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Kindle Daily Deals For Monday, August 5 – Books Deals For All Readers at Great Prices… Plus Don’t Miss Chicki Brown’s Romance Novella You Make Me Feel Brand New

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You Make Me Feel Brand New

by Chicki Brown

4.1 stars – 15 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled

Here’s the set-up:

One year ago, personal chef Jan Davis signed her divorce papers after a miserable twenty-five-year marriage. She is single again, and romantic attention is as foreign to her as ancient Carthaginian cuisine. When she meets her new client, sports management agent Mac Sinclair, who is eleven years younger, Jan’s life takes a complete turnaround. She’s thrilled, but everyone in her life isn’t as pleased.

5-Star Amazon Review

“…I recommend this book to anyone looking for a love story, that encompasses the reality of relationship challenges, yet still providing hope. Well done Ms. Brown.”

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Kindle Daily Deals For Sunday, August 4 – Books Deals For All Readers at Great Prices… Plus Don’t Miss Bestselling Author Belinda Boring’s Loving Liberty

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Loving Liberty

by Belinda Boring

4.6 stars – 38 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Liberty Montgomery is many things:

A dutiful daughter.
Perfect wife-in-training.
Easy to manipulate.

But secretly she wants more.

For years, Liberty has dreamed of a life filled with opportunities—a life where she makes the decisions, living by her own rules. Unfortunately, her parents have other plans for her, ones that involve her submission and total obedience. Every attempt to break free from their control is met with threats, leaving her feeling trapped. Just when all seems hopeless, Liberty meets Oliver Nichols. With just two words, be brave, he stirs up her secret longings for more . . . friendship, fun, and independence. He almost has her believing her dreams are possible. However, taking a stand can be terrifying when you’ve spent your entire life pleasing others.

Are some chances worth taking? What would she risk for freedom?

One Amazon Reviewer Notes
“Such an amazing story. You can feel the author’s heart and soul being put into every word. And then reading the notes from author at the end of this book. Wow! So thankful for your courage and strength Belinda Boring!!!”

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Kindle Daily Deals For Saturday, August 3 – Books Deals For All Readers at Great Prices… Plus Don’t Miss Anthony Karakai’s Vagabond

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by Anthony Karakai

4.4 stars – 8 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

A fable about following your heart, ‘Vagabond’ explores the concept of destiny and what it means to be an individual in a world increasingly cliché. Leonardo spins a globe to begin his backpacking adventure, and before too long he engages in a world of travelers, all searching to find and define their own happiness. The course of human history is changed forever as three seemingly unrelated lives impact on one another, with the universe dictating the transcendence of energy between the three as an ultimate revelation unfolds.

About the Author: Anthony Michael Karakai was born in Melbourne, Australia, and is a dual citizen of Hungary. Holding an International Business degree, he is also a qualified percussionist and music producer, having studied music extensively since the age of seven. Working in journalism, his work has been published in various magazines and websites. With an insatiable appetite for travel and an eagerness to explore off the beaten path, Karakai travels at every opportunity- his travels and ongoing commitment to exploring the world are what inspires him to write.

One Amazon Reviewer Notes

“It is a MUST READ, when your having a tough day. It’s inspirational and motivational. Best with a cup of tea.”

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T.G.I.F! Kindle Daily Deals For Friday, August 2 – Books Deals For All Readers at Great Prices… Plus Don’t Miss Brenda Perlin’s Women’s Fiction Novel Home Wrecker 1 (Home Wrecker Chronicles)

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4.8 stars – 28 Reviews
Or currently FREE for Amazon Prime Members Via the Kindle Lending Library
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled

Here’s the set-up:

When Brooklyn meets Bo, their lives are instantly turned upside down.
Brooklyn and Bo, each unhappily married to someone else, have to decide whether to stay with their spouses or give up everything for each other. Find out what Brooklyn’s husband and Bo’s soon-to-be ex-wife do to break them up.Home Wrecker is the first book in a three part series that follows the main character, Brooklyn throughout her childhood, adult life and then what seems like an “endless” journey towards redemption.

5-Star Amazon Reviews

“…Very inspirational, Homewrecker will touch your heart!”

“…A touching story that pulls you in from the minute you open the book! I read it on one go and can’t wait for the sequel. Excellent read!”

“A heartfelt account of the life’s ups and downs, sharing the positives and the learnings along the way. It is a book every women who’s been through struggles in relationship, in love, with friends and family can relate to.”

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Kindle Daily Deals For Thursday, August 1 – Books Deals For All Readers at Great Prices… Plus Don’t Miss Peter Laurent’s Sci-Fi/Fantasy The Covert Academy

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The Covert Academy

by Peter Laurent

4.1 stars – 29 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled


Here’s the set-up:


In the late 21st Century, the world’s governments have collapsed and mob rule sweeps the planet.
A group of so-called experts, known as the Confederacy, assume control.
When they unleash thousands of unmanned killing machines on the rioters, the conflict ends, yet the majority of the populace remain destitute under the watchful eye of the drones.
Twenty years pass. Joshua has grown up on the now ruined streets of Chicago, in the shadow of the Confederacy’s symbol of authority, the Tower, situated within their impenetrable base, the Colonnade.
With his sister taken by the Confederacy for some unknown purpose, Joshua drifts for years around the border of the Colonnade. Until one day he makes an incredible discovery that leads him to a secret resistance called the Academy, a school for training in the art of invisibility.
But Joshua has his own agenda, and he is hell-bent on a quest for the truth, no matter the cost…



“This utterly unique book had me riveted to my chair for a read-in-one-go session! A fast-paced story with absolutely never a dull moment and so much realism it is scary.” –Ellen Fritz, Reviewer at BooksTomorrow.blogspot.com

“It was two or three o’clock in the morning and I needed to read more to see what happened.” –Pat Ritter, Author/Self-Publisher

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Kindle Daily Deals For Wednesday, July 31 – Books Deals For All Readers at Great Prices… Plus Don’t Miss Tamara Leigh’s Romance Novel Dreamspell

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by Tamara Leigh

4.8 stars – 57 Reviews
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

A time to live. A time to die. A time to dream.

Sleep disorders specialist Kennedy Plain has been diagnosed with a fatal brain tumor. When her research subject dies after trying to convince her he has achieved dream-induced time travel and her study is shelved, she enlists herself as a subject to complete her research. But when she dreams herself into 14th-century England and falls into the hands of Fulke Wynland, a man history has condemned as a murderer, she must not only stay alive long enough to find a way to return to her own time, but prevent Fulke from murdering his young nephews. And yet, the more time she spends with the medieval warrior, the more difficult it is to believe he is capable of committing the heinous crime for which he has been reviled for 600 years.

Baron Fulke Wynland has been granted guardianship of his brother’s heirs despite suspicions that he seeks to steal their inheritance. When the king sends a mysterious woman to care for the boys, Fulke is surprised by the lady’s hostility toward him–and more surprised to learn she is to be his wife. But when his nephews are abducted, the two must overcome their mutual dislike to discover the boys’ fate. What Fulke never expects is to feel for this woman whose peculiar speech, behavior, and talk of dream travel could see her burned as a witch.

5-Star Amazon Reviews

“All I can say is this story is wonderful, it was just awesome!!! It made me laugh and cry, this is a MUST READ!!!! You never want it to end.”

“I absolutely loved this book! The title total fits. i was hooked!!! modern day life and issues, then kings, ladies and knights!! Sweet roller coaster through time! Suspense, action, friendships, romance all in one. GREAT READ! Its one of those books that make you think. “What if…”

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Kindle Daily Deals For Tuesday, July 30 – Books Deals For All Readers at Great Prices… Plus Don’t Miss Richard Stephenson’s Bestselling Collapse (New America-Book One)

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Collapse (New America-Book One)

by Richard Stephenson

4.2 stars – 394 Reviews
Or currently FREE for Amazon Prime Members Via the Kindle Lending Library
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Or check out the Audible.com version of Collapse (New America-Book One)
in its Audible Audio Edition, Unabridged!

Here’s the set-up:

Over 7K paid downloads since July of 2012!

Finalist in The Next Generation Indie Book Awards!

BOOK ONE in the NEW AMERICA series.

What would it take for the United States to fall from within? In a not too distant future, America is put to the test. With the American people deep in The Second Great Depression and two of the most powerful hurricanes on record to contend with, the United States is in no condition to deal with hidden terrorists on its soil, maniacal politicians, and the most formidable military threat the world has seen since the Third Reich.

This is the story of three men from three very different walks of life: Howard Beck, the world’s richest man, also diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome; Richard Dupree, ex-Navy SEAL turned escaped convict; and Maxwell Harris, a crippled, burned-out chief of police of a small Texas town. At first, they must overcome their own struggles and fight for their survival against impossible odds. In the end, the unlikely trio must band together to save their beloved country from COLLAPSE.

Empires topple. Nations crumble. Civilization is fragile. In 2027, America will fall.

BOOK TWO in the New America series, entitled “Resistance” is available now.


“Sweeping, character driven apocalypse.”  “Stephenson starts with a bang and doesn’t lose momentum.”  Steven Konkoly, best selling author of “The Jakarta Pandemic” and the “Black Flagged” series.

“Outstanding futuristic thriller.” “Mr. Stephenson grabs you – literally pulls you – directly into the novel and gets your pulse racing right into the heads of his character.”  Michael Gallagher, Amazon Hall of Fame Reviewer

“Collapse is a real page-turner. Stephenson does a masterful job of building a suspenseful ending to each chapter and then shifting to another character’s story; this makes it difficult to put down this book.”  Blaise Ciabaton, Editor of TwistedSciFi.com.
“Vivid characters, fast paced story.”  Lisa Bedford, editor and owner of The SurvivalMom.com

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