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Kindle Nation Bargain Book Alert: Dog lovers will be charmed, and anyone young or old who’s ever been an underdog will appreciate our Kindle eBook of the Day, Hazard Adams’ delightfully readable fable THE DAY THE DOGS TALKED – Just $2.99 on Kindle!

Here’s the set-up for Hazard’s Adams’ The Day the Dogs Talked, just $2.99 on Kindle:

A delightful fable with charming illustrations. Dog lovers will be charmed, and anyone who’s every been an underdog will appreciate this fabulous tale.

The town council is deciding on a leash law in Hilltown, where dogs have always run free. That is, until the dogs decide the time has come to speak out in protest. So, one very special day, the dogs speak their minds, in plain English. It’s The Day the Dogs Talked.

What will the dogs have to say? Will people listen? Will it make any difference? And, what happens the day after the dogs talk? The dogs you’ll meet in this book are funny, gruff, smart, playful, and fun. You might just know dogs a lot like them.

The Day the Dogs Talked will delight readers, young and old with its wonderful story and charming illustrations.

From the reviewers:

This is one of those books that I started while on vacation and couldn’t stop until I was finished. As a dog lover I was intrigued from the title alone. But the book is more than just a dog story. It is more in the genre of social commentary and satire ala Orwell’s animal farm. The book is gritty, funny and very well written. It is well paced and I would be very interested in additional work from this author. – J.M. Marshall

Professor Adam’s achievements as an educator and author far surpass what most people could ever hope to accomplish in their lifetime, and given the profound insights he has shared in his works before, at the end of the book I could not help but wonder if he had even more fun writing this fable than those who read it will have. – Michael Link

While at first The Days the Dogs Talked may seem to be a purely lightweight novel, a “beach book” in a sense, it also addresses serious topics of the vagaries of political action on the local level. For example,the author skillfully has two characters engage in a philosophical debate which is thorough without being pedantic and boring. — Susan Abbott

And here, in the comfort of your own browser, is your free sample: