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Freebie Friday is Here! Start your weekend reading with six free Kindle titles!

Today’s Sponsor:

Immortality (Vampire Assassin League Bundle, 3) (Vampire Assassin League Boxset)

by Jackie Ivie
4.7 stars – 31 reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Only on Amazon! Special price! Limited Time!

Welcome to the world of Vampire Assassin League, where the contract is just the beginning. In VAL there’s no line a vampire won’t cross to secure a true mate once found. Only death can separate them….

Set Three: Immortality contains the following novellas:

ANYONE HERE: Cassandra Braun is a Victorian vampire with a vendetta. There’s nothing better than taking from a young male. Virile. In his prime. If he’s self-assured and cocky, it’s even better. The assignment to investigate Jacob Walsh’s enterprise and terminate if necessary is easy money. Until she touches him…

WITH JUST CAUSE: Grimm Bradley’s eternity matches his life: that side of acceptable, this side of dangerous. He’s dark. Incredibly handsome. Brawny. Wary. Keeps to the shadows, avoiding trouble. Especially with women. They’re always trouble. With a capital ‘T’.

WHY THESE TWO: Spawned by the Black plague and tempered by steel, Medieval vampire Reika is perfect with any blade, but especially her prized Seventeenth century Italian daggers. She ought to be. She’s had five hundred years of training. Honing her skills. Perfecting her aim. Notching her kills. Watching time pass. Every day like the other. And then…something changes.

CANNOT UNITE: KayNan’s a barbarian from the darkest of ages. An ex-slave. Fighter. Killer. His past is steeped in despair and punishment. He’s brutal. Remorseless. Scarred. Centuries of a living death only cemented these traits. And then something happens. Something vast. Incalculable. Amazing. And totally unexpected…

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Rise to Power (The David Chronicles Book 1)

by Uvi Poznansky
4.0 stars – 105 reviews
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Here is the story of David as you have never heard it before: from the king himself, telling the unofficial version, the one he never allowed his court scribes to recount. Rooted in ancient lore, his is a surprisingly modern memoir. Notorious for his contradictions, David is seen by others as a gifted court entertainer, a successful captain in Saul’s army, a cunning fugitive, a traitor leading a gang of felons, and a ruthless raider of neighboring towns who leaves no witnesses behind. But how does he see himself, during this first phase of his life? With his hands stained with blood, can he find an inner balance between conflicting drives: his ambition for the crown, his determination to survive the conflict with Saul, and his longing for purity, for a touch of the divine, as expressed so lyrically in his psalms? If you like ancient historical fiction about court intrigue, this king David novel has a modern twist like no book you have read before.

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Love the Witch, Hate the Craft (The Witches of Secret Hallow Book 1)

by Nora Lee
3.9 stars – 52 reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

When Rowan Middlebrook left Secret Hallow for college, she swore she would never return home. Her magic is too dangerous for her to control. But Nana Winterblossom has asked for Rowan’s help saving The Elder Tree. If it dies, there can be no magic in Secret Hallow at all. Rowan’s family has cared for the coven for generations. She has no choice but to help, even though she’ll have to resist the urge to embrace her witchy heritage. As soon as Rowan returns, she meets the new warlock in Secret Hallow: Caedmon McFarland, who thinks he’s going to take over the coven by marrying Rowan, despite the fact they’ve never met before. Between dodging arranged marriage and trying to save The Elder Tree, Rowan is remembering how much she loved being a witch among her coven – if only she could find a little control. After all, you can take the witch out of the magic, but you can’t take the magic out of the witch.

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Hidden: A Northern Waste Novel

by Eve Silver
4.5 stars – 39 reviews
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

For most of her life Tatiana was imprisoned, tortured in the name of science, her DNA used to create a plague that could wipe out the entire population of the Northern Waste. But since her escape she’s no one’s victim. Not any more. She means to hunt down her tormentor, kill him, and destroy the plague he created. Nothing slows her down or distracts her from her mission. Until she encounters the mysterious Tristan who claims his goals match hers. Enemy or ally, she has no way to know…but she does know better than to trust a smart and sexy stranger who’s alpha to the core. While her body aches for his touch, her mind recognizes that he’s a man with secrets and a hidden agenda of his own. She means to discover what he’s hiding, but first they’ll have to survive ice pirates, a lethal plague, and being trapped in an underground lab, running like rats in a maze from a deadly threat unleashed by a madman.

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Imagine Harmony: How to Evolve From Stress to Gratitude

by Dale R. Duvall
4.1 stars – 19 reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
Imagine Harmony – How to Evolve from Stress to Gratitude is about Stress Management and Conscious Control of the Mind/Body and Gene Expression. It is an enjoyable stress management program that begins with an explanation of stress, its devastating effects, and progresses through a series of six lessons (Part I through Part VI) beginning with relaxation and culminating in conscious control of physiological and psychological responses to daily life without the risks associated with pharmaceuticals. Skills instead of pills. We start with the breath and progress on to psychophysiological functions that have long been deemed autonomic. It’s about realizing that we are not victims of heredity or controlled by outside forces and circumstances, that we can take control and then learn to operate the controls effectively. If we cannot find the circumstances we need, we make them. Our thirty-year quest to find the path and evolve from stress to gratitude and harmony involved hundreds of books, experts, courses and seminars, three trips to the Orient, and thousands of research and study hours. It could have been accomplished in a matter of a few weeks if this book had been available to us. This book brings together recent scientific data and documented ancient wisdom to focus awareness on a latent but innate capacity. The physical body will respond to the human mind, and this is the manual.

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Brightley & Glow

by Sophie Carmen
4.5 stars – 20 reviews
Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
Meet Brightley and Glow, two star brothers who are also best friends! They spend their time playing games in the nighttime sky and listening to stories from their wise caretaker, Godfather Moon. One night, the two little stars learn that Brightley must leave Glow in order to fulfill his destiny of becoming a shooting star. Will the brothers have to say goodbye?

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Four great freebies for your Saturday pleasure starting off with Immortality (Vampire Assassin League Bundle, 3) by Jackie Ivie

Today’s Sponsor:

Immortality (Vampire Assassin League Bundle, 3) (Vampire Assassin League Boxset)

by Jackie Ivie
4.9 stars – 29 reviews
FREE with Kindle UnlimitedLearn More
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Only on Amazon! Special price! Limited Time!

Welcome to the world of Vampire Assassin League, where the contract is just the beginning. In VAL there’s no line a vampire won’t cross to secure a true mate once found. Only death can separate them….

Set Three: Immortality contains the following novellas:

ANYONE HERE: Cassandra Braun is a Victorian vampire with a vendetta. There’s nothing better than taking from a young male. Virile. In his prime. If he’s self-assured and cocky, it’s even better. The assignment to investigate Jacob Walsh’s enterprise and terminate if necessary is easy money. Until she touches him…

WITH JUST CAUSE: Grimm Bradley’s eternity matches his life: that side of acceptable, this side of dangerous. He’s dark. Incredibly handsome. Brawny. Wary. Keeps to the shadows, avoiding trouble. Especially with women. They’re always trouble. With a capital ‘T’.

WHY THESE TWO: Spawned by the Black plague and tempered by steel, Medieval vampire Reika is perfect with any blade, but especially her prized Seventeenth century Italian daggers. She ought to be. She’s had five hundred years of training. Honing her skills. Perfecting her aim. Notching her kills. Watching time pass. Every day like the other. And then…something changes.

CANNOT UNITE: KayNan’s a barbarian from the darkest of ages. An ex-slave. Fighter. Killer. His past is steeped in despair and punishment. He’s brutal. Remorseless. Scarred. Centuries of a living death only cemented these traits. And then something happens. Something vast. Incalculable. Amazing. And totally unexpected…

★★Discount Links & Free Books★★

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Fashionably Dead (Hot Damned Series, Book 1)

by Robyn Peterman
4.5 stars – 2,053 reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Vampyres don’t exist. They absolutely do not exist. At least I didn’t think they did ‘til I tried to quit smoking and ended up Undead. Who in the hell did I screw over in a former life that my getting healthy equates with dead? Now I’m a Vampyre. Yes, we exist whether we want to or not. However, I have to admit, the perks aren’t bad. My girls no longer jiggle, my ass is higher than a kite and the latest Prada keeps finding its way to my wardrobe. On the downside, I’m stuck with an obscenely profane Guardian Angel who looks like Oprah and a Fairy Fighting Coach who’s teaching me to annihilate like the Terminator.

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Sex, Lies & Sweet Tea (Sex and Lies Book 1)

by Kris Calvert
4.3 stars – 452 reviews
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
Hotter than hell and half of Alabama, FBI Agent, Mac Callahan is thirsty for everything except love. Coming home to bust a white-collar crime ring, Mac intends to execute his usual practice with work and women¬ – get in, get it on and get out. Instead, he finds himself unexpectedly drawn to the legacy of his family, his plantation, and the charms of a Southern girl. Samantha Peterson possesses everything he needs in a woman, including the evidence to wrap his case. As the investigation heats up, so does their passion and a dangerous game ignites. But, then again, everything’s hotter in the South.

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Selling Seduction: A #GeekLove Contemporary Romance (Your Ad Here Book 1)

by Allyson Lindt
4.2 stars – 23 reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

When Ian left for college. Mercy begged to go with him, so she could escape her life of probably-fatal-small-town-boredom. He refused. Mercy found her own way out. More than a decade later, it will take her best friend’s wedding to bring her back to town for more than a layover. Mercy’s here for Liz. That won’t stop Mercy from teasing, tempting, and pushing Ian’s limits… Mostly to show him what he left behind. Only partly because he looks like a god in his tux.

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