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Kindle Nation Daily Bargain Book Alert: Cheryl Kaye Tardif’s HOW I MADE OVER $42,000 IN 1 MONTH SELLING MY KINDLE EBOOKS, is Our eBook of the Day at just $2.99 or Currently Free Via the Kindle Lending Library, with 4.5 Stars on 8 Reviews, and Here’s a Free Sample!

In March 2012 one Canadian author boldly went where few have gone before—into the land of making real money with Amazon’s KDP Select program.
This is her story…

My name is Cheryl Kaye Tardif and I am an international bestselling suspense author who earned over $42,000 dollars in March 2012 selling ebooks via Amazon’s KDP Select program, captured the interest of a major literary agency, and went on to sign with a foreign rights agent. And I’m about to tell you HOW I did all that.

I don’t normally tell people how much money I make, but I believe writers need to know it IS possible to earn a real income from your books. Seriously, if I can do it, anyone can—if you have the right combination of criteria and techniques.

In this book, I’ll share with you what I believe are four key elements you must have in place to see high sales. And I’ll reveal the strategic techniques I used during my KDP Select promotions that resulted in earning over $42,000—with $32,000 of that from ONE title alone.

Not only did I earn over $42,000 in ebook sales, I was contacted by one of the leading literary agencies in New York. The chairman noticed my success when my one title made #4 in the Top 100 Bestselling Kindle ebooks, right under The Hunger Games trilogy. Since then, I’ve signed with another agent for foreign rights.

So, if you’re ready to earn some real money with Select, let’s begin…

From the reviewers:

More than just how to earn money through promoting your book, Cheryl talks about the industry standards for book cover design, and a ton of stuff that deals with marketing (knowing your audience, also where, and how to effectively reach them.) The self-publishing-author is taught how to handle their self-publishing-effort, in the manner of an established publishing house.  –  Maurice

This is a very helpful book, especially for authors trying to navigate the social media platforms. It’s great for new authors and those who have been in the business of self-publishing/self-promoting for years.  –  Tami L. Parrington

If anything, it was a wonderful pep-talk that gave me great motivation and advice to stick with it and continue to create those Kindle books that I’ve already published (under my pen name) — and I plan to publish more. – Paula Mooney

Cheryl was very practical in giving lots of real numbers from her blog, which detailed her KDP Select journey, and inside she reveals that book that earned $32,000 of that $42K as well.

Bought this book literally a couple of hours ago, and devoured it in one sitting. It’s short enough to do so, and it was very, very helpful. Oddly enough, today I am running a KDP promotion, and it pleased me to see that I had used several of Cheryl’s ideas and tips for promoting my book. But there were a lot of other things mentioned that I have not yet thought of or tried, so I am excited to utilize them next time I run a KDP promo! Thanks for the great advice, Cheryl, and congratulations on your success!  –  Katie A. Mcmullen


Meet International Bestselling Author Cheryl Kaye Tardif

Booklist raves, “Tardif, already a big hit in Canada…a name to reckon with south of the border.”

Cheryl Kaye Tardif is an international bestselling suspense author from Canada who enthusiastically tackles sensitive questions and terrifying scenarios that most people don’t like to even think about. From psychic investigators, abuse in the foster care system, serial killers, fountain of youth serums, nanotechnology, conspiracies, bullying, racism, assisted suicide, child abductions, sexual assault, alcoholism, drug addiction, mind control and more, she delves into the human psyche and picks at our worst fears.

“One doesn’t simply read a Tardif story, one experiences it!” –Betty Dravis, author of Dream Reachers

And here, in the comfort of your own browser, is your free sample of  How I Made Over $42,000 in 1 Month Selling My Kindle eBooks by Cheryl Kaye Tardif: