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Three Brand New Kindle Freebies From a Few of Kindle Nation Daily’s Favorite Authors! – Emlyn Chand’s FARSIGHTED, Andy Straka’s THE BLUE HALLELUJAH and Hillary E. Peak’s CAPPUCCINO IS THE ANSWER FOR JOB DISSATISFACTION

With hundreds of new books turning up free each day now in the Kindle Store, it can be tough to hone in on books that you will actually want to read. And most of the new free books will be free for just a day or two at a time, so we are working hard to make sure that you do not miss the ones you want!

Here are a few books that have just gone free by authors who have already proven to be favorites with Kindle Nation readers. Please grab them now if they look interesting to you, because they probably won’t stay free for long!

Important Note: This post is dated Thursday, February 09, 2012, and the titles mentioned here may remain free only until midnight PST tonight.

Please note: References to prices on this website refer to prices on the main Amazon.com website for US customers. Prices will vary for readers located outside the US, and even for US customers, prices may change at any time. Always check the price on Amazon before making a purchase.

*  *  *


by Emlyn Chand

4.2 stars – 115 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Alex Kosmitoras’s life has never been easy. The only other student who will talk to him is the school bully, his parents are dead broke and insanely overprotective, and to complicate matters even more, he’s blind. Just when he thinks he’ll never have a shot at a normal life, an enticing new girl comes to their small Midwest town all the way from India. Simmi is smart, nice, and actually wants to be friends with Alex. Plus she smells like an Almond Joy bar. Sophomore year might not be so bad after all.

Unfortunately, Alex is in store for another new arrival–an unexpected and often embarrassing ability to “see” the future. Try as he may, Alex is unable to ignore his visions, especially when they suggest Simmi is in mortal danger. With the help of the mysterious psychic next door and friends who come bearing gifts of their own, Alex embarks on a journey to change his future and save the woman of his dreams.

*Overall Winner of the Dragonfly eBook Awards, 2011

*Best Young Adult Fiction, Dragonfly eBook Awards, 2011

*Best Debut Author, Dragonfly eBook Awards, 2011

*Winner of the Alternative Booker Award, 2011
*Winner of the WritersType First Chapter Competition, September 2011

“Psychic or not, you’ll never see the end for this one coming! Emlyn Chand is pioneering ‘the next big thing’ for YA.” – Emily Reese, author of Second Death

*  *  *

4.7 stars – 6 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

“One of rising stars of the mystery genre.” —#1 NY Times bestselling author Rick Riordan


Detective Jerry Strickland and his wife Rebecca shared a secret calling. When Rebecca died of cancer in prison—branded as a disturbed vigilante after killing one of his murder suspects—Jerry knew he needed to put the truth in writing to set the record straight.

Now, as an old man nearing his own demise, Jerry is unsure whether to share his narrative about Rebecca with the world. But when his eight-year-old granddaughter Marnee disappears, Jerry learns she’s been taken by someone close to the killer depicted in the pages hidden in his dresser drawer.

It’s time for Jerry to finish the story—by confronting an evil that threatens Marnee’s life and the lives of everyone around her. And by placing his faith in a higher power to redeem the love for Rebecca in his heart.

*  *  *

5.0 stars – 1 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
Jessica planned to change the world. She’s stunned to realize that job after crazy job presents strange characters and no real means to achieve her goal. Her solace from the daily insanity is found in a re-invigorating cappuccino. Moving from job to job and cappuccino to cappuccino, Jessica is certain success is just around the corner. She plots the next step to reach her goals and ultimate job satisfaction, but how to get there? Perhaps if she grabs another cappuccino, the answer will come to her . . .
(This is a sponsored post.)

Kindle Nation Bargain Book Alert: Barbara Taylor Sissel’s Thriller THE NINTH STEP – Just $2.99 and Currently Free for Amazon Prime Members Via Kindle Lending Library!

The Ninth Step

by Barbara Taylor Sissel

4.8 stars – 13 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled


Here’s the set-up:


“Barbara Taylor Sissel crafts a sure-handed, beautiful garden of a novel on ground tilled by Jodi Picoult and Anita Shreve. Firmly confronting issues of human frailty, redemption, and letting go, The Ninth Step is a story about what is, but it aches with the stories of what might have been as one man’s quest for forgiveness leads him to the impossible task of forgiving himself, and the lives of the people he’s wronged are drawn into a shattering spiral of events. Sissel’s vibrant voice, rich characters, and deft plotting draw the reader in and keep pages turning to the gripping, unexpected end.” – Joni Rodgers, NYT bestselling author of Crazy for Trying and Sugarland
“An unforgettable story of loss, forgiveness, and the true cost of redemption, as beautifully-written as it is compelling.” – Bestselling author Colleen Thompson


Livie Saunders is fluent in the language of flowers; she taught the meanings to her fiancé, Cotton O’Dell, but then Cotton vanishes without explanation on their wedding day forcing Livie to learn the language of desolation. Heartbroken, she buries her wedding gown beneath a garden pond and resolves to move on, but there are nights when she slips . . . into a sequined red dress and a pair of stiletto heels, a stranger’s bed, a little anonymous oblivion that is not without consequence. Still, she recovers a semblance of ordinary life and imagines she is content. But then, six years later, Cotton returns and her carefully constructed world shatters. The old questions bite like flies. Questions that Cotton O’Dell prays he can answer. He prays that Livie, whom he has never stopped loving, will be moved to forgive him. But there is more than Livie to be concerned about. There is Cotton’s act of cowardice that caused him to become a fugitive in the first place . . . that crime he committed for which the legal clock is still ticking. That thing he did that will shock Livie to her core once she learns of it. Livie is desperate to trust Cotton, but then he goes missing again. Time telescopes, avenues of escape close, and as lives hang in the balance, choice dithers between mercy and revenge. And a decision that will take only a moment will carry the consequences of a lifetime.


THE NINTH STEP is a story of redemption, of being brought to your knees in the sober light of day to face a monstrous error and yet somehow finding the strength to stand up, to try and make it right. Even if that decision breaks your heart, endangers your freedom and ultimately threatens your life.


About The Author


In addition to writing novels, Barbara Taylor Sissel is a freelance writer, a book reviewer, and an editor. She is the author of the suspense novel, The Last Innocent Hour and was, at one time, an editor for a small regional press. Barbara has also written extensively for the public relations field and her articles and short stories have appeared in a number of venues. An avid gardener, she is currently working with numerous clients on a variety of projects and writing a new novel. She has two sons and lives in The Woodlands, Texas. For more information on past and forthcoming books, you can visit her Amazon author page or her website at barbarataylorsissel.com.
(This is a sponsored post.)

Kindle Nation Daily Legal Thriller Readers Alert: Derek Blass’ ENEMY IN BLUE – Price Just Reduced! 99 Cents and Currently Free for Amazon Prime Members Via Kindle Lending Library!

Get “Enemy in Blue” at $0.99 before it goes back to its regular price of $3.99!

Enemy in Blue

by Derek Blass

4.7 stars – 62 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
  • “With so many people praising this book, why do you need to hear from me? I’m writing this review because this book meets my 300 rule, i.e. 300 years from now, people will still be reading it, and still hooked page after page. It’s a rare author that does that for me.” –R.Matejek (5/5 stars)
  • “For action, body-count and digging into the underworld of police politics -this is really a great read. However, I think the best asset of the novel is the incredible drawing of the antagonist – the evil Sergeant Shaver really shines.” –K.Hall, author of Red Mojo Mama (5/5 stars)
  • “The plot is as gripping as it is chilling. The story flows smoothly, and each chapter ends with the perfect amount of suspense to keep you wanting more. A fantastic and exciting read, as I could not put the book down.” –B.Burton (5/5 stars)
  • “A great first thriller for this young author. I would compare this story to John Grisham’s book of ‘The Innocent Man.’ It is that captivating and more.”-M. Bautista (5/5 stars)
  • “The first half of the book is non-stop action, raw, gritty, and suspenseful…I could not imagine what the 2nd half would hold. Turns out it’s a legal thriller, with suspense building more slowly but just as captivating.” –Tx Rose (5/5 stars)


The streets aren’t safe when your enemy wears a blue uniform and a gold badge.

What if the good guys weren’t good?

What if a cop went rogue and killed an innocent man?

What if it was all caught on video and the cop would do anything to cover it up?

Chase this lawless cop through the streets and to a scintillating series of showdowns with Cruz Marquez, a young attorney trying to nail down his enemy in blue.

Will justice be served?


  • “This was a page-turner from beginning to end.” –S.Owen, professional reviewer for Paper Mustang (5/5 stars)
  • “The plot plays out like an episode of Law & Order — with a shot or 2 of tequila.” –David F. (5/5 stars)
  • “Enemy in Blue grabbed me from page one and didn’t let go until the last page was turned. I had to keep reminding myself that this was a debut novel…. because it read like many of the seasoned legal thriller authors that I love to read and get lost in.” –K.Velte (5/5 stars)
  • “Much like the script of an action-packed movie, Enemy in Blue will buffet you from one hair-raising scene to another — and will always leave you pondering, who’s the real enemy?” –L.Capritta
For anyone craving an action-packed thriller who can’t get their fill of James Patterson, John Grisham, or Clive Cussler…ENEMY IN BLUE is your next escape!

About The Author:

Derek is an author and trial attorney in Denver, Colorado. He has first and second chaired trials ranging from medical malpractice with surgeons to the detention of alleged illegal immigrants.

Derek graduated from Duke University and the University of Denver Sturm College of Law. He majored in English and Economics at Duke. In Colorado, Derek has served as the co-Chair of Mayor Hickenlooper’s Denver Latino Commission, and was recently selected to serve as a co-Chair of the Denver Chapter of the Colorado Latino Forum. Derek was named as a Colorado Superlawyer “Rising Star” in 2010 and 2011, and was awarded the Colorado Hispanic Bar Association’s 2010 award for most Outstanding Young Hispanic Lawyer. He is married to his wife Meranda, and has two uncontrollably terrible dogs (and one good one that isn’t really his).

Visit his website at www.rogue-books.com. Check out his blog on writing at derekblass.wordpress.com. Friend him on Facebook. Follow him on Twitter (@DerekBlass). You can also email him at publisher@rogue-books.com. Derek writes thrillers with a heavy dose of action. He is currently working on his next novel.

Why did you write this book?

Stories are often born from tragedy. Just look at all of the news inundating us on a daily basis. In my case, I came to Denver, Colorado in 2003. Pretty immediately, I got involved in the Denver Latino/a community by serving on Mayor John Hickenlooper’s Denver Latino Commission. While on the Commission, we dealt with several cases involving allegations of police brutality. Just in the Latino/a community, Frank Lobato was shot and killed, Juan Vasquez was beaten to the point he suffered severe internal damages, and Michael DeHerrera was violently arrested for standing on the sidewalk. In the African-American community, Paul Childs was shot and killed by Denver police, and Marvin Booker was tazed while in custody in jail to the point that he died. These are the events that catalyzed me to write Enemy in Blue.

It should be understood that Enemy in Blue is not an indictment on all cops. There are certainly good cops. There’s simply no room for ANY bad cops though. These people have the right to carry a deadly weapon and use it against us if they see fit. They have the authority to arrest us, thereby taking away our freedoms, based solely upon their discretion. So, they need to be held to a higher standard, and in many instances, they are behaving worse than normal citizens.

How did you come up with the title?

That’s a fun question. There was one working title, that ended up not working by the time the book was done. Things change, A LOT, over the course of writing a book! Once it was apparent that a new title was necessary, I enlisted my wife and some of my readers to help me find a new title. Through countless brainstorming sessions, one of my readers came up with “Evil in Blue.” I liked it, but not 100%. I was grabbing the mail one day, and “Enemy in Blue” just came to me. Funny how things happen!

How did you choose your genre?

Hard to explain, but I can see action in my head. Fight scenes. Car chases. Torture, kidnapping, etc. (Honestly, I’m not a violent guy in real life!) It was as natural to me to write thrillers with a heavy dose of action as it would be for Christopher Moore to write cheeky fiction.

What inspired you to be a writer?

I’ve written a lot since I was young, and started on many novels but never followed through to finish one. It’s really a labor of love, and with a full-time job that I am committed to (attorney), it takes substantial discipline to keep writing. That being said, there is nothing more beautiful than writing a story, or more appropriately put, to having characters write a story for you. When I write, I’m just as surprised by their decisions as my readers. My characters drive my story and that is an amazing aspect of writing that everyone should try! If people are interested, I started a blog on writing a while back (www.derekblass.wordpress.com) that describes many of the fun, and tedious, nuances of writing.

With all the other thrillers out there, why buy Enemy in Blue?

It’s a no nonsense book, full of action and entertainment. I wrote the book for my readers, not for myself. I promise you will be captivated by the action over the course of the book. At the same time, the book invites you to be introspective on issues of illegal immigration, police brutality, and political corruption. It’s not just mind candy, but it’s also not a book that will club you over the head with principles. From a purely cost/benefit analysis, both versions of the book are very competitively priced, and the Kindle version is less than a dang cup of coffee at Starbucks! I promise it will deliver more lasting enjoyment than that cup of joe!

Sequel possible?

Oh, yeah! I’m working on a book that involves several of the same characters right now–probably about 6-9 months from completing it. I’m also considering going back in time and writing a book about the antagonist (Sergeant Shaver) because he intrigues me and I want to dig deeper!

(This is a sponsored post.)

Three Brand New Kindle Freebies From a Few of Kindle Nation Daily’s Favorite Authors! – Mainak Dhar’s Vimana: A Science Fiction Thriller, Sunny Lockwood’s Shades of Love, Stories from the Heart and Andy Gavin’s The Darkening Dream

With hundreds of new books turning up free each day now in the Kindle Store, it can be tough to hone in on books that you will actually want to read. And most of the new free books will be free for just a day or two at a time, so we are working hard to make sure that you do not miss the ones you want!

Here are a few books that have just gone free by authors who have already proven to be favorites with Kindle Nation readers. Please grab them now if they look interesting to you, because they probably won’t stay free for long!

Important Note: This post is dated Wednesday, February 08, 2012, and the titles mentioned here may remain free only until midnight PST tonight.

Please note: References to prices on this website refer to prices on the main Amazon.com website for US customers. Prices will vary for readers located outside the US, and even for US customers, prices may change at any time. Always check the price on Amazon before making a purchase.

*  *  *

3.7 stars – 149 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

To be published in paperback by Penguin India, early 2012

‘Gods’ fought a terrible war in our skies 15,000 years ago. They have returned to finish it.

Ancient texts refer to ‘Gods’ flying in craft called vimanas and waging war with what sound like nuclear weapons. These accounts are today classified as myth or legend.

What if they turned out to be real?

Vimana is an edge-of your seat sci-fi technothriller about a young college student who stumbles upon an ancient war between good and evil. A war that we thought was merely a part of our ancient myths and legends, but unknown to us, is still being waged everyday in our skies. As the forces of darkness conspire to unleash worldwide devastation to coincide with the End Times prophecies in 2012, he discovers his hidden destiny is to join the forces of light in bringing this war to a conclusion. At stake will be the continued existence of the human race.

Star Wars meets Transformers in this exciting new thriller that will keep all science fiction fans satisfied.

*  *  *

by Sunny Lockwood
4.9 stars – 9 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
Six short stories explore how love can heal, can hurt, can calm and comfort, or can twirl you around and set you dancing. If you’ve ever longed for romance, walked away from a troubled relationship, struggled with a parent or child, or laughed about a date gone wrong, you’ll identify with these stories.

*  *  *

The Darkening Dream

by Andy Gavin

4.8 stars – 30 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

The Darkening Dream is the chilling new dark fantasy novel by Andy Gavin, creator of Crash Bandicoot and Jak & Daxter.

Even as the modern world pushes the supernatural aside in favor of science and steel, the old ways remain. God, demon, monster, and sorcerer alike plot to regain what was theirs.

1913, Salem, Massachusetts – Sarah Engelmann’s life is full of friends, books, and avoiding the pressure to choose a husband, until an ominous vision and the haunting call of an otherworldly trumpet shake her. When she stumbles across a gruesome corpse, she fears that her vision was more of a premonition. And when she sees the murdered boy moving through the crowd at an amusement park, Sarah is thrust into a dark battle she does not understand.

With the help of Alex, an attractive Greek immigrant who knows a startling amount about the undead, Sarah sets out to uncover the truth. Their quest takes them to the factory mills of Salem, on a midnight boat ride to spy on an eerie coastal lair, and back, unexpectedly, to their own homes. What can Alex’s elderly, vampire-hunting grandfather and Sarah’s own rabbi father tell them? And what do Sarah’s continuing visions reveal?

No less than Gabriel’s Trumpet, the tool that will announce the End of Days, is at stake, and the forces that have banded to recover it include a 900 year-old vampire, a trio of disgruntled Egyptian gods, and a demon-loving Puritan minister. At the center of this swirling cast is Sarah, who must fight a millennia-old battle against unspeakable forces, knowing the ultimate prize might be herself.

(This is a sponsored post.)

HEADS UP! FINAL HOURS! You Have Until 12 Noon EST Monday to Enter This Week’s Brand New KINDLE FIRE Giveaway Sweepstakes, Sponsored by Keith Cockrell, Author of Bloodlines

Feeling lucky?

Did you win a Kindle Fire tablet this week?

If you are Skip Kendel of Little Rock, Arkansas, you did. Skip won his on Wednesday in last week’s Kindle Nation Daily KINDLE FIRE Giveaway Sweepstakes, and when it arrives at his home tomorrow, he will become the 18th citizen of Kindle Nation to win a Kindle Fire in the past few months.

But we’d like for you to be one of about 50 people who will win one of these Kindle Fire tablets from us during the remainder of 2012, and all you have to do is follow the extremely easy steps at the end of this post to have a great chance to win.

But first, a word from … Today’s Sponsor

Like each one of our weekly sweepstakes, this week’s giveaway is sponsored by a talented author who has proven to be a favorite with our readers. Bloodlines author Keith Cockrell is springing for the Kindle Fire that could very well end up with your name on it. Even better, author Keith Cockrell is offering his book FREE to grace your Kindle with a novel that is averaging 4.8 stars on 12 out of 13 rave reviews from discriminating readers like us.

Here’s the scoop on Bloodlines:


by Keith Cockrell

4.8 stars – 13 Reviews

Kindle Price: FREE!

Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled


Here’s the set-up:


When Shannon Landry came to Annuba, the attractive graduate student thought her biggest problem would be understanding the Cajun accents on the little Louisiana island. Instead she found herself in a desperate duel with a serial killer, first for the life of a child, but soon for the lives of everyone on the island, including her own.


From the reviews:

Chills abound in this thriller by new author Cockrell, and my only complaint is that he hasn’t hit the scene sooner. It’s got all the right ingredients — Shannon, a young, feisty and attractive archeology student; Richard, a local with a ready grin, an infectious laugh, and a determination to right old wrongs; a small picturesque Louisiana island with an ugly secret and a bloody past; and a cast of quaint characters who alternately charm and threaten, not the least of which is the powerful benefactor whose tainted bloodline has ruled the island for generations.

Cockrell weaves a spooky and terrifying story of predator and prey, highlighted by authentic settings, believable characters, enthralling legends from the island’s past, and a villian so diabolical you’ll forget he isn’t real. Heritage is a heart-stopping unputdownable ride that grabs you by the throat and doesn’t let go.

Amazon Reviewer Lisbeth Chance


And here, just in case you forgot are the details on how to

Enter Our KINDLE FIRE Giveaway Sweepstakes:

  • There’s no purchase required, but we do need you to go to our Kindle Nation Facebook page and “Like” us if you have not done so already.
  • You’ll need to do this on a computer rather than a smartphone, and you should give the page a few seconds to load, because for some reason it takes a little longer.
  • Then just follow the prompts to enter the sweepstakes, and you’re done!
  • Limit of one entry per weekly sweepstakes, but feel free to enter every single week!

Good luck! And happy reading!

Kindle Nation Daily TRUE CRIME Readers’ Alert: 40 Straight 5-Star Reviews Say You Won’t Be Able to Put Them Down, But Lock All the Doors and Turn on All the Lights Before You Delve into These Six Real-Life Thrillers from Crimescape

“What makes for a good true-crime story? Interesting characters, an engrossing plot, situations that often teeter between life and death. But here’s the MacGuffin about true crime: What you’re reading actually happened. Sometimes truth really is more compelling than fiction. And that’s why you will enjoy reading Crimescape’s true crime series.”

Paul Alexander, # 1 bestselling author of the Kindle Singles Accused, Murdered and Homicidal

It was a special treat the other day to introduce the citizens of Kindle Nation to Marilyn Bardsley’s must-read true-crime thriller After Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil. Now she’s back in her role as editor of RosettaBooks’ Crimescape series with six terrific stories … each of which carries the special distinction of having actually happened. Enjoy … at your own risk!

*  *  *

Murder on the New Moon (Crimescape)

by Johnny Sharp

5 stars – 5 Reviews

Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled


Here’s the set-up:


(A 117-page True Crime Short with photographs) Between 1968 and 1985, a monstrous serial killer stalked the picturesque countryside around Florence, shooting and mutilating eight couples on moonless nights. The desecration of the women’s bodies was a scene beyond the wildest imaginations of movie scriptwriters. Murder on the New Moon tells the exceptionally bizarre and twisted tale about a city gripped by fear, dozens of suspects, a string of charges and convictions followed by embarrassing acquittals and pardons, and an ever-raging whirlpool of theories, rumors and conspiracy that still divides Italians today. The anonymous assailant, called The Monster of Florence or Il Mostro di Firenze , commands an enduring mystery which includes all the hallmarks and enduring intrigue of Jack the Ripper. Most disturbing of all, he may still be at large…After a quarter of a century of failure, only a brave detective takes the plunge back into the impossibly murky waters of this uniquely baffling case. The politics, egos, rivalries, and conspiracy theories that hampered each investigation still overshadow his new search for the killer. The investigation also links to the 2008 murder of British student Meredith Kercher, for which American student Amanda Knox and her then-boyfriend Raffaele Sollecito were convicted and then freed. The same Perugian judge who propagated outlandish theories of Satanic sex rituals in that case also used such ultimately baseless hypotheses to falsely accuse many prominent Italians of these serial killings, and even threatened to arrest an American writer planning a book on the case. The story once more proves the old adage that truth is stranger than fiction. Indeed, the story is currently being made into a major Hollywood movie, The Monster of Florence, starring George Clooney, scheduled for a 2013 release.




Johnny Sharp (1969-) is a British journalist and author who writes widely on a number of diverse topics from music to humour to sport and true crime. He is author of the new Kindle ebook Murder On The New Moon (2011) and also wrote the humorous music book Crap Lyrics (2009). His work has also appeared in numerous newspapers, magazines and websites, including The Guardian, Mojo, Bizarre and BBC Online. He can be contacted at johnny@johnnysharp.net

*  *  *

5 stars – 1 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

“Anthony Bruno’s The Roppongi Stalker takes you deep into the strange culture of Japan’s sex and entertainment industry, where a mysterious and wealthy serial rapist and killer preys on the foreign women who work there as ‘hostesses.’ This is a gripping and weird tale of true crime gold, told by a master of the genre.”  —Troy Graham, Philadelphia Inquirer

(A 58-page True Crime Short with photographs) When his last victim was found, she was buried in a cave, her dismembered limbs wrapped in plastic garbage bags, her head encased in a block of concrete. The tall blond 21-year-old from the United Kingdom had worked in a Tokyo hostess bar. The killer was a Japanese playboy/real-estate developer with a taste for young gaijin women. He had stalked Tokyo’s sex districts for years, paying for the company of modern-day geishas and then inviting his favorites on dates, drugging them, and raping them while he videotaped what he called his “conquest play.” He eventually became so adept at using date-rape drugs most of his victims never knew what had happened to them.

But something went terribly wrong with the English girl. Investigators would discover that eight years earlier he had killed a young Australian beauty with an accidental overdose of chloroform while raping her. He was finally caught thanks to the bulldog tenacity of the English girl’s father, but the families of his foreign victims never anticipated the odd laws that govern the Japanese criminal justice system. It would take ten years before the case was resolved and the atrocities committed by “the beast with a human face” were fully revealed.


Veteran crime writer Anthony Bruno has investigated many serial offenders in his writing career, interviewing murderers and the cops and prosecutors who put them behind bars. He has written more than 50 articles for Time Warner’s Crime Library and 14 published crime-related books. His publishers include Amazon Kindle, Bantam Dell, Forge, HarperCollins, iUniverse, RuggedLand, and St. Martin’s Press. His full-length book, The Seekers: A Bounty Hunter’s Story with Joshua Armstrong, was nominated for an Edgar Award.

Bruno’s book The Iceman: The True Story of a Cold-Blooded Killer is the basis for an upcoming feature film starring Benicio Del Toro and Boardwalk Empire’s Michael Shannon as The Iceman. Bruno is currently serving as executive producer for this film.

Bruno also assisted with the film adaptation of his novel, Bad Apple, for Turner Network Television. He acted as consultant to the producers and wrote key scenes.

*  *  *

5 stars – 10 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

(A 58-page True Crime Short with photographs) Just when you think you’ve heard it all… An entertaining and at times tongue-and-cheek look into cases of bizarre sexually obsessive behaviors (paraphilias) that had unintended consequences. Each chapter briefly explores the lesser-known fetishes and fixations to the more common ones that unexpectedly led to severe injury, imprisonment and death. Case-by-case accounts provide insight into the circumstances surrounding such infamous incidences as the deaths of INXS singer Michael Hutchence and actor David Carradine, who were believed to have accidently died from auto-erotica asphyxiation, and the more recent Northern Virginia “Serial Butt Slasher” case, where women shopping in malls were brutally stabbed in the behind by an by a suspect identified on a mall video tape. These unusual and often disconcerting accounts seriously challenge the adage “What feels good can’t be wrong.”


Rachael Bell has master’s degrees in both Clinical Forensic and Health Psychology and worked for Time Warner’s Crime Library (previously Court TV) for more than a decade researching, reporting and writing more than 70 in-depth feature stories on major criminal cases, such as O.J. Simpson, the Green River Killer, Ted Bundy and John Wayne Gacy. She has also worked for more than a decade as a mental health therapist in psychiatric hospitals and forensic institutes in Europe and the United States, specializing in adult, adolescent and teenage male and female sex offenders, as well as with patients with other psychiatric problems. Her vast experience in the realm of abnormal psychology and the legal system has provided her with unique insight into understanding criminal and deviant behaviors.

*  *  *

5 stars – 6 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

(A 70-page True Crime Short with photographs) One cold February night, two people on the way home from a satisfying dinner with friends were ambushed by a rain of gunfire from the balcony of their own home. When the killer was finished, both victims lay dying. He stood over the man and then his mother, and fired one last round in each to “end their pain.” The murderer was a family man, a former police officer, and a former Mormon missionary. He then took his terrified wife and screaming daughter, and they ran, shoeless, into the night, initiating a nationwide search for the “armed and extremely dangerous” couple. Their cross-country trail of lies culminated in an episode of the television show America’s Most Wanted and ended in a SWAT-team assault on the other side of the country.

What pressure cooker exploded in that man’s mind that February night? Was it an impulse, the product of an emotional breakdown? Or had he harbored such deep-seated feelings of hate for so long that he carefully plotted this event over decades, working out his alibi far in advance of the court trial he knew would eventually take place?


Veteran writer Elizabeth Engstrom has investigated and written about murder and serial killers, both in nonfiction for Time Warner’s Crime Library and in her own dark fiction. Singled out by People Magazine as one of America’s best mystery writers, her 13 critically-acclaimed books and more than 250 short stories, articles and essays have been well-received in markets around the world. Two movies based on her books are currently in development. She holds a master’s degree in Applied Theology, which gives her a unique view on family dynamics. She is on faculty at the University of Phoenix.

*  *  *

5 stars – 8 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

(A 101-page True Crime Short with photographs) He was on the football and wrestling teams in high school — a giant of a man, a US Army veteran and a college student who dreamed of the day when he would become a teacher. He also had a deep sexual compulsion to kill… again and again. He was a cold, ruthless murderer who preyed on the weak and deceived the police at almost every turn. When his most terrible secret was finally revealed, an entire city was left in shock and grief. How and why could such a thing happen?


Mark Gado was a detective with the city of New Rochelle Police Department in New York for 29 years as well as a federal agent assigned to a special DEA task force between 1997 and 1999. During that assignment, Gado received the International Award of Honor in New Orleans, LA. He was also named Investigator of the Year in 2000 and received dozens of other awards and special commendations during his career as a police officer.

Gado’s first book, Killer Priest: The Crimes, Trial, and Execution of Father Hans Schmid was published by Praeger in March 2006. Killer Priest is the terrifying true story of the only Catholic priest in U.S. history to be executed for murder. Gado’s second book, Death Row Women: Murder, Justice, and the New York Press was also published by Praeger in November 2007. His 2011 short true crime eBook MOM: The Killer was a Kindle bestseller.

Gado has been a writer for more than 20 years, and his award-winning work has appeared in numerous publications and on websites, among them Time Warner’s Crime Library.

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Psychopath (Crimescape)

by Dr. Katherine Ramsland

5 stars – 10 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

(A 69-page True Crime Short with photographs) H. H. Holmes was a central character in Erik Larson’s hugely successful The Devil in the White City, which is planned as a movie starring Leonardo DiCaprio. Holmes is commonly viewed as a real-life Hannibal Lecter, a devious and cunning serial killer without equal. Holmes used the persona of a successful doctor and entrepreneur to draw untold numbers of young women to his three-story Chicago hotel to experiment on before killing them. Not one to waste, he’d often deflesh the corpses to sell the skeletons to medical schools. He enjoyed trying out methods of murder and watching his victims die. Scientists from his era believed Holmes’ brain would unlock the secret of his perversity, but he denied them the chance to find out. Today, we can figure him out without access to his brain. We know more today about the neuroscience of sadistic psychopaths and we can better understand what his brain – if dissected – would reveal. For the first time, we can look to research findings about killers to decode Holmes’s vile behavior.From Psychopath:

“After the girls died, he’d enjoy viewing ‘their blackened and distorted faces’ before he dug a shallow grave, removed their clothing, and dumped them into it with ‘fiendish delight.’ Holmes considered that ‘for eight years before their deaths I had been almost as much a father to them as though they had been my own children.’

“It is precisely this behavior that most puzzles the ordinary person and draws the researcher’s attention: how can a man torture and asphyxiate children, or burn them and view it as entertainment? How can he ‘befriend’ them for years, knowing the whole time that he will end their lives? How can he describe it as pleasurable? This is the reason the psychopath holds our fascination. It’s why researchers even during Holmes’s era tried extracting criminal brains post-mortem for study. They hoped to locate the seat of disturbed moral consciousness.”


Dr. Katherine Ramsland, who teaches forensic psychology and criminal justice at Pennsylvania’s DeSales University, is unique in having extensive experience in researching and writing about crime and the vampire subculture. She holds graduate degrees in forensic psychology, clinical psychology, philosophy and criminal justice. Dr. Ramsland has written over 1,000 articles and thirty-eight books on forensics, serial killers, mass murderers and the popular vampire culture.

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Three Brand New Kindle Freebies From a Few of Kindle Nation Daily’s Favorite Authors! – Andy Gavin’s THE DARKENING DREAM, Jamie Hill’s FAMILY SECRETS and Kerry Barger’s AN AMERICAN HOLOCAUST

With hundreds of new books turning up free each day now in the Kindle Store, it can be tough to hone in on books that you will actually want to read. And most of the new free books will be free for just a day or two at a time, so we are working hard to make sure that you do not miss the ones you want!

Here are a few books that have just gone free by authors who have already proven to be favorites with Kindle Nation readers. Please grab them now if they look interesting to you, because they probably won’t stay free for long!

Important Note: This post is dated Tuesday, February 07, 2012, and the titles mentioned here may remain free only until midnight PST tonight.

Please note: References to prices on this website refer to prices on the main Amazon.com website for US customers. Prices will vary for readers located outside the US, and even for US customers, prices may change at any time. Always check the price on Amazon before making a purchase.

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4.8 stars – 4 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
As if stumbling over a dead body isn’t enough, Crystal Cartwright finds herself playing surrogate mother to two small boys when their father–her neighbor–doesn’t come home. The kids aren’t much trouble, but the thieves, drug dealers and kidnappers they’re about to encounter are. Detective Jack Dunlevy, a cop down on his luck, draws the cases no one else wants.

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The Darkening Dream

by Andy Gavin

4.8 stars – 30 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

The Darkening Dream is the chilling new dark fantasy novel by Andy Gavin, creator of Crash Bandicoot and Jak & Daxter.

Even as the modern world pushes the supernatural aside in favor of science and steel, the old ways remain. God, demon, monster, and sorcerer alike plot to regain what was theirs.

1913, Salem, Massachusetts – Sarah Engelmann’s life is full of friends, books, and avoiding the pressure to choose a husband, until an ominous vision and the haunting call of an otherworldly trumpet shake her. When she stumbles across a gruesome corpse, she fears that her vision was more of a premonition. And when she sees the murdered boy moving through the crowd at an amusement park, Sarah is thrust into a dark battle she does not understand.

With the help of Alex, an attractive Greek immigrant who knows a startling amount about the undead, Sarah sets out to uncover the truth. Their quest takes them to the factory mills of Salem, on a midnight boat ride to spy on an eerie coastal lair, and back, unexpectedly, to their own homes. What can Alex’s elderly, vampire-hunting grandfather and Sarah’s own rabbi father tell them? And what do Sarah’s continuing visions reveal?

No less than Gabriel’s Trumpet, the tool that will announce the End of Days, is at stake, and the forces that have banded to recover it include a 900 year-old vampire, a trio of disgruntled Egyptian gods, and a demon-loving Puritan minister. At the center of this swirling cast is Sarah, who must fight a millennia-old battle against unspeakable forces, knowing the ultimate prize might be herself.

*  *  *

4.9 stars – 9 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

75 years ago on March 18th around 3:18 PM, one of the most modern public school buildings in America exploded in a rural Texas community decimating the student population and destroying innocent lives. Considered the worst public school disaster in American history, controversial theories surrounding this tragedy are still debated to this day. The event sparked changes that soon reverberated around the world and continue to affect each of us in our homes, schools, businesses and places of worship.

“An American Holocaust” is a story that begins with the giving of a child’s Christmas gift in 1936. The explosion took place at the London School in New London, Texas in 1937. The story relays more than simple facts. It is a personal account of unprepared loss and shattered dreams, followed by unfathomable grief. It describes the feelings of those who died in their innocence and of those who witnessed horror and lived through the aftermath. An unresolved silence persisted for forty years among the entire community of scarred survivors. For those who spoke out, their stories have been told and re-told for three quarters of a century, but most people have never heard them.

Although the innocent still suffer from the ignorance and indifference of a few, especially those we should be able to trust with the lives and safety of our children, this is also a story of hope. Countless lives have been saved by bold actions that were taken in the wake of this unanticipated sacrifice of so many children who were literally consumed by fire. It was truly an American holocaust. (See the video book at https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0DE3ACE1517F08F2&feature=view_all )

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