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This week’s Kindle questions

* Wondering when your Kindle will be upgraded with that new software update about which you may have heard? Well, don’t be so sure that it hasn’t already happened. Just to make sure that they didn’t sneak one by you, go to your “Settings” page by clicking on “Menu” at the bottom of Home. If it says “Version: Kindle 1.0.4” at the bottom of your “Settings” page, you’ve been upgraded!

* When will Kindles start shipping again in quantity? There are thousands of buyers waiting for their Kindles to arrive, but Amazon hasn’t breathed a word about what has caused a near total halt in Kindle shipments since the second week in February. Is this what happens when the “customer experience model” collides with the need for corporate silence on “proprietary information?”

* Amazon stock soared about 5% today when the company re-confirmed its 2008 financial forecast to the markets. The company CFO was especially cheery about the Kindle, saying that the device is still sold out and that the company is “scrambling” to ramp up production. Not to be snarky, but I can’t help but wonder how the markets would have taken it if he had mentioned that they haven’t shipped any Kindles in significant numbers for three weeks.