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Kindle Nation Daily Free Book Alert, Wednesday, December 15, 2010: Ten Brand New Freebies! Drink Like a Pro, Run Like a Mother, Cook Like Harry Potter, Love Like a Tabloid Star and Much More, plus … Just 99 cents! 16-year-old Camille Kennecott and her guardian, Dr. Bennett, live a most unconventional life in Camille by Tess Oliver (Today’s Sponsor)

Is it possible that there will be so many new freebies for the Kindles that lucky people open on Christmas morning that they won’t have to spend a penny on content? We seem to be headed that way with ten brand new free additions — with something to please just about everyone! — to  our 180+ Free Book Alert listings….

But first, a word from … Today’s Sponsor
16-year-old Camille Kennecott and her guardian, Dr. Bennett, live a most unconventional life in this aranormal romance set in Victorian England….

For just 99 cents, find out why Tess Oliver’s Camille is a top 500 Kindle Store bestseller! 
“I was impressed and delighted by this novel. The heroine is likable as is the roguish and charming hero.” –Dawnie B., Reviewer
by Tess Oliver
4.7 out of 5 stars – 3 Reviews
Text-to-Speech: Enabled 
Don’t have a Kindle? Get yours here

Reviewer Angela A. M. Jones calls Tess Oliver “a very talented author.”

Here’s the set-up… 

At a time when society conforms to the strictest rules and most proper etiquette, sixteen-year-old Camille Kennecott and her guardian, Dr. Bennett, live a most unconventional life. They hunt werewolves.

When unwitting victim, Nathaniel Strider, wanders into one of their full moon pursuits, Camille and Dr. Bennett believe they have found a specimen for their study. Finding a scientific key to unlocking the mystery of lycanthropy would end their late night excursions. Yet beneath the irresistible exterior, Nathaniel is transforming into a flesh-tearing monster, and as each experiment fails, Camille loses another inch of her soul to him. In a month’s time, she must face the prospect of destroying the boy who has stolen her heart.

About the Author

Tess Oliver, author of young adult romance and paranormal romance, has discovered three important philosophies in life.

  1. The benefit of eating raw cookie dough far outweighs the risk.
  2. A good bottle of mascara is worth its weight in gold.
  3. If a kiss doesn’t make your knees weak then you need a new kissing partner.

She loves to hear from her readers. You can reach her at toliverbooks@gmail.com or visit her on the web at www.tessoliver.com

Click here to download Camille (or a free sample) to your Kindle, iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch, BlackBerry, Android-compatible, PC or Mac and start reading within 60 seconds!

Each day’s list is sponsored by one paid title. We encourage you to support our sponsors and thank you for considering them.
Authors, Publishers, iPad Accessory Manufacturers:
Interested in learning more about sponsorship? Just click on this link for more information.

Free Contemporary Titles in the Kindle Store 

Just use the slider at right of your screen below to scroll through a complete, updated list of free contemporary Kindle titles, and click on an icon like this one (at right) to read a free sample right here in your browser! Titles are sorted in reverse chronological order so you can easily see new freebies.

How to Drink
By: Victoria Moore
Added: 12/15/2010 4:01:36am
The Pursuit of Pleasure
By: Elizabeth Essex
Added: 12/15/2010 4:01:33am
With This Ring: A Tabloid Star Story
By: T.A. Chase
Added: 12/15/2010 4:01:29am
The Bite of Silence
By: Mary Hughes
Added: 12/15/2010 4:01:21am
Going All In
By: Jess Dee
Added: 12/15/2010 4:01:12am
Marry Me
By: Jo Goodman
Added: 12/15/2010 4:01:08am
Make Mine Midnight
By: Annmarie McKenna
Added: 12/15/2010 4:01:04am
The eBook Insider
By: Editors and Authors at Knopf Doubleday Publishing
Added: 12/14/2010 4:01:07am
By: Puzux
Added: 12/14/2010 4:01:03am
How to Make Money Marketing Your Business with foursquare
By: Scott Bishop
Added: 12/13/2010 11:56:37am
A Santangelo Story
By: Jackie Collins
Added: 12/10/2010 2:01:07pm
Retro Demonology
By: Jana Oliver
Added: 12/10/2010 4:01:20am
Remedial Magic
By: Jenna Black
Added: 12/10/2010 4:01:17am
Beasts and BFFs
By: Shannon Delany
Added: 12/10/2010 4:01:13am
The Backstory to Think Twice: A Special Bonus
By: Lisa Scottoline
Added: 12/10/2010 4:01:10am
Blackjack (Play the Popular Casino Game on Kindle)
By: Amazon Digital Services
Added: 12/07/2010 10:15:39pm
By: Jeffery Deaver
Added: 12/07/2010 4:01:10am
Travellers' Rest
By: James Enge
Added: 12/06/2010 2:01:09pm
A Gift of Grace: A Novel
By: Amy Clipston
Added: 12/06/2010 2:01:05pm
Last Light
By: Terri Blackstock
Added: 12/06/2010 2:01:00pm
Sweet Valley Confidential CHAPTER 1 Free Preview: Ten Years Later
By: Francine Pascal
Added: 12/05/2010 4:01:00am
Spirit Lifter
By: Debra Glass
Added: 12/04/2010 4:01:02am
Unexpected Comfort
By: Kelly Ferjutz
Added: 12/03/2010 11:43:56am
Chess Cafe Puzzle Sampler
By: Karsten Mueller
Added: 12/02/2010 4:01:13am
By: Rachel Vincent
Added: 12/02/2010 4:01:10am
Stupid Christmas
By: Leland Gregory
Added: 12/01/2010 2:01:06pm
Norse Warfare: Unconventional Battle Strategies of the Ancient Viking
By: Martina Sprague
Added: 12/01/2010 4:01:43am
Cooking from China's Fujian Province: One of China's Eight Great Cuisines
By: Jacqueline M. Newman
Added: 12/01/2010 4:01:39am
India: An Illustrated History
By: Prem Kishore
Added: 12/01/2010 4:01:36am
Fine Filipino Food
By: Karen Hulene Bartell
Added: 12/01/2010 4:01:33am
The Great Secret
By: L. Ron Hubbard
Added: 12/01/2010 4:01:29am
Blood of the Wicked
By: Leighton Gage
Added: 12/01/2010 4:01:26am
English-Hebrew Hebrew-English: Conversational Dictionary/Romanized
By: David C. Gross
Added: 12/01/2010 4:01:19am
A Question of Upbringing: Book One of A Dance to the Music of Time
By: Anthony Powell
Added: 12/01/2010 4:01:11am
A Horse to Love
By: Marsha Hubler
Added: 11/30/2010 11:46:27am
The Christmas Story from the Family Reading Bible
By: Jeannette Taylor
Added: 11/30/2010 11:46:19am
Sophie's Secret
By: Nancy Rue
Added: 11/30/2010 11:46:10am
Stories Behind the Best-Loved Songs of Christmas
By: Ace Collins
Added: 11/30/2010 11:46:06am
Troublesome Creek (Troublesome Creek Series #1)
By: Jan Watson
Added: 11/30/2010 4:01:23am

Read a free sample of our Kindle Nation eBook of the Day, Zack Hamric’s Blank Slate, without leaving your browser!

Here’s the set-up for Zack Hamric’s thriller Blank Slate:

What happens when the Russian mob decides to go in business with the Columbian cartels in Miami? Nothing good, as Kyle Jackle quickly finds out in this tropical thriller.  

His mission to topple an organization involved in human trafficking and drug running takes him from the dangerous backstreets of Naples, Italy to the gritty underbelly of Miami.   

After almost being beaten to death in an alley one evening, he awakens to find himself hunted by the mob, unable to trust anyone he meets, and with no memory of his past life.

About the author:

After 20 years as a road warrior and “corporate citizen,” easing long business trips with the company of thrillers by the likes of Tom Clancy and Lee Child, Zack Hamric sat down at the keyboard to make dreams come true.  Blank Slate, today’s sponsoring thriller, is his second book, following Crescent Rising.

And here, in the comfort of your own browser, is your free sample:

Kindle Nation Bargain Alert: A Dozen Great Reads at About 99 Cents Each!

Bargain Books mentioned in this post:
Every now and then I say something here that makes perfect sense to me, and lo and behold, it turns out to be wrong.
There’s nothing newsworthy about that, but here is a case where I was wrong and it turns out to be great news for the greatest readers in the world, the citizens of Kindle Nation.
A few months ago, in some writing that I did in several blog posts here and in an ebook for authors and publishers on how to price ebooks in the Kindle store, I took a rather strong position to the effect that anyone who priced a Kindle book below $2.99 uner the new Kindle Store royalty structure had to either be smoking something funny or had to have a very specific marketing strategy that did not involve maximizing his royalties on the book in question. The arithmetic was clearly behind me: since Amazon pays independent authors and publishers twice the royalty rate for Kindle books priced between $2.99 and $9.99, inclusive, that it pays for ebooks priced outside that range, an author would have to sell six times as many 99-cent books to make the same royalty she would make on a book priced at $2.99.
Wrong again, buffalo breath. Well, I mean, there’s certainly something to the point I was trying to make, and arithmetic has not changed, but here’s what I underestimated:
The citizens of Kindle Nation are on the lookout for bargains and ebooks priced at 99 cents can really stand out if they come highly recommended, highly rated by Amazon customer reviewers, and/or otherwise highly appealing in some way in their overall presentation. I’m definitely not saying that 99 cents is the new free, because 99 cents is 99 cents, but it is very close.
So, one of the things that I have noticed especially among some of the very smart authors and publishers who have stepped up to the plate to serve as sponsors of Kindle Nation is a strategy that seems to be working well for readers and authors again and again:
If an author wants to gain attention for several books in a series, it can be a very smart strategy to price one book — possibly the first book in the series — at 99 cents, with subsequent books priced competitively, which usually means between $2.99 and $5.99.
Of course, success is not guaranteed at that point. There are two elements that are essential if the strategy is to succeed:
  • First, there has to be a very specific strategy for getting attention for the 99-cent “loss leader.” (It’s not precisely a loss leader, at least not necessarily, but the label does convey the basic concept in play here.) There are plenty of good marketing ideas that will bring that attention, but clearly without one the book will be lost in a forest of thousands of other books priced at 99 cents.
  • Second, of course, the proof is going to be in the pudding with respect to the quality of that 99-cent book, in the same way that holds true for the books that are featured in our Free Kindle Nation Shorts program. If readers don’t find it compelling, they are not going to shell out for other books in the series. There’s nothing here that will require you to use that postgraduate rocket science degree.
But when it works, it really works. Here are ten very good ebooks, each priced at 99 cents, that have helped or should soon help their relatively prolific authors catch the attention of readers for their other titles.
The great thing, to my mind, about all this is that it isn’t just great for authors and publishers. It’s terrific for readers, too, because we have a chance to discover new authors that we are likely to keep in our reading rotations for years to come.
And, by the way, this strategy is already gaining the attention of traditional publishers, too, including the sinister forces behind the agency-model publishers and more forward-thinking publishers like Kensington and Harlequin. Here are a few very appealing cases in point for those who, like me, love a great page-turner at a great price:
Sometimes it’s a treat to be wrong!
And here’s a promise: tomorrow we’ll let you know about an entire storefront full of novels by a favorite Kindle Nation author, all priced at just 99 cents for a limited time only!

Exclusively Amazon: eBook Lovers Respond Quickly As Kindle Locks In Yet Another Writer, Adding Bestseller Warren Adler To Growing Ranks of Kindle-Exclusive Top-Sheld eBook Authors

By Tom Dulaney, Contributing Reporter
Exclusively Amazon:  Amazon and bestselling authors continue to change the rules in publishing when it comes to ebooks, and Kindle readers seem to love it, based on the skyrocketing rankings for one bestselling author’s new books released yesterday.

Five brand new, never before published, books by Warren Adler were released Monday as part of his exclusive agreement with Amazon, which runs for the next two years. The books are also available in print, by way of Amazon’s CreateSpace.

From far down in the Amazon rankings at the time of the release, all 5 books have shot up the bestseller lists.  

“This exclusive deal reflects the rapidly changing need for mainstream novelists to find innovative ways to market their books,” Adler is quoted as saying in the Amazon press release.
The new Adler titles, their starting rank at the time of the announcement yesterday, and their current ranking  as of 11 a.m. EST:
The David Embrace (203,000 to 6,047)
Flanagan’s Dolls (unranked to 4,548)
The Womanizer (218,000 to 1,796)
Residue  (229,000 to 8,603)
Empty Treasures (unranked to 3,598)
Adler is perhaps best known for The War of the Roses and Random Hearts, both made into major motion pictures. 
Just last week, Amazon announced satire publisher The Onion–”[which] misinforms more than 1.8 million readers weekly” in print and a whopping 10 million online each month—has created five collections exclusively for the Kindle store: America’s Finest Tech News, Chronicles of The Area Man, The Finest Reporting on Literature, Media and Other Dying Art Forms; The Best of Jim Anchower and The Best of Herbert Kornfeld. All are $2.99 in the Kindle Store.
The day before The Onion announcement, bestselling author Seth Godin and Amazon announced an exclusive deal for an initial six titles using Amazon’s new Powered By Amazon publishing program.

Interested readers can sign up for further details on that project, still rather sketchy, here

In October, another Kindle Store exclusive made Nice Guy Johnny, a screenplay by Edward Burns, available exclusively in the Kindle Store.
David Morrell’s The Naked Edge kicked off a Fall of Exclusives for the Kindle Store back on September 14.  Morrell has a long list of bestsellers, including his first big hit, First Blood, which introduced the world to Rambo.
Morrell’s exclusive deal included 9 of his previously published—in print—books, now available as ebooks only in the Kindle Store.
Amazon’s Kindle store has been scoring exclusives for months, ensuring that readers who want to enjoy ebooks by scores of top-selling authors from around the world will need to go to the Kindle Store for satisfaction.

Kindle Nation Daily Free Book Alert, Tuesday, December 14: Noel Hynd, Christmas Tales, FourSquare Marketing, a New Free Game from Puzux, and more! plus … The Venom of Vipers by K.C. May (Today’s Sponsor)

What’s your pleasure? A Noel Hynd page-turner, uplifting Christmas tales, business and marketing guidance, a previews pre-order from Doubleday and Knopf, or a cool new free game from the folks at Puzux? You’ll find them all atop this morning’s latest additions to our 180+ Free Book Alert listings….

But first, a word from … Today’s Sponsor
What can geneticist Katie Marsh can do about the terrifying supervirus? K. C. May gives us the answer in this compelling sci-fi thriller that received 5 stars from all 6 reviewers…

“This is a great read, keeping you turning the pages, and following the characters. It is a interesting and bizarre twist in a futuristic thriller.” –TicTok, Reviewer
by K.C. May
5 out of 5 stars – 6 Reviews
Text-to-Speech: Enabled 
Don’t have a Kindle? Get yours here

“Imagine a world where humans have created a new species, a species designed to be the saviors of mankind. In 2023, people are dying of the Moliomyositis at an alarming rate and the entire population will be killed off in short order, unless a cure can be found. Henry Marsh has engineered an entire species, the Homo sapiens heredis, or “saphers,” in an effort to find a cure for Molio. His research is on the cutting edge and he may be closer than he thinks, but time is quickly running out…” 
–GraceKrispy, Reviewer

Here’s the set-up… 

A supervirus threatens to wipe out the human population.

The only hope for the future is a cure hidden inside Ryder Stone. Created in a lab and brutalized, betrayed and hated by humans, Ryder yearns for freedom. On the outside, a group of human genetic purists want him dead.

When Katie Marsh, a brilliant young geneticist, discovers his secret, she must fight to protect Ryder, gain his trust…and convince him to save humanity before the purists destroy them both.

About the author…
K.C. May was born in Chicago and grew up in the mid-western USA and in Hawaii, attended University of Colorado in Boulder and graduated with a B.A. in Russian from Florida State University. In 1985, she moved to Taiwan to teach English and study Mandarin Chinese. She also lived in the Arizona desert for 24 years, where she founded and ran a non-profit Rottweiler rescue organization, studied Ken-po karate, went backpacking, tried sky-diving, dabbled in bodybuilding, did some downhill skiing, renewed her interest in motorcycling, and spent some time on the shooting range. In 2010, she retreated to cooler, greener Georgia. She earns her living as a full-time writer.
Click here to check out her Amazon author’s page.

Click here to download The Venom of Vipers (or a free sample) to your Kindle, iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch, BlackBerry, Android-compatible, PC or Mac and start reading within 60 seconds!

Each day’s list is sponsored by one paid title. We encourage you to support our sponsors and thank you for considering them.
Authors, Publishers, iPad Accessory Manufacturers:
Interested in learning more about sponsorship? Just click on this link for more information.

Free Contemporary Titles in the Kindle Store 

Just use the slider at right of your screen below to scroll through a complete, updated list of free contemporary Kindle titles, and click on an icon like this one (at right) to read a free sample right here in your browser! Titles are sorted in reverse chronological order so you can easily see new freebies.

The eBook Insider
By: Editors and Authors at Knopf Doubleday Publishing
Added: 12/14/2010 4:01:07am
By: Puzux
Added: 12/14/2010 4:01:03am
Jed and Roy McCoy, A Christmas Story
By: Andrew McDonough
Added: 12/13/2010 11:56:41am
How to Make Money Marketing Your Business with foursquare
By: Scott Bishop
Added: 12/13/2010 11:56:37am
Conspiracy in Kiev
By: Noel Hynd
Added: 12/13/2010 11:56:30am
Unwrapping Christmas
By: Lori Copeland
Added: 12/13/2010 11:56:22am
A Santangelo Story
By: Jackie Collins
Added: 12/10/2010 2:01:07pm
Retro Demonology
By: Jana Oliver
Added: 12/10/2010 4:01:20am
Beasts and BFFs
By: Shannon Delany
Added: 12/10/2010 4:01:13am
The Backstory to Think Twice: A Special Bonus
By: Lisa Scottoline
Added: 12/10/2010 4:01:10am
Blackjack (Play the Popular Casino Game on Kindle)
By: Amazon Digital Services
Added: 12/07/2010 10:15:39pm
By: Jeffery Deaver
Added: 12/07/2010 4:01:10am
Travellers' Rest
By: James Enge
Added: 12/06/2010 2:01:09pm
A Gift of Grace: A Novel
By: Amy Clipston
Added: 12/06/2010 2:01:05pm
Last Light
By: Terri Blackstock
Added: 12/06/2010 2:01:00pm
Sweet Valley Confidential CHAPTER 1 Free Preview: Ten Years Later
By: Francine Pascal
Added: 12/05/2010 4:01:00am
Spirit Lifter
By: Debra Glass
Added: 12/04/2010 4:01:02am
Unexpected Comfort
By: Kelly Ferjutz
Added: 12/03/2010 11:43:56am
Chess Cafe Puzzle Sampler
By: Karsten Mueller
Added: 12/02/2010 4:01:13am
By: Rachel Vincent
Added: 12/02/2010 4:01:10am
Stupid Christmas
By: Leland Gregory
Added: 12/01/2010 2:01:06pm
Norse Warfare: Unconventional Battle Strategies of the Ancient Viking
By: Martina Sprague
Added: 12/01/2010 4:01:43am
Cooking from China's Fujian Province: One of China's Eight Great Cuisines
By: Jacqueline M. Newman
Added: 12/01/2010 4:01:39am
India: An Illustrated History
By: Prem Kishore
Added: 12/01/2010 4:01:36am
Fine Filipino Food
By: Karen Hulene Bartell
Added: 12/01/2010 4:01:33am
The Great Secret
By: L. Ron Hubbard
Added: 12/01/2010 4:01:29am
Blood of the Wicked
By: Leighton Gage
Added: 12/01/2010 4:01:26am
English-Hebrew Hebrew-English: Conversational Dictionary/Romanized
By: David C. Gross
Added: 12/01/2010 4:01:19am
A Question of Upbringing: Book One of A Dance to the Music of Time
By: Anthony Powell
Added: 12/01/2010 4:01:11am
A Horse to Love
By: Marsha Hubler
Added: 11/30/2010 11:46:27am
The Christmas Story from the Family Reading Bible
By: Jeannette Taylor
Added: 11/30/2010 11:46:19am
Stories Behind the Best-Loved Songs of Christmas
By: Ace Collins
Added: 11/30/2010 11:46:06am
Troublesome Creek (Troublesome Creek Series #1)
By: Jan Watson
Added: 11/30/2010 4:01:23am

Exclusively Amazon: eBook Lovers Respond Quickly As Kindle Locks In Yet Another Writer, Adding Bestseller Warren Adler To Growing Ranks of Kindle-Exclusive Top-Sheld eBook Authors

By Tom Dulaney, Contributing Reporter
Exclusively Amazon:  Amazon and bestselling authors continue to change the rules in publishing when it comes to ebooks, and Kindle readers seem to love it, based on the skyrocketing rankings for one bestselling author’s new books released yesterday.

Five brand new, never before published, books by Warren Adler were released Monday as part of his exclusive agreement with Amazon, which runs for the next two years. The books are also available in print, by way of Amazon’s CreateSpace.

From far down in the Amazon rankings at the time of the release, all 5 books have shot up the bestseller lists.  

“This exclusive deal reflects the rapidly changing need for mainstream novelists to find innovative ways to market their books,” Adler is quoted as saying in the Amazon press release.
The new Adler titles, their starting rank at the time of the announcement yesterday, and their current ranking  as of 11 a.m. EST:
The David Embrace (203,000 to 6,047)
Flanagan’s Dolls (unranked to 4,548)
The Womanizer (218,000 to 1,796)
Residue  (229,000 to 8,603)
Empty Treasures (unranked to 3,598)
Adler is perhaps best known for The War of the Roses and Random Hearts, both made into major motion pictures. 
Just last week, Amazon announced satire publisher The Onion–”[which] misinforms more than 1.8 million readers weekly” in print and a whopping 10 million online each month—has created five collections exclusively for the Kindle store: America’s Finest Tech News, Chronicles of The Area Man, The Finest Reporting on Literature, Media and Other Dying Art Forms; The Best of Jim Anchower and The Best of Herbert Kornfeld. All are $2.99 in the Kindle Store.
The day before The Onion announcement, bestselling author Seth Godin and Amazon announced an exclusive deal for an initial six titles using Amazon’s new Powered By Amazon publishing program.

Interested readers can sign up for further details on that project, still rather sketchy, here

In October, another Kindle Store exclusive made Nice Guy Johnny, a screenplay by Edward Burns, available exclusively in the Kindle Store.
David Morrell’s The Naked Edge kicked off a Fall of Exclusives for the Kindle Store back on September 14.  Morrell has a long list of bestsellers, including his first big hit, First Blood, which introduced the world to Rambo.
Morrell’s exclusive deal included 9 of his previously published—in print—books, now available as ebooks only in the Kindle Store.
Amazon’s Kindle store has been scoring exclusives for months, ensuring that readers who want to enjoy ebooks by scores of top-selling authors from around the world will need to go to the Kindle Store for satisfaction.

Kagan’s Kindle vs. the iScalia at the Supreme Court

How does our newest United States Supreme Court justice read her Supreme Court briefs?

On a Kindle, she told C-SPAN in her first interview since joining the Court in August.

We’re not surprised, since we know that Kindles are easing workflow for doctors, actors and directors, elected officials, and even some lawyers of lesser distinction. Now more than ever with the Kindle wi-fi, it’s a snap to send a WORD, PDF, TXT, or RTF file of any memo, script, brief, or other document wirelessly to your Kindle via your special you@free.kindle.com email address and begin reading within seconds. And it’s free! (If you’re sending a PDF file to your Kindle, type convert in the subject line field and Amazon will convert it to a free-flowing Kindle document.) 

And once the new Justice is reading such a document, she can use her Kindle to highlight, bookmark, annotate, and look up references elsewhere just as she would within any Kindle book. (Speaking of which, I wonder what else she has on her Kindle? Grisham? Turow? Glenn Beck?)

Of course not all Supreme Court justices are the same, so I’m not going to say that I was surprised to learn that Kagan’s colleague, Justice Antonin Scalia, reads his Supreme Court briefs on an iPad.

It’s not likely to be the last of their differences.

The interview will air on C-SPAN on Dec. 19, but here’s a link to Kagan’s Kindle minute.