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Madness and Murder in San Francisco in Jenny Hilborne’s Kindle Nation eBook of the Day, and here’s a free sample on us!

There is a murderous fiend wandering among the familiar San Francisco landmarks in Madness and Murder, and debut mystery novelist Jenny Hilborne is not shy about telling you what he has done to others … or what he intends to do.

Here’s the set-up:

Frustrated by the rising body count and lack of evidence, veteran homicide detective, Mac Jackson, questions his own ethics when he risks the life of an innocent young woman to trap a cunning and sadistic serial killer.

Known for his uncanny precision with a hunch, he is all too aware that, this time, the stakes are much higher if his gamble fails to pay off.

Jessica Croft, withdrawn, vulnerable, and emotionally scarred, moves from Sacramento to begin a new life in San Francisco with her twin brother, Judd.

Ninety miles from the sinister, shameful secrets of her past, and the madness that tore their family apart, she hopes to find tranquility, maybe even love.

However, her chance for happiness is short-lived when she suddenly finds herself the target of a relentless madman with a deadly agenda. Loath to continue living a life of fear, Jessica tells no one when she takes a bold risk to draw him out; dangerously unaware of the trap he has already set for her.

Now nothing may be able to save her except the accuracy of a hunch.

About the Author:

The second of four daughters, Jenny Hilborne was born and raised in Wiltshire, South West England, and relocated to Southern California in 1997.

Jenny is a member of Wolfwriters, a group of professional writers who meet bi-monthly in Northern San Diego. She is also a member of Sisters in Crime. Madness and Murder is her first novel.

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Can Rett learn to cope with being saddled with a dimwitted alien mindforce–and keep herself and her platoon alive at the same time? Find out in our Kindle Nation eBook of the Day, T.M. Roy’s Convergence, right in your browser!

When the going gets tough…the tough deal with it. Or maybe not…

Here’s the set-up for Convergence by T.M. Roy:

Rett, a battle-weary soldier from Nyorfias, needs imagination. Pam, an imaginative dreamer from Earth, needs inspiration. Unknown to both women, a fledgling Guardian of Balance needs them both in a desperate stratagem to protect the very existence of the two-planet Nyorfian system, which is not only under attack from physical entities, but from the dark force that inspires them.

Pam’s first ten minutes on Nyorfias, however, just about flushes Rett’s military career down the nearest toilet. Can Rett learn to cope with being saddled with a dimwitted alien mindforce–and keep herself and her platoon alive at the same time?

CONVERGENCE is Book One in a three part epic adventure where the fate of an entire planetary system hangs in the balance.

GRAVITY (Book 2) is now available for Kindle.
STRATAGEM (Book 3) due summer 2011.

Sergeant Rett of the Nyorfian Special Forces is in the fight of her life, for herself and her worlds. She doesn’t realize she’s the key Player in a local battle of a Game of universal scope: the struggle of the Guardians of Balance to maintain a healthy equilibrium between evil and good, darkness and light.

The neophyte Guardian for Nyorfias, Pheasyce, faces an ancient and powerful force of Dark, and must risk all in a dangerous and unique strategem, one that uses Rett as the focus. Arranging the convergence between the key Player and an imaginative dreamer from another world could be the best tactic ever.

That is, as long as Pam, who thinks this is all a dream, doesn’t get Rett killed first. And as long as Rett can accept this dimwitted alien mindforce… from some planet called Earth.

And here, in the comfort of your own browser, is your free sample:

What horrors lie between sleep and waking? Dare to find out in our Kindle Nation eBook of the Day, Danielle Q. Lee’s NIGHTMARA!

A crucifix and a Star of David hang on the wall near shelves holding the King James Bible, the Kabala, the Quaran. In the bachelor pad in Calgary, the young man prays feverishly to any diety who will hear him….and protect him.

And so begins this thriller from the keyboard of a paranormal investigator, just $1.25 in the Kindle Store.

Here’s the set-up for Danielle Q. Lee’s Nightmara:

“Whatever you do, don’t think about them before you fall asleep.”

After Grayson Castle is kissed by a beautiful and mysterious woman at a night club, he soon discovers the true meaning of fear.

Plagued nightly by what he believes to be a terrifying curse, he seeks professional help from Dr. Zoe Alexander.

Convinced it’s nothing more than sleep paralysis, she disregards his experiences as merely a hallucination—until they come after her.

Based on a true phenomena, Nightmara explores what horrors may lie between sleep and wakefulness.

About the Author: A paranormal investigator, Danielle Q. Lee has an avid and instinctive curiosity for the strange and unknown. She and a group of ghost enthusiasts investigate homes and locations for suspected paranormal activities and try to obtain proof of the afterlife.

And here, in the comfort of your own browser, is your free sample:

Some things are meant to be remembered―at all costs: Free sample of our Kindle Nation eBook of the Day, Whale Song by Cheryl Kaye Tardif

Some things are meant to be remembered―at all cost. Here’s the set-up for Cheryl Tardif’s popular 99-cent page-turner Whale Song:

Editor’s note: The author offers 6 of her ebooks for 99 cents through this Monday, January 10. Click here to see them.

Thirteen years ago, Sarah Richardson’s life was shattered after the tragic death of her mother. The shocking event left a grief-stricken teen-aged Sarah with partial amnesia.

Some things are easier to forget.

Thirteen years later, a familiar voice from her childhood sends Sarah, a talented mid-twenties ad exec, back to her past. A past that she had thought was long buried.

Some things are meant to be buried.

Torn by nightmares and visions of a yellow-eyed wolf and aided by creatures of the Earth and killer whales that call to her in the night, Sarah must face her fears and recover her memories―even if it destroys her.

Some things are meant to be remembered―at all cost.

From the Back Cover:

Whale Song is a haunting tale of change and choice. Cheryl Kaye Tardif’s beloved novel — a “wonderful novel that will make a wonderful movie” according to Writer’s Digest — releases as a special edition with all new scenes from the much-talked-about screenplay.

Don’t miss Whale Song, described as “a wise, enchanting story” by the Edmonton Examiner. Whale Song is a novel of dual personalities. It is both mystery novel and family drama. It is enchanting adventure and uplifting but tragic moral tale.

Whale Song integrates the optimistic spiritualism of native myth and the hard realities of modern-day life.

The only witness to a tragedy loses her memory and she must search her past for the answers. Whale Song asks the difficult question, which is the higher morality — love or law?

“Whale Song is deep and true, a compelling story of love and family and the mysteries of the human heart. Cheryl Kaye Tardif has written a beautiful, haunting novel.” — NY Times Bestselling novelist Luanne Rice, author of Beach Girls.

And here, in the comfort of your own browser, is your free sample:

What Happens When Cheerleader Nicole Paxton Notices Test Davis, the Boy Who Nobody Ever Noticed? Here’s a free sample of our eBook of the Day, Failing Test by J.M. Pierce

By Tom Dulaney
Contributing Reporter

You know him, but you can’t remember his name. He is the one that is always there, in the background, all but invisible to those roaming the hallways.

What if he had a secret? What if it was a secret that even he didn’t know?

Here’s the set-up for Failing Test (The Shadow Series):

Test Davis has always been a blur to those around him. He’s a shadow like a million other kids–not smart enough for the academic team, not beast enough for the football team, not extroverted enough for the drama crowd. In all things Test is just…not, which is why no one ever notices him.

But what happens when someone does notice him– Nicole Paxton, a cheerleader, no less? What happens on the night that Test finds out there’s nothing average about him and that a powerful gift has been hidden within, secretly waiting to be set free and alter his life forever? The question is, will that power save him and those he loves or tear them apart?

Kindle Nation publisher Stephen Windwalker takes Dad Duty seriously enough to read what his kids read. Of Failing Test he wrote:

“I figured that part of my job as a Dad was to kind of be inside their heads enough to know what the challenges and dangers were. Then I branched out a bit and started reading the fiction that they were reading. Not so much the things they had to read for school, but the things they read on their own.

“One of the things that I discovered in the process, and it is something that I still believe, is that some of the best writing for adults is fiction that may actually be intended for teens. Some of the walls come down, the imagination is set free, and a sense of wonder is unleashed.

“You don’t have to be a teenager to read, enjoy, and even recommend a book like J.M. Pierce’s Failing Test. Don’t read it because it only costs 99 cents or because 17 of its 20 reviewers gave it 5 stars. Read it because there are teenagers in your life and it may be a gateway not only to getting them reading but also to your ability to connect with them and learn something about their worlds. Just a thought. –S.W.”

And right here, in the comfort of your own browser, is your free sample:

The Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew meet World of Warcraft in our Kindle Nation eBook of the Day, The Crimson-Eyed Dragon by D.M. Trink! Sample it right in your browser!

Time for the teens and tweens in your life to make the transition from gaming to reading on their new Kindles? They can’t miss with D.M. Trink’s modern-day take on classic young adult mysteries!

Here’s the set-up for D.M. Trink’s The Crimson-Eyed Dragon:

School is over for the summer!

All Jared wants to do is sleep, swim, and delve into as many computer and video games as possible. Life has other plans for him.

Everything transforms one fateful afternoon when Jared accompanies his mom to an antique shop. He is inexplicably attracted to a magnificent silver dragon statue with eyes that glow like precious rubies.

When Jared brings the statue home, he initiates a chain of events that catapults him and his friends Griffin and Chase into a great adventure solving the mystery of the crimson-eyed dragon. Joined by Chase’s sister Amber, the teens discover that the statue holds a vital clue to the previous owner’s life.

They embark on an innocent quest, but the secrets that unfold lead them into unimaginable danger that could ultimately destroy all of their lives.

Reviewers said: “Written in a colloquial style, you enter the mysterious, private, active and dramatic world of contemporary teenagers. Follow the mystery of the dragon and its clues leading into danger! Feel the warmth of friendship and the kindness of parents in this feel-good story of summer.”

“The Crimson Eyed Dragon by Ms. D.M. Trink was a great story with several twists and an intriguing mystery. I would highly recommend this book to younger readers with an interest in mysteries and dragons. (It doesn’t hurt to have some World of Warcraft knowledge in your back pocket as well!)”

And here, in the comfort of your own browser, is your free sample:

Read a free sample of our eBook of the Day, Beneath The Surface of Things by Kevin Wallis, without leaving your browser!

“Over two dozen tales of exceptional terror.”

Here’s the set-up for Beneath The Surface Of Things:

In 25 short stories in the “dark fiction” mode, author Kevin Wallis shows by example how to look at the alternate possibilities that your day-by-day routine might—just might—obscure. If you dare, look Beneath The Surface of Things.

A homeless man trapped in a hell of his own making finds a reason to hope in “Redemption Song.” A camping trip turns into a race for survival after the discovery of a bizarre artifact in “The Taking of Michael McConnolly.” A man begins to question his sanity as patrons at a cafe begin to vanish one by one in “Charlie’s Lunch.”


“An impressive, often unnerving, and always gutsy collection, Beneath the Surface of Things easily marks Kevin Wallis as a writer to Beware of with such stories as Redemption Song and No Monsters Came That Night. Every story showcases Wallis’ determination to break through the so-called boundaries of dark fiction and explore disturbing and sometimes even eye-opening new worlds, some without, but most within. You owe it to yourself to look Beneath the Surface of Things.”– Gary A. Braunbeck
(Braunbeck is the Bram Stoker and World Horror Guild Award winning author of To Each Their Darkness and A Cracked and Broken Path.)

His imagination brings you to the edge of sanity and then kicks you straight in the pants, knocking you over the line. If you need a quick read whilst traveling abroad or just need an entertaining read whilst looking for a broad, you can’t go wrong with Mr. Wallis. Give ’em a try, but be on your guard, his stories infiltrate your mind and live there like an evil squatter with an axe to grind. –Todd Banks

And here, in the comfort of your own browser, is your free sample: