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Grab your passport and get ready for your expedition into the mysteries of these awe-inspiring ancient nations… 101 Facts about Ancient Civilizations: A fun road trip through the ages by H.H. Hauser

YA eBook of The Day

101 Facts about Ancient Civilizations: A fun road trip through the ages

by H.H. Hauser
4.6 stars – 21 reviews
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

This book is going to take you on an amazing tour of 4 of the world’s oldest civilizations. In this first instalment of 101 Facts about Ancient Civilizations for Kids, we’ll be exploring Mesopotamia, Egypt, Rome, and China.

You’ll be learning about some of the zaniest fun-facts that there are to know about these civilizations, as well as delving into their rich histories, which have helped shape society as we know it.

Here’s a little secret, this book isn’t just another reading exercise, it’s a magical key to unlock wonderful adventures that will take you across the globe. Grab your passport and get ready for your expedition into the mysteries of these awe-inspiring ancient nations.

Today’s Kindle Deal is sponsored by this week’s Kids’ eBook of The Week:

Chains of Time

by R.B. Woodstone
4.5 stars – 78 reviews
FREE with Kindle UnlimitedLearn More
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Winner of the 2020 Chanticleer International Book Award for Paranormal Fiction!

“A strong literary fantasy novel about race, family, and time-traveling.” — IndependentBookReview.com 
Amara knows what’s going to happen, but she doesn’t know why. She wakes on her wedding day in 1859 in West Africa, suddenly able to see the future. Through visions, she sees the slaver Van Owen, who will steal her power. She sees herself as a slave on his North Carolina plantation. She sees a Harlem family more than a century in the future. She knows these people, but how? And she sees Van Owen hunting them, too. But how can she stop him if no one believes her?