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Rudy Mazzocchi’s EQUITY OF EVIL is Our eBook of the Day and With 4.9 Stars on 84 out of 87 Rave Reviews & Just $3.99, You Don’t Want To Miss This – Based on True Events, This Bold Novel Involves Some of The World’s Oldest, Most Emotional and Controversial Issues – Here’s a Free Sample to Read More!

Here’s the set-up for Rudy Mazzocchi’s Equity of Evil, just $3.99 on Kindle:
EQUITY of EVIL is a shocking indictment of the pernicious role of greed in the medical world. A powerful read!”  — Robin Cook, International Best-Selling Author
Based on true events, this bold novel involves some of the world’s oldest, most emotional and controversial issues. At the core of each matter is man’s predisposition to control and take ownership of the human spirit for the sake of profit and personal gain. Such control and manipulation over the will of others is the most horrendous equity of evil.

Equity of Evil is the Winner of the Gold Medal for the Mystery/Suspense/Thriller category in the 2011 eLIT Awards and is an Award-Winning Finalist in the Suspense/Thriller category of the 2012 Next Generation Indie Book Awards.

From the reviewers:

“Has edge, great characters and is thought provoking. ” — Ken Hausman  |  41 reviewers made a similar statement

“The author does a great job of setting up the scientific/technical details so the reader can understand them and grasp the complexities. ”  —  Biomedguy  |  26 reviewers made a similar statement

“What a great read…I barely put it down for 2 days. ”  —  Christy Schulz  |  18 reviewers made a similar statement

This is a novel of suspense, of mystery; a medical thriller with thrilling insights. If you loved Michael Crichton, you’ll love this book.  –  D. Previte

A captivating medical thriller. Couldn’t put it down. It confronts you with the realities of real life tough decisions women are forced to make while men pontificate and legislate. Whether you are pro choice or pro life, the story shocks you into attention. Greed truly is the root of evil. The violence against women is discomforting but so is the real life violence against women and children and what we as a society do about it will dictate how future generations will judge our commitment to humanity and human rights.  –  Debbie

I don’t write a lot of reviews, too busy with life and when I finish a book I am immediately looking for my next good read…but Equity of Evil wasn’t just a good read…it was the kind of book that grabs you and ruins a bunch of good nights sleep.   –  Terry

Visit Amazon’s Rudy Mazzocchi Page

Rudy is best known as a medical device and biotechnology entrepreneur, inventor, and angel investor, with a history of starting new technology ventures throughout the U.S. and Europe. He’s been privileged to have the opportunity to see the newest innovations in healthcare and work with some of the most brilliant researchers, scientists and physicians in the industry.

Authoring more than 50 patents, he has helped pioneer new companies involved in cardiology, oncology, orthopedics, neurosurgery and even embryonic stem-cell development. Through these efforts, he has become the recipient of many technology and business awards, including the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year in Healthcare and the Businessman of the Year Award.

Combining these experiences and opportunities, with thousands of hours of travel and long evenings in hotel rooms, he found the initiative to start writing a collection of medical thrillers based on true events, the first of which is Equity of Evil.

And here, in the comfort of your own browser, is your free sample of EQUITY OF EVIL by Rudy Mazzocchi: