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Friday Freebies! Seven Bestselling Free eBooks & The Best Kindle Deals on The Web, Including Spencer Adams’ Devil’s Fork ($0.99)

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A unique thriller that balances fast-paced action and the complex geopolitics of one of the world’s most mysterious nations.
Devil's Fork
by Spencer Adams
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Here's the set-up:
A man dies in North Korea's capital on a quiet Saturday morning. A few days later, the region is on the brink of war, and the CIA is scrambling to uncover North Korea's closest-held secret.

The man was a South Korean spy who, after a decade-long mission, finally discovered what the North Korean regime has been hiding for years. Before the secret police found him, he managed to send a short, cryptic message back home. His mission related to North Korea's nuclear weapons program. His message points to a hidden military base in North Korea but raises more questions than it answers.

What exactly did he discover? Why did he not just say whether North Korea has nuclear weapons?

The CIA is asked by South Korea to infiltrate the secret facility and sends Tom Hull, an operative from its elite Special Activities Division. With his military training and calm, sturdy demeanor, there is no reason why this mission should be any different from the countless other black operations Tom has conducted.

But when Tom lands on a North Korean beach, prepared to quietly maneuver towards the targeted facility at night, his world is turned upside down. Somehow the North Koreans knew of the CIA operation. Usually the hunter, Tom is now hunted. His colleagues back at CIA headquarters are holding their breath, watching as Tom methodically tries to avoid capture and succeed in the infiltration.

Over the course of the mission, Tom and the CIA uncover not just the secret long-hidden by the North Korean regime. They come to understand the psychology of totalitarian systems.
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Devil's Fork

★★Today’s Free and Bargain Books★★

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Here’s the set-up:
Welcome to the world of collapsing Communism. It is the eve of the fall of the Berlin Wall when people are still willing to risk all to cross the Iron Curtain to the West. In this adventure-packed memoir Susan Viets, a student turned journalist, arrives in Communist Hungary in 1988 and begins reporting for the Guardian, not at all prepared for what lies ahead.

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Here’s the set-up:
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Here’s the set-up:
Sara Alexi weaves an entrancing story of the burgeoning relationship that develops between two people from very different backgrounds and cultures, an English woman living in Greece and the Pakistani illegal immigrant who becomes her gardener and house boy. Each comes with their own problems, their own past baggage, and she explores these with sympathy and understanding as well as the many nuances of the differences in cultures as they become more and more dependent on each other.’

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Here’s the set-up:
Would you have the faith to do the right thing? The List is the first in the Wallis Jones series about a happy family that gets caught between two old political powers that have always existed behind the scenes, invisible to most of the public. The two sides have battled over control for hundreds of years actively recruiting new members at a young age to groom them for politics, Wall Street, Corporate corner offices and the military.

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The Outcast

by Jolina Petersheim

4.5 stars – 216 Reviews
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Or check out the Audible.com version of The Outcast
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Here’s the set-up:
Raised in an Old Order Mennonite community, Rachel Stoltzfus is a strong-willed single woman, content living apart from mainstream society until whispers stir the moment her belly swells with new life. Refusing to repent and name the partner in her sin, Rachel feels the wrath of the religious sect as she is shunned by those she loves most. She is eventually coerced into leaving by her brother-in-law, the bishop.

*  *  *

Here’s the set-up:
When Lucinda “Loose” Richards wakes up aboard an alien ship, she soon discovers she’s in for the “ride” of her life!

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Here’s the set-up:
It is the definitive guide to solving all of your problems with men, forever. How to Get ANY MAN to do ANYTHING You Want! is a humorous and unfair guide to men shows you exactly how to get what you want – when you want it – without a lot of hassle, and makes you laugh all the way to happiness and personal enlightenment. Every woman should own a copy of this book (it fits nicely in your purse, and hides well under the bed). Nothing is left to chance.

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