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KND Freebies: The captivating DESTINED FOR LOVE by NY Times bestselling author Melissa Foster is featured in today’s Free Kindle Nation Shorts except

in Women’s Fiction
Voted Best Book Series of 2013 by Supportive Business Moms, UK

“Another winner! I have spent yet another sleepless night, lying in bed with a Braden man…and I am not disappointed…These men are so easy to fall in love with.”

The disconcertingly dreamy rancher Rex Braden is back…in this fun, hot romance series by New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Melissa Foster.

Don’t miss it while it’s 50% off the regular price!

Here’s the set-up:

Rex Braden is wealthy, hard working, and fiercely loyal. Sweat at his brow, he works the family ranch by day, then kicks back at night with part time lovers who require nothing more than his physical presence a few times each week. But that was before. Before Jade Johnson, the daughter of the man his father has been feuding with for over forty years, moves back into town.

After ditching a horrific relationship–and her veterinary practice in the process–Jade Johnson returns to the safety of her small hometown and finally finds her footing. That is…until her horse is injured and Rex Braden comes to her rescue. The last thing she needs is a bull-headed, too-handsome-for-his-own-good Braden complicating her life.

Despite the angry family history, sparks fly between Rex and Jade, and attitudes follow. Fifteen years of stifled, forbidden love stirs a surge of passion too strong for either to deny–and the rebel in each of them rears its powerful head. Loyalties are tested, and relationships are strained. Rex and Jade are about to find out if true love really can conquer all.

Please note: This book contains adult content. Not meant for readers under 18 years of age.

5-star praise for Destined for Love:

“The love gets hotter and runs deeper with each of Melissa Foster’s new romances!”

Contemporary romance has found its new breakout author…Steamy scenes interlaced with strong family values…”

an excerpt from

Destined for Love
by Melissa Foster


Copyright © 2014 by Melissa Foster and published here with her permission

Chapter One

REX BRADEN AWOKE before dawn, just as he had every Sunday morning for the past twenty-six years—since the Sunday after his mother died, when he was eight years old. He didn’t know what had startled him awake on that very first Sunday after she’d passed, but he swore it was her whispering voice that led him down to the barn and had him mounting Hope, the horse his father had bought for his mother when she first became ill. In the years since, Hope had remained strong and healthy; his mother, however, had not been as lucky.

In the gray, predawn hours, the air was still downright cold, which wasn’t unusual for May in Colorado. By afternoon they’d see temps in the low seventies. Rex pulled his Stetson down low on his head and rounded his shoulders forward as he headed into the barn.

The other horses itched to be set free the moment he walked by their stalls, but Rex’s focus on Sunday mornings was solely on Hope.

“How are you, girl?” he asked in a deep, soft voice. He saddled Hope with care, running his hand over her thick coat. Her red coat had faded, now boasting white patches along her jaw and shoulders.

Hope nuzzled her nose into his massive chest with a gentle neigh. Most of his T-shirts had worn spots at his solar plexus from that familiar nudge. Rex had helped his father on the ranch ever since he was a boy, and after graduating from college, he’d returned to the ranch full-time. Now he ran the show—well, as much as anyone could run anything under Hal Braden’s strong will.

“Taking our normal ride, okay, Hope?” He looked into her enormous brown eyes, and not for the first time, he swore he saw his mother’s beautiful face smiling back at him, the face he remembered from before her illness had stolen the color from her skin and the sparkle from her eyes. Rex put his hands on Hope’s strong jaw and kissed her on the soft pad of skin between her nostrils. Then he removed his hat and rested his forehead against the same tender spot, closing his eyes just long enough to sear that image into his mind.

They trotted down the well-worn trail in the dense woods that bordered his family’s five-hundred-acre ranch. Rex had grown up playing in those woods with his five siblings. He knew every dip in the landscape and could ride every trail blindfolded. They rode out to the point where the trail abruptly came to an end at the adjacent property. The line between the Braden ranch and the unoccupied property might be invisible to some. The grass melded together, and the trees looked identical on either side. To Rex, the division was clear. On the Braden side, the land had life and breath, while on the unoccupied side, the land seemed to exude a longing for more.

Hope instinctively knew to turn around at that point, as they’d done so many times before. Today Rex pulled her reins gently, bringing her to a halt. He took a deep breath as the sun began to rise, his chest tightening at the silent three hundred acres of prime ranch land that would remain empty forever. Forty-five years earlier, his father and Earl Johnson, their neighbor and his father’s childhood friend, had jointly purchased that acreage between the two properties with the hopes of one day turning it over for a profit. After five years of arguing over everything from who would pay to subdivide the property to who they’d sell it to, both Hal and Earl took the hardest stand they could, each refusing to ever sell. The feud still had not resolved. The Hatfields’ and McCoys’ harsh and loyal stance to protect their family honor was mild compared to the loyalty that ran within the Braden veins. The Bradens had been raised to be loyal to their family above all else. Rex felt a pang of guilt as he looked over the property, and not for the first time, he wished he could make it his own.

He gave a gentle kick of his heels and tugged the rein in his right hand, Hope trotted off the path and along the property line toward the creek. Rex’s jaw clenched and his biceps bulged as they descended the steep hill toward the ravine. The water was as still as glass when they finally reached the rocky shoreline. Rex looked up at the sky as the gray gave way to powdery blues and pinks. In all the years since he’d claimed those predawn hours as his own, he’d never seen a soul while he was out riding, and he liked it that way.

They headed south along the water toward Devil’s Bend. The ravine curved at a shockingly sharp angle around the hillside and the water pooled, deepening before the rocky lip just before the creek dropped a dangerous twenty feet into a bed of rocks. He slowed when he heard a splash and scanned the water for the telltale signs of a beaver, but there wasn’t a dam in sight.

Rex took the bend and brusquely drew Hope to a halt. Jade Johnson stood at the water’s edge in a pair of cutoff jean shorts, that ended just above the dip where her hamstrings began. He’d seen her only once in the past several years, and that was weeks ago, when she’d ridden her stallion down the road and stopped at the top of their driveway. Rex raked his eyes down her body and swallowed hard. Her cream-colored T-shirt hugged every inch of her delicious curves, a beautiful contrast to her black-as-night hair, which tumbled almost to her waist. Rex noticed that her hair was the exact same color as her stallion, which was standing nearby with one leg bent at the knee.

Jade hadn’t seen him yet. He knew he should back Hope up and leave before she had the chance. But she was so goddamned beautiful that he was mesmerized, his body reacting in ways that had him cursing under his breath. Jade Johnson was Earl Johnson’s feisty daughter. She was off-limits—always had been and always would be. But that didn’t stop his pulse from racing, or the crotch of his jeans from tightening against his growing desire. Fifteen years he’d forced himself not to think about her, and now, as her shoulders lifted and fell with each breath, he couldn’t stop himself from wondering what it might feel like to tangle his fingers in her thick mane of hair, or how her breasts would feel pressed against his bare chest. He felt the tantalizing stir of the forbidden wrestling with his deep-seated loyalty to his father—and he was powerless to stop himself from being the prick of a man that usually resulted from the conflicting emotions.

JADE JOHNSON KNEW she shouldn’t have ridden Flame down the ravine, but she’d woken up from a restless, steamy dream before the sun came up, and she needed a release for the sexual urges she’d been repressing for way too long. Goddamned Weston, Colorado. How the hell was a thirty-one-year-old woman supposed to have any sort of relationship with a man in a town when everybody knew one another’s business? She’d thought she had life all figured out; after she graduated from veterinary school in Oklahoma, she’d completed her certifications for veterinarian acupuncture while also studying equine shiatsu, and then she’d taken on full-time hours at the large animal practice where she’d worked a limited schedule while completing school. She’d dated the owner’s son, Kane Law, and when she opened her own practice a year later, she thought she and Kane would move toward having a future together. How could she have known that her success would be a threat to him—or that he’d become so possessive that she’d have to end the relationship? Coming back home had been her only option after he refused to stop harassing her, and now that she’d been back for a few months, she was thinking that maybe returning to the small town had been a mistake. She’d gotten her Colorado license easily enough, but instead of building a real practice again, she’d been working on more of an as-needed basis, traveling to neighboring farms to help with their animals without any long-term commitment, while she figured out where she wanted to put down roots and try again.

She heaved a heavy rock into the water with a grunt, pissed off that she’d taken this chance with Flame by coming down the steep hill. She knew better, but Flame was a sturdy Arabian stallion, and at fifteen hands high, he had the most powerful hindquarters she’d ever seen. Flame’s reaction time to commands and his ability to spin, turn, or sprint forward was quicker than any horse she’d ever mounted. His short back, strong bones, and incredibly muscled loins made him appear indestructible. When Flame stumbled, Jade’s heart had nearly skipped a beat. He’d quickly regained his footing, but the rhythm of his gait had changed, and when she’d dismounted, he was favoring his right front leg. Now she was stuck with no way to get him home without hurting him further.

Damn it. She bent over and hoisted another heavy rock into her arms to heave more of her frustration into the water. Her hair fell like a curtain over her face, and she used one dusty hand to push it back over her shoulder, then picked up the rock and—shit. She dropped the rock and narrowed her eyes at the sight of Rex Braden sitting atop that mare of his.

The nerve of him, staring at me like I’m a piece of meat. Even if he was every girl’s dream of a cowboy come true in his tight-fitting jeans, which curved oh so lusciously over his thighs, defining a significant bulge behind the zipper. She ran her eyes up his too-tight dark shirt and silently cursed at herself for involuntarily licking her lips in response. She tried to tear her eyes from his tanned face, peppered with stubble so sexy that she wanted to reach out and touch his chiseled jaw, but her eyes would not obey.

“What’re you looking at?” she spat at the son of the man who had caused her father years of turmoil. When she’d first come back to town, she’d hoped maybe things had changed. She’d ridden by the Braden’s ranch while she was out with Flame one afternoon. Rex and his family were out front, commiserating over an accident that had just happened in their driveway, resulting in two mangled cars. She’d tried to see if they needed help, to break the ice of the feud that had gone on since before she was born, but while his brother Hugh had at least spoken to her, Rex had just narrowed those smoldering dark eyes of his and clenched that ever-jumping jaw. She’d be damned if she’d accept that treatment from anyone, especially Rex Braden. Despite her best efforts to forget his handsome face, for years he’d been the only man she’d conjured up in the darkest hours of the nights, when loneliness settled in and her body craved human touch. It was always his face that pulled her over the edge as she came apart beneath the sheets.

“Not you, that’s for sure,” he answered with a lift of his chin.

Jade stood up tall in her new Rogue boots and settled her hands on her hips. “Sure looks like you’re staring at me.”

Rex cracked a crooked smile as he nodded toward the water. “Redecorating the ravine?”

“No!” She walked over to Flame and ran her hand down his flank. Why him? Of all the men who could ride up, why does it have to be the one guy who makes my heart flutter like a schoolgirl’s?

“Taking a break, that’s all.” She couldn’t take her eyes off of his bulging biceps. Even as a teenager, he’d had the nervous habit of clenching his jaw and arms at the same time—and, Jade realized, the effect it had on her had not diminished one iota.

“Lame stallion?” he asked in a raspy, deep voice.

Everything he said sounded sensual. “No.” What happened to my vocabulary? She’d been three years behind Rex in school, and in all the years she’d known him, he probably hadn’t said more than a handful of words to her. She narrowed her eyes, remembering how she’d pined over each one of his grumbling syllables, even though they were usually preceded by a dismissive grunt of some sort, which she had always attributed to the feud that preceded her birth.

“All righty then.” He turned his horse and walked her back the way he’d come.

Jade stared at his wide back as it moved farther and farther away. Damn it. What if no one else comes along? She looked up at the sun making its slow crawl toward the sky, guessing it was only six thirty or seven. No one else was going to come by the ravine. She cursed herself for not carrying her cell phone. She wasn’t one of those women who needed to be accessible twenty-four-seven. She carried it during the day, but this morning, she’d just wanted to ride without distraction. Now she was stuck, and he was her only hope. Getting Flame home was more important than any family feud or her own conflicting hateful and lustful thoughts for the conceited man who was about to disappear around the corner.

She shook her head and kicked the dirt, wishing she’d worn her riding boots. The toes of her new Rogues were getting scuffed and dirty. Could today get any worse?

“Hey!” she called after him. When he didn’t stop, she thought he hadn’t heard her. “I said, Hey!”

He came to a slow stop, but didn’t turn around. “You talking to me? I thought you were talking to that lame horse of yours.” He cast a glance over his shoulder.

Jerk. “His name is Flame, and he’s the best damned horse around, so watch yourself.”

His horse began its lazy stroll once again.

“Wait!” Goddamn it! She gritted her teeth against the desire to call him an ass and shot a look at Flame. He was still favoring his leg, which softened her resolve.

“Wait, please.”

His horse came to another stop.

“I need to get him home, and I can’t very well do it myself.” She kicked the dirt again as he turned his horse and walked her back. He stared down at Jade with piercing dark eyes, his jaw still clenched.

 “Can you help me get him out of here?” Up close, his muscles were even larger, more defined, than she’d thought. His neck was thicker too. Everything about him exuded masculinity. She crossed her arms to settle her nerves as he waited a beat too long to answer. “Listen, if you can’t—”

“Don’t get your panties in a bunch,” he said, calm and even.

“You don’t have to be rude.”

“I don’t have to help at all,” he said, mimicking her by crossing his arms.

“Fine. You’re right. Sorry. Can you please help me get him out of here? He can’t make it up that hill.”

“Just how do you suppose I do that?” He glanced at the steep drop of the land just twenty feet ahead of them, then back up the ravine at the rocky shoreline. “You shouldn’t have brought him down here. Why are you riding a stallion, anyway? They’re temperamental as hell. What were you thinking? A girl like you can’t handle that horse on this type of terrain.”

“A girl like me? I’ll have you know that I’m a vet, and I’ve worked around horses my whole life.” She felt her cheeks redden and crossed her arms, jutting her hip out in the defiant stance she’d taken throughout her teenage years.

“So I hear.” He lowered his chin and lifted his gaze, looking at her from beneath the shadow of his Stetson. “From the looks of it, all that vet schooling didn’t do you much good, now, did it?”

Ugh! He was maddening. Jade pursed her lips and stalked away in a huff. “Forget it. I can do this by myself.”

“Sure you can,” he mused.

She felt his eyes on her back as she took Flame’s reins and tried to lead him up the steep incline. The enormous horse took only three steps before stopping cold. She grunted and groaned, pleading with the horse to move, but Flame was hurt, and he’d gone stubborn on her. Her face heated to a flush.

“You keep doing what you’re doing. I’ll be back in an hour to get you and that lame horse of yours.”

An hour, great. She was aching to tell him to hurry, but she knew how long it took to hook up the horse trailer, and she had no idea how he’d get it all the way down by the ravine. She watched him ride away, feeling stupid, embarrassed, angry, and insanely attracted to the ornery jerk of a man.

Chapter Two

“WHERE’RE YOU HEADED?” Treat, Rex’s oldest brother, hollered as Rex hooked up the horse trailer.

Treat owned upscale resorts all over the world, and up until six months earlier—when he’d fallen in love with Max Armstrong, a woman he’d met at their cousin Blake’s wedding—he’d traveled eighty percent of the time, negotiating deals and conquering competition. Rex had watched Treat change and adapt his life to match his newfound love. Within a few short weeks, he’d hired corporate underlings to take over much of his traveling, and he’d decided to put down roots in Weston and help Rex and their father on the ranch.

Rex was glad for the help, and Treat was a good man. They were long past the angst he’d felt about Treat taking off after college to start his resort empire, leaving Rex to hold down the fort at home. And even though they’d confided in each other many times over the years, Rex held his tongue when it came to admitting exactly whom he was helping that chilly morning. He wasn’t proud to be helping a Johnson—even a beautiful, feisty one like Jade—but how could he leave her stranded? Hell, who was he kidding? His body was still humming from their brief encounter. There was no way he’d turn away—and there was no way he’d give his family a reason to doubt his honor.

“Just helping a buddy out. I’ll be back in an hour or so,” Rex answered, climbing into the smallest pickup truck they owned. He figured it would take him twenty minutes to get to the road that led into the ravine and another twenty minutes to maneuver down the shoreline—if the truck and trailer could even make it. Maybe I should call her own damned family to get her. He couldn’t shake the feeling that he was on the verge of something dangerous, and he couldn’t turn away, either. Rex Braden didn’t leave damsels in distress. No matter who they were.

“Want me to come along?” Treat asked.

“No!” He didn’t mean to sound so emphatic. “Sorry, it’s early. Just get started on the morning rounds. Can you give Hope some water, too? I exercised her this morning.”

“Sure, got it covered.”

THE GRASSY STRIP along the shore was too narrow to take the truck all the way down to Devil’s Bend, but he got pretty damned close. He wrestled with the lie he’d told Treat. Lying wasn’t something he enjoyed, but if his father found out he helped a Johnson, all hell was liable to break loose. Rex had made the mistake of mentioning Jade’s brother, Steve, after he pummeled Steve in high school for making a smart-ass comment about Rex’s younger sister, Savannah. He’d never forget his father’s eyes turning almost black and the gravelly, angry sound of his voice when he told him that the Johnson name was never to be spoken in their home—And when I say never, I mean never.

He reached Devil’s Bend and slowed his pace before moving around the final curve. Jade spurred a hunger in him that he’d never felt for another woman. It was a risky game he was playing, allowing himself to be in the cab of the truck with Jade. He’d survived his attraction to her for all these years by steering clear of her—and now that he was about to come as close as he’d ever been with the woman he’d secretly pined for, he wondered if he’d be able to behave.

Jade’s voice carried around the bend. “You’re such a beautiful boy. You know I’d do anything for you, even get a ride with that obnoxious hunk of a man.”

Rex’s muscles tensed. Obnoxious? Okay, yeah, he could be obnoxious. It was the hunk part that gripped him in all the right places.

“What kind of a man treats a woman like that? Huh, Flame? An arrogant, self-centered one, that’s what kind—and he probably has a tiny little thing in his pants, too—spurring on all that anger behind those rippling muscles.”

What the hell was he doing here? Tiny little thing? I’ll show you a tiny little thing! He considered leaving her there, but that would just give credence to her gibberish.

He took a deep breath and stomped around the corner. “Let’s go,” he said.

Jade flashed a victorious smile, telling him she’d known he was there all along.

She looked past him. “Where’s your trailer?”

The way the sun reflected off of her blue eyes, making them appear almost translucent, stole all of his attention. Why did she have to be so damned pretty? Why couldn’t she be a horrendously ugly woman instead of a skinny little flick of a woman with a wide mouth that he couldn’t help but want to kiss? Standing beside his six-foot-three frame, she was at least a foot shorter than him, even with those fancy boots on.

She narrowed her eyes, and he fought the urge to lean down and take her mouth in his, to taste those lips, feel her tongue, and fill his hands with her firm breasts.

“Hello?” she said with an annoyed wave of her hand. “Could you stop ogling me long enough to help me with my horse?”

Shit. What was wrong with him? He shook off the momentary fantasy and grabbed the horse’s reins. All that sexual frustration came out as a grunt and a harsh, “Let’s go,” as he marched off with her horse, as if Flame had been following him all his life, leaving her to scurry after him.

“How far is it?” she asked.

He stared at the ground before him, feeling the poor horse limping behind him. What the hell was she thinking? She couldn’t weigh more than a buck five. She shouldn’t be out here alone. Anything could happen to her.

“How’d you get the trailer down here? Was it difficult to come down the hill?”

He was so busy trying to calm his raging hard-on that his answer came out as a snap. “Jesus, just walk.” I am an ass.

She stomped ahead of him then, and he didn’t have to worry about being annoyed by her questions anymore, because as they loaded the horse in the trailer and settled into the small cab, she didn’t say one word.

He didn’t mean to be so unfriendly, but damn it, how was he supposed to react? She was so damned hot, and so damned annoying. Most women swooned over Rex, and this one…this one was downright pesty. And her sweet perfume was infiltrating not only his senses, but he could feel its delicious scent settling into his clothes. He rolled down his window as they pulled out of the narrow, winding dirt road that led away from the ravine. He navigated around giant potholes and took the ride as slow as he possibly could to protect the horse.

He stole a glance at her as she stared out the passenger window like a sullen child. Her slender nose tilted up at the tip, her cheekbones were high, like his mother’s had been, and her neck was long and graceful.

The left wheel caught on a pothole and her body flew toward him as he brought the truck to a quick stop. She caught herself with her right hand on the dashboard and her left hand clutching his forearm. For a moment their eyes locked, and he swore he saw the same want in her eyes that he felt stirring within him. How good would it feel to lean over and place his mouth over her sensuous lips?

In the next breath, she was tearing herself away from him, breathing fire, her eyes dark as night, as she scrambled out of the cab. She tugged the edges of her shorts down and stomped to the back of the trailer, where she swung the doors open.

“If you hurt him, I’ll kill you!”

What the hell was I thinking? Rex walked calmly to the rear, where the horse was safe as could be.

Jade closed the trailer doors and wagged her finger inches from Rex’s face. “Don’t you hurt that horse or else, you hear me? Who taught you to drive anyway?”

He smiled. How could he not? She looked adorable spouting off threats like she could carry them out. He had to stop thinking of her in terms of cute and sexy. She was a Johnson, end of story. He headed back toward the truck.

“Smiling? You’re laughing at me?” She stalked back to the truck.

He climbed in beside her, and she stewed the rest of the way. He finally pulled up beside the trees at the top of her property and stopped the truck. Without a word, afraid of what might come out of his mouth, Rex stepped from the truck and headed for the trailer.

“Aren’t you bringing him down to the barn?” she asked, hurrying out of truck.

He lowered the ramp and backed the horse out.

“Nope,” he said.

“What? What kind of gentleman are you?” She yanked Flame’s reins from his hands.

“The kind that knows better than to walk on Johnson property.” He tipped his hat and smiled. “You’re welcome.” He wanted nothing more than to drive down that driveway with her in the cab of the truck, if for no other reason than to be next to her for a little longer, but he’d taken enough of a risk bringing her this far. He wouldn’t dare give Earl Johnson any reason to start breathing down his father’s back. He needed to get away from the Johnson property, and he needed another damned icy cold shower.

… Continued…

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