose and red horse lips.
        “Bed time. Well past bed time.” he slurred from the second step of the stairs.
        “Boney, don’t be a spoil sport! Come and meet the people.”
    The party goers stared at him. It was Turbo Tracy himself.
        “Tally ho!” Father Whited shouted and they bellowed with laughter as the little man scurried to the annex.

        Turbo was too drunk to undress and fell asleep in his clothes. The mayhem and music below could not bust his nightmare about emptying ditches with a thimble. He snored on even when Florence St. Claire screamed that he had been robbed. That silenced the party. Penny stood up on a chair and pleaded-
        “Everyone! Let there be no panic! Take a good look around you. Its a beige pigskin wallet. Its here somewhere.”
    Florence swore it was lifted from the fishing bag he had around his shoulder while dancing. How much had he in it? Enough, he said, but that was not the point, it was of sentimental value. The house was scoured, but no wallet was found. The Halloween party trembled to a murmur. Penny was very upset  and wept in the conservatory with Father Tom.     

    Turbo passed twenty forged ten pound notes in Limerick and spent extravagantly. Using the name Dr. Wyse, he booked into the Irish Arms, cutting a fine dash in his new cape, soft hat, dark suit, gold pocket watch and matching cufflinks. He travelled by hackney around the city, tipping heavily. In the evenings he mingled with dockers and sailors in the Albatross, sniffing for contraband and banned books. At night he drank brandy and played poker with local sharks who called him Doctor. He made it clear he was not a medical doctor, but a doctor of literature. They were more impressed when he showed them a  heavy book called Ulysses.

        He was glad to be leaving Limerick on Monday morning, before he made a dent in the economy. Sharing the seat in the mail car with him back to Bearnagweithe was Gerard Downwave who introduced himself.
        “You must be Turbo Tracy, I’m Gerard Downwave.”
        “Huh? Turlough Bonapart Tracy, or Mr. Tracy-not Turbo, Tarbert or Turbot.”
        “Sorry about that. You’re stayin’ up  at the Elms.  How’s Penny?”
         “As good as a landlady can be.”
         “Christ but she’s very affected. D’you know, the haughty-taw accent and all that aul shit.”
    Turbo waved his hand for an end to conversation, but Downwave continued
        “Father White spends a lot of time up there with ye. That fella ‘d get up on a cat. But what does he be doin’ up there with Penny? Hah? She’s no angel herself either- she was mixed up in that affair with Howard MacDonald and the wife.”
    “Naw, naw, naw.” moaned Turbo, waving his hand.
    “T’was White that got that hushed up. He was caught with Howard’s wife too. Hah? Sure that’s why they call him the White Lie. Christ that was a lousy thing he did to your gramophone back at the well last Garland.”
        “Ah shag him!”  exploded Turbo. He reached for a flask of whiskey he had for the journey and drank away without offering it to his travelling companion. Downwave didnt notice and veered into a monologue about revolution and undermining church and state.
        “Jesus Christ!” spat Turbo, squinting at his pocket watch, “Since I got on this carriage two hours ago, I’ve heard more talk about revolution than I heard all the rest of my life. And I’m not a young man. Shut up for the love of your country.”

    There was nothing else said between for the remainder of the journey, Turbo drank and Downwave slept. When the mail car halted outside the post office Tracy was so drunk he refused to believe they had reached  Bearnagweithe. Downwave convinced him they were home after ten minutes or so and helped him to the Elms with his parcels and boxes. Penny was startled to see her boarder return drunk.
        “Bring him into the drawing room-there’s a fire on.” she said to Downwave without looking at him, “I’ll make some soup.”
        “Thank you, thank you. Christ I’m loaded.”
        “You’re grand.” consoled Downwave.
    Mrs. Wyse nursed Turbo with hare soup. She asked about his son and he said that he would be moving to him in the New Year.
        “I’ll miss you, Boney.” said Mrs. Wyse and Downwave nodded in agreement.
        “Sorry to hear that.” mumbled Turbo rising from the chair. He staggered against the table and Downwave rushed to support him.     “Jesus. Give me a hand up the stairs, will you?” he mumbled to Downwave.
         It was a slow climb, Penny watching from below. Turbo was footless, she had never seen anyone dressed so well being so drunk- apart from that wealthy doctor who used come visiting the Hamiltons in Glenbay House. And she did see Mitchland the Chemist fairly sodden one Christmas… Mitch was a natty dresser…  She heard Turbo jingle his bedroom door key. The bed creaked and boots hit the floor. Downwave asked if he was alright. A couple of minutes later the aide treaded down stairs smiling.
        “He’s some character Mrs Wyse.”
        “A lovely man.”
        “He’s here with you since Garland, hah. What does he do all the day?”
          “He’s writing a book about his life.” she said.
         “Bullshit Penny. That man is a gangster.. a right trimmer..”
          “I beg your pardon Mr. Downwave. No crooks sleep under my roof.” And then she thought about St. Claire’s wallet and wondered if he knew .
         “Ahh Christ Penny… I didn’t mean it like that..no, no, what I meant was that he’s a bit of a rogue.”
        “He’s in a good town.”
    “But Christ Penny, he’s well off.”
    “Very.” she said sharply, “Mr. Downwave, I will see you to the door. Thank you for helping Mr. Tracy home.”

    Turbo rose two days later, sporting a new tweed jacket and dove grey hat. Penny smelled money and danced him. He grunted and asked if there was mail for him.
    “No-but Gerard Downwave called here and asked that you go up to his house as soon as you can.”
    “Downwave. The man who was here with you the other night..you were home together in the mail car..”
    “Oh that anti-Christ…I’ve no business with him. No business with him.”
    Penny shook her head and laughed,
    “Oh Boney, your such a darling.”

        Downwave was annoyed when Turbo failed to call after a week, so he marched up to the Elms and asked to see him. Penny said her lodger was still sick from his trip to Limerick and could not be disturbed. Downwave whipped an envelope  from nowhere and said, “Give him that and tell him I’ll be back in half an hour.”
    When he returned she ushered him into the drawing room.
    “You should be ashamed of yourself for upsetting an old man like that.” she turned up her nose and snorted, “Mr. Tracy will see you in a while.”  
        Turbo was pale, he smoked a thin cigar and looked around the parlor anxiously. Downwave stretched in an armchair, shoes off, toes to the fire.
        “Turlough. You’re off color”
        “Alright.”  Turbo barked, “What do you want?”
        “You saw the piece of the ten pound note in the envelope. I know you’re forging them upstairs.” Downwave took a handful of ten pound notes from his pocket.
        “They’re good, I picked them up the night I helped you to bed. Here. You can have them back.”
        “Keep ’em, Frisky Fingers. Shove ’em. Just don’t pass them till I’ve left town.”
        “How are you goin’ to get rid of them Turlough?” asked Gerard in a friendly voice. “You have a couple of boxes of them upstairs. You must have a hundred thousand pounds or two up there.”
        “None of your business.”
         “So you passed them in Limerick, hah? You could get a long stretch in the cage for a racket like this. Especially and the country broke.”
        “Come on, come on. What’s on your mind man.” snapped Turbo.
    Gerard trotted off into revolution and the old man tired, sheilding his eyes and ears from explosions.
        “Alright.” he sighed, “So you want me to pay you for your silence and this money will go towards your revolution. Is that right?”
        “Well bollix to you. I’d prefer to wipe my arse with the money then give it to a mis-guided politico. Now get to blazes out of my sight and watch for smoke from the chimney. Come on shag off out of here.”
        “Hold it Turlough.” cried Downwave, “You’re takin’ me up wrong.. I’m only here to give you a hand…”