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KND Kindle Free Book Alert for October 10: Eight Bestselling Freebies, Just For Today! Plus The Best Kindle Deals Anywhere, All Sponsored by John Hartnett’s The Barber’s Conundrum and Other Stories: Observations on Life from the Cheap Seats (Today’s Sponsor – $1.99)

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"The Barber's Conundrum and Other Stories: Observations on Life from the Cheap Seats' is a semifinalist in The Kindle Book Review's 2013 Best Indie Book Awards Winners.

The Barber's Conundrum and Other Stories: Observations on Life from the Cheap Seats

by John Hartnett
4.8 stars - 65 reviews
Supports Us with Commissions Earned
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here's the set-up:
The Barber's Conundrum and Other Stories is more than just a collection of thirty-seven short literary humor pieces and humorous jokes that will make you laugh. It provides a treasure trove of tips and invaluable advice to help you navigate safely through marriage and relationships, raising kids and to finally understand the more peculiar aspects of day to day living that up until now, had been tossed into a big heap as just another one of God's mysteries.

For example, did you ever wonder why weather reporters continue to stand in the middle of raging hurricanes to tell us what hurricanes are like when everybody else already knows what hurricanes are like? Did you ever wonder why people stop their cars in the middle of the street to let geese walk past even though geese have been flying long before Cro- Magnon Man was in knee pants? Did you ever think that if aliens do exist on our planet, most of them work in customer service? They do!

All of that, and more is in the book, so what do you say? At $8.99, you're guaranteed to receive at least $10.50 worth of terrific advice and life extending laughter, which as we know is the best medicine, and there's never a co-pay with laughter so you're up well over $20 already and this is only the back cover. Think of the possibilities to save when you read the whole thing.
One Reviewer Notes:
Thanks to John Hartnett for sharing his unique and entertaining observations on the otherwise ordinary events of love, life, community, family and the world around him. In the Barber's Conundrum he has delivered a wry, witty, insightful, and delightful collection of stories. His writing is perfectly seasoned with an intelligent yet seemingly effortless humor, which quite often had me laughing out loud. John's observations may be from the cheap seats, but they are rich with humor of the finest kind. John's writing style is warm, giving, forgiving, infectious, happy and clever. More than anything else, it's really funny.
Con - On The Jersey Side
About the Author
John Hartnett was born in Jersey City, NJ, grew up in Cranford,NJ, and moved to Los Angeles in 1984 after graduating from Emerson College. He has worked in the restaurant, construction, entertainment and publishing industries as well as several others which thankfully have been suppressed from memory. He moved back to his hometown of Cranford in 1997, where his parents still reside, and is married with three children. His first love has always been comedy and his second love is his wife, but sometimes the order is reversed depending on who John Hartnett was born in Jersey City, NJ, grew up in Cranford,NJ, and moved to Los Angeles in 1984 after graduating from Emerson College. He has worked in the restaurant, construction, entertainment and publishing industries as well as several others which thankfully have been suppressed from memory. He moved back to his hometown of Cranford in 1997, where his parents still reside, and is married with three children. His first love has always been comedy and his second love is his wife, but sometimes the order is reversed depending on who's in the room with him. He also writes the humor blog: The Monkey Bellhop

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★8★ KND FREEBIES – Just For Today!

Prices may change at any moment, so always check the price before you buy! This post is dated Thursday, October 10, 2013, and the titles mentioned here may remain free only until midnight PST tonight.

Please note: References to prices on this website refer to prices on the main Amazon.com website for US customers. Prices will vary for readers located outside the US, and even for US customers, prices may change at any time. Always check the price on Amazon before making a purchase.

*  *  *

Sweet Karoline

by Catherine Astolfo

4.7 stars – 24 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Anne Williams says she killed her best friend, Karoline. But did she? Or is there more to Karoline’s mysterious death than meets the eye?  Anne embarks on a compelling journey to discover her past and exposes an unusual history, horrific crimes and appalling betrayals. Through unexpected turns and revelations, Anne learns about love, family and who she really is. Can she survive the truth?

*  *  *

Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
The Brotherhood of the Order is one of the oldest and most mysterious organizations on earth. Its primary mission is to protect one of the most carefully guarded secrets in human history, an object so enigmatic and powerful that in the wrong hands it could wreak havoc upon the earth. In the right hands it just might have the power to save humanity from its own destructive impulses.

*  *  *

What Wendy Wants

by Nikki Sex

4.4 stars – 120 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
After thirteen years of marriage and three children, Wendy Hayward is bored with sex. As much as she loves her husband, Wendy married “Mr. Vanilla.” Now she reads nothing but steamy erotic romance stories on her Kindle and fantasizes about having sex with fictional characters, complete strangers, and tattooed rock stars.

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In Cold Blonde

by James L. Conway

4.9 stars – 18 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
Alice was hot. Blonde hair. Green eyes. Great body. And smart. Only one problem, she was a cold-blooded murderer. But Alice wasn’t targeting just anyone. She had a list of men who had to die. Men who deserved to suffer because of what they did to her.

*  *  *

3.9 stars – 56 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
When Maggie Jones lets her best friend talk her into attending the annual charity mystery single’s ball to help her friend out of a jam, she never imagined she would end up paired with the most handsome, eligible man at the ball. Unfortunately, he was also the man that she had secretly adored for over a year. What chance did an overweight pastry chef have with a hunk like Jake Rawlins?

*  *  *

5.0 stars – 13 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
This eye-opening new book challenges readers to reevaluate their perceptions of God, and it thoughtfully exposes many misconceptions that are commonly found in the church of our day. Readers are led into a deeper understanding of the real God of the Bible and shown the path to a new and immensely satisfying relationship with their loving Father.

*  *  *

5.0 stars – 1 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
When three young partners start an advertising agency in Bombay, India, their dreams of instant success are fleeting as the big city proves a daunting maze of relationships intent on crushing the little guy.

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4.3 stars – 7 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
Nicholas Keller has come to terms with his Thusian heritage and has finally achieved some normalcy in his life. But when new neighbors move in next door at the beginning of his junior year, everything changes. He is launched into an impossible search, uncertain of who to trust, and this time it’s not just his own life that hangs in the balance—it’s the lives of countless others and everyone he loves.

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