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If she doesn’t agree to his plan, he will tell their innocent daughter the one secret he promised to keep…. The Marriage Lie by Ali Mercer, bestselling author of His Secret Family

The Marriage Lie: A gripping and heartbreaking emotional page-turner

by Ali Mercer
4.1 stars – 51 reviews
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
Fourteen years ago Stella did something she has regretted ever since. But she did it for her daughter. Now, that mistake could mean she loses her precious girl forever…

Stella follows her handsome husband Rob to the beautifully laid-out table in the restaurant he’s chosen specially for her fortieth birthday lunch. As the waiter pops the champagne, Rob proposes a toast and their crystal glasses clink together in celebration. Stella knows how they must look to anyone watching. Two people very much in love, with the perfect marriage and the perfect life.

But Rob is about to drop a bombshell on Stella. He wants a divorce.

If she doesn’t agree to his plan – to sell the house, divide the money and award him full custody of fourteen-year-old Georgie – he will tell their innocent daughter the one secret he promised to keep and that Stella has worked so hard to protect her from.

Stella has a choice to make. To fight for her daughter, there is only one person she can turn to for help. A woman she hasn’t spoken to in over a decade. But to do it means facing up to her biggest regret, and risks losing Georgie forever, once she learns the truth…

An absolutely heart-breaking and gripping novel about the price of keeping a secret. Fans of Amanda Prowse, Kate Hewitt and Susan Lewis will be gripped by this emotional family drama from the very first page.

Discover the Power of Food to Nourish Your Body and Soul! Eat Well & Feel Great by Prutha Desai. #1 New Release in Health, Fitness & Dieting Short Reads

Eat Well & Feel Great: The Power of Food to Nourish Your Body and Soul

by Prutha Desai
4.6 stars – 19 reviews
FREE with Kindle UnlimitedLearn More
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Are you overwhelmed and frustrated with all the different information on diets and don’t know where to begin?

It’s completely okay to be confused! The truth is that one diet plan does not fit all because we are not all designed the same way. This book is not about the latest diet or any quick fixes. It’s about a lifestyle and a way to approach what and how you eat. All of this is explained in an extremely simple manner!

Here is a preview of what you will learn:

    • The importance of real, unprocessed food and how to eat mindfully
    • How to shop and incorporate real, whole foods into your routine
    • How real food has the power to heal your body and mind. Food is medicine.
    • How you can make simple changes to your current eating habits so that eating healthy foods becomes automatic for you
    • A fun challenge that you can try with a friend or family member to build small habits
    • Simple healthy recipes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner

Eat Well & Feel Great will help you discover your best life! All you have to do is start!

12 deceased human beings describe their initial experiences and encounters in the beyond…. Life after Life by Beatrice Brunner. A Selection of Individual Experiences

Life after Life: A Selection of Individual Experiences in the Beyond

by Beatrice Brunner
4.1 stars – 31 reviews
FREE with Kindle UnlimitedLearn More
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

In this book 12 deceased human beings describe their initial experiences and encounters in the beyond. These personal accounts, transmitted through the Swiss deep trance medium Beatrice Brunner, are impressive testimonies of the continuation of life after death and provide revealing insights into the world that awaits us. Each of these accounts gives us information which goes far beyond what has been ascertained by classical thanatology.

“My name is Mathys … When I arrived here in the beyond, I was astonished at the reception I was given. My parents, who had returned to the spirit world a long time before, came to greet me and were overjoyed to see me. ‘Now you need never worry again about your daily bread!’ they told me.”

“My name is Peter. I died when I was seventeen. During my short life on earth I never gave any particular thought to the world beyond. When I entered this world where everything was quite new to me, I was met by my grandmother, clearly overjoyed that I had come home.”

“My name is Theresia. … During my life on earth I, too, made many, many mistakes. I was told this immediately I arrived here in the spiritual world. But I was also told the following: ‘Theresia, you have earned yourself considerable merit on account of your many children.’”

“My name is Jakob. … During my life on earth I could not believe in God – I could not find him. I had little sense of responsibility and could see no purpose in life. My lack of belief led me to make many mistakes in my life.”

“My name is Maximilian. … I did not suffer much before my death, and when I opened my eyes in the next world I was astonished to discover that death was not the end of everything.”

“My name is Amalia. … I was ill for a while and I had to be nursed. … When I opened my eyes I found myself in a very different setting: everything was bright, and there was light all around me.”

8 books. 2300+ pages of fairy tale romance with twists and turns and magical foes. Adult Fairy Tale Romance: Complete Collection Books 1-8 by Joanna Mazurkiewicz

Adult Fairy Tale Romance: Complete Collection Books 1-8

by Joanna Mazurkiewicz
FREE with Kindle UnlimitedLearn More
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

8 books. 2300+ pages of fairy tale romance with twists and turns and magical foes.

Four Kings who will leave you breathless—each one sexier than the other.

No fairy tale collection is complete without Cinderella. In The Vampire King meet Cindy. Will she put her trust in a drunken hooker, who promises to get her to the ball to see her beloved prince?

In The Alpha King, Red seeks help from the one and only, Alpha King. A hot, arrogant werewolf who’s had his eye on her since he stepped foot into Farrington.

Ready to read the Snow White inspired fairy tale, The Ice King? Yanni must repair her reputation in order to become Queen, and with the right man by her side she can change her future.

The Fae King stars reader favorite, Martha, and is set in the magical world of The Vampire King. Readers, who enjoy magical fairy tale retellings, will love this steamy take of a fairy godmother’s search for more than a happy ever after.

These twisted fairy tales will drive you wild. Grab this limited time fairy tale boxed set now and begin your fairy tale adventure.

Buy Adult Fairy Tale Romance The Complete Collection Books 1-8 today!

Vampire King

Alpha King

The Ice King

Fae King

Fae Promise

A Fae’s Love

A Fae’s Return

A Fae’s Deception.

There’s war in the streets. No one is safe as bodies fall and houses go up in flames. Jocelyn’s War: A Novel Journeys Down a Long Dark Road by Jason Ryan Dale

Jocelyn’s War: A Novel (Journeys Down a Long Dark Road Book 3)

by Jason Ryan Dale
3.9 stars – 29 reviews
FREE with Kindle UnlimitedLearn More
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
“Family drama, violence, and a femme fatale make this thriller appealing to fans of mafia stories.”
-Booklife Reviews

There’s a war in the streets. The vicious Ghost Knights biker gang, suddenly flush with cash and guns, is challenging the Mob for control of the city. No one is safe as bodies fall and houses go up in flames.

Danny Rinker is a young Mob soldier, but he’s keeping his distance from the fighting. Encouraged by Jocelyn, his new girlfriend, Danny spends his days in the local bar he finally owns after years of struggling. While his friends are out making names for themselves, Danny finds in the velvety touch of Jocelyn’s lips all the action he’ll ever need.

From a chance encounter, Danny learns a secret that goes to the heart of the Ghost Knights’ newfound power. If he can unravel a twenty-year-old mystery, Danny will be the one who takes the bikers down once and for all.

But Jocelyn is not all she appears. She knows things about this war that her lover can’t even imagine. Danny is about to discover that Jocelyn is a warrior, and even if it breaks her heart, she will carry on her fight to the end.

Journeys Down a Long Dark Road

Just past the Philadelphia city limits there are a cluster of neighborhoods no one on the outside pays much attention to. It’s a nice place to live, with ballfields and takeout joints around every corner. The people who’ve raised their families for generations in the rowhomes and brick houses teach their kids to work hard and keep out of trouble.

But some people aren’t interested in staying out of trouble. There are fortunes to be made in the backstreets and shady barrooms, if you can stay alive long enough to get your hands on it. Many restless souls from this forgotten place have struck out from the safe path and traveled down a long, dark road.

Journeys Down a Long Dark Road is a series of standalone crime stories set in a shared world.

Fighting supernatural crime from a minivan while keeping the magical world a secret is a fulltime job… Secret Agent Mom by Martha Car and Michael Anderle. Case Files Of An Urban Witch Book 1

Secret Agent Mom (Case Files Of An Urban Witch Book 1)

by Martha Carr, Michael Anderle
4.6 stars – 176 reviews
FREE with Kindle UnlimitedLearn More
Here’s the set-up:

Lucy Heron is a mom with three kids, and a baker with a happy marriage in sunny Echo Park. She’s also Silver Griffins Agent 485.

The suburbs will never be the same.

Fighting supernatural crime from a minivan while keeping the magical world a secret is a fulltime job. Then there’s the PTA bake sale and the neighborhood barbecue.

Hard to balance even with a wand.

And now, a monstrous loan shark is spreading his shadowy empire from a hidden kemana. Mix in a tribe of ancient witches and tunnel-dwelling magical misfits.

Turns out, Los Angeles is hiding a lot of secrets just underneath your feet.

Can Lucy put the bad guys behind Trevilsom bars and still get home in time for family dinner? What are her magical kids up to and do they have their own spy network?

Click BUY NOW or READ FOR FREE to dive into the first book of the Case Files of an Urban Witch and look for the recipe at the back of the book.

This fast-moving collection blends fiction with history to illuminate the lives of noted actors, actresses, and directors…. They Make Movies by George Thomas Clark

They Make Movies

by George Thomas Clark
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

This fast-moving collection blends fiction with history to illuminate the lives and careers of noted actors, actresses, and directors. Talented but tormented Louise Brooks and Anna May Wong open the show, and major stars Marlene Dietrich, Vivien Leigh, and Bette Davis follow, revealing their experiences or yielding to characters who offer creative comments about them.

The parade continues with Joan Crawford, a gifted actress who’s difficult on and off the set. Olivia de Havilland becomes a star and then challenges a rigid studio system that locks her into inferior parts and bans her from movies while she fights the moguls in court. Marilyn Monroe is glamorous and gifted but seldom escapes emotional agony. Lupe Velez, The Mexican Spitfire, is similarly doomed.

Contemporary actresses Meryl Streep, Cate Blanchette, Halle Berry, and Kate Winslet usually have better creative choices and earn more money than their cinematic predecessors but must also deal with challenging screen roles and, on occasion, outrageous co-stars.

Leading men next step before the cameras. Humphrey Bogart battles his violent third wife while finally moving toward screen immortality. Errol Flynn, a compelling but unstable young man not long removed from sailing the seas around Tasmania and New Guinea, rapidly becomes a star and almost as quickly undermines himself with alcohol, narcotics, and bad decisions. Clark Gable marries two much older women, one teaching him to act and the other showing him how to behave in high society, before he combines polish and charisma to start getting what he wants.

Laurence Olivier and John Wayne differ stylistically but both dominate the screen and delight moviegoers. Kirk Douglas also proves he’s a star and so does his son Michael, and some creative scenes enliven their stories. Ernest Hemingway arrives, trying to help Burt Lancaster survive his debut in The Killers. In other roles the actor swims through backyard pools on estates in suburban Connecticut and studies birds not at Alcatraz but less scenic Leavenworth. Marlon Brando again fascinates in On the Waterfront, this time making alternative efforts to avoid becoming a bum. The youngest star is Chadwick Boseman, portrayer of Jackie Robinson. Character actors appear next and include Robert DeNiro, Dustin Hoffman, Claude Rains, Edward G. Robinson, Ernest Borgnine and, more recently, Jesse Eisenberg.

The performers above are guided by directors such as John Huston, Alfred Hitchcock, Billy Wilder, Clint Eastwood, Woody Allen, and Spike Lee. And where do they get their raw material? It emerges from numerous too-little-appreciated screenwriters like Ben Hecht, Budd Schulberg, and Aaron Sorkin as well as directors who write well. Huston, Allen, and Lee are among the finest.

And these talents coalesce to form fantasy teams about which we confidently state: They Make Movies.