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Our New Thriller Of The Week Sponsor Is Dirk Wyle’s Bahamas West End Is Murder

Here to sponsor our terrific list of free mystery and thriller titles this week, it’s Dirk Wyle’s Bahamas West End Is Murder, a Ben Candidi Mystery:

<%title%>” width=”270″ height=”270″ /></a></div>
<div style=
by Dirk Wyle
5.0 stars – 1 Reviews
Lending: Enabled

Here’s the set-up:
As vacationing Ben Candidi and Rebecca Levis sail through International Waters toward Grand Bahama Island, they receive a strange welcome—a sinking cabin
cruiser with a dead man at the helm. Ben knows how to patch bullet holes below the waterline and Rebecca knows how to estimate time of death. And they agree
that the West End marina is the right place to bring the body. To avoid trouble, they play it dumb and treat the cocaine-smuggling marina tenants as the divers
and sport fishermen they are pretending to be. Unfortunately, the mailbox corporation in Miami that owns the yacht ignores Ben’s $100,000 salvage
claim—and the Bahamian police won’t let him move the yacht to Florida. The harder Ben and Rebecca press their claim, the more sinister West End becomes.
Should they cut their losses and run? Or is it too late already?

Each day’s list is sponsored by one paid title. We encourage you to support our sponsors and thank you for considering them.
Authors and Publishers: Interested in learning more about sponsorship? Just click on this link for more information.

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Steve O’Riley is a young cowboy, who stumbles onto the scene of a bank robbery in progress. After catching the Sheriff’s attention with his bravery and skills, he is offered the job of deputy, and shortly, he becomes the most beloved sheriff in Dakota. Yet the young sheriff’s success comes...
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The tales of the Hatchback Woman continue to twist and turn in this second collection of stories. Lines are divided between faithful followers who believe the woman's gifts help mankind and the stalkers who seek to stop her infection of the human race. As her mystery grows so do the power of her...
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Hatchback Woman #10-18
By: Daniel J. Kirk
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Charlie has serious old girlfriend problems.The cops think retired blogger Charlie North murdered his three old girlfriends. They want to see him fry.Charlie needs to catch the killers before the cops, or the killers, catch him.Desperate, Charlie investigates the murders. He hires a stunning--and...
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The first Artemus Newton Short Story. WHIRLWIND takes place four years after ACCELERATOR and two years before EYE OF THE STORM. Artie has been retired for eight years and things finally look like they are going his way....
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More than 30 years ago when he graduated from high school, Ty Ward had planned to become a respected lawyer. That dream was shattered when Ty succumbed instead to the lure of easy money and adventure as his immense size attracted recruiters who persuaded Ty to be trained as a bodyguard in South...
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One chance encounter can change everything.Out of the blue, one rainy Tuesday in England, Erin gets a call that changes her whole world.A sizeable inheritance has been left to her by a man she met a year ago whilst waiting for a delayed flight in Bangkok Airport.Despite never having spoken since...
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After a decade working as a tough Chicago cop, Bruce Hanson has begun a successful business as a private investigator in the city. When his business starts expanding in the far West, he finds himself enjoying the rugged wilderness and small-town life of the frontier. Trouble ensues however when a...
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What would you do if you were forced to choose between your family, your profession, your beliefs, and your country, knowing whichever one you choose will be safe, but all of the others will be destroyed forever?Murder, lies, deceit, ambition, revenge, justice, and loyalty are a few of the things...
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Time Will Tell: Book 1
By: Eliot Jones
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Realizing that reopening his law practice after his four month disbarment would be futile, disgraced attorney Slymon "Slimy" Robichaud packs it all in and heads off in his car for parts unknown. He finds romance in Reno and a fantastic job offer which includes a luxury apartment back in his home...
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“So dark and twisty. Everything a thriller should be.” - Goodreads”Perfect for thriller lovers.” - Book blogger“If you like crime drama with imaginative twists and turns, this needs to be added to your reading list!” - Goodreads“Riveting. Horrible. Beautiful. Emotions all over the...
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KND Kindle Nation Bargain Book Alert! And Now, a Book Just for the Parents of the 85% of New College Grads Who Are Back Home with Their Parents!

According to Newsweek, 85 % of  new college graduates are back home with their parents because they can’t get jobs. That’s huge! How horribly sad for them. And their parents. But who thinks about the parents? Shouldn’t somebody?

Adam Mansbach’s book, GO THE F*** TO SLEEP, opened the door to something new in American culture—having the courage to express parental frustration in a loving, yet humorous way. You laughed so hard because it was what you secretly thought but never had the nerve to say.

Nowadays, nearly every older parent pushes her darling chick out of the nest only to get her back the minute the kid’s room has morphed into Mom’s meditation hall. Good-bye peace and quiet! I saw what was happening all around me, and it wasn’t a crying need for better lullabies. My friends were all wannabe empty nesters. So I felt the need to speak up for my generation.

Hence, GO TH F*** AWAY, an unabashed parody of Mansbach’s book for parents of boomerang kids. It’s illustrated with Elizabeth Lareau’s spot-on pen-and-ink cartoons and makes a charming  99 cent gift for 85 % of your friends.  Buy it here! (Preview it here.) Highly recommended by some of today’s most famous dead and fictional parents! Even one who’s undead.

“First I make her immortal and then I keep her around for sixty years. And what does she do? She tries to kill me! Where was this book when I needed it?”  The Vampire Lestat, father of Claudia

“We never saw a night alone. We never had coffee a deux. Yet we know how other parents live, and what peace and quiet must be.” Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dickinson, parents of Emily

“The cat’s not the only one up here on the damn roof! It’s the only place Big Daddy and I can get way from Brick and Maggie’s screamin’ fights. Guess what we’re readin’ up here?”  Big Mama, mother of Brick

“This is the story of my life! Whydaya think I drink so much?“ Mrs. Irene Reilly, mother of Ignatius

“Five daughters still at home? FIVE?? The only time we ever smile is while reading this book.” Mr. and Mrs. Bennet, parents of Elizabeth

“My Howie wouldn’t just go and get his Ph.D  and NOW look! What the hell would I do without this book?”  Mrs. Wolowitz, mother of Howard

Go the F*** Away

by booksbnimble
4.5 stars – 2 Reviews
Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
When the innocent days of early parenthood have passed—those in which the worst thing your kid could throw at you was the daily refusal to close those baby blues at bedtime—stronger language is called for than “go to sleep, my darling.” Some days, the truly mature parent–the one who wishes he’d seen it all but keeps getting surprised—just wants to holler GO THE F*** AWAY! The sly and devious folk at booksBnimble have zeroed in on that, following a pair of hapless parents as they suffer through their kid’s first arrest, first college graduation, subsequent degree collections, first wedding, first divorce, second wedding, and frequent freeloading. All in twenty pages. Pen-and-ink illustrations by Elizabeth Lareau. An unabashed parody of Adam Mansbach’s hilarious parody of sappy beddy-bye books, this is GO THE F**K TO SLEEP for the empty-nester wannabe.
(This is a sponsored post.)

Kindle Nation Bargain Book Alert – The Superuser: A Grisham Stark Poker Murder Mystery (Action Suspense Thriller) by Collin Moshman, Katie Dozier – 4.8 stars on 5 Straight Rave Reviews, Just $2.99 on Kindle!

From a best-selling poker author team comes The Superuser, a new $2.99 five-star reviewed thriller for the readers of John Grisham, John Locke, Simon Wood, Michael Prescott, and Dan Brown.

by Collin Moshman, Katie Dozier
4.8 stars – 5 Reviews<%title%>” width=”162″ height=”216″ /></a></div>
<div><a href=Kindle Price: $2.99
Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

When a punk poker superstar loses millions in a mysterious game, he hires disgraced champion and ex-cop Grisham Stark to investigate. As Stark confronts cold-blooded players in Monte Carlo and Las Vegas, he realizes his one shot at redemption is to catch the most dangerous poker cheat of all time: the Superuser.

Behind the scenes, a politician is hijacking the scandal to wage a legislative battle in Washington. A beautiful female player is blackmailed into hiding a deadly secret that threatens to unravel the entire deception, and the ruthless Superuser is killing anyone who dares stand in his way.

Grisham Stark will ultimately face a terrifying question: Is the Superuser’s final goal far more than money?

The Superuser Reviews on Amazon:
“It is hands-down the fastest paced thriller I’ve ever read.”
“A definite page-turner.”
“I would recommend this book to anyone who likes a good mystery (or action, or suspense!).”
“I’m so glad I read this book – it was great.”

About the Authors:
Collin Moshman and Katie Dozier are a husband and wife writing team as well as professional poker players. Collin is the best-selling author of poker strategy books edited by Katie, including Sit ‘n Go Strategy, Heads-Up No-Limit Hold ‘Em, and The Math of Hold ‘Em. Both authors write popular blogs on their personal websites.

(This is a sponsored post.)

Kindle Nation Bargain Book Alert: We’re Pleased to Be a Stop on David M. Brown’s Virtual Book Tour for FEZARIU’S EPIPHANY – 4.2 Stars, Just 99 cents!

 Welcome to the fully imagined fantasy world of

The Elencheran Chronicles

<%title%>” width=”200″ height=”270″ /></strong></a></div>
<div style=

Fezariu’s Epiphany (The Elencheran Chronicles)

by David M. Brown
4.2 stars – 9 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
Suffering a betrayal as a young boy, Fezariu turns his back on his family. Convinced their way of life will help him leave his past behind, he joins the Merelax Mercenaries. In a quest to prove himself and survive his dangerous assignments in the Colonies, he’s forced to forge new alliances but works hard to distance himself emotionally. Despite his determined focus to move on his thoughts are drawn back to Clarendon where the White Oak, an infamous brothel, holds the secret to his past and the childhood friend he abandoned still remains.

David M. Brown recently began an epic two month blog tour with Pump Up Your Book to promote his debut fantasy novel, Fezariu’s Epiphany.  In order to celebrate in style the price of Fezariu’s Epiphany has recently been reduced to only $0.99!

Fezariu’s Epiphany was released in May 2011 and has received positive reviews on both Amazon and Goodreads, as well as several blogs. The story sees Fezariu facing great upheavals during his childhood and, unable to cope with what he feels is his curse, he runs away and joins the Merelax Mercenaries.  He hopes that the mercenary life will be enough to give him the detachment he craves but finds that personal demons can prove more difficult adversaries than vast armies.

One reviewer summarised:
“Fezariu’s Epiphany is a great read. It has many surprises. The author, David M. Brown, has thoughtfully crafted a many tiered adventure exploring in a compelling, and often nail-biting manner, questions of family legacy, life direction, morality and destiny. Each character in Fezariu’s Epiphany plays an important role in helping Fezariu find his way, sometimes as a warrior (there are some great battle scenes), and sometimes as a friend. In the end Fezariu discovers that these relationships are where his loyalty ultimately rests and that they are the key to slaying the difficult emotions from his past”

(Different Outcomes)

David M. Brown spent over a decade building his fictional world of Elenchera, including a world history spanning 47,000 years and a world geography depicted in 500 maps showing the ever changing political boundaries, newly discovered islands and colonised lands.  Though magic, elves, dragons, animal-headed races and many other aspects of traditional fantasy can all be found in Elenchera, many have their own moment in history and therefore will not appear in every novel, ensuring a varied approach to this unique world in every book.
The tour runs from 5th September to 28th October and give readers an opportunity to read interviews with the author, short excerpts and reviews of the novel.  In addition to Kindle Nation, tour stops will include As the Pages Turn, Review From Here, Literally Speaking and many others.  For more information on the tour you can visit Pump Up Your Book and to find out more about David M. Brown and the world of Elenchera you can visit Elenchera.com.

Check out the book trailer here.

(This is a sponsored post.)

Our Romance of the Week Sponsor, Julia London’s Wedding Survivor, Provides This Free Excerpt!

Julia London’s Wedding Survivor, part of her Thrillseekers Anonymous series:

by Julia London
4.5 stars – 16 Reviews
Here’s the set-up:
Thrillseekers Anonymous is a members-only adventure service that caters to the rich and famous. Living on the edge is nothing to the men who started the service, but “extreme sports” takes on a whole new meaning when they run across women who can give as good as they get…Wedding Survivor When a pair of A-list movie stars decides to combine a wedding with an extreme sport outing, ex-stuntman Eli McCain isn’t too happy. One of the Thrillseekers Anonymous founders, he was jilted at the alter a year ago—and he has no interest in hearing wedding bells. Unfortunately, hes’ been outvoted, and now there’s a crazy wedding to stage with a bridezilla from hell.In comes wedding planner Marnie Banks to save the day—and, she hopes, make some romantic connections with Hollywood’s jet set. Only one problem stands in her way: Eli McCain, who may look like a movie star, but has no appreciation for the finer things in life.
And now, the author presents this free excerpt:


ELI caught her arm before she could grab her melon and run, and at least got her to agree to hear what they were trying to accomplish with the audition.

Thrillseekers Anonymous, he said, was an ultrasecret, ultraexclusive, members-only sports club catering to the extremely wealthy.

The “extremely wealthy” point instantly caught her attention, and she had stopped wrestling Eli for the melon and demanded suspiciously, “Like who?”

“Like . . . we can’t tell you unless you get the job,” Cooper said.

That clearly disappointed her, but she did agree to come into the pavilion and sit down to listen to their spiel—a spiel they’d given so many times that they all knew it by heart.

It went something like this: Eli, Cooper, and Jack had grown up best friends on the West Texas plains. Their love for anything sporting had started then—football, baseball, basketball, rodeo—whatever sport they could play with the goal of outdoing the other two. They were still pups when it became clear that regular sports were not enough to satisfy them. They began to create elaborate, double-dog-dare tricks using rooftops, trampolines, and swimming pools. And they created a dirt-bike trail through the canyons that rivaled the professional circuit. They made a game out of breaking horses without using a bit, and built motorized conveyances that they would race across fallow fields.

As they grew older, their competitive spirit grew more extreme, and they became experts in white-water rafting, rock climbing, canyon jumping, kayaking, surfing, and skiing—name a sport, any sport, and they had tried it.

After college, Jack went into the Air Force so he could fly higher and learn how to do stunts in airplanes. Cooper and Eli weren’t as interested in flying as they were in jumping off buildings and blowing things up, so they headed out to Hollywood to hire on as stuntmen.

With Jack in the Air Force, Eli and Cooper got their start working on some of the biggest action films in Hollywood. Their ability to do any stunt and their willingness to go the extra mile eventually led them to choreographing huge action sequences. Through a series of big blockbuster films, they earned a solid reputation for being fearless, unconquerable, and astoundingly safe, given what they did.

And still, with all the action in their day jobs, Eli and Cooper routinely trekked out on weekends to ocean kayak, or kite surf, or helicopter ski—whatever caught their imagination.

But it wasn’t until they got the bright idea to take along a couple of pals who just happened to be movie stars that their outings began to be the talk around movie sets. Their reputation as tough guys grew exponentially—the more Hollywood bigs they took along on their adventures, the bigger their adventures became.

Perhaps more important, and amazingly without a lot of forethought, what Eli and Cooper proved adept at doing was keeping these jaunts out of the press. In fact, they became masters at it.

It was Cooper who came up with the idea of making a business out of their love of adventure—after all, extreme sports didn’t come cheap. And an increasing number of Hollywood moguls wanted the exclusive and exotic outings they offered, particularly if the adventure came with the guarantee of total privacy.

When Jack started making noises about getting out of the Air Force—he’d learned to fly anything with wings, and was ready to move on—they persuaded their old pal to come and join them in California. They figured if they could provide their own transportation and fly their clients to their adventure destinations themselves, they’d be that much more mobile and private.

Jack was more than willing to do it—he missed his old pals, missed the extreme sports with them. But he had one condition—he wanted to bring a friend.

During his years of service, Jack had become friends with Michael, a fellow extreme-sports enthusiast. It so happened that Michael was also considering moving on from his job—he was a CIA operative who was growing weary of being out in the cold.

As Jack had explained it to Eli and Cooper, what Michael brought to the table was invaluable—the guy had a contact for just about anything anyone could imagine. He’d known arms dealers, jewel thieves, opium traders. He’d dined with Saudi kings, had lived with a Parisian diplomat, and had at least two Swiss bank accounts that Jack knew of. He was a gold mine of information and resources.

Eli and Cooper said they didn’t care about that, but could the dude ski? Repel down cliff faces? Sky surf or kite surf? Jack said he could, so a few months later, during a Lakers game one night, Thrillseekers Anonymous, or T.A., as they called it, was officially born. The four of them agreed that night that no fantasy adventure was too fantastic for them. They agreed they would not fulfill fantasies that were illegal or included illicit sex or drugs, but anything else they considered on the table. Their motto became Name your fantasy and we’ll make it happen.

In the last two years, T.A. had grown to the point that they were scheduling adventures monthly, if not more often. Word of their business had spread beyond Hollywood, and high-tech billionaires, European royalty, and New York real estate aristocracy, among other wealthy and famous people, sought their services.

The adventures were top notch. They had surfed thirty- foot waves off the coast of Washington, had canyon jumped through the alpine mountains of Europe. They had forged new helicopter skiing in Canada, going where no skier had gone before. They had careened down some of the meanest Class V white waters in the world, had raced motorcycles across the roughest terrain in South America, had climbed the frigid mountains of Russia. Whatever the fantasy sport, they had done it.

But then something peculiar happened.

Their clients were men of power and extraordinary means. But behind every one of those men stood a woman, and over the course of a year, some of their best clients had begun to call up inquiring about the same sort of gig, usually beginning with a heartfelt apology for even asking.

The wives and girlfriends of these men were just as attracted to the privacy T.A. offered as were their mates. But they didn’t want extreme adventures—they wanted extreme social events. They wanted someone to organize an Antarctic cruise for fifty of their closest friends, or arrange an anniversary party on a remote island and give it a Gilligan’s Island theme. They wanted someone to organize a girls’ week out, which would include someplace very cool— floating down the Amazon River in luxury, for example. But most of all, they wanted the privacy.

At first, the guys balked. They rarely attended social events, and usually only when one of them happened to have a girlfriend, which was a hit-and-miss sort of thing, given the nature of their business. They certainly didn’t do social events, and the first time they received a call requesting one, they had been collectively insulted. They specialized in dangerous, breathtaking, thrilling trips into the wilds of the world—not tea parties.

But the requests kept popping up, and they began to realize if they didn’t go with the flow on this, they might start losing some valuable clients.

And then this happened—this being the wedding of the century, of course.

What made this different from the previous requests was that the two stars involved—Vincent Vittorio and Olivia Dagwood—wanted their wedding to occur at the end of an extreme sports trip. Sort of a hybrid, Vince explained to them.

Specifically, they wanted to return to the remote mountains on the border of Colorado and New Mexico, where they had filmed the epic movie The Dane. Vince had done some extensive training for that film, and his idea was that he and Olivia and a couple of T.A. guys would all go canyoning, which involved riding waterfalls and rappelling down rock faces or jumping in alpine pools so that they could slide down a water chute to the next foaming pool, only to climb out and up the next rock and do it again.

At the end of their jaunt, Vince proposed that they would hike up to a pristine and beautiful little dale at the top of the San Juan Mountain range. The dale was only a quarter of a mile up from the Piedra Lodge, the luxury summer resort where they had resided during the filming of The Dane. In that tiny dale was an old miner’s cabin that had been converted into a plush honeymoon cabin. It was, Vince said sheepishly, the setting Olivia wanted—between towering mountains covered with summer alpine wildflowers and spruce trees.

And he was willing to pay them a shitload of dough for what Olivia wanted.

The request had been an agonizing development for T.A. They didn’t want to lose out on the chance to go canyoning—the four of them had bemoaned the fact they didn’t have the time to do it before The Dane wrapped. They did not, however, want anything to do with a wedding. Even one tacked on to canyoning.

But Vincent Vittorio was one of their best clients. He was a short guy, had a bit of a Napoleon complex, and was constantly trying to prove his mettle through extreme sports. In his zeal, he had brought T.A. some of their most lucrative contracts. Worse, not one of them could deny the lure of the money Vince was willing to pay them. They had quickly determined they could book an entire year’s worth of expenses against what they would make off this one event.

At first, the guys had tried to find a way out by searching for some hole in the logistics of doing a wedding there, but really the logistics weren’t that difficult—the spot was remote, and the nearest airport, a two-hour drive, was only a regional one. A single two-lane road led up to the old mining sites, and even that was closed for most of the year. As a result, no one was up there save cattle, elk, and the occasional bear. It would be a cinch to keep the event private. Moreover, the lodge and honeymoon cabin were available at the time they wanted it.

No matter how they looked at it, they couldn’t find a really good reason to say no. It was just that none of them wanted to be involved in a wedding, because none of them knew how to be involved in a wedding.

They needed, Jack said then, a wedding planner. He convinced them that with a wedding planner, the rest of them had to merely show up.

But hire a wedding planner? Let a female into their inner sanctum? It seemed impossible, inconceivable, and a really bad idea. Much argument and discussion and—after a trip to the store for a case of beer and some ribs—even more argument had ensued, until the four men resolved the issue by taking a vote.

It was three to one, Eli voting against.

He had his reasons.

They all knew his reasons. It had been only a year since he’d been jilted at the altar in another big to-do. Yep, Eli McCain had been left standing holding the proverbial bag while the rest of the world read about it in the tabloids. The last thing he wanted or needed was a wedding in his life.

Nevertheless he was voted down—they would hire a wedding planner. But they agreed they would hire an unknown planner who didn’t have a public relations office so the press wouldn’t get wind of it. And as the wedding itself would require some hiking and lifting and various other physical activities (the dale was beautiful, but it was awfully remote at eleven thousand feet), they would need a wedding planner who could at least climb trees and rocks. Thus, the idea for the audition was born.

At that point, the guys had tackled the even harder issue of who among them would lead this expedition into virgin territory. No one stepped up. All of them said, “Not me, pal.” Several bawdy and impolite things were said about weddings and marriage in general. They had at last decided which of them would lead—from the canyoning all the way to through the wedding—in their usual customary fashion.

In a cruel and ironic twist of fate, Eli lost his round of rock, paper, scissors.

Personally, he didn’t think there could possibly be a worse choice than him. As Cooper explained everything, just watching Marnie’s eyes light up at the very mention of wedding plans and exotic locales made his stomach churn. What was it with women and fancy weddings? If Eli ever contemplated marriage again, which he’d never do, he’d run off to Vegas or something.

“So what do you think, Marnie?” Cooper asked after the spiel.

It was clear what Marnie thought—she beamed like a ray of pure sunshine, the light coming right out of her maple eyes. “Are you kidding? A wedding in the mountains? I can’t think of a more romantic setting!”

“I guess it’s romantic,” Cooper said with a shrug, “but it’s not easy. It involves a lot of physical stuff. And we can’t afford to have a team member who isn’t in shape and can’t pull her own weight, you know what I mean?”


“That’s why we need you to climb that rope.”

Marnie’s beaming smile faded a little. “Well . . . okay. Sure.” She didn’t sound very sure, but she put aside her bag, her melon, and her red hat nonetheless. “I’m not exactly dressed for it,” she said, looking down at her black slacks.

“That’s why I said to dress in banging-around clothes,” Eli explained.

She gave him a brief, withering look. “I didn’t realize ‘banging around’ meant rope climbing.” She walked past him to the edge of the pavilion and stared at the rope. “Just up and down once, right?”

“Right,” Coop said.

With a small sigh, she headed for the rope. The guys followed her. She stopped at the rope, rubbed her hands on her black slacks, then rubbed them together as she eyed the thing. Eli stepped up to spot her. “It’s easy,” he said. “Watch me.” He jumped up on the rope, quickly scaled to the top, then just as quickly lowered himself to the ground.

Marnie frowned.

“Marnie . . . have you ever climbed a rope?” he asked carefully.

“Of course I have climbed a rope,” she said. “Granted, it’s been a few years, like maybe twenty-five, but hey, I’ve climbed one. I can do this.”

Okay, then, it was clear they weren’t going to find a wedding planner who could climb a rope. And honestly, Eli felt a little sorry for her. She seemed so . . . so spunky and so desperate to get this job. She definitely got extra points for being the only one of the four women they had talked to who’d made it to the rope.

“Listen,” he said, “if you can’t get all the way up, don’t worry about it. We’re not going to cut you for failing the rope climb. It’s just so we can get a feel for your strength.”

“You might want to stand back,” she said, ignoring him, and with a grunt, she launched herself at the rope, jumping up and grabbing on about halfway up.

And there she hung, clinging desperately to it, her legs wrapped tightly around it, her hands white-knuckled in their grip as the rope swung lazily.

Eli winced when she didn’t move for a long moment. “Just use your legs and inch your way up,” he suggested.

“Right.” she said brightly. But she didn’t move.

“It’s okay, let go,” Eli said, putting his hand on the rope.

“No! I can do it,” she gasped, trying to shake his hand off with a wiggle of her hips. “I just have to pull . . .” She made a very strange sound and managed to get one hand above the other.

For a moment, he thought she was going to make it. But then she began to whimper.

“Let go, let go,” Eli urged her, and grabbed the rope, began to peel her fingers from it, one by one. When she was in danger of falling, she let go and landed off balance, knocking into him. Eli grabbed her shoulders and straightened her up.

A frown creased her brow as she pushed some loose hair behind her ears. “You made me lose my grip!”

“Actually,” he said with a hint of a smile, “you were gripping the hemp out of that sucker.”

“I was?”

He nodded.

Marnie sighed. “That bad, huh?”

Worse. It was horrible. No upper-body strength at all. Marnie groaned, but Eli said, “Hey, it wasn’t too bad,” and patted her kindly on the shoulder. “I thought it was great. A for effort.”

Marnie smiled gratefully, and Eli noticed with some surprise just how warm that smile of hers was.

“Well,” Coop said, shaking his head as he sauntered up to them, “I guess we can try running.”

They escorted Marnie through the garden and around a stand of trees to a small, half-mile track Vincent kept to stay in shape. She exclaimed her surprise when she saw it, and exclaimed even louder when Michael told her they wanted to get a feel for her endurance. “If you could just run around the track a couple of times,” he said, making a circular motion with his hand. “Maybe four. That’s all we need.”

Marnie looked down at her white silk blouse. “I wish I’d known to wear something a little sportier.”

“I said ‘banging around’,” Eli objected again.

She flashed him a look that said she thought he was clearly a moron and walked to the starting line. She paused, fixed her hat and her hair, and pulled her shirttails out of her pants. “Do I have to be fast?” she asked.

“Nah,” Michael said easily. “Just run.” And the four of them lined up behind her, watched as she started to jog . . . well, bounce, really . . . around the track.

“Gotta say, this one is a definite improvement over the last one,” Coop said with a grin.

“Not bad, not bad,” Michael added, smiling appreciatively, too, as they watched a very nice ass bounce as she ran by. “But she runs like a girl.”

“This is the dumbest idea we’ve ever come up with,” Eli snorted. Not that he wasn’t appreciating the package bouncing around the track along with the guys. “We’re making a wedding planner run around a track. Do you know how stupid that is?”

“Shut up,” Jack said. “I’m enjoying the show.”

Marnie made it around one and a half times before she had to stop and put her hands on her knees to get some air. When the guys joined her, she apologized between gulps of air, and admitted to being very amazed that her trips to the gym hadn’t yielded a better performance.

While they all hastened to assure her that it was quite all right—they admired her willingness to try—there wasn’t a man among them who didn’t wonder if she could pull her own weight at eleven thousand feet. They were used to enduring extreme conditions with strong men. Not women who ran like girls.

Fortunately, Marnie fared much better on the next phase. The idea, as they had developed it, was to make sure their wedding planner could handle the press. In the pavilion, Michael began to fire a set of nonsensical questions at her, asking and re-asking the same thing, trying to shake her up.

Marnie did a great job—none of the questions about affairs or babies or drugs rattled her in the least. She had a great laugh and a charming smile, and laughed appropriately at the ridiculous questions but still answered them with aplomb. Better yet, she gave up just enough of her made-up version of the wedding for the press to have a story, but not enough where they could actually learn when or where it was.

The last phase of the audition was Jack’s creation. He thought it necessary to give the candidates some “what-if” scenarios to see how they’d react. “The bride hasn’t decided what to wear for the wedding,” he said, harking back to an Oscar moment that Olivia had told them about. “She has three or four dresses. When she gets up to the site, she decides to wear a Vera Wayne, but you don’t have a Vera Wayne,” he said, making it sound like a matter of life and death. “What do you do?”

“Wang,” Marnie said.


“Vera Wang. This is a tough one,” she said thoughtfully. She tapped a manicured forefinger against her lips, then said, “Okay, here’s what—I’d try and talk sensibly to her and point out all the good things about the gowns she’s got.”

No one had anything to say to that.

“Okay, that’s dumb,” she said hastily. “This is Olivia Dagwood we’re talking about. How about . . . I’d try and pass off one of the gowns there as a Vera Wang?” she asked. When no one spoke again, she said, “No? Okay, I give. What is the right answer?”

“Hell if we know,” Jack said.

In the end, having exhausted everything they could think of, and being in turn exhausted by Marnie’s knowledge of weddings, the guys sent Marnie back to the Lincoln to wait, and they caucused in the pavilion.

It was clear they had their wedding planner. Jack lamented that she didn’t have the physical stamina they were hoping for, but they all agreed that she likely wouldn’t look as hot as she did if she had the physical stamina of a discus thrower, which was, if they boiled it down, what they were hoping for.

“So what do you think?” Cooper asked them all. “Do we take her on?”

“Have we got another choice?” Jack asked. “She’ll do, assuming she comes up clean on a thorough background check.”

“I like her,” Michael said. “She’s cheerful. I like cheerful in a wedding planner.”

“I like legs on a wedding planner, and she’s definitely got those,” Coop snorted. “I say we do it.”

The three of them looked at Eli. He sighed wearily. “I still say it’s the dumbest thing we’ve ever done.”

“Great,” Cooper said, and with a grin, shoved Marnie’s forgotten melon at Eli. “Then you can call her with the good news when we finish the background on her.”

Wedding Survivor, by Julia London, just 99 cents in the Kindle Store!

Enjoy This Lengthy, Free Excerpt From Steve DeWinter’s Inherit the Throne, our Thriller of the Week Sponsor!

Steve DeWinter’s Inherit the Throne, a Melissa Stone Adventure:

by Steve DeWinter
3.8 stars – 25 Reviews
Here’s the set-up:
Living under a new identity in the tiny Northwestern tourist town at the base of Mount Hood, Melissa thought she had finally escaped her past. That is until an assassin tries to kill her and forces her back into a treacherous shadow world she vowed never to return. That same night an unmanned robotic SUV slams into the limousine of the Vice President of the United States and detonates with several hundred pounds of explosives. Melissa soon discovers that the attack on the Vice President and the attempt on her own life are related. And time is running out to find out who wants her dead and why she alone holds the key to saving the President of the United States. This is the Standard Edition. If you would like extra content such as deleted chapters and a sneek preview of the second Melissa Stone book, then you will want the Enhanced Edition. Either click the + sign next to Kindle Edition in the format section above, or search for “Inherit The Throne Enhanced”.
The author hopes you will enjoy this lengthy free excerpt, which contains the first 8 chapters!

Chapter 1

Carlos Jimenez pushed on the door leading to the employee restroom. The hinges squealed in protest, their cries of pain echoing off the alternating black and white tiles that covered the walls and the floor of the restroom. Jimenez marveled that no how matter how posh or swank the hotel was, the employee restroom always looked like a restroom you’d expect to find in the middle of a deserted highway. He considered himself a professional on the subject of the greater metropolitan DC area employee restrooms, a connoisseur, if you will, as he had seen more than his fair share during his fifteen years on Secret Service detail.

Those fifteen years had brought him through many dark and dingy lower worlds, the Hades of Washington, DC whose every entrance was guarded by the modern-day version of Cerberus, the three-headed dog.

A simple plastic plaque that stated its warning in no uncertain terms.

“Employees Only – No Admittance.”

Special Agent in Charge, Carlos Jimenez had little doubt he entered the very bowels of hell every time he crossed that plaque. And tonight was no different. Jimenez let the door swing fully open before absentmindedly wiping his fingertips on the side of his slacks. His time in the Secret Service brought him to more of these places than he cared to admit, and being promoted to Special Agent in Charge only ensured that he was the first through every door.

His highly trained senses took in the room all at once, and he wished that just once he would open that door and find an employee restroom that was as pristine and polished as the restrooms in the lobby. But then again, he thought, that is the true mark of insanity. Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

Jimenez walked into the dimly lit, and fortunately unoccupied, bathroom. He hated having to kick people out, but then again, that was his job. There was no higher calling than keeping the world safe for democracy, but tonight, his job was to keep the bathroom safe for the Vice President of the United States.

He paced out to the center of the room, careful not to slip on the thin film of oily residue that was the unfortunate result of sharing a ventilation shaft with the kitchen. Tonight his job would be easier than usual. The management had posted a sign on the door stating that the restroom was going to be for the personal use of the Vice President of the United States and requested employees to take care of their needs elsewhere. Despite the sign, Jimenez still did his duty and entered the room ahead of anyone else.

The two urinals stood empty. In stark contrast to the coloring of the walls and the floor, they gleamed in brilliant porcelain white, the pungent odor of chlorine the only telltale sign to the cause of their cleanliness. Two of the stall doors stood open with the middle stall closed and a crude handwritten sign stating “out of order” in blocky red letters taped to the door.

As the special agent walked past the broken stall, he nearly did a double take as he thought he saw a shadow move underneath. He paused for only a moment and stared hard under the locked door. Just then a voice broke his concentration. He looked up to see the eager face of the youngest recruit ever to get Vice Presidential detail. An honor that, until this kid had come along, had been his.

“He said to let you know that he’s had quite a bit to drink, and he doesn’t know how much longer he can hold it.”

Jimenez held up, his hand silencing the recruit. He drew his automatic pistol and pointed silently at the locked bathroom stall. The recruit understood and drew his own service weapon and pointed it at the stall door.

Jimenez kicked hard at the door, and the lock gave way with a shriek. The door slammed against the back wall of the empty stall.

Jimenez holstered his weapon and looked at the kid who had stolen his record.

“Let him know it’s all clear.”

Just as Jimenez finished his sentence, a large well-groomed man of six foot two pushed his way into the restroom. “God dammit, Carlos. I swear, you seem to take longer every single time.”

“Just doing my job to keep you safe, sir.”

The Vice President rushed past, unzipping his pants before he even made it to the urinal against the wall. “Now that I’m safe, how about a little privacy?”

Jimenez reached the door and pulled it closed behind him, “Of course, sir. I’ll be outside if you need anything.”


As soon as he heard the door close, Andrew quietly lowered himself down from the sling that had held him hidden under the wide imitation marble sinks along the wall opposite the urinals. The Fentanyl had finally kicked in, and the pain had subsided enough that Andrew was able to concentrate on sneaking up behind the Vice President without alerting him that he was even there.

Five years ago if someone had told the highly decorated United States Army Special Forces Captain that, on an otherwise ordinary Thursday night, he would be hiding from the Secret Service in a filthy bathroom waiting to make a move against the second most powerful man in the United States, he would’ve told them to go do something unnatural with themselves. But cancer has a way of changing a man, making him willing to do things he wouldn’t normally consider.

The Vice President finished, zipped up his pants and turned around. Andrew understood the reason for the sudden look of confusion on the Vice President’s face. He was staring into the face of someone who looked exactly like him.

“What the…” was all the Vice President could utter before Andrew swiftly stabbed the needle into the arm of the career politician and plunged the entire contents of the syringe deep into the muscle tissue. The Vice President stared down at the needle sticking out of his arm and then back up to look Andrew squarely in the eyes. The chemical worked quickly, and as the Vice President realized he was losing all muscle control, his eyes sought out the doorway that led to an entire squadron of heavily armed and highly trained men whose job it was to protect him.

He opened his mouth to scream for help, but the only noise he made was a low moan accompanied by a gurgling sound right before he collapsed into Andrew’s arms.

Chapter 2

William Hartford sat motionless in his red leather wing chair. The single green banker’s light perched on the corner of his antique leather-topped desk provided the only illumination in his twelve thousand square foot Washington, DC apartment.

The glass of Blair Athol Whisky sat untouched on the end table by the side of the leather wing chair. Hartford had poured and ignored it. The ice was gone leaving only a thin layer of clear water to reflect the banker’s lamp as it floated on top of the amber liquid. A twelve-year-old single malt whiskey should never be treated with such disdain.

Hartford let the cool September wind rustle the papers on the desk behind him. As the wind picked up and papers began to shift across the desk, Hartford leaned forward and pushed the window to just within an inch of closed. This would permit the night sounds to drift in without interfering with the arrangement of the files on his desk.

In stark contrast to the antique Georgian mahogany wood and the dark green tooled leather top of the hundred-year-old partner’s desk, a small LED clock burned bright blue on the far right corner. The time showed as 11:32 p.m., and Hartford used these last few moments of each day to reflect as he glanced at the clear liquid floating on top of the whiskey. He’d been sober now for twelve years, three months and five days, and during that time had managed to become a respected politician. He was so well-trusted that he had been voted almost unanimously to preside over Congress for the last two years. But with the change in leadership expected in the upcoming election, his time in a position of power was coming to a close.

The phone on the leather-topped desk rang.

He was used to late-night calls from all around the world, even on a politically uneventful Thursday night, and answered after only the second ring. The caller ID showed up as blocked, but the soft melodic voice he recognized instantly.

“In one week you will be President of the United States.”

“Hannah!?”Hartford sat up in shock and absently reached for the glass of whiskey before stopping himself short. Twelve years, three months and five days was not that long, after all.

“Are you ready for what I have spent over a decade preparing you for?” The soft voice betrayed the sinister nature of her statement.

“Without you, I would never have gotten this far, but how you can be so sure that you can actually make me the President?”

“The Presidential Succession Act will make you President. I’m only clearing the way.”

A small-town city councilman, who spent every weekend in a drunken stupor, was the last person that should have been selected to become the leader of the most powerful nation in the world. But Hannah had told him that if he sobered up and promised to stay away from the devil’s nectar, she would make that happen for him.

For the last twelve years, three months and five days, he had kept his side of the bargain, and, as he was maneuvered up the ranks of the political ladder, it was obvious that she was keeping hers.

Not bad for someone he had never met face-to-face. They always spoke over the phone, or, in recent months, he met with her second in command.

He glanced at the glass of whiskey.

This dependency.

This crutch.

Hannah had proven to him that he was better off without it, that success was more achievable when it was left out of his life.

He had been silent for too long, and Hannah said exactly what Hartford needed to hear. “Play it my way, and we both get what we want.”

“Why now?”

“Because the window of opportunity is fast closing. I have to strike while the iron is hot.”

The call ended with a click that sounded more final than anything Hartford had ever heard in his life. Dealing with Hannah was like talking to a bad doctor. You never understood what they meant until it was too late.

Like an avalanche on a snow-packed mountain, now that it had started, not even William Hartford, The Speaker of the House of Representatives himself, could stop it.

As soon as he became Speaker of the House, Hartford was just two heartbeats away from the throne of the most powerful country in the world.

And to make matters worse, Hartford was not in control. Even if he wanted to change his mind, it was already too late. It was too late twelve years ago when he put aside his own personal issues and went along with the most ludicrous scheme he had ever heard in his life.

Hartford grabbed the glass of amber liquid, spilling a little of the watered-down whiskey onto the leather-topped desk. He gulped down the entire contents of the glass in a single swallow and let the warm liquid burn his throat and sear the inside of his nostrils. He would not be the first United States President who had overcome a drinking problem in his past.

Chapter 3

Jonathan Wilkes snapped shut the sleek black Motorola RAZR V3 and dropped it into the nearest trash can on the street. He had received confirmation from Hannah to proceed and wouldn’t need to use that phone ever again. When it was time to contact her again, he would purchase a disposable phone using cash.

Wilkes checked the pace of traffic and crossed the street to join the growing crowd of protesters.

The former United States Marine Corps Force Reconnaissance warrior gripped the nylon backpack that was slung over the shoulder of his Port Authority black leather bomber jacket. Wilkes generally preferred to wear the durable and ready-for-action Battle Dress Uniform, but despite coming in a variety of camouflage patterns and solid colors, he decided he would blend in better if he wore civilian clothes.

Good call. As soon as he stepped into the crowd of protesters he noted that there were at least fifteen other men in black leather jackets and blue jeans and not a single person in BDUs. Wilkes quickly scanned the crowd looking for potential accomplices and found them huddled together in front of the window of a shoe store closed for the night. They cast furtive glances around as they passed something small between them, each taking a turn.

They were perfect.

Wilkes strode over and stopped a couple feet outside the circle. He quickly evaluated the small group of boys and noted that the oldest couldn’t have been more than seventeen. They obviously thought that forming a circle would magically keep anyone from smelling what it was they were really up to. A sudden exchange of whispers caused the entire group to simultaneously turn their heads and look at Wilkes.

“We ain’t got nothin’ for sale.” The 17-year-old was obviously the leader. Probably because he was their supplier.

“I just wanted to know if you boys can help me and my friends out,” Wilkes nodded his head towards the crowd of protesters. “You see, the Vice President’s motorcade is gonna come by in about fifteen minutes, and I’ve got a few cartons of eggs in my bag. You interested?”

“What are you protesting?”

Wilkes smiled. “Does it really matter?You wanna throw eggs at the VPs limo or not?”

Heads pivoted back-and-forth among the circle of boys as they looked at each other trying to determine if this was a trap or not. All eyes finally settled on the leader who looked back at Wilkes and flashed a big grin exposing several gaps were teeth should have been. “You only live once, right?”

Wilkes slid the backpack off his shoulder and bent down to unzip the bag. He lifted the first carton of eggs out of the backpack and held it out to the leader.

“Take the eggs out of the cartons here and spend the next few minutes working your way into the crowd. Try not to stick together. Remember, the key word here is to blend in. The Vice President’s car will be the second limousine six cars back from the front of the motorcade. Now, don’t any of you get too excited and start throwing eggs early. Wait for the Vice President.”

One of the boys, who couldn’t have been more than fifteen, took a carton of eggs and held it up to show the others.

“Hey – organic free range, nice.”

Wilkes handed out the rest of the egg cartons. “Only the very best for the leaders of our country.”

Eggs were quickly dispersed among the small group when the leader paused and looked at Wilkes. “What about you, man, you gonna take an egg?”

“Already got one,” Wilkes replied, as he slipped an egg out of the pocket of his black leather bomber jacket. “Remember – wait for the Vice President’s car.”

“We got it, man.”

Chapter 4

Andrew carefully laid the Vice President down on the gritty bathroom floor. It took him only a few moments to change shoes with the Vice President. Andrew was already dressed in exactly the same suit and tie so that the switch could be made in as little time as possible. The only thing that he couldn’t replicate was the transponder built into the heel of the Vice President’s left shoe, and so a quick swap ensured that both visually and electronically Andrew was now the Vice President of the United States.

Andrew stood up and looked at himself in the grimy mirror. Multiple several-hour surgeries had made him look exactly like the man lying unconscious on the floor, and for the past six weeks, a vocal coach taught him how to speak and sound just like him.

He practiced flashing the world renowned smile in the mirror, and then suddenly doubled over the sink. The breakthrough pain was getting more severe each time. With one hand gripping the side of the rust-stained sink, he reached into his pocket and pulled out the bottle of Fentanyl tablets. Andrew stared at the large red warning letters on the bottle in his trembling hand. He actually laughed out loud as he read that among the dangers of overdose was a high probability of death. This warning label did not apply to him. He would be dead in less than half an hour anyway.

He popped the top of the bottle with his thumb and let go of the sink long enough to pour the remaining four tablets into his waiting palm. One by one he nestled the tablets into his cheeks just behind each molar. They dissolved quickly, and he glanced at the sleeping body on the floor. A wave of emotion flooded over him, and he instantly snapped to attention. With a fluid practiced motion, his hand jerked to his brow in salute.

“United States Army – 5th Special Forces Group. Captain Andrew Stovall at your complete disposal. It is my distinct pleasure to die in your place, Mr. Vice President.”

The sleeping man never stirred, never even reacted to what Andrew had just said. He released his salute and let his hand drop to his side. The shaking was subsiding, and that meant it was time to fulfill his duty. The public would never know of the sacrifice he’d made for his country. But then again, the cancer would have taken him in less than six months anyway, and he didn’t do this for a medal.

He did this because it had to be done.

He did this because he believed in the oath he had taken to protect the leaders of this great nation.

Andrew pulled open the bathroom door just enough to slip out into the hallway. It wouldn’t be a good idea to have anyone outside this door look in and see his doppelganger lying prone on the alternating black and white discolored tiles.

The concerned face of Carlos Jimenez, Special Agent in Charge, was the first thing Andrew encountered in the hallway.

“Are you alright, sir?You were in there quite a while.”

Andrew immediately employed his six weeks of vocal training. “Like I said before, Carlos, I just had a little too much to drink. I’ll be all right. I think I’m ready to leave now.”

“Of course, sir. The motorcade’s right this way.”

Jimenez pointed down the hallway with an outstretched open palm. Just like Moses raising his staff over the Red Sea, as soon as the Special Agent in Charge raised his arm to point the way, a sea of Secret Service agents parted to either side of the hallway.

Andrew scanned the hallway in front of them and then turned to look back the opposite direction, searching the faces of every hotel employee.

Jimenez touched him briefly on the elbow. “This way, sir.”

A sudden wave of terror enveloped Andrew as he searched the faces of the hotel employees in both directions of the hallway. His frantic actions must have alarmed the Secret Service agents closest to him as their gun hands instinctively started moving for their holsters.

“Is there anything wrong, sir.”

Andrew glanced at Carlos Jimenez, hoping that his fear was not reflected in his eyes. “I, uhh…”

Someone coughed down the hallway and made several of the agents jump reflexively. Andrew looked at the banquet server who had just coughed, and instantly all anxiety flowed out of every muscle as, when their eyes met, the banquet server gave an almost imperceptible nod. The Vice President would be safe.

Andrew quickly turned to the lead Secret Service agent and flashed the Vice President’s award-winning smile. “I am so sorry, Carlos. I think I had more to drink than I planned. I was disoriented for a moment there. You know how it is, too many employee bathrooms in too many hotels.”

Carlos Jimenez searched his eyes looking for the answer to a question he didn’t even know he was asking.

“Take me home.”

The Special Agent in Charge visibly relaxed, and he finally let go of Andrew’s arm.

“Right this way, sir.”

Chapter 5

Jonathan Wilkes cradled the egg in the palm of his hand while he made his way through the protesters. He glanced around to see that all the pothead kids had done exactly as he asked. They all stood waiting amongst the crowd.

The man with the megaphone hadn’t stopped shouting his political diatribe since Wilkes first arrived, and he wondered how the man could sustain saying the same thing over and over again without tiring or getting bored of himself.

I guess he likes hearing himself talk, Wilkes thought. But that still didn’t explain how the rest of the people in the crowd put up with it.It’s true what they say, some are born leaders while the rest are born followers.

Jonathan Wilkes had been a leader of men, strong men, not like the sheep that surrounded him now. He commanded one of the most active Force Recon units within the Marine Corps Special Operations Command, designated as Detachment One. Detachment One was the pilot program that brought Marine Force Recon units and the United States Special Operations Command together to work side-by-side.

Wilkes led his unit through numerous successes in multiple theaters. That is until the United States Marine Corps Forces Special Operations Command was officially activated on February 24th of 2006. With the formation of this new layer of political significance, the United States Marine Corps had become directly involved with SOCOM and no longer required the pilot program.

The first action of MARSOC was the disbanding of Detachment One leaving Master Gunnery Sergeant Jonathan Wilkes without a unit to command and a promotion to the Marine Corps Mountain Warfare Training Center that took him out of harm’s way.

Wilkes had always envisioned that he would die during a combat operation, and running simulated exercises up and down a snowy mountain along the California-Nevada border was not his idea of combat operations.

So he left and became a mercenary for hire. Wilkes quickly made a name for himself as the one who could get the job done. He wondered why he had not left the service sooner. The pay was much better, and the danger was far more consistent. He could work back-to-back contracts if he wanted without waiting for someone higher up in the chain of command to decide to deploy him or not. This was the life he was meant for; this was the life that gave him meaning.

The sound of distant sirens pierced through the thick night. They were still far enough away that Wilkes could only hear them when mister megaphone paused to take a breath. A cell phone rang, and mister megaphone instantly stopped shouting as he reached into his jacket pocket to answer the phone. He listened for a moment and then shoved the phone back in his pocket. “Ladies and gentlemen, I just received word that the Vice President is headed this way.”

The crowd immediately reacted as a single organism, and everyone in the front of the crowd seemed to grow three feet taller as they lifted signs and banners into the air, each one hand-lettered and all detailing their discourse with the decisions of the current administration.

“Aw, shit!”, muttered Wilkes, as he looked at the wall of signs and banners along the edge of the street. There was no way they would hit the limo with those in the way. Wilkes made his way to the closest pothead.

“Hey, buddy, tell your friends to get in front of those signs. And hurry. He’ll be here any second.”

“You got it, man.”The kid dashed into the crowd being a little more obvious than he should have. “Hey, guys, get to the curb. He’s coming.”

Wilkes breathed a sigh of relief as the kids all recognized their friend’s voice and made their way to the street, eggs in hand. Wilkes also moved forward. He hadn’t wanted to expose himself this much, but it was more important that his special egg made contact with the Vice President’s limousine.

He moved to the front of the line to stand right next to mister megaphone and hoped that if questions were asked, he would be remembered as just another one of the protesters in a black leather jacket and blue jeans.

Wilkes looked down the street and noted all the signal lights turning green marking the path that the Vice President was about to take. The volume of the sirens exploded into a monstrous wale as two police motorcycles rounded the nearby corner followed closely by the long procession of vehicles in the motorcade. Wilkes counted out the vehicles and prayed that the potheads had enough brain cells left to remember his instructions.

The Vice President’s limousine rounded the corner, and Wilkes knew it was now or never. He glanced down the street and caught the eye of one of the kids and nodded. He then turned his full attention to the speeding limousine, pulled his arm back and hurled the egg to where he knew the limousine was going to be in half a second.

His egg made direct contact with the roof, the small magnetized object hidden inside sticking instantly to the reinforced bulletproof limousine. As if on cue, a hail of eggs sailed from within the crowd. Most of them splattered all over the Vice President’s limousine while others missed and smeared the pavement with their slimy residue.

The Metropolitan police dispatched to monitor the protesters sprung into action and barked orders at the young kids who were now dashing in all directions.

Wilkes spotted the lead officer making his way over to mister megaphone.

And him.

He stepped backwards and let the crowd envelope him as he stripped off his black leather jacket and quickly handed it to someone as he stepped past. “Here, hold this.”

Just like a sheep, the man took the jacket that was thrust into his stomach.

Out of the corner of his eye, Wilkes watched the man who look confused, but he had already disappeared into the crowd, and the man never even saw him.

Chapter 6

Jacob Jordan hunched over the ruggedized clamshell of his Panasonic Toughbook. At only seventeen, he didn’t feel the effects of such poor posture over an extended period of time, but the cold September wind whistled through every crack and crevice in the un-insulated downtown warehouse and bit into his fingertips as he typed furiously on the keyboard. He paused for a brief moment to flex his fingers and rubbed his hands together.

His peripheral vision was suddenly blotted out by a massive shape. “What’s fuckin’ taking so long?”

Jacob glanced up at Henderson, whose six foot five, 260 pounds of pure muscle took up his entire view.

“I thought you said you were ready.”

Through a series of well-placed bruises, Henderson had taught Jacob that having an IQ of over 140 didn’t mean you were smart. Jacob quickly looked back at the monitor of his Toughbook and didn’t make eye contact for his response. “The city upgraded the firmware on some of their traffic cameras last weekend. ARGUS can handle the reduced input, but I thought, while I had time, I could update the adaptive module and see if we can’t talk to all the visual devices.”

“What the fuck did you just say!?”

“I really wish you wouldn’t use that kind of language around me.”

“What!?What language?English?You want me speak in Russian? Vay nemnogaya derymo!”

“You’re the little shit,” Jacob muttered under his breath.

Henderson responded with such fluid speed that during a single blink of his eyes, Jacob went from sitting with the Panasonic Toughbook on his lap to listening as the hardened magnesium alloy case clattered on the gray concrete floor of the warehouse. Jacob’s feet dangled just below Henderson’s knees.

“You wanna run that by me again, Sunshine?”

“Were supposed to be working together, Henderson.”

“We are working together. My job is to keep you in line.”

Jacob could smell the tinge of alcohol on Henderson’s breath and readied himself for another lesson plan. Just then, Jacob’s micro receiver ear bud hissed to life.

“White Wolf to Red Wolf and Blue Wolf, come in.”

Jacob wondered if Wilkes understood the significance of naming him and Henderson Red Wolf and Blue Wolf since, in military exercises, the red and blue teams were always adversaries.

“This is Red Wolf. Go ahead, White Wolf.”

“Is Blue Wolf ready?”

Jacob didn’t answer right away, so Henderson, who still had him suspended by the lapels of his jacket, shook him a little giving him the look of, you’d better respond.

“Uhh, yeah, I’m ready.”

“Good. Everything is in place, and you should start getting a strong signal in about ten minutes.”

“As soon as the signal is confirmed, I’ll boot up the Blitzkrieg simulator and send out the mobile unit.”

“Roger that. White Wolf out.”With a final crack of static, the communication was severed.

“Hear that, you little turd, you need to be ready.”

“I was good and ready when you picked me up with your Sasquatch hands.”

And with that remark, Henderson let go. Jacob landed clumsily and almost collapsed to his knees but didn’t want to give Henderson the satisfaction. Instead he used the momentum to lean forward and collect the Panasonic Toughbook.

“You better not have broken this, or we’re all screwed.”

“I didn’t break nothin’.”

Jacob flipped the Panasonic Toughbook over and was relieved to see the screen was still displaying the running program. As he ran the final diagnostic, he looked around the freezing cold warehouse, and his eyes settled on the back of his partner, the psychopathic killer, who was fiddling with something in a wooden crate.


Let him fiddle with whatever he wants to.

As long as he doesn’t bother me.

This certainly wasn’t the life he expected when he graduated in the top of his class from Tel Aviv University at age twelve. When the Interdisciplinary Center for Technological Analysis and Forecasting, the Israeli government’s multidisciplinary think-tank, offered him a fully-funded scholarship to work for the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, known as DARPA, in the United States, Jacob knew that Ha-Shem had finally shown favor on him, and all those hours spent in prayer at the shul had not been wasted.

A sharp sound brought Jacob back to the present just as Henderson swung around from the wooden crate and pulled back on the charging handle of his Heckler & Koch XM8 compact carbine. The loud snap of the charging handle returning to its original position echoed in the hollow metal corrugated warehouse. Jacob only had a moment to notice that the 100-round drum magazine was already loaded when Henderson pointed the XM8 right at him and pulled the trigger.

Chapter 7

“Jesus!” Jacob was on his feet in an instant, and the Panasonic Toughbook once again clattered onto the concrete floor of the warehouse.

“Never heard a Jew pray to Jesus before.” Henderson lowered the empty XM8 compact carbine and laughed. He stopped laughing and cocked his head a little as he looked at Jacob. “Oh, my God, did you just piss your pants?”

Jacob didn’t need to look down as he could feel the warmth running down his legs. “Fuck you, Henderson!”

Henderson laughed even harder.

“Fuck you!”

The Panasonic Toughbook laying face down on the floor emitted a sharp beep. Henderson immediately stopped laughing. The Toughbook beeped again.

“Pick it up, tough guy, or I’ll use bullets next time.”

For the second time in two minutes Jacob scooped up the Toughbook from the floor and was again relieved to see that it still functioned. Panasonic wasn’t kidding when they said that these laptops were built to handle just about anything you could throw at them — or throw them at.

Henderson was instantly at his side as if nothing had just happened. “Is that the signal?”

Jacob didn’t look up but instead focused his full attention on the display. He thought about not answering, but knew that would only provoke the already overly violent Henderson. “Signals coming in strong. Open the rollup door.”

“Are you ready to release the R/C car?”

“It’s not a remote-controlled car. It’s a fully autonomous ground mobile combat system with real-time adaptive decision-making.”

“You control it with your computer, right?”

“I program in the parameters of its mission orders, yes.”

“Then it’s an R/C car.”

“It’s a six million dollar modern marvel in autonomous robotics.”

“Then it’s a fuckin’ expensive R/C car.”

“Just open the door.”

“Are you giving me orders now, squirt?”

“I just want to get this over with and get away from you as quickly as possible.”

“Finally, something we can agree on.”

Henderson strolled over to the chain dangling in a loop next to the corrugated steel door. He grasped the chain in both hands and started working hand over hand slowly raising the rollup door like an ancient medieval castle gate, like he was preparing to release a dragon from the depths of the dungeon. That wasn’t too far from the truth. Jacob looked over at the quiet Audi Q7 painted by the manufacturer in a jet black color aptly named Phantom Black Pearl.

A couple of swift keystrokes initiated the Linux command window enabling Jacob to type the command strings that would be encrypted and transmitted to their dragon. He paused for a moment reviewing the dynamic dispatch cascading messages before softly depressing the enter key. Moments later, the twelve-cylinder diesel engine in the Audi Q7 roared to life.

Jacob watched as the Deep Green computer system that filled the entire two front seats of the passenger compartment communicated in response with the protocols and commands being sent by his Panasonic Toughbook. He watched silently as one by one, Deep Green booted up the software agents it would employ during tonight’s mission.

He watched as the Urban Reasoning and Geospatial Exploitation Technology (URGENT) program confirmed it was communicating with the Autonomous Real-Time Ground Ubiquitous Surveillance – Imaging System (ARGUS-IS). Jacob was most proud of the add-on he had worked into the ARGUS that enabled it to connect directly to the District Department of Transportation traffic camera system. Independently, URGENT and ARGUS were scary smart computer programs, if smart was the word for it, but together, under the command of Deep Green, they gave the Audi Q7 something not available in any dealership. The factory-provided GPS told the Audi where it was, ARGUS told it where everything else was, and URGENT made it smart enough to get where it wanted to go without hitting anything that it didn’t want to hit.

The final program booted up. This was the belle of the ball. The Real-Time Adversarial Intelligence and Decision-Making (RAID) software made the Audi intelligent. Without this program, none of the other programs, even in combination, could turn an SUV into a lethal targetable weapon. RAID made sure that they would be able to hit a moving target with precision accuracy.

Jacob listened to the soft rumble coming from the SUV. It was a much quieter sound than he expected from a six-liter V12 turbocharged direct injection diesel engine. He had already disabled the electronically-capped top speed of 155 mph, and with an engine producing 500 horsepower in such a large vehicle, this was something that no manufacturer of limousine armor had intended to come up against. To make matters worse, the remaining interior space of the Audi was filled with C-4 plastic explosives formed into shaped charges that would direct all their explosive force straight at whatever the Audi collided with.

The Audi Q7 V12 model was not available for sale in the United States, and it was sobering for Jacob to think that the only one to actually travel the streets of Washington, DC would have such a limited run. He stared at the screen as Deep Green ran its final diagnostic checks.

A rattling thunk made Jacob look up. Henderson was walking back from the open loading door, and the quiet night sounds drifted into the freezing cold warehouse. “Hurry up and release the beast.”Henderson was enjoying this far too much. “We’ve got more to do tonight.”

Jacob hated being put in these situations; being forced to work with people like Henderson. But then again, somebody with his past had relatively few options.

The launch command waited in a separate window. Using the built-in Panasonic Toughbook’s touchpad, Jacob switched window controls. “Stand back.”With his eyes closed, he pressed the enter key. The all-wheel drive of the Audi Q7 propelled its dragon out into the world to unleash its fiery destruction on an unsuspecting town.

Chapter 8

Andrew perched on the edge of the back seat and watched as the dimly lit buildings of Washington, DC at night blurred past the limousine window. He felt like he was standing still while the rest of the world was streaming by. When that first egg hit the top of the car, he almost jumped out of his skin. It had sounded so loud, like a gunshot. Then more followed, hitting the sides and the top. Andrew was immediately pressed backward into the soft leather seat by the sudden acceleration as the motorcade sped away from the scene.

Well, they got that part right. This meant that the rest, no matter how incredible it sounded, was most likely true. It was probably the most overused plot in low-budget sci-fi movies, but Andrew knew that somewhere, out there in the night, there was an intelligent robotic killing machine looking for him. There was nothing left for him to do but sit back and wait.

Knowing the end was drawing near, Andrew naturally reflected on his life. But all he could focus on was the whirlwind year he was about to complete. Ten months ago, after the surgery, Andrew learned the informal medical term “new lease on life.” He set out to make his bucket list, the list of things he always wanted to do but never took the time. And now he finally had the time.

But when a sharp stabbing pain forced an emergency evacuation by helicopter from the peak of Half Dome in Yosemite, Andrew learned a new medical term only six months into his “new life.” Metastatic cancer. What this meant for him was that not only had the cancer come back, it came back in more places than it had started.

And now, four months later, here he was.

Sitting in a limousine posing as the Vice President of the United States.

Waiting to die.

He reflexively winced through every intersection as the convoy of vehicles screamed through at high speed. At this hour there was almost no traffic, and every cross street provided ample opportunity for a high-speed side-impact collision.

This was taking way too damn long.

Andrew suddenly glanced up at the roof of the limousine. An overpowering desire to live washed over him. He knew why that first egg sounded so loud. Maybe he could reach it?Pull it off and throw it out into the street?There were other treatments he could try. He didn’t have to die right now, did he?

Andrew shook his head as his vision blurred slightly. He knew that this euphoric thinking was a direct result of the opiates in his system caused by the breakthrough pain medication.

Still, he had a lot to live for, didn’t he?

Of course he did.

That settled it.

Andrew leaned to his left and fingered the controls to roll down the back window. A strong wind immediately blew around inside the cabin of the limousine. They must’ve been traveling at least seventy miles an hour.

With the window rolled down all the way, Andrew sat with his back to the window and reached up behind him to grip the door frame where it met the roof. With a single motion, he lifted himself up and out and sat down on the edge of the closed door. The wind threatened to pull him the rest of the way out of the limousine, and he splayed his legs on opposite sides of the door’s interior to create an anchor for himself.

The wind buffeted him fiercely.

He squinted against the harsh conditions and scanned the roof of the limousine for what he knew must be there. And then he saw it. The tiny magnetic transponder sat just this side of dead center on the roof.

If he could just reach it.

Clamping his legs to the frame of the car, he pushed a little higher to give himself a longer reach. Flashing lights from his right drew his attention away from the tiny device. He glanced over at the Chevy Suburban filled with Secret Service agents. They were frantically flashing their headlights at him.

What did they think that would achieve?

Did they think that he didn’t know what he was doing?

He returned his full attention back to the device that sat, mockingly, just out of his reach. Losing leverage but gaining more reach, Andrew pushed up ever so slightly with his legs.

Just a little further.

He almost toppled out of the limousine when a motorcycle officer appeared on the opposite side right into his field of view. The loud roar of the wind rushing past at over seventy miles an hour made it almost impossible to hear the officer, but not quite. “Get back in the car!”

With his left arm splayed forward on the roof to provide additional stability, Andrew made one final push and gripped the tiny object with his fingertips. A second motorcycle officer joined the first, and they took turns hollering questions and commands at him. Andrew tugged at the device. It resisted slightly before releasing its magnetic grip and came free into his fingers.

He had done it!

He waved the device in front of him showing it to the two motorcycle officers with a big smile on his face. “I got it!”

And then his face fell as he looked past the two motorcycle officers to see the blurred grill of an SUV heading straight for them at impossible speed.

As soon as the Audi Q7’s bumper made contact with the second motorcycle, the collision detectors triggered the shaped C-4 charges, which focused all of their explosive power directly at the limousine right in front of it.

It happened so quickly that Andrew never even felt the end of his life.


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Here’s the set-up:
Thrillseekers Anonymous is a members-only adventure service that caters to the rich and famous. Living on the edge is nothing to the men who started the service, but “extreme sports” takes on a whole new meaning when they run across women who can give as good as they get…Wedding Survivor When a pair of A-list movie stars decides to combine a wedding with an extreme sport outing, ex-stuntman Eli McCain isn’t too happy. One of the Thrillseekers Anonymous founders, he was jilted at the alter a year ago—and he has no interest in hearing wedding bells. Unfortunately, hes’ been outvoted, and now there’s a crazy wedding to stage with a bridezilla from hell.In comes wedding planner Marnie Banks to save the day—and, she hopes, make some romantic connections with Hollywood’s jet set. Only one problem stands in her way: Eli McCain, who may look like a movie star, but has no appreciation for the finer things in life.

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