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Desolate Maine shores… Murder… And peace slipping away on the outgoing tide…
Linda Hall’s mystery-suspense NIGHT WATCH: AN EM RIDGE MYSTERY
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Night Watch: An Em Ridge Mystery

by Linda Hall

Night Watch: An Em Ridge Mystery
4.6 stars – 37 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Desolate Maine shores… Murder… And peace slipping away on the outgoing tide…

For yacht delivery captain, Em Ridge, having a billionaire’s daughter go overboard on her first captaining job is not a good beginning. The sailboat is new, state of the art, her crew on this trip include two close sailing friends. But an unknown fourth, who can’t even tie a bowline, and the unruly owner’s daughter turn the idyllic trip into an adventure not wanted.

Two years ago Em buried her husband, her soulmate, her sailing buddy, and with him buried a secret. As hours on the open seas slide by, secrets are resurrected that tie Em’s past to a present, awash with murder and deception.

Will Em’s career go overboard? Will the investigating detective help her or hurt her? Any why does the best boat delivery captain on the east coast pull at her heart strings?

The oft foggy coast of Maine holds secrets it does not want to give up, and a lot of bodies can be hidden in The Pine Tree State’s largest city.


“Linda Hall is one of my favorite mystery-suspense writers. Night Watch is full of twists and turns. It grabbed my attention in the beginning and kept it all the way through the book. I especially loved her main character and can’t wait to read the next book in her series.” Patricia Rushford, author of Sins of the Mother

“This is a book I loved and recommend. What a crazy, adventurous, whirlwind of a story. This book had me in its grip from the first page. There are so many twists and turns that you really don’t know what’s happening until the very end.” NIGHT OWL REVIEWS

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This post is dated April 23, 2015. The titles mentioned may remain free only until midnight PST tonight.

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Bound (Forbidden Series – Book 1)

by Melody Anne

Bound  (Forbidden Series - Book 1)
4.3 stars – 376 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Relinquish Control has just opened its doors in Seattle, and already we are not shy for customers. Relinquish Control is an exclusive escort service catering to the most distinguished customers, from business magnates to foreign royalty.

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4.4 stars – 36 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Events unravel after Shari Daniels-Donnelly files for divorce from real estate tycoon, Tyler Cy. Threatening texts, a lover’s triangle, confessions, jail time, and a liaison with a US Congresswoman add to the chaos. When a body is found in a carpool parking lot prior to a golf outing a detective duo is determined to find out who was responsible.

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Passion Patrol 2 – A Sexy Police Romance Suspense Novel With a Touch of Humor: Hot Cops. Hot Crime. Hot Romance.

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Passion Patrol 2 -  A Sexy Police Romance Suspense Novel With a Touch of Humor: Hot Cops. Hot Crime. Hot Romance.
4.4 stars – 66 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

A sexy aristocrat. A wild-child inner city cop. A crime wave of passion. A steamy romance novel introducing a sassy female police officer who locks up criminals and always gets her man.

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Slow Cooker Soups and Stews Cookbook. Easy Recipes to Prepare with your Slow Cooker.

by Philip Smith

Slow Cooker Soups and Stews Cookbook. Easy Recipes to Prepare with your Slow Cooker.
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Whether you’re an avid user of your Slow Cooker or you’re a novice wanting to dust off what will soon become the best cookware item in your kitchen, the Slow Cooker Soups and Stews Cookbook is an invaluable tool in making lip-smacking meals for yourself and your loved ones.

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Katrina, The Beginning (Book 1) (Royal Blood Chronicles)

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Katrina, The Beginning (Book 1) (Royal Blood Chronicles)
4.2 stars – 118 Reviews
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

As a Vampire being hunted was nothing new. Finding out that I had to save those that were hunting us was! Katrina is thrust into something she never could have imagined growing up in the aristocracy of Europe.

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