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A Special Back-to-School Treat from Kindle Nation: A Free Excerpt from Kailin Gow’s Popular Young Adult Novel FADE

FADE (Kailin Gow’s FADE Series: Book 1)

by Kailin Gow
4.0 stars – 5 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
What if you found out you never existed?“My name is Celestra Caine. I am seventeen years old, which makes me a senior at Richmond High. I never thought this would happen to me, but it has… I’m one of those people you see every day, go to school with, remember seeing at the supermarket or the mall, and then one day you don’t hear about them any longer. They’re gone, and eventually, you forget them.”Book 1 of Kailin Gow’s FADE SeriesFalling (FADE #2) – Releases October 2011Forgotten (FADE #3) – Releases December 2011Visit Kailin Gow’s FADE Series Official Facebook page for exact book release dates

A Free Excerpt From Fade by Kailin Gow …


My name is Celestra Caine. I am seventeen years old, which makes me a senior at Richmond High. I never thought this would happen to me, but it has… I’m one of those people you see every day, go to school with, remember seeing at the supermarket or the mall, and then one day you don’t hear about them any longer. They’re gone, and eventually, you forget them.

Not that I’m easy to forget, as much as I might occasionally wish that I were. I’m tall, about five-seven, and I’m willowy. Built for running, my mom always says. Then there’s my hair. It’s a bright blonde that always attracts attention, from men and women. The women always want to know what I’ve done with it, and some of them won’t believe that it’s simply my natural hair color. The men… like I said, sometimes I wish I didn’t attract quite so much attention. Sometimes I think it might be better if I blended in a little more.

It’s not all bad, though. My boyfriend, Grayson, loves my hair. He loves touching it, and I love it when he’s that close to me. I love it when he gives me that look he has that says, not just that he loves me, but that he always will. That I’m the only girl for him. It’s worth standing out a little for a look like that from a guy like Grayson.

I first met him running track- he’s the captain of the school team, so it’s probably appropriate that I’m at practice with him on the day it starts. Then again, I’m at practice with him most days, so maybe it was always going to work out like that. We finish up, and Grayson invites me back to his place for dinner, but I can’t. I have to be home, so I tell him that I’ll see him tomorrow and get going.

It doesn’t take me long to make my way home, since it’s not that far from the school. The house is nice enough, in a neighborhood where there’s no trouble, and there are plenty of families around. Dad’s car is in the drive, so I guess he must have gotten back early from his work as a biochemical engineer. Mom will be there too by now. She teaches kindergarten, and she’s always home before me. Even as I walk through the front door, I can picture her in the kitchen, working away at dinner, maybe yelling at my brother, Bailey, not to spend too much time online before he’s done his homework. It’s just how things are in our house.

Except today, something is different. I know that from the moment I set foot through the door. I can’t put my finger on it for a second or two, but then I realize what it is. The house is quiet.

“Mom? Dad? Hello?” I call it out, moving through into the living room, then the kitchen. There’s no sign of either of them. They aren’t there when I check the rest of the rooms on the ground floor, either, which is weird. By 6 pm, at least one of them is always there.

Still, maybe it’s nothing. Maybe the sinking feeling I have in the pit of my stomach is just an overactive imagination playing tricks on me. For all that I still can’t help feeling that there’s something wrong, it’s not like the place has been trashed, or anything. It’s not like anything has obviously been stolen, or is out of place. The opposite, if anything. The whole ground floor is neat, tidy.

Maybe Mom and Dad have just gone next door for a moment. I latch onto that thought, heading upstairs. Bailey will know. He might not pay much attention to things that don’t involve computers, but Mom and Dad will at least have told him where they were going.

“Bailey?” I knock on the door to his room, but there’s no answer. Telling myself that he probably has headphones on while he’s playing one of those online games of his, I invoke big sister’s prerogative and open the door anyway.

Bailey isn’t there either. And his room’s neat. Too neat. Bailey is, like little brothers everywhere, I guess, a one boy disaster zone. This looks like one of those occasions when Mom has finally gotten tired of telling him to clean his room and done it for him, which means that Bailey can’t have been back since.

In fact, the whole house has that feel. Like someone has scrubbed it from top to bottom, and no one has been in it to mess it up yet. That probably doesn’t sound like a big deal, but for me, it’s enough. Enough to send me hurrying around the house, looking for clues as to what might be happening. Because there’s something happening. I’m certain of it.

I go to search every room again, even though it doesn’t make sense. After all, Mom and Dad and Bailey aren’t about to leap out from behind the sofa, are they? There’s still no sign of them. More than that, beyond the car in the drive, there’s still no sign that any of them has even been home.

I check my messages. Maybe there’s an explanation there. There’s nothing. There’s nothing when I check my emails, either. Not even the usual stuff I’d get most days, which only makes me bite my lip harder with the worry of it. I don’t like this. I really don’t like this.

Should I call the cops? That thought springs into my head from nowhere. What would I tell them, though? That something doesn’t feel right in my house, and that it looks like a team of cleaners has been through the place? They’d laugh at me, or worse, accuse me of wasting their time.

I haven’t called my parents yet, so I try that next. I get out my cellphone and call the number for my father. It doesn’t even ring. Instead, I just get this message, saying “Error, number not recognized.”

The same thing happens when I call my mother, and when I try to connect to the number for the cellphone Bailey has ‘for emergencies’. I’ve sometimes wondered what kind of emergencies a ten year old can have. I guess now I know. I’m breathing faster now, and I know I’m starting to panic. This kind of thing just doesn’t happen in D.C. Not that I know what “This kind of thing” is yet.

I punch in another obvious number. That of my Aunt Chrissie. She’s my mother’s sister, and my parents always say that if anything serious happens, and they aren’t around, I should ring her. I’m not sure what good it’s meant to do, ringing a woman we hardly ever see to come and ride in to save the day, but right now, I’m willing to try anything.

“Error. Number not-”

“Stupid thing!” I throw my phone and it bounces off the sofa, coming to rest on the carpet. I stand there seething with anger at it for a minute, my head spinning as I try to make some sense of all this. There has to be a logical explanation for all of it, right?People don’t just… disappear.

Only, I can’t think of an explanation that works. Unless I’m willing to believe that my parents and brother have all chosen to call in on one of the neighbors together right at the moment when a freak fault has developed in my phone, and what are the chances of that?

This is really starting to weird me out. So much so that I can barely breathe with it, while my stomach is tight with the apprehension running through it. Nothing good is happening. I’m certain of that now. I just wish I were as certain about what to do next. I need to calm down. To think.

Grayson. I latch onto thoughts of him like a life preserver. He’s always been my rock; always been there for me. Whenever I panic about not getting good enough grades to make the track scholarship to Georgetown, he’s the one who talks me through it and helps me study. When I’m down about my track times or just annoyed with my little brother, he’s the one who picks me up.

Even though this feels so much more serious than that, I snatch up my phone and speed dial his number. For once, I don’t get that stupid message, either. Now all I need is for Grayson to pick up.

Come on, Grayson, pick up.

He answers on the fifth ring, though given how fast my pulse is currently racing, it feels far longer.

“Hello?” he asks. “Celestra?”

I’m so happy to hear his voice in that moment that I can’t think of anything to say. There’s too much of it, and it all sounds so crazy. There’s the house, and the emptiness, and the stuff with my phone. For a couple of seconds, all I can do is stand there, listening to him on the other end of the phone like some kind of weird stalker.

“Celes, is that you? Are you all right?”

His use of that pet version of my name snaps me out of it. This is Grayson. I can tell him anything, even the strange stuff. He’ll find a way to make all this make sense, or at least a way to make me feel better about it. I open my mouth to explain. To simply say his name.

Before I can get the words out, my cellphone dies. Just dies, without an explanation. There’s no power, even though I’m sure I charged it up this morning. It won’t turn on, it won’t light up, and it certainly won’t let me say anything to the one person who might be able to help me. I stand there, just staring at it dumbly, for a second after a second.

The main house phone starts to ring in the kitchen. It’s an old thing my dad liked the look of and had rewired, even though we all have individual cellphones. The ring is harsh, cutting through the silence of the house in a way that only emphasizes it.

Has Grayson called me back on the house number, guessing what has happened to my phone? That must be it. I rush through to the kitchen, knowing that I have to talk to someone about this, or I’m going to burst. I snatch up the handset, cutting off that sharp ringing.


“Celestra Caine?”

A man’s voice. It’s not Grayson. It’s not anyone I know. And yet, whoever he is, he obviously knows me. Coming here and now, I know the call has to have something to do with whatever is going on.

“Who is this?” I ask.

“Celestra Caine, you are about to fade.”


My eyes flutter open, and I struggle to work out what’s going on. Have I passed out? I can’t remember. I can’t remember anything after the strange phone call. I sit up, and find that I’m on a plush white sofa, in a room that definitely isn’t anywhere in my family’s house. It’s more like one of those chic urban lofts you see on TV sometimes. The ones that look like no one could possibly live there, and they could only ever be for show. The furniture is monochrome, with plenty of glass and steel thrown in, only there aren’t any windows, just smooth walls that seem to be made from some kind of metal.

There’s a guy there too, sitting in an armchair across from me with a glass coffee table between us. He’s maybe three or four years older than me, and he looks like he has just stepped off a GQ cover, with his heavily styled dark hair, square jaw, and elegantly tailored suit that does a lot for his athletic frame. Aside from Grayson, he’s probably one of the most handsome guys I’ve met in person. He has one leg crossed over the other, his fingers steepled as he watches me with eyes such a pale blue they’re almost like shards of ice.

I sit up so sharply that it’s dizzying, and for a moment, I have to lean back against the sofa to steady myself.

“Easy, Celestra.”

His accent is British, very carefully refined. Just those words are enough to make me want to know what exactly is going on. I can think of plenty of possibilities-I’ve seen the news before, after all- and none of them are very nice.

“Where am I?” I ask. “Where are my parents and my brother? Where’s my home? And who are you?”

He blinks a couple of times before smiling faintly as though something has just amused him. “I’m afraid you’re not in Kansas anymore, Dorothy.”

Wizard of Oz references? I’m somewhere, I don’t know where, and that’s the best I get? Well, I’m not some dumb little girl willing to put up with that, and he certainly isn’t any kind of wizard.

“Where am I?” I demand, my voice rising. “Where’s my family?”

“You still have memories of them?” He says it like it’s not that big a surprise, but like it’s still something to be regretted. “That’s… unfortunate. It would have been better had you forgotten them. They’ve already forgotten you.”

“What?” I can’t help that. The word just escapes. “What are you talking about?”

For a moment, the guy does look genuinely regretful. “They faded, just like you, Celestra. Only they didn’t keep their memories, the way you did.”

I still don’t understand. “Are you saying that my parents have-”

“Forgotten you. Yes.” He raises a hand to stop me from responding. “Don’t worry about them now. They’re safe. They’re just living a different life together as a family. All three of them.”

All three of them, leaving no place for me. I shake my head. “What about me? You can’t do this. I’m a minor. I should be with them. I shouldn’t be… wherever this is. Where is this?”

“We’re still in the U.S. if that helps,” the young man says. “But like I said, you’re not in Kansas anymore. You’re off the map, down the rabbit hole, and so far through the looking glass that going back… well, that probably won’t ever happen, Celestra.”

For a moment, I can’t help the anger that wells up in me. “How about you stop spouting stupid quotes from literature and tell me something useful? I have rights, you know.”

He shrugs. Apparently, my anger doesn’t make that much difference to him. “You’re in an undisclosed location, and it’s better for you to not know where you are right now.”

He stands then, moving across to one of the walls, where there’s a small kitchen area recessed into it. He opens a drawer, pulling out a tray piled high with fruit and bread and returning to set it down on the glass table.

“You must be hungry.”

The food looks good, and my body tells me that I haven’t eaten in a while, though exactly how long, I don’t know. I won’t let myself be distracted by something like that, though. Not when I still don’t have any answers.

“I want to know what’s going on,” I say, folding my arms. “You haven’t told me a thing about who you are and what’s going on. I mean, you dress like some kind of TV spy or something, but you could be anybody. And as for that crap about my parents forgetting me, I’m not buying that. Where are they?”

The young man sighs then. “Look, Ms. Caine…Celestra, in time you will find out what this is about, but right now everything I say will come as too much of a shock to you, and there isn’t time for that. Your parents are safe; your brother is safe. That’s really all I can tell you.”

“Not even your name?” I demand.

It takes him a moment to answer. Is he making something up, or just deciding whether to tell me?

“Jack Simple.”

Making it up then, because that couldn’t be someone’s real name. “Why not just call yourself John Doe and have done with it?”

He, Jack, doesn’t smile. “You need to start eating, Celestra. You’ll need all the energy you can get.”

My thin thread of fear is back. I still have no idea what is going to happen to me.

“Why?” I ask, and he moves around the table, drawing me to my feet. Moving me a little way from the table too, I notice.

“Because,” Jack whispers, and this close, he only has to whisper, “you are in a great deal of danger.”

At that instant, the wall nearest to us explodes inwards in a shower of dust and debris as something plows into the spot where we were both just sitting. Jack is between me and the worst of it, his suit taking a covering of dust as he pushes me back away from the breach. Away from the military-grade Humvee that has just come straight through it.

There are men clambering out of it, wearing black from their roll neck sweaters down to their combat boots. They’re armed, with vicious looking sub-machine guns, but then… Jack has a gun of his own. It’s a sleek, efficient looking pistol, which he has raised even before I’ve finished flinching at the initial crash of the Humvee into the room. He fires three swift shots, and the black-clothed men scramble for cover behind their vehicle.

Jack grabs my arm then, dragging me to one side of the room. The wall seems almost to melt away, revealing a corridor. “Run if you want to live.”

I run. I run so fast that Jack can barely keep up with me. Gunfire sounds behind us in a chatter of automatic fire, and Jack turns, firing another couple of shots back down the corridor behind us. We round a corner and he gestures for me to stop.

“Down there.”

‘There’ is an air duct, whose grill swings open as I pull it. While I’m doing that, Jack is busy firing back around the corner.

“You can’t be serious,” I say.

“Do I look like I’m joking? Now hurry up. It’s only a matter of time before they start using grenades.”

He’s serious. I climb in, and climb down, half crawling, half sliding. This definitely isn’t any normal air duct. Real ones aren’t big enough to climb through, and they generally have things like fans in the way. This is an escape route. Jack planned for this possibility.

The air duct opens out onto a street, where cool air blows around me, and the sky above is dark. The building I’ve just come out of is a large one, like an apartment block. For a second, just a second, I think about running, but then Jack is there beside me, clambering out of the duct. He pulls something from an inside pocket, a device that looks to me like a garage door opener, and presses the button.

The building beside us is rocked by an explosion, several windows crashing outward in gouts of flame. Smoke pours from the air duct we’ve just come down.

“That’s just enough to keep them away for a while,” Jack says, like it’s the most natural thing in the world to have just blown up a building. “Come on.”

Thanks to the grip he takes on my upper arm, I don’t really have a choice as he leads me to a small lot behind the building, where there’s an expensive looking sports car parked. I must admit to liking the look of it. Hey, I’m a runner. I like things that go fast.

Jack smiles. He must have noticed me admiring the car. “A beauty, isn’t she? An Aston Martin DB9. Certainly the fastest getaway car I have ever had for an assignment. Now hop in, before our friends come after us.”

I do it, but I also latch onto the key word there. “Assignment?”

“Fading someone.” He puts the car in gear and sets off. I expect him to drive a hundred miles an hour, but actually, he just slips into traffic quietly. “That’s making sure they disappear without a trace, like they never existed. Usually, it’s for their protection, as in your family’s case.” I see him glance my way then. “In yours… I’m not so sure. You’re a special case, something we’ve never seen before or encountered. It’s a privilege for them to trust me with such an important assignment.”

I return his look with interest. I’m not just someone’s assignment. Even the assignment of some good looking guy who’s so confident in himself. I apparently have armed men chasing me, and I need more than that kind of cockiness right now.

Jack seems to get that, because his expression turns apologetic. “Look, Celestra, I think I know what you’re going through…you’re scared, you don’t know what’s going to happen next, you want your old life back.” His hand reaches over to pat mine. “And I wish I could make this easier on you, but you can’t have your old life back again. You’re in a lot of danger, and you’re going to need to trust me if you want to get through it.”

“Trust you?” I ask. “I don’t even know you.”

“I know,” Jack says, glancing at the road just long enough to overtake the car in front. “But you still have to. This danger isn’t just to you. It’s to your parents, brother, aunt…”

Everyone I might care about, in other words. Which raises one obvious question. “What about Grayson? He’s my-”

“Boyfriend, I know.” Jack says it evenly. “I had to watch you for several weeks before all this. I saw you at track practice with him.”

“That’s very… creepy.” Well, what else can I call it when a guy, even some kind of secret agent assigned to protect me, stalks me like that?

“Well, can I say that, as someone who has stalked you, you are a very interesting young woman, Celestra Caine?”

“And that just makes you sound like some kind of pervert,” I snap.

Jack seems faintly amused by my anger. I’m glad one of us is.

“But that’s not the reason why I had to watch you,” he says after a second. “It’s because, Celeste, you could pose a danger to everyone.”




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Announcing our new Romance of the Week, Dianne Venetta’s Jennifer’s Garden: “A must-read romance”

Dianne Venetta’s Jennifer’s Garden, with an average rating of 4.8/5 stars, is here to sponsor dozens of great free romance titles in the Kindle Store!

Jennifer’s Garden

by Dianne Venetta
4.8 stars – 5 Reviews

Here’s the set-up:

In a race against time, cardiologist Jennifer Hamilton is caught between her mother’s dying wish and taking the risk of a lifetime with Jackson Montgomery. He’s the man hired to complete the landscaping for her new home; the venue for her upcoming wedding. He’s everything she never wanted in a man, but his lure pulls strong, putting her career on the line…

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Announcing our new Thriller of the Week, Stefan Wit’s Kiss of the Mamba: “Once you start reading, you won’t want to stop!”

Check out Stefan Wit’s ‘cerebral’ thriller, Kiss of the Mamba, with an average rating of 4.8/5 stars, here to sponsor dozens of great free mystery and thriller titles in the Kindle Store!

Kiss of the Mamba

by Stefan Wit
4.8 stars – 9 Reviews

Here’s the set-up:

Kiss of the Mamba is a literary adventure dealing mainly with one man’s redemption from narcissism and the bizarre path he chooses to reclaim his illusive self-respect. The novel exploits Frankie Snyder’s desperate need to be loved and respected by his peers. The unusual route author Stefan Wit chose to achieve this lofty goal is through current advancements in cognitive skill duplication, a.k.a. Human Memory Transfer.The novel features JD17 – a live human brain floating in plasma and housed in a titanium carry case. It is being couriered from Sao Paulo to Sacramento by Sharon Reid, a sassy young British neurologist employed by JC Labs of California. But who is JD17? And who is willing to pay a king’s ransom to have his unique set of memories and cognitive skills uploaded into their own biological memory banks? Or what if the elite abilities of JD17 get into the wrong hands – or worse, wrong heads?Follow Sharon and Frankie on a wildly cerebral adventure through many twists and turns, and ultimately to a shocking, yet strangely satisfying finale.

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KND Bargain Book Alert: Two Laugh-Out-Loud Comic Novels from Michael Meyer, Just $2.99 Each on Kindle!

You will laugh out loud at Mike Meyer’s two new whimsical novels filled with characters you will like and not soon forget. Please check out his recent author interview at Writing Unhooked. http://writingunhooked.wordpress.com/

The Famous Union

by Michael Meyer
4.0 stars – 2 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled

THE FAMOUS UNION is a rollicking romp through the halls of academia. Fast-paced. Hilarity at its best! It is a tongue-in-cheek look at the dismal economic situation currently taking place on a small California college campus, where tough financial decisions bring about severe disruption and hilarity to a once very proud institution of higher learning, the home of the Famous Union Fighting Orchids, whose motto is and always has been, “Just wait until next year.” The colorful characters find themselves in a fast paced read of opposing but intersecting motives and desires. Though the tone is light, the characters are well drawn and the struggles they undergo are not far removed from what is actually taking place in our economically strapped nation today. Their idiosyncrasies and strong passion for their often-conflicting desires humanly demonstrate much of what society is indeed feeling in the country today, making this a very timely contribution to the foibles of living with the terrible money throes we find ourselves having to endure in today’s strange and wonderful world of the United States. THE FAMOUS UNION is peopled with wonderful eccentrics: the newly hired professor with nothing to do, the overworked Chaucer specialist, the football coach who cannot find a way to get his players to win, his star running back who is hobbled by his own quirky nature, the exhibitionist who serves as the departmental secretary. These characters and their colleagues will make you laugh out loud as they plod through what life at this once proud institution of higher learning has now become.

The Survival of Marvin Baines

by Michael Meyer
5.0 stars – 1 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled

THE SURVIVAL OF MARVIN BAINES is a novel about real life and whimsy, as they collide head on with a man’s midlife crisis. It is fast paced and filled with colorful characters. Marvin Baines’ humorous adventures take him on a journey through which he finally realizes what is really important in life. Funny at times and yet serious too, a winning combination about life, marriage, and coming to terms with one’s own quandaries and foibles as midlife suddenly rears its head.

Mike Meyer recently retired as a writing professor from a California community college. He lives in the Southern California wine country with his wife, Kitty, and their two other cats.

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KND Bargain Book Alert! Get this Top 500 K-Store Bestseller for Just 99 Cents – Through September 6 Only! Find Out What Readers Are Saying and Schedule Terri Giuliano Long’s IN LEAH’S WAKE Now as Your Next Book Group Selection! (4.4 Stars on 38 out of 42 Rave Reviews – Just 99 Cents for a Limited Time)


(CTRR, Reviewer Recommend Award, Book Bundlz 2011 Book Club Book Pick)

by Terri Giuliano Long

4.4 stars – 42 Reviews

Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled

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Here’s the set-up:

The Tyler family had the perfect life – until sixteen-year-old Leah decided she didn’t want to be perfect anymore.

While Zoe and Will fight to save their daughter from destroying her brilliant future, Leah’s younger sister, Justine, must cope with the damage her out-of-control sibling leaves in her wake.


Will this family survive? What happens when love just isn’t enough?

Jodi Picoult fans will love this beautifully written and absorbing novel.

  • “Sometimes scary, sometimes sad, and always tender.” – Susan Straight, National Book Award finalist, author of Take One Candle Light A Room
  • In Leah’s Wake is a beautifully written and absorbing novel.” – Margot Livesey, Award-winning author of Banishing Verona
  • “Thoughtful characterization and beautifully woven prose.” – Emlyn Chand, power blogger and freelance author
  • “This is a story that will stay with you for days and weeks.” –Radical Parenting, the award-winning parenting blog written by teens
  • In Leah’s Wake is an irresistible read.” – Holly Robinson, author of The Gerbil Farmer’s Daughter: A Memoir
  • “Terri Giuliano Long writes about the complexities of marriage and parenting . . . pulled me right along, as I continued to make comparisons to my own life.” –Jennifer Donovan, Managing Editor 5 Minutes For Books
  • In Leah’s Wake is beautifully written, haunting, fascinating, and a book that has a lot to say, a lot to teach you, without getting preachy.” –Haley Stokes, Triumphal Writing
  • Recipient of the Coffee Time Reviewers Recommend (CTRR) Award. This award, selected by reviewers, recognizes outstanding writing styles in all book types and genres. –Coffee Time Romance

Terri Giuliano Long grew up in the company of stories both of her own making and as written by others. Books offer her a zest for life’s highs and comfort in its lows. She’s all-too-happy to share this love with others as a novelist and as a lecturer at Boston College.


While her passion lies in the written word, Terri’s primary inspiration comes from her interest in existential philosophy and her observations of people and human nature. Her stories expand upon the subtle truths and what-ifs of everyday life. No matter where her stories journey, they always tie back to the family–the ways we love yet, in loving, too often hurt one another, the grief, the sorrow, the revelation, and the joy.

Terri’s goal is to offer lasting hope and deep emotional connection in a compact and entertaining package.


Her life outside of books is devoted to her family. In her spare time, she enjoys walking, traveling to far-flung places, and meeting interesting people. True to her Italian-American heritage, she’s an enthusiastic cook and she loves fine wine and good food. In an alternate reality, she could have been very happy as an international food writer.


Terri loves connecting with people who share her passions. She can be reached on her website (www.tglong.com), blog (www.tglong.com/blog), Facebook page (www.facebook.com/tglongwrites) or on Twitter (www.twitter.com/tglong).


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Kindle Nation Bargain Book Alert! PULSE – What if You Can Begin Life All Over Again? In Kailin Gow’s novel PULSE, Kalina is the elusive dream all vampires have – to return to their human state. Free Excerpt and a Note to Readers from Kailin Gow: “Vampires are fun, dangerous, sexy, romantic, and everything you imagine them to be.”

Dear Readers:

As noted in my dedication to blood donors, PULSE is a book inspired by my personal experience with extreme blood loss, as every book I write comes from personal experience or revelations. Although I have other series with vampires – Wicked Woods, The Stoker Sisters, and Harold the Kung Fu Kid, this series is different in that it’s about the romanticism of blood to humans and to vampires.  I wouldn’t say it’s more romantic, but it does have a lot of kissing. What’s similar to my other series, though, is that this series is pure fun and fantasy. That’s because vampires are fun, dangerous, sexy, romantic, and everything you imagine them to be. If you do decide to get serious and analytical about PULSE, there are discussion questions available for clubs and groups too. Thank you and enjoy!



by Kailin Gow
24 out of 36 Rave Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
17 year-old Kalina didn’t know her boyfriend was a vampire until the night he died of a freak accident. She didn’t know he came from a long line of vampires until the night she was visited by his half-brothers Jaegar and Stuart Greystone. There were a lot of secrets her boyfriend didn’t tell her. Now she must discover them in order to stay alive. But having two half-brothers vampires around has just gotten interesting.

The PULSE Series, starting with PULSE, is the Award-Winning Finalist in two categories – “Fiction: Romance” and “Fiction: Multicultural” of the 2011 International Book Awards, where Pulse’s author Kailin Gow won first place overall in Fiction Horror.

Start reading an excerpt of PULSE here:

She ran like an animal. Her clothes were wet, sopping, clinging to her thighs and to her chest, hollow and transparent around the curve of her shoulders. Her hair shook out droplets of rain; her cheeks were flushed and she was breathless. He could see her heartbeat throbbing at the side of her throat, see it in the rhythmic panting, hear it from across the street, pounding in his ears, intermingled with the thunder bolting from the sky. He could feel it – it felt like an earthquake to him, shaking his ribs, his shoulders, his legs. It had been so long since he had seen a heartbeat like hers – since he had felt a heartbeat at all.

The skies had opened up – as they so often did in North California – without any warning, without any hesitation. It was as if the smooth blue glass ceiling of the world had shattered all at once, letting the primordial oceans pound down upon the pavement. He could see her consternation, her irritation – she wanted nothing but to get out of the rain, to dry herself off, to curl up into something warm and dry.

But Jaegar loved the rain. He loved the energy – the pulse of life beating down upon the earth.


Click on the title below to keep reading the entire book for just $2.99!

by Kailin Gow

Learn about the book and series by watching the trailer here:  http://kailingow.wordpress.com/pulse-vampire-series/


Kindle Nation Bargain Book Alert! Reading is Personal for Novelist Eileen Cruz Coleman, Author of 5-Star Reads Sweetwater American ($2.99) and Rumpel, a Cursed Tales Novel (99 Cents)

Guest Post

By Eileen Cruz Coleman


I think I always knew I wanted to be a writer. But I didn’t start seriously writing until I was in my early twenties. I was desperately trying to heal from a past experience. For me, writing helped me heal. I sat down one day and wrote my little heart out. It was an honest piece of writing; I dug deep and put it all on paper. I read it to my then boyfriend, now husband. His response was, “You should try and get this published.” And so I did. I published my first piece of writing when I was twenty-five years old. I was hooked after that!

Soon after publishing my first piece of writing, I wrote the novel that later became Sweetwater American, the story of an orphan who is sent to live in a cursed town in El Salvador with her godmother, a woman whom she has never met and who may hold the secret to breaking the town’s curse: no babies have been born alive in five years.

I then wrote my second novel, Rumpel. I first heard the story of Rumpelstiltskin when I was seven years old. I remember sitting in “circle time” while my teacher read the story. When she got to the end, I felt that there had to be more to the story.

I honestly thought she had read us a shortened version and that the longer version was out there somewhere! From that day on, the story of Rumpelstiltskin fascinated me. I wanted to know why he wanted a baby. What was he going to do with it once he got it? Who were the people in his life? What was his world like? What was his childhood like? All of these questions led me to write Rumpel which is a retelling of Rumpelstiltskin. In keeping with the original Brothers Grimm Rumpelstiltskin, Rumpel is dark and at times disturbing, yet it also has a light and quirky element to it in that it is told from the point of view of many different characters all of which play an integral part of the story and how it unfolds. We also get to know Rumpelst

iltskin as a child, then as a young man, and finally as a broken hearted adult.

Reading is such a personal thing. All I can ask of readers is to take a chance on my books. After that, I step aside and mind my own business.

by Eileen Cruz Coleman
4.3 stars – 10 Reviews
Lending: Enabled
by Eileen Cruz Coleman
5.0 stars – 2 Reviews

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