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The American dream is interrupted in the town of Heartsridge when a brutal rape is perpetrated by one of the town’s most beloved and public figures…
Christian Galacar’s Cicada Spring: A Novel is today’s eBook of The Day!

Cicada Spring: A Novel

by Christian Galacar

Cicada Spring: A Novel
4.8 stars – 6 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled

Here’s the set-up:

On a warm May evening in the spring of 1979, the people of Heartsridge, Massachusetts, are living the American dream. Families are gathered for barbecues. Kids are playing in front yards. Gardens are being kept. Meanwhile, Kara Price stumbles home through the woods, raped and beaten, her life shattered by a wicked act of violence, perpetrated by one of the town’s most beloved and public figures.

Surrounding Kara is a cast of compelling and nefarious characters—a violent-tempered mayor who can do no wrong in the eyes of the town, a sheriff bound by the rules and plagued by a guilty conscience, a father bent on revenge, a serial killer in the midst of an identity crisis. And at the center of it all there’s Kara, who just wants to move on with her life and forget everything that happened to her. But how can she do that when everyone thinks she is a liar who is only out for attention? With plot and emotion braided together by a careful hand, this haunted group of people all acting on behalf of their own interests begs the question: How far would you go to protect your own?

5-star Amazon reviews:

It was a page turner and the way he”choreographed” everything coming together at the end was perfect!

Cicada Spring was a sensational book! Very well written and never dull...”

Great read, couldn’t put the book down!

Click here to visit Christian Galacar’s Amazon author page

And here, in the comfort of your own browser, is your free sample of Cicada Spring: A Novel:
