Thanks to Kindle Nation citizen and My Real Life Was Backordered blogger DeNae for her comment on our post “Dude, Do I Have to Paint a Picture for You?“:
Honestly, the backlight thing is a reason I haven’t converted to Kindle just yet. (My mother loves hers, if that helps!) Because, yes, I do read at night. And I haven’t yet found a good solution to the whole problem of my needing a good reading light and my husband needing to sleep. So, Anonymous #2, there’s my response. I think it’s a valid thing to want in the product.
Makes good sense to me, DeNae.
We all have different reading styles and approaches, and what’s good for the goose may keep the gander awake nights. I have both an iPad and a Kindle, and while I am more likely to use the iPad if I am reading email in bed, I’m still far more likely to use a Kindle with a booklight if I am reading an ebook. My son gave me a Mighty Bright XtraFlex2 Clip-On Light (Kindle Version) last Christmas and it’s a great Kindle accessory that also gets a lot of use for all kinds of nonKindle reading whenever there’s tiny print involved.
I change the batteries about once every three months, and it works like a charm.