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Exclusive: Here’s What the Publishers Are Hearing from Their Own Media Intelligence Sources

By Stephen Windwalker

  • Originally posted February 3, 2010 at Kindle Nation Daily – © Kindle Nation Daily 2010

One might assume, given the apparent commitment that the BS Cabal (Apple and the Big Six publishers) is making to anti-consumer collusive price-gouging for ebooks, that their strategy is at least supported by a bit of market research. Apparently one would be wrong. Those publishers are real cowboys, and they’ve drawn their guns, so they might as well shoot someone, or something, somewhere, sometime. Even if it’s their own feet!

Simba Information, which bills itself as “The Market Intelligence Leader for the Media and Publishing Industries,” recently completed a survey of Kindle owners’ book-buying behavior and has been good enough to share a preliminary report exclusively with Kindle Nation Daily. Although Simba did not survey a huge sample, these results are especially interesting in the context of the current battles and controversies swirling around ebook pricing. Special thanks to Michael Norris, Senior Analyst with Simba’s Trade Books Group, for sharing this information.

Summary of Data from Simba’s December 2009 Kindle Owner’s Survey
Summary of Message Kindle Owners Have For Publishers: Most Kindle owners are unhappy about the e-book delay of new hardcover releases, to be sure. Other complaints had to do with pricing (books are too costly or shouldn’t cost more than print titles) but quite a few are very annoyed at the lack of selection; particularly in the backlist titles of a popular author who doesn’t have their older titles available as an e-book.
  • 43% of Kindle owners have 100 books or more on their Kindles. Just 11% have nine titles or fewer, and most of that group have only had their Kindles a few months. Unsurprisingly the ones who have had their Kindles the longest are the most likely to have large numbers of books on their devices, and are also slightly more likely to have owned a first generation Kindle
  • Prior book consumption habits are mixed: one in five Kindle owners didn’t buy any hardcover titles at all in the year prior to acquiring their Kindle, but about 23% bought 10 or more hardcovers, and 60% bought 10 or more paperbacks, showing a large commitment to reading (most adult book buyers buy fewer than 5 books of any format)
  • 9.4% of Kindle owners are on their second Kindle, and half of Kindle owners never read e-books before getting their Kindle
  • One in four Kindle owners got their Kindle as a gift, and 62% bought it without ever seeing another Kindle owner using it first, showing how effective Amazon is in making the device a ‘gift for readers.’
  • The most popular activity Kindles are used for is reading books, with 87.7% of respondents indicating they read books on the Kindle ‘very often.’ The least popular activity Kindles are used is reading magazines (57.9% say they never have read a magazine on their Kindle) and reading newspapers, with 58.8% saying they’ve never read a newspaper on their Kindle. Given that the surveyed Kindle owners are mostly very happy with the reading experience (more on this in a moment) these statistics don’t bode particularly well for the upcoming ‘tablet’ devices that may enter the market for the purposes of reading magazine and newspaper content. As far as blogs are concerned, though, 28.4% of Kindle users ‘often’ or ‘very often’ use their Kindles to read blogs, but 32.8% never do.
  • The most popular place Kindles are used are in the home (78.8% indicate that’s where they use their Kindles the most frequently).
  • Kindle owners surveyed are very happy with their devices. 59.1% strongly agree with the statement ‘The Kindle is a great value for the money’ and 51.8% strongly agree with the statement that they ‘expect to replace their Kindles with another Kindle someday.’
  • 32.6% strongly agree with the statement ‘print books are overpriced’ and 42.0% somewhat agree. Fewer agree that e-books are overpriced (10.2% strongly agree and 24.8% somewhat agreeing).  54.3% of Kindle owners strongly agree with the statement ‘I always look for the free e-books when browsing’ and 64.5% strongly disagree with the statement: ‘I buy more print books now that I have a Kindle’

Free Kindle Book Promotion Worked Well for Novelist Terri Blackstock

By Tom Dulaney
Kindle Nation Daily Contributing Editor

With well over 6 million copies of her novels sold, author Terri Blackstock still worried about giving away copies of two of her novels in the Kindle Store. At a time when some traditional publishers have been trying to persuade their authors that Amazon Kindle could mean the end of Western Civilization, or at least of print book sales, her publisher was telling her to embrace the Kindle by giving her books away free to Kindle owners.
“Hmmmm…. My books free? I was worried it was not a good idea,” Blackstock told Kindle Nation Daily in an exclusive phone interview the day the free-book promotion ended. “But they [her publisher, Zondervan] had tried it successfully with Brandilyn Collins and it looked successful for her. They convinced me to try it.”
Fresh from two weeks of giving away her bestselling Cape Refuge and Southern Storm, both of which topped the Kindle Bestseller List, Blackstock talked about the Kindle, ebooks, the freemium promotion and ebook prices.
The giveaway “did what we wanted,” she said on Feb. 1. “Some of my readers who might not have read those two books had an opportunity to read them, and they bought the third and fourth books in the [Cape Refuge] series.”

“It seems there was a bump in sales of a lot of my older books,” she said. “And I suddenly had 150 people asking to be my friend on Facebook, so I knew something was going on out there.” While Facebook tells the world Blackstock has close to 2,500 “friends” at the moment, she’s still awaiting hard numbers on how the “freemium” boosted sales of of her latest novel, Intervention.

Unlike many authors and indie publishers who publish directly via Amazon’s Digital Text Platform (DTP), traditionally published authors like Blackstock take a different route into the Kindle Bookstore. So those authors have to wait for their publisher to report on sales figures, and it was too soon for hard numbers on the giveaway when she spoke with KND. (DTP authors get sales information online and up-to-the-hour, but have unfortunately have been barred from offering free promotional downloads in the Kindle Store, while Amazon has, rather strangely, seemed to show a preference for religious publishers such as Zondervan among traditional publishers.)
Blackstock admits to being among the first early adopters to buy a Kindle 1. She later moved up to a Kindle 2 and sold her Kindle 1 on eBay. She immediately found the Kindle and the technology intriguing, promising and a bone of contention among peers in writing groups to which she belongs.
“At the beginning, a lot of writers were upset about the Kindle–and I was a user!” she recalls. “But I felt it was a whole new market for our books.”
She, like the rest of the book-reading and book-producing world, isn’t sure where the current faceoff between publishers and retailers will end up. “I think it will shake out and we will figure out the right price point for books and make the readers happy,” she says.
Part of that faith in the market is based on the quality and power of Kindle Nation. “People who own Kindles are avid readers and appreciate quality—and they have a lot of influence in the market–a new thing,” she says. With best estimates putting the number of Kindles in the world at somewhere between 2 and 3 million ereaders, Kindle Nation is strong in numbers as well as impact.
And that fresh concept, assumed in the ebook price wars but unspoken these days, underscores the role of current Kindle owners as key buying influences in the changing world of publishing.
As book publishers, device makers like Amazon and Apple, and retailers like Amazon and Barnes & Noble negotiate privately and exchange public announcements, all eyes are watchfully on the true power in the marketplace—the readers who pay for books.
Blackstock, a creative thinker as an author, is just as innovative in thinking up possible solutions for book sellers, publishers, authors and readers. For example, she points to an intriguing idea called Symtio from Zondervan. “It’s important for book stores to figure a way [like Symtio] to allow people to download in the store [in a way where] that store gets profit for it,” she suggests as a possibility.
Symtio, introduced in 2008 by Zondervan—a division of HarperCollins, is an attempt to keep bricks-and-mortar booksellers in the sales and profit loop of the ebook revolution. (Oddly, the Symtio Home Page assumes you know what it is and are ready to download the needed application.)
“Everybody is finding a new role, and that’s a good thing,” Blackstock says of the current fast-boiling change in the world of books. “It’s fun to stay on top of it all.”
“I think readers will get a lot of value with their Kindles [and] continue to get free books,” she predicts. “I hope they understand publishers need to make money, [otherwise] people could lose jobs [and] good authors won’t be able to make a living writing. Publishers are trying to figure out how to navigate the waters now.”
Amidst the current tough-talking exchanges between book publishers and retailers, Blackstock sounds like a sensible voice or reason, convinced all parties will resolve their differences and be better for weathering the storm.
Indeed, such a hopeful outlook is the very core of Blackstock’s long line of bestsellers. “The theme of my books is that the crises in our lives can turn into blessings,” she says. “Through suffering we can sometimes grow and have new opportunities.”
Her latest book, Intervention, carries forth that concept and looks to be the start of yet another Blackstock series of books. Intervention debuted on the New York Times Bestseller List. It is another work in the genre she calls “redemptive suspense.” The story of a family’s struggle with a teen daughter forced into drug rehab goes right to the edge of suspense when the girl disappears and her interventionist is murdered.
Publishers Weekly, in a review of the book, said its “mother-daughter relationship strikes true emotional notes; the redemptive arc of evangelical Christian fiction is natural and resonant in a story of addiction. Blackstock’s many fans will be pleased, and this story will also speak to families dealing with addicted children.”
No wonder the book rings true: Blackstock’s own daughter battled through a similar substance abuse history—but without the dead body that adds the suspense to the novel.
Reviewers typically refer to Blackstock as the “prolific suspense novelist,” and with 50 titles available in the Amazon store she can justly claim the title. At the moment, 18 of the 50 are available as ebooks for the Kindle.
Blackstock, born in Belleville, IL in 1957, achieved early writing success as a romance novelist. She prefers not to give out the pen name under which she wrote romance books, wanting to leave that part of her past behind.
Will there be more free Terri Blackstock titles in the future?
“Maybe,” she says. Indeed, her body of work seems custom-tailored to the so-called freemium marketing method. The two free Blackstock books offered in January served as a loss-leader to sell the rest of the four-book Cape Refuge Series. As you can see at her Amazon Author’s Page, she has four other series in print and available for the tactic: her Restoration Series, Newpointe 911 Series, Suncoast Chronicles Series and Second Chances Series.
Intervention, she expects, is the beginning of a new series as well.

From the Kindle Nation Mailbag: A "thank you" to the citizens of Kindle Nation from Tom Harbin, author of Waking Up Blind

It was great to hear yesterday from Tom Harbin, the author of Waking Up Blind: Lawsuits over Eye Surgery. You may recall that we featured a generous excerpt from the book last week in Free Kindle Nation Shorts, and apparently it had quite an impact in creating interest in a fascinating book! 

Dear Steve

I was blown away by the results of your writing up my book,  Waking Up Blind: Lawsuits over Eye Surgery, in last week’s Kindle Nation Shorts.  In the weeks previous, my sales rank of the Kindle version had ranged from about 16,000 to 59,000.  Within eight hours of your posting, my sales rank had increased to 173.  It has fallen back a bit, but still remains in the mid triple digits instead of five digits.  You reach many people and get action. I can’t thank you and all the citizens of Kindle Nation enough and can recommend your Kindle Nation Shorts to any author or publisher looking for an increased presence among the thousands of Kindle owners who read Kindle Nation.

Tom Harbin MD 

You’re welcome, Tom. And — aside to readers — if you haven’t read the excerpt yet and downloaded the entire book, I’m here to say that you owe it to yourself to do both while the Kindle edition is still available at the 50%-off price that Tom’s publisher set in association with the book’s Free Kindle Nation Shorts placement.

Authors and Publishers: 
If you’d like to help promote great reading for Kindle owners by participating in Free Kindle Nation Shorts, send an email to KindleNation@gmail.com.

Kindle Nation Daily Free Book Alert for Tuesday, February 2, 2010: The Apothecary’s Daughter by Julie Klassen, and more!

The Apothecary’s Daughter by Julie Klassen (Jan 1, 2009)

Lady of Milkweed Manor by Julie Klassen (Jan. 1, 2008)

Never Say Never Lisa Wingate (Feb 1, 2010)

Talk of the Town Lisa Wingate (Mar 1, 2008)

Daisy Chain (Defiance Texas Trilogy, Book 1) Mary E. DeMuth (Mar 1, 2009)

Peculiar Treasures (The Katie Weldon Series #1) Robin Jones Gunn (Apr 1, 2008)

Velvet Elvis: Repainting the Christian Faith Rob Bell (Jul 1, 2006)

Icy Heat: A Heat series story by Leigh Wyndfield

John Newton: From Disgrace to Amazing Grace by Jonathan Aitken (Jun 7, 2007)


Kindle Nation Daily Free Book Alert for Monday, February 1, 2010: 7 New Titles for a Range of Reading Interests

Never Say Never Lisa Wingate (Feb 1, 2010)

Talk of the Town Lisa Wingate (Mar 1, 2008)

Daisy Chain (Defiance Texas Trilogy, Book 1) Mary E. DeMuth (Mar 1, 2009)

Peculiar Treasures (The Katie Weldon Series #1) Robin Jones Gunn (Apr 1, 2008)

Velvet Elvis: Repainting the Christian Faith Rob Bell (Jul 1, 2006)

Icy Heat: A Heat series story by Leigh Wyndfield

John Newton: From Disgrace to Amazing Grace by Jonathan Aitken (Jun 7, 2007)


Did Amazon Just Blink on eBook Pricing? "Ultimately … we will have to capitulate," says company

By Stephen Windwalker

As customers and members of Kindle Nation, we can’t pick Amazon’s battles. Amazon’s Kindle Team has posted this message on the Kindle community forums within the past hour, strongly suggesting that the company does not expect to have a strategy for fighting back if publishers insist on pricing ebooks at $12.99 to $14.99. We’ll see, and I hope you will share your opinion with Amazon directly on the forums and also in comment form below:

Dear Customers:

Macmillan, one of the “big six” publishers, has clearly communicated to us that, regardless of our viewpoint, they are committed to switching to an agency model and charging $12.99 to $14.99 for e-book versions of bestsellers and most hardcover releases.

We have expressed our strong disagreement and the seriousness of our disagreement by temporarily ceasing the sale of all Macmillan titles. We want you to know that ultimately, however, we will have to capitulate and accept Macmillan’s terms because Macmillan has a monopoly over their own titles, and we will want to offer them to you even at prices we believe are needlessly high for e-books. Amazon customers will at that point decide for themselves whether they believe it’s reasonable to pay $14.99 for a bestselling e-book. We don’t believe that all of the major publishers will take the same route as Macmillan. And we know for sure that many independent presses and self-published authors will see this as an opportunity to provide attractively priced e-books as an alternative.

Kindle is a business for Amazon, and it is also a mission. We never expected it to be easy!

Thank you for being a customer.


Amazon’s "Delete You!" Tactics Creates Other Opportunities, but Will It End in Global Thermonuclear War? Or Just a Lawsuit Against Jobs, Apple, and the Publishers?

By Stephen Windwalker

This is ugly, for now.

The no-holds-barred Kindle pricing struggle between Amazon and one of the world’s largest publishers, MacMillan (and its dozens of imprints) continues. The huge headline remains the same:

Amazon Deletes Buy Button 
From Thousands of MacMillan Titles 

But now some of the backstory is beginning to unfold, and we’ll continue to hear more of the details in the coming days. MacMillan CEO John Sargent has taken the uncommon step of releasing a somewhat self-serving open letter that makes it clear that Amazon stopped shipping all MacMillan print and ebook editions only after MacMillan unilaterally imposed a total transformation of pricing and terms for editions to be sold in the Kindle Store. It’s interesting reading, and it quickly becomes clear that this is no petty spat: it is the continuing high-stakes unfolding of the major book business story of the past few months, one that may well end up in serious litigation and could spell doom for some key players.

It’s clear that, along the way, even if only temporarily, there will be surprising winners and losers:

  • For starters, both Amazon and MacMillan are sure to be short-term revenue losers.
  • Short-term winners will include Barnes & Noble, the major book club operations, thousands of independent booksellers whose stores are well-stocked with MacMillan titles, any Amazon Marketplace third-party sellers who similarly have good MacMillan inventory, and distributors like Ingram and Baker & Taylor.
  • Authors with MacMillan contracts are sure to be short-term losers, but those authors who have the freedom to begin dealing directly with Amazon and the Kindle publishing platform hold a powerful trump card that could soon lead them to the land of direct 70 percent royalties.
  • Apple, whose share price has fallen a stunning 12 percent since its iPad announcement Wednesday, will be a winner in terms of short-term buzz, but without any iPads to ship or iBooks to sell yet, it remains to be seen if that buzz will turn into dollars.
  • Lawyers will do pretty well with this by the time the story plays out. Of course, with enough lawyers involved, it may never play out.
  • And last but not least, we as citizens of Kindle Nation, and book buyers in general, may suffer some from fewer reading choices in the short run, but it is likely that in the long run the result of the war and the underlying transformations taking place in the book business — and perhaps (see below) our own action — will be that more and more books will be made available to read on the Kindle and other devices, and that their prices, even if they are bumped up in the short term, will settle back to the $9.99 range for new-release bestsellers.

There is a long history of serious struggle between trade book publishers and retailers. Such struggles are not generally marked by open, transparent communication from the publishers or, for that matter, from the retailers. When the rubber really hits the road on this chapter of such struggles, one hopes that due attention will be paid to the utter ridiculousness of the notion that, with the actual discounted pricing of most sold units of new release hardcovers ranging between $12 and $18, it is somehow fair or justifiable to charge $12.99 to $14.99 for ebook editions that have no significant production, warehousing, return, or fulfillment costs.

Indeed, such prices could only come about in a seriously manipulated marketplace.

For now it is very clear that Amazon’s move late Thursday to delete the buy button from MacMillan’s titles amounts to a preemptive deployment of “the nuclear option” in this struggle, and it’s not surprising that it has caused a great din of whining on the part of MacMillan and its authors, most of whom seem to be marching in lockstep with MacMillan CEO Sargent whether it is in their long-term interests or not. And I will admit here that Amazon’s “Delete You” move is a bit troubling, for the moment.

But that is partly because it is not yet clear to me what Amazon’s next move will be. As a reader and a minor functionary in Kindle Nation, I want the next moves to lead to a situation where all titles are available in the Kindle Store, and where something close to the $9.99 price point is preserved.

Let’s be clear that none of this would be happening were it not for Apple’s launch of the iPad, and more importantly, were it not for Apple’s recent “negotiations” with publishers in which Apple promised them it would give them a place to sell their ebooks for $12.99 to $14.99. The underlying, anti-consumer shadiness of that deal with the devil seems especially evident in the imprompu interview where Jobs smugly assured journalist Walt Mossberg that “the prices will be the same” between the Kindle Store and the iBooks store:

The more I watch that interview, the more I believe that it is being watched with surpassing frequency on the computer screens in and around Jeff Bezos’ office at Amazon, and especially on the displays of Amazon’s top anti-trust lawyers. If this week’s “Delete You” tactic was the nuclear option, perhaps we should be preparing for the next phase, Global Thermonuclear War, in which Amazon sues Steve Jobs, Apple, and one or more publishers for colluding to fix — and raise — prices for ebooks. 

If I were managing that campaign, I’d consider another step first: I’d ask Kindle owners to join Amazon in any such anti-collusion lawsuit, because it is us whose right to read is being infringed upon by this collusive conspiracy, and who would suffer if Apple and the publishers were to succeed in manipulating the marketplace so as to raise the prices of ebook new releases by 30 to 50 percent.

But come to think of it, why should we wait for Amazon to initiate such an action? If you’d like to join other Kindle Nation citizens as a plaintiff in such an action, or if you are an attorney who is interested in offering your services, I hope you will add a comment below or send an email to kindlenation@gmail.com.