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KND Freebies: Bestselling dystopian romance ENTANGLEMENT is featured in today’s Free Kindle Nation Shorts excerpt

Paranormal & Fantasy/YA Romance…
and 81 rave reviews!
Entanglement (YA Dystopian Romance)
3.9 stars – 116 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Hotheaded heartthrob Aaron Harper is scheduled to meet his half in twenty-nine days, and he doesn’t buy a word of that entanglement crap. So what if he and his half were born the same day and share a spooky psychic connection? Big deal. After breaking one too many teenage girls’ hearts, he’ll stick to brawling with the douchebag rugby players any day.

Until the day a new girl arrives at school and threatens everything he takes for granted.

Cold and unapproachable, Amber Lilian hates the growing list of similarities between her and the one boy she can’t read, Aaron: born the same day, both stubborn, both terrified of meeting their halves. . . . All the more reason not to trust him. That she would rather die than surrender herself as her half’s property is none of his damn business. But once lost in Aaron’s dangerous, jet black eyes, she’s already surrendered more than she cares to admit.

Tangled in each other’s self-destructive lives, Aaron and Amber learn the secret behind their linked births and why they feel like halves—but unless they can prove it before they turn eighteen, Aaron faces a lifetime alone in a world where everyone else has a soulmate . . . and he’ll have to watch Amber give herself to a boy who intends to possess not only her body but also a chunk of her soul.

5-star praise for Entanglement:

“Fantastic…Definitely one of the best young adult novels I have read in quite a while. It was well written, fast-paced and the romance was believable…”

“…Dan Rix’s dystopian world is fresh and just a bit terrifying to behold…”

an excerpt from


by Dan Rix

Copyright © 2014 by Dan Rix and published here with his permission

28 Days, 19 hours, 15 minutes

“Scar tissue,” said the doctor, “here.” She tapped the white lump on the MRI scan.

“Is that in my brain?” said Aaron.

“Just touching it, actually. Between the grey matter and the skull. Aaron, how long have you been having these headaches?”

“Since I was a kid. It’s gotten worse recently.”

“Well, the good news is it’s not cancerous.” The doctor stretched on a pair of latex gloves and probed the back of Aaron’s head with two fingers. “The pain is always here?”

“Yeah, like something tugging back there.” Aaron Harper shifted, still jumpy from the MRI, and his sticky palms suctioned the paper off the exam table with an irritating crinkle. “What’s the bad news?”


“You said the good news is you don’t think it’s cancerous. What’s the bad news?”

He felt the doctor’s breath on his scalp.

“The bad news is that according to your MRI, that scar tissue is right here—” she tapped the very back of his skull, “in the region of your clairvoyant channel, possibly obstructing it. Since you’re almost eighteen, my guess is you’re experiencing a boost in clairvoyant activity with your half. Hence the inflammation in the surrounding tissue.”

Aaron fought the urge to swallow. “But we’re okay, right? Me and my half? I mean, I would have felt if something was blocking us.”

“Well…” the doctor scrunched up her eyebrows, “not necessarily. I doubt you’ll notice the symptoms until you meet her. After that, it really depends on both of you.”

“The symptoms of what?”

With a whip-like snap that made Aaron flinch, the doctor peeled off her gloves. “Aaron, I’m sorry, but with that scar tissue blocking your channel, your half could literally be standing right in front of you—kissing you even. Part of you is going to feel like she’s not really there.”


In the Sansum Clinic parking lot outside the Radiology wing, Aaron jabbed at his Mazda’s ignition but couldn’t slot the key. His hand still trembled from the doctor’s words.

His half.

The girl born at the exact same time as him, somewhere else in the world. Like all seventeen-year-olds, he was scheduled to meet her on his eighteenth birthday.

Now it felt like a death sentence.

The key lodged. He cranked the ignition and thrust his foot down, and the tires burned out with a screech. Smoke rose in the rearview.

In twenty-nine days, he was supposed to meet his soul mate. Eighteen years of waiting, wondering, fantasizing…looking forward to someone perfect.

Now this crap.


That evening as the buzzer concluded the first league volleyball game between Pueblo High School and Corona Blanca, Aaron, Pueblo’s starting setter, ripped off his jersey and flung it into the stands.

His coach grabbed his shoulder. “Cool it, Harper.”

“Where the hell was Franco tonight?” said Aaron, stooping to catch his breath.

“He’s eighteen now.”

“Coach, it takes forty-five minutes to win a volleyball game. He can’t leave his half for forty-five minutes?”

“And I wouldn’t ask him to,” said his coach. “Just like I won’t ask you after your birthday.”

With a nervous twinge, Aaron recalled his visit to the doctor. All the things he didn’t get to look forward to. He stood, shrugged off the coach’s hand, and made for the exit.

His coach called after him. “Put a goddamn shirt on, number eleven.”

Aaron punched the wall on his way out. Outside the gym, the night cooled his sweaty skin, and Corona’s fans parted around him. He never reached the bus, though.

Someone’s hard shoulder crunched into his spine. In that split-second of contact, he felt a shock-like twinge at the back of his skull, then something crawling inside his scalp. He staggered forward and grabbed the back of his head. But the skin wasn’t broken.

Aaron spun toward the culprit and saw a figure in a gray hoodie vanish into the crowd of Corona fans, oblivious.

Aaron started after him. “Hey!” he called, but the figure slipped out of view. Aaron charged through green-jerseyed fans. He shoved aside a Corona player and saw a flash of gray hoodie. He lunged.

But his hand closed on empty air.

The figure darted past the last cluster of students and receded into the night. Aaron tore after him, and for a brief, blind moment, the wind whistled in his ears—before he collided with a chain link fence. He caught his breath and peered into the shadows beyond the fence.

There, under a dark hoodie, two pale blue eyes—Aaron blinked. No, just shadows.

He slammed the fence in frustration. As the pain in the back of his head subsided, his skin formed goose bumps.

It was the same spot. Exactly where the MRI showed a lump of scar tissue in his brain. The headaches were one thing, just pressure on his brain, but this—this had felt like a piece had actually torn off. And all because a stranger in a gray hoodie bumped into him.

The doctor he had seen earlier wasn’t the first to predict that he and his half would have problems. He had seen a dozen doctors the last year alone, brain surgeons and clairvoyant specialists, and they all said the same thing; the scar tissue would hamper his emotional connection to his half, they just didn’t know how much.

No surgeon dared operate on him. The lump of scar tissue was pushing up against his clairvoyant channel. One mistake with a scalpel could sever it, destroying the already delicate connection between Aaron and his half. They would both die.

Aaron was still standing at the fence, a new wave of dread soaking through him, when he realized there was someone behind him.

“Number eleven, right?”

Aaron recognized the shaggy-haired guy as Corona Blanca’s starting setter.

“Yeah, what’s up?” said Aaron.

The other setter extended his hand. “I wanted to meet you,” he said. “I was watching you set during the game, and with a pair of hands like yours, Pueblo should have won.”

“Thanks,” said Aaron, as they shook hands, “the better team won.”

Corona’s setter shrugged. “Hey, a couple of our players are heading down to the beach. We got a bonfire going and a couple of coolers. You feel like a postgame party?”

“Maybe next time.”

“No pressure,” said the setter, and he headed back to the cluster of green jerseys.

Aaron rubbed his scalp again. It still felt raw. As he lowered his hand, he wondered if the doctor had been optimistic. Maybe symptoms would show up even before his birthday. Like tonight, the searing pain caused by the hooded figure. Maybe this was his last night as a normal seventeen-year-old.

If it was, he damn well wasn’t going to waste it lying in bed.

“I changed my mind,” Aaron called. “Where’s the bonfire?”

The setter glanced back, grinning. “Arroyo beach. Once you hit the sand, turn right. You can’t miss us.”


He really couldn’t miss them. Aaron felt the bonfire’s heat a good sixty feet from the flames, which leapt above the silhouettes of what looked like Corona Blanca’s entire school. And some.

They had taken over the whole beach, crowding around open coolers and sitting on pieces of driftwood, drinks in hand, their faces glowing reddish-bronze. Aaron wished he hadn’t come. This wasn’t his school.

At least he could have changed out of his damn red and white Pueblo volleyball jersey—

“Number eleven, over here!”

Aaron spotted Corona’s setter along with the rest of the Corona Blanca volleyball team chowing down on pizza off to his right. As soon as Aaron reached them, he felt an icy sting as the setter slapped a can of soda into his palm.

Aaron took a swig and scanned their surroundings. A brief flicker of red by the base of the cliffs caught his attention. At first he thought it was an ember from the fire, but as his eyes adjusted to the darkness, he made out two seated figures on the beach just beyond the lighted radius of the bonfire. He recognized one of them.

The figure in the gray hoodie.

The other one was a girl, a blonde with long, wavy hair, and Aaron couldn’t quite tell from the distance, but she looked pretty—and very bored. As Aaron watched, the hooded figure slipped a bright red object into his pocket.

Aaron grabbed the sleeve of Corona’s setter, his heart racing. “Who is that?” he said, nodding to the pair of them. “Over there in the dark.” He didn’t want to lose sight of the figure again.

The setter and a few of his teammates followed Aaron’s gaze. They all laughed.

“You noticed her too, huh? Welcome to the club,” said the setter. “That’s Amber Lilian. New student at Corona Blanca.”

“Sure, she’s eye candy,” said number ten, “she’s also sassy as hell.”

“I mean the guy,” said Aaron. “He bumped into me earlier.”

The team went silent. Then the setter spoke in a much quieter voice. “That’s Clive Selavio. Also new.”

“Her half?” said Aaron.

“Her boyfriend, but they have the same birthday, so it’s pretty much a sure thing. I think their families moved here together.”

Aaron nodded. Same birthdays. Given that halves were usually born near each other—often within the same city—halves did sometimes find each other before their birthdays. But people got it wrong too. He looked back at the boy and girl seated on the driftwood only to find that once again, the hooded figure had vanished. The girl sat alone.

Aaron scanned the beach, now frantic. Something weird had happened when Clive bumped him, and he needed to figure out what. Aaron couldn’t find him in the crowd, though, and his eyes darted back to the girl. Maybe she could explain.

“I’m going to go talk to her,” said Aaron, making up his mind before she, too, could disappear. He barged through what was now a Corona Blanca team huddle and slogged toward the girl.

A player muttered behind him, “Where do these Pueblo guys get their nerve?”

“It’s because he doesn’t have to live with the embarrassment of seeing her at school. I’d talk to her if she was a Pueblo chick.”

“Nah, it’s because he was running behind-the-back quick sets all night—”

Aaron ignored the rest. As he trudged through the sand, he was more concerned with what in God’s name he was going to say to this girl once he got to her.


Amber Lilian was way more than just pretty, he realized, when she finally glanced up at the sound of his approach, the gleaming whites of her eyes warning him not to take another step. Caught in the girl’s predatory stare, Aaron felt his pulse quicken as he covered the last few feet.

“I need to talk to you about your boyfriend,” he said, sitting next to her.

She eyed the narrow gap he’d left between them and, without a word, edged away from him.

He tried again. “You know, that guy in the hoodie—”

“Why are you even here?” she said, interrupting him. “You guys lost.”

“I’m aware of that.” Aaron undid his laces and kicked off his shoes. “So, about that guy—” He glanced up, but the sight of her up close caught him off guard, and he trailed off. She brushed her hair behind her ear, still watching him. So it was a staring contest. Fine. Except staring into Amber’s strikingly green eyes gave Aaron the same bad feeling he got at zoos when he accidentally locked eyes with the caged panthers—the ones that could rip his throat out.

Aaron felt his gaze slipping and broke their stare, noticing with relief that she broke at the same time.

“He’s not my boyfriend,” she said.

Heart still racing, Aaron nodded to the group of green jerseys he had come from. “Your school’s volleyball team says he is.”

“I think I would know,” she said, flashing him another warning look.

“Then who is he?”

“Do you actually care or is this just an excuse to talk to me?” she said.

On any other day, Aaron would have juggled coals as an excuse to talk to this girl, but tonight, he worried more about the throbbing pain at the back of his skull and what Clive Selavio had done to cause it. He tried another angle. “What was that red thing he showed you earlier?”

“Nothing,” she said, a threatening tone in her voice as she edged away from him again.

“So you guys are the real deal,” he said, “same birthdays and all?”

“So what?” she said. “Why is everyone so obsessed with birthdays? I’m going to belong to my half for the rest of my life. Can’t I just be a normal seventeen-year-old right now?”

Aaron blinked. She had just put into words exactly what he felt about his own birthday. Before he could respond, though, he sensed the tension in her body as she fought a shiver.

“Are you okay?” he said. “You look cold.”

“Don’t even think about putting your arm around me.”

“That wasn’t the question.”

Amber glared at him, then laughed to herself. “As if you would understand. You probably downloaded that dumb birthday countdown app on your cell phone and check it every five minutes just like everyone else.”

“Actually, I do understand,” said Aaron. “I’m dreading my birthday too. I have scar tissue in my brain blocking my clairvoyant channel, so when everyone else gets to meet their soul mate, I get to see what’s missing. And I didn’t download that app.”

His answer must have surprised her. She stared at him, mouth open, and forgot to brush away the curtain of hair that fell in front of her eyes.

Just then, a commotion near the bonfire drew their attention. A group of juniors was talking excitedly, and as others joined in and cheered them on, they took off their shirts.

Two guys ran over to Aaron and Amber’s log. “Hey, like twenty of us are going skinny dipping, you guys want to come? Dominic’s already in the water.”

It was obvious they were here to recruit Amber. Big surprise.

“No thanks,” said Aaron. “We’re good.”

“Is it just pervy guys?” said Amber. “Or are there actually girls too?”

“There’s girls too. It was their idea, in fact.”

Then, to Aaron’s bewilderment, Amber said, “Okay. I’ll come in a second.”

“Cool, see you down there!” The two guys raced back to the water, and when they thought they were out of sight, they grinned and high-fived.

“Can I hide my cell phone in your shoes?” Amber said, facing Aaron.

He gaped at her. “You’re kidding, it’s freezing out there—”

But she was already pulling her sweater over her head. He felt a rush of air as her hair came loose from the hood and swished back. She smelled like the beach, like salt and sunscreen.

“So do you have a name, number eleven?” she said, removing a large pair of peacock feather earrings that had been hidden under her hair.

“Aaron Harper,” he answered, still in disbelief.

“So when’s this birthday you’re dreading, Aaron?”

“March thirtieth.”

Amber froze, and for the first time that night, it seemed, she let down her guard. “Mine too,” she whispered.

Aaron felt his heart leap, and for a moment they couldn’t look away from each other—

“Amber, put you goddamn clothes back on,” said a cold, drawling voice behind them.

Aaron turned around as Clive Selavio, the figure in the gray hoodie, emerged from the shadows at the base of the cliffs.


Two pale, milky blue eyes glowed beneath the shadow of his hood. Though muscular, he was shorter than Aaron by a few inches, with perfect, if not cruel features. Like Amber’s. Too perfect.

So this was the guy who knocked into him. Aaron’s first impression was that Clive couldn’t have been seventeen. Twenty, maybe.

“You—” Clive said to Aaron, “thanks for babysitting her. Now you can leave.”

Aaron didn’t budge. His mind was still reeling with the news that he and Amber had the same birthday. Plus he had unfinished business with Clive. “You shoved me after the game, remember? What the hell was that?”

Clive ignored him to deal with Amber, who was now shivering in just a T-shirt. “Put your sweatshirt back on.”

“Actually, I’m going skinny dipping,” she said.

“You are not fucking skinny dipping,” said Clive.

“If she wants to take a dip, let her take a dip,” said Aaron.

Clive’s gaze snapped back to him, and Aaron felt the corner of his mouth twitch as their eyes burned into each other. “I thought I told you to leave,” he said.

“I asked you a question,” said Aaron.

Clive’s eyebrows shot up. Then he ran his hand over his scalp and behind his head, nudging off his hood, and Aaron saw that both sides of his thin, shaved head were etched with deep scars. As though his face had been peeled off and reattached. “The thing is, number eleven…” he said, rounding the log to Aaron’s side, “you know this beach belongs to Corona Blanca, and you know that Amber is off limits, so why are you still here?”

Aaron noticed a red glow in the pocket of Clive’s shorts. Clive saw where he was looking and quickly covered it.

“What’cha got there?” said Aaron, certain he could now feel a gentle tugging behind his head. Maybe provoking this guy was a bad idea.

“It’s nothing,” said Clive.

“No, it looks like you have something in your pocket.”

“It’s just a glow stick. It’s nothing.”

“If it’s just a glow stick, then show it to me,” said Aaron.

Clive’s eyes became slits, and without another word to Aaron, he spun, grabbed Amber’s sweatshirt, and forced it back over her head. “Get up. We’re leaving.”

“Clive, stop it!” she yelled, shoving him off. “People are watching.”

He pinned her against the driftwood. “Think I give a damn?”

“Clive, you’re hurting me—” She scratched his arms, but Clive was stronger, and he dragged the fabric down over her face, suffocating her screams.

It was crossing the line.

Aaron lunged forward, closed his fist around Clive’s collar, and yanked him back. “Not while I’m here, jerk—”

He ended up in the sand, Clive on top of him.

“Cut the crap!” Aaron yelled, flinging Clive’s hands off his neck. Then he heard a sound like the rumble of crashing surf—the sound of running feet.

Clive jumped away from him, and Aaron stood, as Corona Blanca’s entire student body jammed into a ring with them at its center. The excited mutters quieted when a dripping wet senior stepped into the circle.

From his braided rat tail and the green letterman jacket the senior wore over nothing but a wet pair of boxers, Aaron recognized him as Corona Blanca’s rugby star, Dominic Brees. He grinned, flashing a broad mouth packed with shining white teeth. Then, to Aaron’s horror, he chanted, “Fight—fight—fight—” and within seconds, the whole school joined in.

Clive grabbed Dominic’s jacket. “You better be able to get me out of this,” he said. “I’m dead if my father finds out I got in another fight.” Evidently, Clive didn’t want the attention any more than Aaron did.

Dominic laughed and raised his hands, silencing the crowd. “We’ve had a change of plans,” he yelled. “Corona Blanca’s Clive Selavio will now race number eleven from Pueblo High School all the way out to the buoy!”

Aaron scowled. Clearly this was Dominic’s ploy to get more people in the water. Unfortunately, it worked. The spectators roared and changed their chant to, “Buoy—buoy—buoy—” Dominic slapped Clive on the back and receded into the circle, deserting him before he could protest.

Aaron scanned the shouting faces, trying to calm his breathing. How the hell had he gotten himself in this situation?

Of course it was that girl, Amber, who he noticed was conveniently nowhere in sight. For a night out, it was fairly typical, he supposed, as the crowd started booing him; he never quite managed to keep his damn mouth shut. At least not when it counted.

Aaron glanced back at Clive, and their eyes met across the ring. He had a hunch Clive would back down, and he prayed he was right because he wasn’t about to humiliate himself and disgrace his school. He whipped off his shirt and flung it to the sand.

The crowd cheered. Point for Pueblo.

Slowly, the corner of Clive’s pale, chapped lips tightened into a smirk. He tugged his hoodie over his head and laid it carefully on the driftwood, then he started on the buttons of his collared shirt, and the crowd went berserk.

Aaron stared at him. So they were actually going to do this.


Clive cheated, bolting for the water a full second before Dominic shouted, “GO!”

Aaron kicked off the sand and tore after him. He felt a deep rumble followed by a spray of mist, and from out of the darkness, a film of foamy surf slashed across his ankles.

There was no sign of a buoy, not even a line marking the horizon, just blackness. Thankfully Clive had kept his undershirt on because all Aaron could do was follow his bobbing white silhouette as they hurled themselves into the pounding surf.

Aaron dived under a wave and icy brine flooded his nostrils. He broke out into the open water, neck and neck with Clive. After a few minutes, he lost track of time. Gradually every square inch of his skin went numb with cold.

Then Clive’s splashes stopped.

But there was nothing up ahead. Aaron panicked. Had he followed a rogue wave? Was he in fact miles past the buoy, lost?

He tried to find the shore, but the water stung his eyes and blurred everything. He couldn’t even see the bonfire.

Something moved in the darkness ahead of him, and all at once, the pungent smell of salt and rotting fish rushed over him, filled his lungs, choked him. Right before a wave sucked him under, he saw huge masses shifting and blotting out the stars. He surfaced, terrified, to the sound of barking—violent, piercing barks that echoed off the water. Aaron clutched his ears.

There were splashes all around him, and he was aware that something else was swimming in the water with him—something big. He felt a thrust of cold water against his knees as a huge creature swam past him.

From somewhere behind him, he heard Clive shout, “Sea lions!”

More barking, more splashes, and more things swimming past him. Aaron twisted to get away from them, but the turbulence from their flippers pulled him back.

A moment later a white shape loomed in front of him, and he reached his arms out just in time to stop his face from colliding with hard metal. The buoy.

With Clive’s help, he tipped it over so they could rest the upper halves of their bodies. Underwater, Clive’s pocket emitted an eerie red glow, tinting the water around them purple.

“I won’t drown you for talking to Amber,” said Clive, after they caught their breath, “but do me a favor, okay? Don’t go near her again.”

“How about you quit treating her like dirt,” said Aaron.

Clive snickered. “Number eleven, you know better than to tell a man how to treat his own half.”

“Too bad she’s not your half,” said Aaron. “She’s only seventeen.”

“Yeah, but we were both born on March thirtieth.”

Aaron spat into the water, cleansing the salty taste from his mouth. “Then it sounds like we got a problem, Clive, because I also was born on March thirtieth.”

Clive faced him abruptly, sinking his face into shadow so only the glint of his pale, unblinking eyes shone in the darkness. As a passing swell tugged at Aaron’s feet and weakened his grip on the buoy, he wondered if he could defend himself if Clive tried to kill him right now.

“I’m only going to tell you this one more time,” said Clive finally. “Don’t go near her again.”

“Or else what?” said Aaron.

“Tell me you have a smarter question.”

“Yeah, one. What’s in your pocket?”

To Aaron’s surprise, Clive actually reached into the water and pulled it out. Aaron thought the bright object was, in fact, a glow stick, until he leaned closer.

It was a glass vial, rounded at both ends so it was completely sealed. Inside, a glowing red liquid crawled along the glass.

“Do you know what this is?” said Clive, smirking, his face now fully illuminated.


“This is what drips out when you cut a hole in your clairvoyant channel.”

Aaron felt a wave of cold, separate from the ocean. “Is it yours?”

Clive shook his head. “Whosever it is, they’re sorely missing it right now. Want to hold it?”

Aaron took the vial from Clive, but when the glass touched his skin, the sudden stabbing at the back of his scalp nearly made him drop it, like something trying to exit his head through too small a hole. The red fluid scurried inside of the vial, forming tendrils, as if searching for cracks. And Aaron had the impression that the vial was somehow filling up, glowing brighter and brighter, too bright to look at—

“Hey, how’d you do that?” said Clive.

“Hold on,” said Aaron, now mesmerized by the luminous substance. The glass, he noticed, was stamped with some sort of ID code.

“Give it back—” Clive lunged for the vial.

Aaron held it out of reach, straining to make out the letters, but Clive caught his wrist. The impact splayed Aaron’s fingers wide open, and in slow motion, the vial flew from Aaron’s palm, bounced off the buoy, and plopped into the water.


“Shit!” Clive plunged his arm in, but the vial slipped through his fingers, briefly lighting their toes on its way to the bottom.

Clive dived. And Aaron had no choice but to dive in after him. About eight feet down, blind and out of breath, Aaron clamped his arm around Clive’s ankle and took a bare heel to the forehead. He held on, though, righted himself, and thrust down hard. With sheer will, he hauled Clive out of the ocean and forced him against the buoy.

“Let it go!” Aaron yelled. “It was my fault.”

“You idiot,” Clive gasped, “you stupid idiot! Now we’ll never find it.”

“Then it’s lost,” he said. “It could be thirty feet to the bottom. What was that thing, anyway?”

They both looked down as they caught their breath, and their last glimpse of the vial was a fuzzy dot, no brighter than the reflection of a star, before it was gone.

“My father’s going to kill me for this,” said Clive.

Aaron let go of him and lowered himself into the water. “Come on, let’s go back. It’s freezing out here.”

When Aaron made it back to the beach, he was relieved to find that most of Corona Blanca had gone home, and the few smoking weed by the bonfire’s dying embers had forgotten about his and Clive’s race to the buoy.

Aaron reached his shoes, still disconcerted by what he’d seen in the vial and determined that he would have nothing to do with Clive Selavio, his vial, or Amber Lilian ever again, Clive’s half or not. No point in trying to see her if the guy was that protective. Besides, Aaron and Amber’s birthday was only a month away. Then they would know.

There was something in his shoe, wedged down by the toe. Aaron pulled out a bright, powder blue smartphone.

Amber’s cell phone. Damn.


When Amber pulled in front of Dominic Brees’s gate to drop off Clive, she felt his body go tense—as it usually did when she was doing everything wrong.

“So you’re making me walk up the driveway?” said Clive, and Amber barely heard the vulnerability beneath his irritation. He was getting better at hiding it now when she pushed him away, which made her nervous.

“Can you just go?” she said. “I’m really tired.”

“You sure got cozy with number eleven, didn’t you?” he said.

She sighed. “Why do you always do this?”

“I’m keeping you safe,” he spat.

“Wow,” she said, “I must really be something if every guy I meet is trying to steal me away from you.”

“I saw the way he looked at you,” he said.

“Actually, Clive, he was asking about you,” she said, and all at once, her frustration came rushing back. Of course she would finally meet an interesting boy with the same birthday as her, only to have Clive obliterate her chances, as always, of the boy ever talking to her again. She sighed, wishing she knew more than just his name.

“Amber, he lost the vial.”

“Then maybe you shouldn’t have stolen it from your dad.” Amber relished the wounded flare in Clive’s eyes. To torment him even more, she smiled sweetly, twirling her hair around her finger, and decided he would be the one who looked away first.

But Clive leaned over her instead, and his breath prickled her eyelashes. “You’re going to be powerful because of who I am.”

Amber rolled her eyes and gazed out her window. “Do you think I care?” she said.

“Look at me,” he whispered.

She didn’t say anything, just stared straight ahead.

“Look at me!”

Finally, skin crawling, she faced him.

“You’re pure blood,” he whispered, “mixed with mine—imagine our inheritance, Amber.”

And then, while she was still glaring at him, he came the last few inches and kissed her. She let him, because it was easier to surrender the little things. Because she knew the part of her that resisted him was wearing out, and eventually there would be nothing left.

She used to think Clive was sexy in a scarred up, feral kind of way, but now it hardly mattered what he looked like. What frightened her was the part inside, the part she could taste.

When Clive had finished, Amber edged away from him and let her hair fall between them, though she could feel his gaze lingering. She knew it was miserable for him, knowing she never kissed back, knowing he would never feel her lose control and really kiss him.

“Amber, you get to have everything,” he said. “Start appreciating it.” He climbed out and slammed the door.

Amber sat in her car for a whole minute, her stomach squirming, before she pulled out and drove home.

She hardly paid attention to the road. The yellow paint strip slithered into the darkness, and as her VW Bug squealed around a corner, she half wished the tires would slip. She shot down a dark straightaway and the gas pedal bottomed out under her toes. As the car’s speed pressed her into the seat, gnarled branches of oak trees swung past her. The moon flickered, faster and faster.

She closed her eyes.

You get to have everything. Start appreciating it.

Amber kept her eyes closed, and she knew it would be too late to slow down once her headlights illuminated the next corner, too late to make the turn.

She knew what Clive would say, her father, her mother, Clive’s father, everyone who said they cared about her. Amber. You’re much too important. Don’t you dare be reckless.

But the rush made her dizzy, tingly all over, lightheaded. It was so easy not to look, like falling asleep—like being held.

Then her mind returned to Aaron Harper, the strange boy who’d shown up out of nowhere and made things interesting for a night.

She opened her eyes—and slammed on the brakes. The car shuddered and threw her forward. Her heart squashed against the inside of her chest as the vehicle sank toward the edge of the road.

Then silence.

Her headlights blazed two feet from the trunk of an oak tree. Two feet, that’s how close she had come. Slowly, Amber let out a breath, which she realized she’d been holding the entire time. Feeling numb, she reversed and got back on the road. She was full of helium, practically floating away already.

Who was he? Okay, so he was gorgeous. Amber shivered when she remembered his dangerous, jet black eyes. In her entire life, she had never been so devastated by a stare.

Nor had she met anyone else who dreaded turning eighteen like she did. And their shared birthdays…Her heart had been racing since he told her.

But years ago, Amber had resolved never to get her hopes up; it was easier that way, and a random guy she’d just met at a bonfire was not about to change that.

She already knew her fate.


26 Days, 3 hours, 59 minutes

A burst of rap music jolted Aaron awake. He glanced around, disoriented, until he located the music’s source—Amber’s cell phone.

He silenced the call, which he noticed was from Clive Selavio, and swiveled his feet to the ground. Since Amber’s phone was locked and he didn’t have the passcode, he couldn’t access any of her contacts. He would have to return the phone to her in person. Great. More opportunities to royally piss off her psychotic boyfriend—or half, or whatever Clive was.

Aaron sighed, running his fingers through his hair. He tossed her phone in the trash. Cute as this girl was, she wasn’t worth the trouble.

As he stuffed his backpack for school, though, he realized that was a total lie. For some reason he couldn’t get Amber out of his head; she was just—different.

In the dim hallway outside his bedroom, Aaron felt the crunch of paper under his foot. He picked up an envelope, clearly marked with the silver seal of the Chamber of Halves, and slid out an official-looking letter.
Dear Aaron Harper,
In preparation for your upcoming eighteenth birthday, the Chamber of Halves would like to arrange a meeting with you on Saturday, March 30th at 11:00 A.M. We strive for a successful union between you and your half. Unfortunately, your case involves some complications, which your correspondent from the Chamber will discuss with you in confidence.
Walter Wu
Est. 1939

Aaron blinked and read it again. Complications? He had never heard of complications. On your eighteenth birthday, you went to the Chamber of Halves, you met your half. It wasn’t complicated.

Unless, of course, they knew about the scar tissue. Aaron stuffed the letter in his backpack and tried to ignore the flash of queasiness. On his way to the front door, he passed the breakfast table, where his mom was scanning the news headlines on her laptop.

“A student from Corona Blanca High School was reported missing on Friday,” she said, without looking up.

“Who?” said Aaron.

“Justin Gorski, he’s a rugby player.”

“Never heard of him,” said Aaron.

“Says here he was last seen right after school with a classmate, Amber Lilian,” she said.

Aaron halted, his hand on the doorknob. “Amber Lilian?” he repeated like an idiot.

“Why, do you know her?”

“No,” he said quickly, but when his mom wasn’t looking, he slipped back to his room and fished Amber’s phone out of his trash can. Aaron could already tell this girl was nothing but trouble.

Unfortunately, he had a chronic inability to stay away from trouble.


“So how was the water, Buddy?” said Aaron’s best friend, Buff Normandy, as the six-foot-four, two hundred and forty pound, curly-haired and baby-faced rugby player squeezed into the adjacent desk before first period. “Heard you took a dip on Friday.”

“You should have been there,” said Aaron. “Dominic Brees was working the crowd.”

“No bullshit, Breezie was there?” said Buff. “Tell me you punched him in the face for me?”

“I kind of had my hands full,” said Aaron.

“You heard about that missing kid, right?” said Buff. “He’s the one who dropped that pass during the finals last year, Justin Gorski. Cost Corona the game. I bet Breezie snuffed him out because the season’s about to start.”

“Couldn’t have been a rugby player,” said Aaron, “Gorski was last seen with a girl.”

“No bullshit, Breezie put her up to it,” said Buff. “Hey, are you still trying out for rugby this year?”

“Yeah, now that the volleyball team’s whole starting lineup is eighteen,” said Aaron, “I guess I don’t have a choice.”

“Not sure why you’re even bothering…” Buff grinned and glanced at his phone “You’re up in twenty-six days.”

Just then a girl came through the doorway, her dark hair sailing in slow motion behind her. Emma Mist. She glanced at Aaron briefly, then let her hair fall over her shoulder to block him from view.

“Yep, she hates you,” said Buff.

“It’s that obvious?” said Aaron. He had recently broken up with Emma because his birthday was coming up. It was the right thing to do—but standing her up the night of winter formal after she’d already done her hair and makeup was the wrong way to do it.

“Please turn in your essays on quantum mechanics and the discovery of halves,” said Mr. Sanders, walking in just as the bell rang.

As the sounds of shuffling papers and sliding desks filled the room, Buff produced a crumpled sheet of notebook paper covered with barely legible scribbles. He glanced at Aaron, whose hands were still jammed in his pockets, and gave a disappointed headshake before he ambled to the front.

Aaron tried to catch Emma’s eye, but she was decidedly oblivious, twirling her hair around her finger and gazing firmly out the window. If she would just let him apologize…

Ten minutes into lecture someone knocked on the classroom door, and Mr. Sanders paused to let in another girl who hated Aaron. Tina Marcello. Today she wore big sunglasses and chewed bubblegum.

“Ms. Marcello, I’m glad you’re here,” said their teacher with a smile. “I didn’t think it was fair for us to talk about you behind your back.”

She stopped chewing and brushed her straight, highlighted hair out of her eyes. “Huh?”

“Take a seat, Tina.” Mr. Sanders went back to his lecture. “…so although quantum entanglement was well documented by 1935, we credit Schrödinger with the discovery of halves. Mr. Harper, why does he get all the credit?”

Tina sat right in front of Aaron. As usual, she glowered at him as she walked toward her seat, chewing her gum like it didn’t taste good.

Aaron mouthed, “Bite me.”

“Aaron, how did he prove it to the world?” said Mr. Sanders.

Buff kicked the side of Aaron’s calf, making him wince.

“Prove what?” he said.

“That every human is born with a half.”

“Uh—he used an aitherscope?” said Aaron.

“Wrong. Aitherscope technology wouldn’t exist for another decade.” Mr. Sanders swept to the chalkboard. “Schrödinger said if humans formed in quantum entangled pairs, then in every case we would find that the halves were born simultaneously…therefore all we have to do is look at birth times.” The chalk made a nasty scrape on the board.

“Nice one, Aaron,” Tina said under her breath. She was putting on makeup.

Aaron kicked her desk, causing her to smear her lipstick.

“Jerk,” she said, wiping the smudge with her tank top.

Their teacher scanned the classroom for the source of the commotion, and his eyes settled on Aaron. At the same moment, Amber’s cell phone went off in his pocket, turning all the heads in the classroom with a shrill, hip-hop beat and a chain of rapid-fire cusswords.



Over the next six hours, Clive called Amber’s cell phone so many times that Aaron found himself humming the ring tone between periods. When it rang for the twentieth time on his way to volleyball practice, he picked up.

“Clive, this is Aaron—”

But the caller hung up before he finished. Aaron lowered the phone from his ear, and his heartbeat felt heavier than usual. He had just made a huge mistake. Now Clive Selavio, Amber’s abusive boyfriend, thought she and Aaron were hanging out.

He had to get the phone back to her. Soon, before the guy did something to her. Maybe if he ditched practice and drove straight to Corona Blanca High School, he could catch her before she went home.

Don’t go near her again, Clive had said.

Too bad.

There were still cars in Corona Blanca’s parking lot when Aaron rolled in around four. But how to find her…

From what he remembered, Amber looked athletic, probably played a sport and stayed after school for practice. If she had a car, it would be here.

Outside, he slid on his sunglasses and leaned against his Mazda, feeling oddly nervous about talking to her again. At the campus entrance, a bronze statue of the Austrian physicist, Erwin Schrödinger, glinted in the sun. Its shadow crept closer.

The man who changed everything.

Just then Aaron saw her coming out. A smile pulled at the corners of his lips when he saw Amber approach a bright, Crayola-style powder blue Volkswagen Beetle. Same color as her cell phone.

She wore a white tennis skirt and a green tank top with ‘Corona Blanca Varsity Tennis’ written in white cursive along the front. Her skin was damp with sweat, and a few wisps of hair had escaped her ponytail and stuck to her forehead. She walked slowly, her eyes downcast.

He waited until she reached her car before he called out her name.


Amber glanced up, saw him, and froze. “Aaron?” She combed her damp hair off her forehead.

“What’s up?” he asked. “Lousy practice?”

“Why are you here?” she said, and when Aaron pushed off his car and came closer, she narrowed her eyes, tracking him.

In the daylight she was even more stunning. Once again Aaron found himself lost in her green eyes, not sure what he had been about to say.

Luckily, a distraction behind her snapped him out of his daze. The rest of the girls’ tennis team came into the parking lot, chatting and giggling. They paused, and after a few wary glances in Amber’s direction, continued on their way.

Aaron dug through his pocket. “You left this.” He tossed the phone to her, which she caught. “Does Clive always call you that much?”

Without even a thank you, Amber keyed in her passcode and thumbed through the list of missed calls. “It’s because he’s worried,” she said.

“Worried about what?”

“You. He’s worried you might have a crush on me,” she said, slipping the phone into her backpack with a hint of a smile, “and that you’re going to wait by my car after school with some lame excuse about having to return my cell phone just so you can talk to me again.”

“Oh?” Aaron raised his eyebrows. “So he’s not worried about the fact that you left the phone in my shoes on purpose then?”

She didn’t take her eyes off him. “Did that make your day, Aaron?”

“Actually, I was kind of dreading this,” he said, “since our first conversation resulted in me freezing my ass off with some sea lions while your boyfriend threatened to kill me if I ever went near you again.”

“Then you probably shouldn’t be near me. Why did you race him, anyway? It’s not like anyone was impressed.”

“It’s a guy thing.”

“Uh-huh,” she said doubtfully. “You know, he’s done things to guys like you before.”

“Like me?”

“Egotistical and stupid.”

“Why, is that your type, or something?” said Aaron, returning her glare. When it got ridiculous, though, he gave up trying to outstare her and squinted into the horizon. “So you really think Clive is your half?”

“You sound jealous,” she said.

“Just confused,” said Aaron, pushing his sunglasses halfway up the bridge of his nose. “Halves don’t treat each other like that…and I could tell he was nervous when I told him we had the same birthday.”

“Oh, right,” she said. “I forgot.”

Aaron peered sideways at her, but this time she broke eye contact first.

“No, you didn’t,” he said.

“I think I would know,” she said, rolling her eyes. Though now she was blushing.

“Well, have you thought about—”

“Just drop it,” she said.

“You don’t buy it, do you?”

“Buy what?”

“Halves. The whole bit.”

She set her gaze on him and the sudden force of her green eyes jolted him. “We’ve known about halves for barely eighty years. We don’t even know what causes it…I mean, nowhere does it say we’re meant to be soul mates. We just assumed.”

“Yeah, because that part was obvious.”

“There’s another explanation.”

Aaron nodded to the bronze statue. “One your man over there didn’t think of?”

“You know…” she said, without looking back, “Schrödinger kept a mistress.”

“Ouch,” he said. “Alright, let’s hear your theory.”

“Halves are more like siblings. Like cosmic twins…which would make this all incest.”

“You are aware most people say its love at first sight when they meet their half.”

“Easy.” She held his gaze. “Power of suggestion.”

“You’re saying it could be anybody?”

“I think that depends.”

“On what?”

“The person,” she said, watching him with a tinge of daring, “and what they believe.”

“Most people believe halves are perfect biological matches,” he said.

“That’s what scares me,” she said. “What happens to the human race if we no longer evolve through natural selection, but instead allow ourselves to be artificially bred by a force we haven’t even begun to understand?”

“You think it’s breeding us?”

She shrugged. “I wouldn’t be the first.”

A few students walked past them, and Aaron chewed his lip, waiting for them to pass out of earshot. Like the tennis players, their eyes darted between the two of them but lingered on Amber, and then Aaron remembered—

“What happened to Justin Gorski?” he said, changing the subject.

Amber glared at him as if he had just asked the stupidest question on Earth, and Aaron regretted asking her; the poor girl had probably gotten nonstop stares at school, and it was still only her first week.

Yet part of him doubted her innocence. “Weren’t you the last one with him?” he said.

“He offered me a ride home, which I didn’t take,” she said, “and I wasn’t the last one with him.”

“Then who was?” he said, ignoring her look. “Was it your boyfriend, Selavio, jealous maybe? Am I next on his hit list?”

“It was Dominic Brees,” she said, “and that’s because they’re both on the rugby team and they carpool home after practice.”

Aaron turned away from her and closed his fist. “Just like Buff said,” he muttered.

“Why do you even care? You don’t go here.”

“One more thing,” said Aaron, as he recalled Friday night, still believing Clive was somehow involved. “What was in that vial your boyfriend brought to the beach?”

“What are you, Aaron, some kind of private detective?”

“He said it was liquid clairvoyance.”

Amber pulled her keys out of her backpack and reached for her car door. “I’m kind of done talking to you,” she said, “and for your information, it was just a glow stick.”

She slammed the door in his face.

Well, that went well, Aaron thought, as her tires squealed on the asphalt and left him in a puff of burnt rubber.


“It’s too suggestive,” said Amber’s mother.

Amber stood on a pedestal wearing the dress, still fuming inside from her conversation with Aaron. Just who did he think he was? At the moment, a dozen people were looking her up and down.

She felt André’s hands on her waist. “We want to display her athletic figure,” he said. “The fabric accentuates movement, lightness. Step down, Amber, try walking around a bit.”

She stepped off the stool and walked a few feet then turned around. The group murmured its approval.

“And what are those ruffles, André?”

André smiled. “It’s a fabric, Mrs. Lilian. It has to move.”

“Can you tighten that up along the side?”

“Quit nitpicking,” said her father. “He’s done a fine job.”

“You have no idea how camera flashes can amplify these imperfections,” said her mother.

“Imperfections?” scoffed Dravin, one of her parents’ friends, as his vulture-like eyes inspected Amber favorably from behind his glasses. “All I see is perfection.”

“Quiet,” said her mother. “André, do you have any brighter lights? I can’t see anything properly in your cave of a studio.”

André brought out two halogen lights on stands and they, like the eyes of her dozen admirers, were trained on Amber’s body.

“Congratulations,” said her mother. “You’ve wrapped her in vinyl.”

“There needs to be luster,” said André.

“Can it be charmeuse?” she said.

“Mrs. Lilian, the dress is done,” he said. “We’re just making the final adjustments.”

“Then do it again,” she said.

“But there isn’t enough time,” he muttered.

“Can we put padding in the cups?” said her mother.

André scowled.

“Ignore her,” said her father. “The dress is flawless.”

“It is not flawless,” said her mother.

While they bickered, Amber wandered into the corner and stared at herself in a mirror. Her hair was pinned up so every part of the dress could be seen, admired, and scrutinized for flaws. Just like her.

The silk was whisper-light on her skin, barely touching her, but not so loose they couldn’t see what she was shaped like underneath. It was André’s most appealing design so far—and probably the one she’d wear on her eighteenth birthday, although the thought made her stomach squirm.

She couldn’t stand the idea that once she met her half—once she belonged to him—she would never again be considered her own person. Irresistible as she was in André’s dress, she felt the urge to rip it off and don baggy sweatpants. The worst part, though, was she doubted there was even a single seventeen-year-old in the world who could empathize with her.

Well, maybe one seventeen-year-old.

Amber realized she was about to start thinking about Aaron all over again and sighed in frustration. She had thought about him way too much ever since he came to her school last week. But that wasn’t because she liked him. He was a jerk.

She just couldn’t figure him out, and though she didn’t trust him at all, she wished she had told him what she knew about the missing boy from her high school—at least to get it off her chest. Now he probably thought she was hiding something. Which she was.

And why did she care what Aaron thought? For all she cared, he could curse her name in his sleep.

Dravin appeared behind her, his half at his side. “He’ll be lovesick when he sees you, sweetheart.”

“Fine. As long as he doesn’t puke on me,” said Amber.

He ignored her tone. “With you at his side, he’ll be chosen as the heir.”

“Dravin, please do your scheming with my father,” she said.

Amber caught his half’s eye in the mirror and regretted it immediately. There was a reason Dravin usually left his half home when he visited. The woman’s unfocused eyes lolled between them, only loosely timed with their speech.

Amber averted her gaze, but not before her lips curled with disgust. Dravin must have read her expression.

“That’s not polite, sweetheart.”

“She’s gross.”

If the comment stung, Dravin didn’t let it show. “I was born in the early days, sweetheart. Before they understood premature contact. We first touched when we were only three days old; her body wasn’t ready…her channel tore open and she lost most of her clairvoyance.”

The detachment in his voice chilled Amber. “Aren’t you even upset about it?”

“You were almost like her, you know. Only your parents were more…skittish.” He said it like an insult.

“Yeah, well not everyone’s perfect,” said Amber. Despite her biting tone, her face flushed.

He was right.

Dravin and his half were victims of juvengamy. They had been forced together as infants.

So had Amber’s parents.

And as a pureblood, descended from an unbroken lineage of juvengamy halves, so had Amber.

At least that’s what they told her. She and her half were separated before she could remember. Before any permanent damage could happen to her channel…she hoped.

Amber heard shouting behind her and turned around. Her parents were yelling at each other now.

André sat in the corner while his half, the studio’s other designer, massaged his shoulders, throwing mutinous glances toward Amber’s mother. André and his half were both men. Homosexual halves did occur, though not as often as heterosexual halves.

Suddenly, Amber’s mother slapped her father and marched toward the exit, toppling one of the halogen light stands. The tripod crashed to the floor and the bulb popped. On her way out, she shouted over her shoulder, “I don’t care if you don’t sleep, André. I want another dress next week.”

When she got back to her purse, Amber had a missed call from Tina Marcello, Dominic Brees’s girlfriend, and a message asking if she wanted to hang out, maybe watch Pueblo High School’s rugby tryouts.

Definitely. She could use some time with someone normal.


“Well?” said Buff furiously as he and Aaron hobbled to the stands after rugby tryouts, both of them drenched in mud. Behind them, the goal posts sank into the mist.

“You saw. I scored three times,” said Aaron. “You tell me why your coach is an idiot.”

“Buddy, what was that bullshit? You’re a ball hog; you didn’t pass once. Have you ever even played rugby?”

“Just drop it,” said Aaron.

“No bullshit,” Buff grabbed his shoulders and faced him, “the closer it gets to your birthday, the more you creep me out. Look, Buddy, I know you’re freaked about that stuff in your head, but it’s not the end of the world, okay?”

Aaron shrugged off his best friend’s hands and continued walking.

“Okay, be a prick. Fine.” Buff walked in stiff silence next to him.

For a week, Aaron hadn’t stopped thinking about Amber. Clearly, she didn’t belong with Clive, yet she acted like they were unofficial halves or something…and he was beginning to hate it.

But his birthday was way too close to risk getting hung up on her—only nineteen days now. Besides, whether Clive Selavio, Aaron, or someone else entirely was Amber’s half would be revealed on March thirtieth, and no one could do a damn thing about it.

So why was it so hard to let her go?

“Hey—” Buff nodded toward the stands, “look who came to watch.”

Aaron glanced up. It was Tina Marcello, but when he saw whom she was with, his skin tingled.

“And who might that be?” said Buff, suddenly very interested.

The two girls were sitting right where they had left their backpacks.


Amber wore a baby-blue sweater, the sleeves rolled up to her elbows, damp with mist. Her hair glistened. Aaron stopped right in front of her.

“You again?” she said, making no attempt to sound excited. Aaron wondered whether she’d consulted Tina about him or whether they’d concluded separately that he was a jerk. Maybe they could form a club with Emma Mist.

Aaron wiped his brow with the back of his hand, and his sweat ran red down his fingers. A cleat must have nicked his forehead. He lifted the bottom of his shirt and wiped away the blood.

Amber blinked. “Do you really have to do that right in front of me?” she said.

“What are you doing here?” he said.

“Oh, so it’s okay for you to lurk by my car and ambush me after practice, and it’s not okay for me to watch the tryouts?”

“Fine. Next time I’ll leave your phone in the trash,” he said, “and just so you know—” he nodded over his shoulder at the rugby field, “I got distracted back there.”

“It’s not like I came to watch you.”

“Oh yeah?” he said. “Who’d you come to watch?”

Buff pushed him out of the way and held his hand out to Amber. He put on his most dignified expression, which wasn’t much. “Buff Normandy.”

Amber took his hand and smiled. “Amber.”

“So you like rugby, Amber?”

She shrugged, and her eyes darted to Aaron. “It’s okay,” she said.

“I didn’t really need to try out—” said Buff. “I’m actually already on the team.” He chuckled, and his cheeks reddened. “Actually, I was last year’s MVP.”

“Knock it off,” said Aaron. “She’s a friend.”

Buff stepped in front of Aaron, blocking him. “You got any plans for later?”

Aaron smirked and rolled his eyes, and Amber glanced at him again. She smiled too.

“Could you please leave us alone now?” said Tina, wrinkling her nose. “You guys stink.”

A lined notebook lay open on her lap, which Buff snatched and proceeded to dangle above her head.

“Buff—” Tina lunged for the notebook and missed. “Give it back!”

While they squabbled, Aaron scanned the bleachers for his backpack. He had left it right here. He inhaled, and his chest stung. More sweat drizzled into his mouth.

Then he saw it stashed under the bench, shoved out of the way right behind Amber. He leaned over her, and her eyes narrowed suspiciously.

“Excuse me—you’re in the way.” He reached past her.

But she refused to budge, and his shoulder brushed her cool skin. He felt her tense up. Aaron flexed and dragged his backpack onto the bench next to her. She stared at the spot of mud he left on her arm, then at him.

“What makes you think I’m your friend?” she said.

“I didn’t say you were,” said Aaron.

“You did two minutes ago.” She glanced at his forehead. “I think you need a Band-Aid.”

Blood dripped from Aaron’s chin. He wiped his forehead with his shirt again—it came back bright red.

“I’m fine.” He unzipped his backpack. Then he grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled it over his head. Caked mud and sweat stuck to his skin. He crumpled the shirt into a ball and wiped his face another time. That was when he noticed the bruises along his rib cage.

While his shirt was off, Amber stole a glance at his torso, then quickly averted her gaze and fixed her eyes firmly on the horizon—until a grunt from Buff made them both look in his direction.

“Buddy, she’s scouting for Breezie!” he shouted, staring wide-eyed at the players’ names written neatly in pink ink in Tina’s notebook. “And why isn’t my name here?”

“Buff, forget about it,” said Aaron. “She doesn’t know jack—”

“Huh Tina? Why isn’t it on here?” Buff repeated.

There was a dark glint in Tina’s eyes. “Because your GPA is below the league minimum. You won’t be allowed to play.”

“That’s not true.”

“Is too.”

Buff tore out the page, ripped it into little pieces and dropped them on Tina’s lap. “No more of this bullshit,” he said, grabbing his backpack.

“You freak!” said Tina, staring at the scraps.

“When we play rugby, Breezie’s going to need more than just a cheat sheet,” said Buff, kicking the riser on the bench.

“Well that was lame.” Tina brushed the scraps of paper into a puddle and grabbed her purse. “Amber, let’s get out of here.”

“Hang on,” said Buff, “let me get Amber’s number.” He rummaged in his pockets for his cell phone, came out empty-handed, then unzipped his backpack and started digging out crumpled wads of schoolwork.

Amber gave him a coy smile. “Buff, you hardly know me,” she said.

Buff’s face reddened. He stood and scratched his head. “Maybe I should give you my number instead,” he said.

“She doesn’t want your number,” Aaron scoffed.

Amber shot him a glance. “Maybe I do.”

Meanwhile, Tina made a point of sighing loudly.

“I got it an idea!” said Buff. “Buddy, give me your phone. I’ll get her number that way.”

“Too bad,” said Aaron, “didn’t bring it.”

Amber glanced at the side of Aaron’s backpack, at the mesh pocket—where the bulge of his cell phone was clearly visible.

“Didn’t bring it, huh?” She slid Aaron’s phone out and flipped it open, keyed in her number, and called her own phone with it. Then Amber and Tina squeezed between him and Buff on their way out.

As Amber brushed past Aaron, she slipped the phone into the pocket of his shorts. “That’s for Buff,” she whispered, her breath right in his ear. Her green eyes lingered on him for another second before she turned away.


“Buddy, who was that?” said Buff, gaping at him.

“Don’t worry about it,” said Aaron. “She’s out of her mind.”

“Who cares?” said Buff. “Give me the phone number, it’s obvious she likes me.”

“She goes to Corona Blanca,” said Aaron.

Buff lunged for the phone in Aaron’s pocket, and Aaron had to beat him off with his backpack.

“Fine, I’ll just wait until she calls me,” said Buff, leaving Aaron to go talk to his coach, “which she will!”

“Say hello for me when she does.” Aaron slung his clean shirt over his shoulder and headed to his car alone. So much for forgetting about her. After that last sizzling look she gave him, that was going to be impossible.

Aaron sighed, imagining how much simpler his last month as a seventeen-year-old would have been if he’d never met her—and wondering if he’d ever have the courage to delete her number. Or call her.

His Mazda waited, black and sleek. Aaron was almost at the door when he noticed the damage, and his heart jolted.

He scanned the lot, hardly breathing. Nobody lingered. Nobody had left a note.

Aaron stared at his car. A dent stretched across the door, broken glass and crumpled metal, bashed inward. Bare steel glinted underneath, deformed and scraped white. Black flecks of paint streamed in rivulets along the asphalt unde

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Timeloopers: A Strange Machine (Book One)
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When Seattle’s most elite private school—alma mater of Bill Gates—becomes the controversial recipient of a prototype quantum supercomputer, senior class prankster and genius computer whizz Cory Holland is determined to hack it . . . that is, if he can find the time between crashing parties and making out with his archenemy’s superhot ex, Samantha.

But Cory soon realizes the spooky coffin-sized machine humming away in his school’s basement isn’t a computer at all. Inside the machine, time appears to cycle in endless loops. Food molds in seconds. Cell phones drain in minutes. Most startlingly, it appears possible to step inside at the end of the loop . . . and step out into the past.

But when the machine delivers a cryptic warning that Samantha died in a car crash, his memories of her instantly begin to vanish—leaving only lingering moments of déjà vu. Someone’s been screwing with the past. Now he must do the unthinkable: alter the timeloop to save the life of the girl he loves, only to forget everything about her.

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The first human to be cut out of the universe, by her own choice, is a beautiful teenage girl.
God’s Loophole By Dan Rix – On sale! Save $2!
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God’s Loophole (God’s Loophole Book One)

by Dan Rix

4.4 stars – 19 Reviews
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Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

On Sale! Kindle Countdown Deal! Everyday price: $2.99

The first human to be cut out of the universe, by her own choice, is a beautiful teenage girl.

Using nothing more than MRI technology, a groundbreaking physics technique claims to be able to delete matter temporarily from existence—be it a volume of space, or a human being. The best part of all: it’s perfectly safe.

Eighteen-year-old Raedyn Summers has wanted nothing else but to one-up her boyfriend’s infuriating younger brother, physics prodigy Gabriel Rockwell, since the day he and his punk attitude swaggered into her life. So when it comes time to test his invention, she rises to his stupid dare: prove she’s gutsy enough to erase herself from existence for five seconds.

For his part, Gabriel’s just glad it’s not him when he seals his brother’s irritatingly hot girlfriend inside their startup’s prototype. But when she vanishes before his eyes and reappears five seconds later, he regrets egging her on. Even more so he regrets his own decision to do it. Because even after they come back, part of them stays deleted.

Now they both jolt awake at 3:33 a.m. every night, vomiting and muttering incoherently, just as a horned figure standing over them evaporates to smoke. Their bodies are changing, becoming addicted to the drug-like rush of being cut out of the universe. Strangest of all, they’ve developed the ability to move objects with their minds.

Now Gabriel and Raedyn must come to terms with their twisted, star-crossed infatuation with each other, solve a puzzle in quantum mechanics, and resist the siren-like pull of deleting themselves for ever longer periods of time—before they lose their souls to an unthinkable limbo outside the boundaries of spacetime.

5-Star Amazon Reviews

“… This book really does deserve the highest praise and I’m excited to start the next one!”

“Good sci-fi. Enjoyed it and recommended it to my friends.”

“Great read with interesting characters. I know just enough about math and physics to not have to over think the premise of the story. I am looking forward to reading the sequel.”

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Sci-Fi Thriller Alert! Dan Rix’s Triton is just 99 cents! **Plus, Don’t miss today’s Kindle Daily Deals!


by Dan Rix

4.4 stars – 55 Reviews
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Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

On Sale! Kindle Countdown Deal! Everyday price: $2.99

In the middle of the Atlantic, four hundred miles west of Bermuda, the eight thousand passengers and crew aboard the cruise ship MS Cypress vanish into thin air. Everyone—men, women, and children—all gone. Taken.

Everyone except five teenagers.

In an instant, their seven day cruise becomes a nightmare: eighteen decks of haunted hallways, pools and bars completely empty, desserts still half-eaten in the abandoned Royal Promenade. A ghost ship the size of a city, sailing blind. At least their annoying parents are gone.

But now strange things are happening. Satellites are dropping out of orbit, falling from the sky. Satellites…and bigger things. They’re not as alone as they think. A message appears in an ancient language, burned into the carpet in the deck ten elevator lobby. It’s a warning. A monster lurks onboard, hunting them. What they’ve long suspected appears certain: the vanishing…it was an attack.

Now the most unlikely of friends must confront the shadowy pasts that link them and regain control of a runaway cruise ship, crack a four-thousand-year-old mystery, and wage war on a formless evil…before they too vanish into oblivion.

5-star praise for Triton:

Well-written teen-survival supernatural thriller
“…a page turner…I promise you won’t get bored…Great read for YA and Adults…”

Kept me guessing!
“Humor, action, impending apocalypse, and mystery, all rolled into one!…”

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KND Freebies: Fascinating sci-fi thriller BROKEN SYMMETRY is featured in today’s Free Kindle Nation Shorts excerpt

YA Sci-Fi Mysteries & Thrillers…
and 79 rave reviews!
“The best book I’ve read since The Hunger Games…”
Part sci-fi medical thriller and part paranormal romance, Dan Rix’ Broken Symmetry is an engrossing spine tingler from the first page to the very last sentence…Don’t miss it while it’s 75% off the regular price!

BROKEN SYMMETRY: A Young Adult Science Fiction Thriller

by Dan Rix

BROKEN SYMMETRY: A Young Adult Science Fiction Thriller
4.3 stars – 98 Reviews
Kindle Price: 99 cents
(reduced from $3.99 for limited time only)
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Sixteen-year-old Blaire Adams can walk through mirrors.

It’s called breaking symmetry. To her, a mirror feels like a film of honey. She can reach through it, grab things…even step inside. On the other side she lives every teenager’s fantasy: a universe all her own, zero consequences. She can kiss the hot guy, break into La Jolla mansions, steal things…even kill. When finished, she just steps back into reality and smashes the mirror—and in an instant erases every stupid thing she did. Gone. It never happened.

But breaking symmetry is also dangerous. First there’s the drug-like rush she gets when passing through the glass, like a shot of adrenaline. She suspects it’s degrading her body, making a new copy of her each time. A reflection of a reflection, each one a little hazier. Then, of course, there’s the risk of getting cut off from reality.

When she narrowly escapes a military quarantine zone with the San Diego Police Department hot on her heels only to discover her escape mirror littering the floor in shards, her worst fear is realized. Now, trapped in a broken reflection, she must flee through a mind-bending maze of mirrors, going deeper into the nightmare as she struggles to grasp a betrayal, uncover the chilling truth about her ability, and somehow find a way out of a dead-end universe that “never happened.”

Somehow, she must find a way home.

5-star praise for Broken Symmetry:

“Impressed…brilliantly written…I recommend this book highly for all teens and adults….”

“Great premise…an amazing science/supernatural/mystery/romance…”

an excerpt from

Broken Symmetry

by Dan Rix

Copyright © 2014 by Dan Rix and published here with his permission

Chapter 1


Lip gloss finally applied, I blew a kiss to the visor mirror and climbed out of my new Jeep Wrangler thoroughly ready to get asked to prom by Josh Hutchinson.

Even at midnight, the perimeter of lights around The Scripps Research Institute could wake the blind. Since this morning, the U.S. Army had erected more than a dozen sixty-foot towers arrayed with Metal Halide floodlights. The lights combined with the drone of diesel generators and the occasional scream of power tools destroyed all hope of a quiet evening on the Torrey Pines Golf Course.

Maybe this was not the best night for stargazing.

I tied my hair back and wiggled under a loose section of the barbed wire fence, grateful that three years of cross-country had carved my figure down to practically nothing.

At least we’d be alone. As of twelve hours ago, La Jolla’s world-class biomedical research institute, the thirty-five acre campus, and the golf course were all part of the quarantine zone.

I reached our lookout spot at the edge of the green. My hair, loose again, caught the sea breeze and whipped across my face.

“Josh?” I whispered.

Surf thumped the beach two hundred feet below me.


“There! Shooting star,” his voice said. He stepped out of the shadows, head angled skyward. “Did you see it?”

I straightened up. “I see you didn’t wuss out at the fence.”

Josh smoothed back his wavy hair and thrust his chin forward, flaunting a jawline that could have doubled as an architect’s straightedge. “There is my reputation to consider, Blaire.”

It was only sort of a joke. Captain of the basketball team and student body president and way too charming for his own good, Josh Hutchinson was the kind of guy everyone loved to hate.

Unless, of course, he was asking you to prom.

“So . . . stargazing in a hot zone,” I said, breaking the silence. “This is romantic.”

“I’m telling you I booked the place before they did,” he said, pointing a thumb behind him at the Army.

“You don’t think they had someone pulling strings for them, do you?”

“Anything’s possible.” He tossed a bent metal sign into the light. “At least I was able to nab one of these for my room.”

On the reflective yellow background, I recognized the international biohazard symbol. I had ignored similar signs spaced evenly along the perimeter fence. “That’s cute.” I tilted my head. “Maybe if there’s enough radiation it will even glow in the dark.”

The floodlights behind us left his eyes in shadow. “So you’re not even scared a little bit?”

“Were you hoping I’d be?”

He shrugged. “I know it’s just a drill, the whole quarantine thing. It’s just . . . we’re really not supposed to be in here.”

“Your idea, remember?”

“About that . . .” He stepped closer and took my hands in his. “I didn’t actually invite you here to stargaze.”

My heart sped up, and I squeezed his hands without meaning to and loosened my grip just as fast, hoping he didn’t notice. Act cool, Blaire. Act cool. “Yeah, I kind of figured,” I said.

“Can I ask you something?” he said.

I nodded.

“Blaire, will you go to pr—”

My cell phone cut him off. I cringed and yanked it out of my pocket to silence it. Probably my idiot friends calling for the scoop.

But then I saw the caller ID.

My fingers froze over the screen. I’d forgotten the number was still in my phone.

Josh crossed his arms. “Who is it?” he said, his eyes wandering to the Navy destroyer anchored offshore.

“I need to take this.” I raised the phone to my ear. My hands trembled, but not from the cold. “Hello?”

“Blaire. Detective Joe Paretti.”

Just the sound of the his voice unearthed layers of emotion I had no idea I still had, fear and hopelessness, and that one terrifying pang of hope that hurt worst of all.

“It’s midnight,” I said, my throat dry. “Why are you calling me?”

“You better come down to the station.”

“Joe, why are you calling me?”

A sigh on the other end. I could picture him rubbing his forehead. “We found him.”

We found him.

Three words I had waited to hear for eleven months. The cliffs blurred and the floodlights from The Scripps Institute kaleidoscoped around me. Nothing mattered anymore. That I was two seconds away from getting asked to prom by La Jolla High’s undisputed heartthrob Joshua Hutchinson could have been another lifetime.

I choked out the only question that mattered. “Is he alive?”

“Just come down to the station,” he said. “I’ll explain everything here.”

And he hung up.

The phone slipped from my hand. It bounced on the rock and skittered toward the cliff edge.

“I have to go,” I said, pushing away from Josh and grabbing the phone. “I have to go right now.”

“Wait, Blaire—” He lunged for my hand, but I tore out of his grip. I was already sprinting to my car.


My name is Blaire Adams.

At the end of my sophomore year my father disappeared without a trace. I was fifteen. I remembered the last evening—he kissed me goodnight then went up to bed himself.

In the morning, he was gone.

Detective Joe Paretti of the San Diego Police Department led the investigation, and found nothing for the next eleven months. In his words, it was as if my father had evaporated.

Tonight, they had finally found him.

The gas pedal bottomed out under my toes, but my Jeep didn’t budge. The engine just revved out of control, and its sudden, violent vibration stung my fingertips through the steering wheel.

First gear. Put it in first gear.

Except I had only just learned manual transmission, and I was dizzy, hyperventilating. It was like solving one of those ball-in-a-maze toys blindfolded.

Finally the stick slotted into place.

But not in first gear. The car shook and lurched forward. I floored it and rode the clutch for two blocks. The burnt smell hissing from my new car only sharpened my focus, reminded me to breathe. Instinct took over.

An eternity later, I squealed to a stop in front of the San Diego Police Department, Northern Division and tore up the ramp. A billion fragments of hope cluttered my mind to the point of popping. At the door, I gave up thinking.

Up ahead, at the end a dark linoleum hallway lit only by orange emergency strips, light spilled from a single office. And voices.

By now I knew the police station well enough to recognize the office as Joe Paretti’s. From inside the office, one voice cut through the others. A voice that made me think of a gurgling brook in winter, deceptively quiet before a flood.


My heart did this funny thing, like I’d swallowed it wrong. My legs put on a burst of speed, raising the chilled police station air to a whistle in my ears and plowing me straight into the hulk of a man blocking the office doorway.

Joe Paretti whipped around. “Wait a sec, kid—”

I lunged for the gap at his side, and almost slipped past him. He grabbed my wrists and hauled me up the corridor, kicked the door shut behind him, and planted me against the wall. “Blaire, just wait a sec. I might have called you in too soon.”

“Daddy!” I twisted my neck to peer through the sidelites, but barely discerned a standing figure through the frosted glass. “Let me see him!” I screamed.

“Just give me time to sort this out,” Joe said. His radio crackled with an incoherent message.

“No, I’m seeing him now—” Using both hands, I shoved his arm off the wall, and his other arm came around behind me to stop him from falling into me. Like pushing through a turnstile. I cranked the doorknob.

Once again, Joe’s hand closed around my wrist. “Blaire, I don’t want you in there yet.”

“That’s my dad—”

“I called you in too soon,” he barked. Only the deep creases lining the detective’s forehead betrayed his fatigue. “Give me a chance to sort this out. We just picked him up a half hour ago”


“Over by the Institute.”

“The quarantine zone?”

“And I deserve the goddamn Medal of Honor for getting those jarheads to hand him over. ‘Community exercise’ my ass. Just scratching each other’s nuts if you ask me. Just give me ten more minutes to sort this out.”

“Sort out what?”

“Listen to me, Blaire,” he said, and for the first time that night his voice was gentle, his eyes full of sympathy. “Your dad’s got amnesia . . . he can’t remember a damn thing about you.”


Behind us, muffled shouts seeped from the glass sidelites.

My father.

And I understood what Joe meant. My father’s yells scared me, sickened me. Suddenly I didn’t want to see him. I didn’t want to see what had become of him.

Because people don’t just vanish for eleven months and come back normal. They come back changed. Scarred in some way.

A nervous chill crept up my throat. I swallowed it back down and stood up straight. “It’s temporary,” I declared. “He just needs to see me, and he’ll remember me.”

“Oh, he remembers you just fine,” said Joe. “In fact, he was able to give us a picture perfect description of you . . . when you were four.”

“Four . . . years old?”

“Everything after that’s toast. I’ve seen it just like this a thousand times—post-traumatic retrograde amnesia, or something like it.”

“From what?” I said.

He shrugged. “A hit on the head.”

Another officer emerged from the office, his radio hissing on his belt, and in the brief moment the door hung open, I glimpsed my father. I surged forward. But the door latched shut, and I froze, eyes glued to the metal door between us, no longer sure I had the strength. Instead, my gaze fell to Joe’s gleaming black shoes.

His hand gripped my shoulder. “Blaire, you will survive,” he said. “There is one thing I can show you right now, something he had in his possession that might have sentimental value to you. Would you like to see it?”

I nodded, a tear forming in my eye.

The detective produced a paper envelope. “It’s all we found on him. Neither me nor the other officers make any damn sense of it.” He dumped the contents of the envelope onto his palm. “You recognize this?”

I studied the object in his hand, and the back of my neck prickled. He was holding the key to the mystery of my father’s disappearance and where he had been for almost a year.


In another office down the hall, far away from my father—now relocated to a holding cell—Paretti carefully extracted the evidence from the paper bag and laid it on the desk in front of me.

It was a leather-bound diary the size of a deck of cards. And from the frayed edges and the spots worn thin, I guessed well-used.

“Mean anything to you?” said Joe.

“It’s a diary.”

“I didn’t bring you down here to be a smart ass, kid. We figured that ourselves. Now open it up.”

“Oh, did that part stump you?” I said, my voice suddenly all attitude. “See, you slide the elastic off and then it opens just like a book. Here, you try it—”

The cop fixed me in an unblinking gaze. “Read it, Blaire.”

I flipped through the diary. Pages filled with my father’s longhand, practically illegible to anyone but himself. And me. As his only daughter, and the closest living person to him, I could read his loopy cursive.

Ever since I was little, he had kept a diary just like this. And if my intuition was correct, it would contain a detailed account of the last eleven months of his life. An account of his disappearance and what happened afterwards. At the thought, my heart picked up speed.

“It’s gibberish right?” said Joe.

“Only if you’re illiterate,” I said, returning to the first page, the first sentence.

I couldn’t read it.

Confused, I flipped to a random page halfway through.

Not English. Not even recognizable letters. I opened to another page, and another. Page after page of the same, foreign calligraphy. Was it Greek?

I peered closer. No, more foreign than Greek. Russian, maybe. Yet still western. Arabic? No, the symbols looked like our letters—oh, please, who was I trying to fool? I couldn’t tell.

I shook my head and closed the diary.

“Jesus, I’ll send for a linguist.” Paretti returned the diary to the bag and creased it shut. “Everything’s backwards with this guy.”


“Wait, let me see the diary again,” I said.

“It’s going into evidence.”

“I think I can read it.”

“You’re wasting your time,” he muttered, but handed me the diary anyway.

I opened to the first page, and the letters clicked into place. It was so simple, I laughed.

“Did I miss a joke in Farsi?”

“It’s not a foreign language,” I said. “It’s just backwards.”

“You better get to the point, and fast—”

Backwards. Look, hold it up to a mirror—” my eyes darted to the office’s dark windows, where I glimpsed my reflection, long auburn hair crusted to blotchy, tear-stained cheeks, “or glass . . . hold it up to the glass.”

Joe did as I instructed, and his eyebrows scrunched together. “I’ll be damned. Must have hit his head harder than we thought. He’s all scrambled.”

“He’s not scrambled,” I said, my face hot. “For your information, Leonardo Da Vinci wrote backwards. He wrote forward with his right hand and backwards with his left hand.”

Joe just shook his head, massaging the creases out of his forehead. “Spare me, Blaire. I’ve had a long night.” He waved over one of the uniformed officers, a rookie, fresh out of the academy by the looks of his crew cut. “I want this scanned and typed up. The correct orientation.”

“Ten-four.” The rookie carried the diary out of the office.

“Am I ever going to see that again?” I said, watching him disappear up the hall with the diary.

“It’s going into evidence,” said Joe, facing me again. “Now, you wanted to see your daddy? Let’s go see him. He’s been asking for you.”


My father watched me enter the police interrogation room but said nothing. At the sight of him my heartache sharpened to a sting. Soft, straight brown hair framed a hardened face. His hazel eyes glowed from within, from his spirit. I barely resisted running to him.

But something was wrong.

The sleeves of a tattered T-shirt hung off bruised, cut up biceps. Always lean and toned before, he appeared outright emaciated now, like he hadn’t eaten in months. Nor had he shaved recently. His pale, sweaty skin gleamed under the fluorescent lights. He was clutching his stomach, as if on the verge of puking. But the worst was his eyes.

I couldn’t look away from his eyes. A spiderweb of black, swollen veins pulsed around them. Like leeches.

Something was very wrong.

“It’s not him,” I whispered, backing into Joe, overtaken by a deep sense of unease. “It’s not him. It’s a lookalike.”

“What’s that?” said Joe, nudging me forward.

Chills crawled up my skin. “Take me away, it’s not him,” I pleaded, now sobbing into Joe’s uniform, my voice too weak to hear. “It’s a lookalike.”

My father’s unfocused eyes travelled across my face like a blind man’s, not really seeing me . . . not a flicker. He didn’t recognize me.

The realization stilled my heart.

“Blaire-bear, is that you?” he said, and his voice did what the sight of him couldn’t. My anxiety melted away. I took in his withered body, bent over the desk, broken, and my heart lodged somewhere north of my esophagus.

“Daddy!” I ran forward to fling my arms around him.

With surprising strength, he clamped me in a bear hug, and I caught a whiff of him. Like ash. My fingers dug into his shirt, and I longed for him to brush back my hair, touch my face. Anything.

Instead, he sat me on his lap at arm’s length, as if scared to touch me, and his eyes explored my face for the first time.

“You’re gorgeous,” he whispered, a tear sliding down his cheek. “I couldn’t have imagined you more perfect.” His grip on my shoulders weakened, though, and I noticed he was trembling. “Listen to me, Blaire. Do not speak until I finish. I don’t have much time.”

“Where’d you go?” I whispered.

He held my gaze. “I do not have amnesia, though it will seem that I do,” he said. “It will seem that I am not as you remember, and I am sorry for that.” He lowered his palms from my shoulders and gripped my hands. “These police officers tell me I have been gone for eleven months,” he said. “This is not true—”

“Daddy, where’d you go?” I mumbled.

“Blaire, you have to listen to me,” he said. “I nevervanished . . . you vanished.”

“No, I’ve been right here, waiting for you.”

“I couldn’t find you, Blaire-bear. I couldn’t find you. You were four when it happened, when you disappeared.”

“You have to wake up now,” I said. “You went away, I stayed here.” Tears stung my eyes. My hands found the edge of the desk for support. Through my palms, the cold metal leached the life out of me. The wall to wall acoustic tiles, my soul. He couldn’t be crazy . . . he couldn’t.

“Blaire,” he whispered, struggling to hold his gaze steady, “you have to listen to me; you are the one thing that doesn’t belong.” He gestured around us. “None of this is real.”

No. I fixed my gaze on his. I had to wake him up. “Daddy, it is real . . . you have to remember . . . please—”

Before I could say more, though, his face paled, and he dropped me to the floor. His eyes darted to the one-way mirror, and he raised a shaky finger.

Joe stepped forward. “Mister Adams, I think we should get you to a hospital.”

My dad clutched his stomach and keeled over, his eyes wide. Then he vomited blood. His body spasmed, jerked, as his stomach worked to turn him inside out. I couldn’t speak, couldn’t move, could only watch in horror, my insides cold and frozen.

The officers rushed to his side.

My dad retched again, and from somewhere, warm liquid spattered my face.

“Get an ambulance!” Joe said. “We need an ambulance.”


In the trauma wing of Scripps Memorial Hospital, doctors shouted orders behind a curtain, their Rockports squeaking on linoleum. I shivered out in the hall, face buried between my knees. The world circled like a carousel. I focused on the sounds of activity, and counted each bleep on the heart monitor.

“Intubate the airway,” one yelled.

“It’s no good, his lungs are filling too fast. We need to turn his body.”

My father gurgled, coughed. Red splattered the curtain.

“Give me suction.” Silence, followed by the sound of a tube slurping up liquid. “Got it. Positive pressure now.”

I had already lost him once.

If only he could be okay, I prayed. If only he could be okay, we would drive home together.

We would begin patching up the last eleven months. It could still go back to the way it was.

The ECG pulses spiked, then raced double-time. My father’s heart rate.

“He’s going into V-tach,” said a nurse.

“The pulse . . . check the pulse.”


“Defib paddles. Give them to me. Two hundred fifty joules.”

I whimpered.


The jolt nearly made my own heart stop. The ECG went silent, then beeped intermittently.


“Another shock.”


The second jolt made my eardrums pop.

The heart monitor flatlined, and the ER doctor cursed. “Start CPR,” she said. “Nurse, check the leads and turn up the gain on the ECG. We need IV epinephrine.”

The heart monitor never beeped again.


For a long time, nothing pried into my haze. Eventually, a doctor stepped out from behind the curtain, scrubs soaked in blood, her face grim.

“Blaire, I’m Doctor Elaine Johnson.” She helped me to my feet.

“Is he okay?” I said.

“Unfortunately, we weren’t able to resuscitate him,” she said. “We’ll be doing an autopsy, of course, but the medical examiner doesn’t get in until next Monday, and he’s pretty backed up right now. It might be a while before we have answers. With your permission, I’d like to run a quick MRI on the body before they take it down to the morgue. I think I know what killed him.”


The leather-bound scrapbook opened with a crinkle on my bedroom floor. Everything I had collected up until now on my father’s disappearance—the newspaper article published in The San Diego Union-Tribune, missing person ads, police reports. My tears hit the seams and spilled off into the carpet.

Dr. Johnson had assured me she would get back to me in the morning with the cause of death. Answers, when there had never been anything but questions.

Before he vanished, he had been sick. According to him, it had to do with his work. Asbestos poisoning . . . or radiation sickness. I remembered the same symptoms he had exhibited tonight, almost a year ago: coughing up blood, vomiting.

Now we could add amnesia and delirium to that list . . . and schizophrenia. He barely recognized me. I sniffled and flipped to a large picture I had taken of him, grinning, his eyes crinkled with laugh lines.

The photo sent a painful jolt through my body and left me throbbing. I winced, slammed the binder shut, and sprawled out on the floor in a fetal position. My chest rose and fell, terrifyingly hollow.

In the first few months, I had been convinced—no matter what anyone told me—that it was rare for someone to disappear like he had, right into thin air. Not unheard of, just rare.

In retrospect, my father’s case was typical. The police didn’t solve nearly as many crimes as they let on; they simply didn’t have the funds. Most cases were unsolved.

Ever since his disappearance, I ran constantly, daily, pushed my body to the breaking point to keep the hole inside plugged with endorphins.

I got by.

I did well in school, even. I was popular, I was getting over him. Just like he would have wanted.

But nothing could have prepared me for tonight . . . for losing him all over again. Scabs that had taken a year to heal had ripped off in a second.

Bluish gray dawn seeped through the blinds into my bedroom, the color of cold. I shivered, the chill from the night finally soaking through my clothes.

I should sleep.

Tomorrow, I would learn the truth. Dr. Johnson would have the results of his MRI, which would probably point to a work related illness. As for where he had been all this time, I now knew exactly where I could find that information.

His diary.


Chapter 2


I took school off the next day for funeral preparations and went to the police station to pick up my dad’s diary.

“Still in evidence, kid. We’ll let you know when you can pick it up,” said Joe.

“I kind of need it now,” I said.

Joe hefted his feet onto his desk, kicking a stack of manila folders to the ground to make room for them, and fixed his beady eyes on me. “There something you forgot to mention last night about that diary, sweetheart?”

“My father’s dead, Joe. Those are probably the last words he ever wrote.”

“Well, you got to be patient. I got a couple techs on it now.”

“No, you don’t,” I sneered. “All you have to do is hold it up to a mirror. I showed you yesterday.”

“Blaire, your daddy didn’t write you a bedtime story, okay? It’s evidence. Besides, we’re not even sure it’s his handwriting.”

“Just out of curiosity,” I said, crossing the line for sure, “what are you sure of?”

Joe dropped his feet to the floor and leaned forward. “Now you listen good, sweetheart. We got a backlogged forensic lab, there’s no evidence of wrongdoing, we don’t have a suspect, and we just don’t have the manpower right now . . . And I have too much damn paperwork.” He swept his arm across his desk, dumping another stack of papers to the floor.

“Joe, I’m not asking for your help. I’m just asking for the diary.”

“Sweetheart, I have other cases. I don’t have time to babysit you.”

“Stop calling me sweetheart.” I said. “That’s what you call your wife.”

“No, I call that one woman.” He leaned back again, and this time slowly drank me in from head to toe.

I felt my lip curl, and I flattened my skirt so it covered as much of my thighs as possible. After he was through ogling me, I wanted to squirm out of my own skin. Or take a shower. “You pig.”

“As in chauvinist pig or cop pig?” he said, clearly fond of both nicknames.

“Just give me back my dad’s diary.”

“No can do.”

I sighed in exasperation. The harder he resisted, the more convinced I became that my dad had written down everything.

For my eyes only.

Joe continued to scrutinize me across his desk. “You know something we don’t, Blaire?”

“You’re the cop, Joe. You’re the one who’s supposed to know something.”

“I could use you on my side, right now, Blaire.”

“You make that pretty unappealing.”

“You’ll have it back in two weeks. Tops.”

“At least let me look at it. I’ll Xerox it and give it back, I promise.”

“All kinds of paperwork I’d have to fill out for that.”

“Then start filling. That’s my father’s property, and as his sole heir, it belongs to me now.”

“You’re welcome to contact your lawyer,” he said, yawning. “I’ll be happy to have this discussion with him.”


Joe Paretti might have said no, but as I had learned again and again throughout my sixteen years, no was actually code for try harder.

Outside Joe’s office I moseyed up the hallway away from the station’s exit. I needed to find the rookie officer I’d seen last night. If I remembered correctly, Joe had asked him to scan the contents of the diary. I could at least get the PDF emailed to me, right?

Farther down the hall, I peeked inside an open office. Empty. I opened another one and got waved out by an angry detective on the phone.

No good. There were too many offices. Then again, patrol officers didn’t have offices, did they? Only detectives got the offices.

My suspicion was confirmed a moment later when I found the rookie inside a cubicle in the bullpen, filling out paperwork.

“Got any leads?” My voice startled him. I stepped into his cubicle, which barely fit both of us, and peered over his shoulder, my hair brushing his biceps.

When he saw me, he did a double take and straightened up. “What—nah, these are just Administrative Hearing Requests,” he said, rifling through the quarter inch pile of folded, coffee stained forms.

“Sounds really impressive,” I said.

He puffed out his chest. “Just doing my job, ma’am.”

I set down my purse. “What are the hearings for?”

The rookie coughed and cleared his throat. “These would be for . . . ah, parking citations.”

Parking citations. While my dad’s kidnapper and killer walked loose. I scowled. “Do you guys have anything else on my dad?”

“Nothing new,” he said. “Last I heard, Paretti’s still looking into a former employer. Setting up a surveillance camera, I think.”


“A fellow by the name of Charles Donovan. Runs a high-tech interior design firm down in Morena. Labs, hospitals, that kind of thing.”

I nodded. My father’s work had been in interior design and construction. Joe had mentioned the guy before. I trailed my finger along the desk, noting the rookie’s keys lay an inch from my hand. Without really thinking, I pulled out my own keys and played with them.

“So . . . remember that diary he had last night?” I said.

“Sure do,” he said.

“Can you email me a copy?”

“Well, I didn’t actually make a digital copy,” he said. “I just used our copy machine to reverse it.”

That was stupid. But of course it wouldn’t be that easy. I laid my keys on the officer’s desk, right next to his. “Did you happen to read it?”

“Glanced at a few pages, didn’t really make any sense to me.”

“What did it say?”

“It’s just over in evidence,” he said. “I could see if they’re done with it, if you want?”

Bingo. I cranked up my doe eyes. “Would you please?”

He was halfway out of his seat when he cursed under his breath. “Forgot. We need an evidence release form. I’d need to get the sergeant to sign off on that.”

“We could go ask him together?” I offered.

“No, no . . . I’ll go ask,” he said, taking a deep breath. “I’ll go ask.” He squeezed by me and collided with a lump of a man in the hallway.

“I’ll save you the time. The answer’s no,” said Joe, thwarting my second attempt to get the diary. “I already told her she couldn’t.”

“Of course not, detective.” The rookie slipped back into his chair, red in the face. “I guess we can’t,” he muttered.

Joe’s angry gaze flicked to me. “Time for you to go, sweetheart,”

“Whatever.” I pretended to grab my own keys, but grabbed the officer’s instead. I tried to slip past Joe, but his meaty fingers closed around my arm.

“I’ll walk you out,” he said. More like forced escort, but I wasn’t complaining. I allowed myself to be led to the door, exhilarated and nervous about what I’d just done. I had stolen a policeman’s keys.

This was getting out of hand.

“Hey, Blaire!”

The other officer. I froze, guilt reddening my face. I couldn’t pull it off. Even if I claimed I accidentally grabbed them, he would know I was lying—

“You forgot your purse.”

I stared dumbly, hardly believing it. After I retrieved the purse, trembling, Joe jerked me back around and hussled me toward the exit.

“Next time you want to talk to an officer,” he growled, “call in ahead and make an appointment. With me.

On our way out, I couldn’t help but notice the sign over one of the hallways leading away, marked Evidence.

Then Joe shoved me out the door and almost sent me sprawling. “Besides,” he said, “you’re supposed to be in school right now.”

I was about to retort something awful, but my phone vibrated in my pocket.

It was Dr. Johnson calling.


A few minutes later I arrived at the hospital, no diary, still prickling from my encounter with Paretti.

“Is there someone else I can talk to?” said Dr. Johnson, seeing I was alone. “Your mother, perhaps?”

“She died when I was little.”

“You poor thing. Do you have a legal guardian?”

I shook my head. “I’m an emancipated minor. I filed a petition with the state.”

“You’re a brave girl.”

“Well, I had a court appointed guardian for a while, but she was verbally abusive and had a drinking problem. By the time we sorted it out in court, I was already sixteen.”

“That’s frustrating,” she said.

“Yeah . . .” I nodded. “So you know why my dad died?”

“I do. I think you’d better come into my office.”

Her computer screen already showed the MRI scans, black and white cross sections of my dad’s ghostly body parts, each one dotted with brightly glowing spots.

“An MRI is kind of like an X-Ray,” she said, “except it shows us tissue, not bones.”

I stared at the monitor, mesmerized.

She tapped one of the slides with her pen. “These white areas indicate severe hemorrhaging in your father’s stomach tissue, and his lungs . . . we’re also seeing some intestinal perforation.” She clicked to another image. “And here we’re seeing brain contusion and intracranial hemorrhaging.”

“Hemorrhaging . . . what is that?”

“Essentially he died from internal bleeding. Whatever happened to him, I’m amazed he survived as long as he did. He was pretty chewed up inside.”

I choked on my next words, but managed to get them out. “What do you think happened to him?”

“This kind of widespread internal damage typically has one of two causes,” she said. “One is blunt trauma. A fall from two or three stories would do it . . . or a car crash.”

“You think he fell?”

“It’s possible. However, with blunt trauma there should be external signs. Bruising, broken limbs, torn skin . . . none of which he had. All the damage was inside.”

“So . . . it wasn’t a fall?”

Dr. Johnson closed the MRIs, clicked out of the program, and faced me. “Blaire, was your father on any medication?”

“I don’t think so,” I said, “but he could have been on something work related.”

“That’s okay if you don’t know. Our blood analyzer is being serviced right now, so I’ve sent his blood over to the Institute. Not sure if it’ll go through, though; they’ve really been dragging out this quarantine exercise. Either way, I think it’s possible we’ll find anticoagulants in his system.”

“Is that why he was acting strange?” I said. “Because of drugs?”

“It’s very possible. I think your father’s death was the result of a combination of factors, medication plus some kind of bodily trauma.” The doctor paused. “There’s something else I wanted to tell you, Blaire. I doubt we could have saved him, but there is a reason our efforts to restart his heart failed yesterday.”

I glanced up, curious.

The doctor continued. “His heart’s on the right side of his body, not the left.”


“He has what’s called Situs Inversus. It’s a congenital condition in which the major organs are found on the opposite side as normal. For example, his heart is on the right side instead of the left. It’s quite rare, about one in ten-thousand.”

“Is that why he died?”

She shook her head. “It’s just a curiosity. Like I said, all the major organs are reversed, so the relationship between them is unaffected, hence why inverted individuals are often left-handed, as your father was. But everything still works.”

Weird. “Wait—my father wasn’t left-handed.”

“No?” she said. “Forgive me. I just noticed the muscles in his left hand were slightly more developed than his right. Perhaps he did something at work that required an able left hand.”

“Yeah, because I’m left-handed,” I said. “I remember at dinners if we sat next to each other, our arms hit. We joked about it.”

The doctor placed her hand on my back and smiled.

“That left-handed thing . . . Situs—whatever it was—do I have that too?” I said.

“Only if your mother’s a carrier too. Very unlikely.”

“Doctor Johnson,” I began slowly, “why didn’t my dad recognize me? He said he hadn’t seen me since I was four . . . that I disappeared.”

The doctor smiled sadly. “In head trauma cases, it’s fairly common for people to only remember things from many years ago. Often, they’ll fill in the missing pieces with false memories. Just be grateful he still knew you.”

I nodded, a lump forming in my throat. Head trauma explained his behavior perfectly.

Unless, of course . . .

Before it was even fully formed, the question escaped my lips. “What if he had a twin?”

The doctor studied me, her eyes peering into mine for so long I started to fidget. “Blaire,” she said finally, “are you wondering whether this man is your father?”

“I know it’s stupid—”

She held up her hand to stop me. “It’s an honest question,” she said. “If your father did have an identical twin, I’m afraid that would be pretty difficult to sort out. However, it might be reassuring to rule out the alternatives. If you want to, we can run a DNA test.”

“I want to.”


“Still sure you want to do this?” said Dr. Johnson, stretching on a pair of latex gloves. She sliced open an envelope and emptied the contents of a DNA testing kit onto the counter. “It’s not always a happy discovery.”

“I need to know the truth, don’t I?”

Dr. Johnson didn’t answer. She peeled back the plastic from a thin, white toothbrush-like utensil. “Open wide.”

“What for?”

“We’re going to take a quick swab from inside your cheek.”

“Don’t you need to draw blood?” I asked, lowering my jaw to permit the tip of the utensil.

“Your DNA is actually inside every cell in your body,” her voice said close to my forehead. “We use the ones inside your mouth because we know they’re yours.” She scraped the inside of my cheek vigorously. “Unless you’ve been kissing a lot,” she added with a wink.

She withdrew the swab and bottled it in a tiny plastic container, and we repeated the whole process two more times.

“All done!” She dropped the three containers into a padded envelope and sealed that as well. “In three or four days, we’ll know whether he was your dad.”

It was too easy.

My dad always told me, if the question was too easy to ask, I wouldn’t like the answer. Only hard to ask questions got good answers.

“What will this show?” I asked.

“It’s a basic genealogy test. Essentially we’re comparing pieces of your genetic code with your father’s.”

“And if they don’t match?”

“Don’t worry. They will.”

“But just supposing,” I said. “What if they don’t?”

Dr. Johnson stripped off her gloves, her back to me, and tiny muscles tightened at the juncture between her neck and her jaw.

“There’s an explanation for everything, Blaire. Remember, a mystery is only a mystery until we figure out the answer . . . and we always figure out the answer.”


I left the hospital and trudged through the parking lot, my gaze sinking to the pavement. My father had died of internal bleeding. Hemorrhaging, as Dr. Johnson had called it.

Could they have saved him? If the police had taken him directly to the hospital, would he be alive right now?

The heartache stung, and I gritted my teeth to fend off the ensuing wave of anguish. I fought back tears. In my heart, my father had died eleven months ago.

So why did this hurt so much?

I knew the answer, of course. It was because I needed closure. I needed the truth.

Since last night, I had become convinced he had come back with a message for me . . . a message he had written down.

I needed his diary.

From my experience with bureaucracy, though, I knew that if the diary remained in evidence, I would never see it again. When they finally got to it years from now, it would be filed away in some archive and lost forever.

I had to get it back while I still could.

On my way home I stopped by the hardware store and made copies of every key on the police officer’s key chain. Then I went back to the police station, apologized for picking up the wrong keys, and got my own keys back.

It was that easy.

At two in the morning, dressed in black jeans and a black hoodie, I parked a block from the police station and took a minute to steady my breathing.


The fourteen police cars parked on Eastgate Mall in front of the San Diego Police Department hunkered down like sleeping grizzlies, their engines still cooling and clinking from the second shift.

I was sneaking right into their den.

Straining to keep myself from shaking, I climbed the handicap ramp to the front door as casually as I could manage. If someone asked, at least my story wouldn’t have to account for crouching in the shadows like a burglar.

At the lock I fumbled with the keys, now shivering, and I swear the clinking could have woken anyone within a mile.

The first one fit, but didn’t turn the lock. The second didn’t fit. I tried the third, the back of my neck burning.

Footsteps sounded behind me, and I freaked. A spike of adrenaline fried my nerves—and any hope of playing myself off as an officer’s daughter. I scampered behind a trash can, curled into a ball, and held my breath.

The drum of my heartbeat obscured my senses. My limbs tensed, but the two approaching figures weren’t cops.

A drunk couple stumbled past me and continued down the sidewalk.

I didn’t let myself breathe until they were out of sight, and then only barely.

Back at the front door, lightheaded and nauseous, I tried the rest of the keys. Key number four fit but didn’t open the lock. Beyond the glass, emergency light strips lit an empty hallway. No one about. Please stay like that.

Key number five. The last key. I jabbed at the slot, my hands now shaking violently. The key didn’t fit.

It must have been one of the others. Maybe I’d turned the wrong way. I would have to try them all again. Or maybe none of them fit—maybe the rookie didn’t even have the station key. Why would he?

An earsplitting police siren drove needles through my heart. I froze, choked on my fear. Suddenly, it was daytime.

Bright light singed my neck and cast my shadow onto the floor inside the door. An inch from my eyes, loose strands of my hair caught the glare like filament.

Headlights. Right behind me.

The light moved on, though. The patrol car sped down the street, and its siren faded into the distance. For several minutes I stood at the station door, too terrified to move.

I had to try all the keys again.

But the cold and the adrenaline rush had leeched the dexterity from my fingers, and the keys kept getting tangled. Why the freak did this guy need so many keys anyway?

At last the first key slipped into the lock, but like before it didn’t turn. I leaned into it, and the metal dug into my finger. No way . . . with more pressure, the key would snap. I eased off and rotated the key the opposite direction. Still nothing.

On a whim, I tugged the handle anyways. The handle and the lock rotated as a unit and the door clacked open.

Warm, police-smelling air whisked past me. Oh God. I had just broken into a police station. The urge to flee sent me stumbling backwards. My heel banged into the trashcan. The noise startled me, and I scrambled over a hedge and tore down the street, soaked with sweat.

A block away I caught myself.

The truth. My father had written the truth in that diary, addressed directly to me.

Recovering the diary was not a choice.

I steeled my resolve and marched back toward the police station, slipped inside, and beelined for the evidence room.

Dim fluorescent strips swam overhead, catching up with me on the linoleum. The same hallway I ran down yesterday to find my father. The reminder hurt.

I pressed on and found the door marked Evidence. I tried the handle. Locked.

Back to the keys.

I repeated the same process of trial and error that had gotten me into the station. Of course none of the keys worked.

I jerked around, but saw nothing. Just the dark hallway. A petrified shiver shook my body, hiked my breathing.

Then I really did hear footsteps. Coming toward me. I ran.

Only the wrong direction. I crashed into a body at the intersection between two hallways. The man grunted, and his cup of coffee crashed on the floor. I caught sight of his face just as he did mine.

Joe Paretti.

Chapter 3


“No. No-no-no,” he said. “Do I have to arrest you, Blaire?”

“The door was open,” I lied, and then all my pride flew out the window and I burst into tears. He grabbed my arm and dragged me into his office.

“I’m writing you up for this right now,” he said. “Getting you sent to juvie for this. Breaking and entering . . . and a goddamn police station . . . Jesus Christ.”

“I had the keys,” I mumbled. “Your partner gave them to me. I was coming to return them.”

Joe slammed the door to his office. “Let me see those.” He wrenched the keychain out of my grip, and his eyes narrowed at the ACE Hardware logo on the duplicated keys. He flung them to the ground.

His rage terrified me.

While Joe rummaged in his filing cabinet for the proper forms to write me up, I stole a glance at his desk—at whatever it was keeping him here so late at night.

My dad’s report.

I peered closer.

Adams spotted on John Hopkins Dr. in bushes below South Employee Parking Lot. Speaking incoherently and delusional . . .  

Under possible suspects, he had written Charles Donovan . . . and my name—Joe slapped an arrest form on top of the report and nailed me with a stink eye.

“But I’m sixteen,” I said.

“Think I give a damn?”

The phone in Joe’s office rang, and he paused, halfway through writing the date. He picked up the phone.

An angry woman’s voice hissed over the speaker.

He replied, “fifteen more minutes, hun, I promise—”

“I’m just going to leave, okay?” I said, backing toward the door.

Joe waved me back, absently at first, then vigorously when I didn’t come. I obeyed, my head hung low.

I heard his wife say, “Is somebody there with you?”

“It’s nobody, hun.” Joe massaged his temple, clearly flustered. “No, you didn’t hear a girl . . . look, she snuck in. I’ll explain later. Just give me fifteen minutes!” He hung up.

Joe wrung his head in his hand and kneaded the sides of his head. “Just leave, Blaire, before you try my patience any more. I’ve had a long night.”

Without waiting for him to change his mind, I bolted. Besides, I already had another idea.

The wife.


I cupped the phone to my shoulder on Saturday morning and flipped through my mailbox while it rang. After two rings the woman answered.

“Is this Mrs. Paretti?” I asked.

“I thought I told you to take my name off your calling list,” she said. “You’re from Outbreak Awareness, right?”

“No, I’m calling about your husband.” I scratched absentmindedly at the seal of a letter addressed to me. “I’m Blaire. He’s working on my dad’s case.”

She paused. “How’d you get my number?”

“I looked it up on the internet.”

“Could I have the name of the site you found it on?”

“Look, I was just calling to see if you could ask your husband something.”

“Sorry, I’m not interested. Please take me off your calling list.”

“No, I’m calling about your husband,” I said. “I need you to talk to him because he’s being unfair and he’s not listening to me.” Even to me, my voice sounded whiny, like a spoiled kid’s. Great.

She didn’t respond, so I continued. “My dad died and left me a diary. It’s all I have left from him, and Joe—I mean, Detective Paretti—won’t let me have it. If you could just talk to him for me—”

“If it’s evidence he can’t really give it back to you now, can he?”

“But if you just talked—”

“It’s Blaire, right?” she said. “How old are you?”

Her question deflated my confidence, and my answer sounded pathetic. “Sixteen.” No one cared about a sixteen-year-old girl. They cared about fifteen-year-old girls and seventeen-year-old girls. Sixteen-year-olds were just punks.

“Hold on,” she said, her voice now edged with suspicion, “what do you want with Joe again?”

“Just tell him he’s being unreasonable.”

“Whoever you are, stay away from my husband,” she ordered. “And don’t call me again.”

“Mrs. Paretti, wait—”

The woman hung up.

I lowered the phone, mouth agape. Had she just hung up on me? I redialed her number, but it went to voicemail.

Fuming, I busied myself with the envelope in my hands and slid out a typewritten letter.

Dear Ms. Adams:

After careful consideration of your application, Intelligent Symmetry Design & Interiors is pleased to offer you a summer internship at our Mission Valley branch. Please arrive promptly at 9:00 AM on June 30 for orientation.


Amy Donovan

Administrative Assistant

The internship I had wanted so badly just two days ago. My biology teacher had invited me to apply because I scored in the top percentile on the PSAT and somehow earned the title of National Merit Semifinalist. I barely remembered the months right after it happened. Just a haze.

But now the letter reminded me of how shallow my life had become without my dad.

I always forgot how jealous my classmates were, how they thought I had everything—grades, guys, first place in cross-country, internships, probably even a scholarship to Berkeley or Harvard.

But none of that could fill the hole in my heart. None of that could bring him back. At the thought, pressure swelled in my sinuses.

I would give it all up in a second to see my dad again. In a second.


In the afternoon, I clipped my cell phone to my tights, plugged in my earbuds, and cranked up my indie rock. Then I took off running into a blast of hot air, prepped and hydrated for five miles.

Within two blocks, the April heat stripped me out of my shirt, and I tied it around my waist. My pink sports bra earned a honk of approval.

I lengthened my stride, relaxed my body, and pushed myself to the edge of my natural gait. The exertion constricted my throat, and I forced myself to take longer, deeper breaths.

Then I broke through. My legs sailed ahead of me, caught me and propelled me, rendered me weightless again and again. I was practically sprinting, giddy with endorphins and hardly breathing. I could go all day.

Sweat slicked on my stomach and back, cooling the skin. My focus sharpened.

The diary.

How the hell was I going to get that thing back? With my legs pumping beneath me and the wind coursing through my hair, I mulled over the challenge, my dad’s disappearance, and his mysterious reappearance two nights ago.

And that other name I had read on Joe’s report.

Charles Donovan.

My dad’s former employer, now a suspect.

A ring tone interrupted whatever song was playing. I fumbled with the buttons midstride, and managed to accept the call without slowing.


“Blaire, it’s Doctor Johnson.”

“Hi . . . what’s up?” Speaking broke my rhythm and I gasped for air.

“Are you okay?” She sounded alarmed.

“I’m running.”

“From what?”

“No. Jogging.”

“You bring your phone when you jog?”

“It doubles as a music player, whatever—” I crossed against a red light to a ruckus of squealing tires and honks.

“I’ll be quick then,” she said. “The blood test confirmed that he is indeed your father.”

A pang of something. I wasn’t sure what. Loss. The loss of my last hope. Disbelief. Uncertainty. Maybe just emptiness.

“Uh-huh,” I answered, my voice devoid of emotion.

“But we found something else too.”

“In his blood?” I ran through another red. More honks. I was really cruising now.

“Yes, an unusually high amount of Lysine, probably suggesting a hyperactive pineal gland,” she said.

“Haven’t gone to med school yet, sorry.”

“Basically we’re seeing evidence of a chromosomal disorder. Not proof, just evidence,” she said, “Which is why I’d like to do a karyotope test—and run the test on you as well. Would that be alright, Blaire?”

We had learned about chromosomes in biology. They were the structures inside cells that contained the DNA, of which humans had forty-six—twenty-three from each parent.

I remembered a few of the chromosomal disorders like Down Syndrome and Klinefelter syndrome; none of them were very good. “Was something wrong with him?”

“I’d just like to do the test Blaire.”

“Okay. I guess—” The ring tone sounded in my ears again. “Can you hold on a second,” I said, “I’m getting another call.”

This one was from Joe Paretti.

“Blaire, don’t ever call my wife again.”

“I can call her if I want. She has a public listing.” I hurdled a hedge and spun onto La Jolla Shores Drive, which would take me past the sea cliffs up to The Scripps Research Institute.

“Where are you, why are you breathing like that?”

“None of your business, Joe. And I’m on the line with someone else right now. So you’re just going to have to wait.”

I didn’t know how to switch back to the first call though, and I ended up hanging up on both of them. Oops.


Without really thinking, I ended my run along Torrey Pines Scenic Drive, near the spot where Josh and I had stargazed. Of course, barbed wire fence stopped me a hundred yards short. The loops of razors whistled in the wind.

The quarantine zone.

I peered through the fence at the cluster of buildings beyond the golf course. Over the past few days, The Scripps Research Institute had transformed into a military compound.

Ranks of soldiers, olive green Humvees, two helicopters, and even what looked like a mobile missile launcher gathered around towering structures of concrete and tinted glass—I recognized the Immunology & Microbial Science building and The Skaggs Institute for Molecular Biology.

A dark mass drew my eyes toward the water: the Navy destroyer. Still here.

Suddenly I made the connection. It wasn’t here on port call, it was stationed here as part of the quarantine. Earlier this week, the military had announced that this was an exercise to test how the community would respond to an outbreak of a virus.

Despite the heat and my sweat, I felt a chill down my spine.

I picked back up to a jog and followed the fence up the road to the south security checkpoint at the intersection of Genesee Avenue and John J. Hopkins Drive, where more troops and a handful of Humvees clustered around two guard towers.

According to Paretti’s report, that was where they picked up my dad.

My eyes flicked to the South Employee Parking Lot. I noted the security. The fence was no problem—I had slipped under easily—but the soldiers and the Humvees?

Surely they took breaks. I mean, it couldn’t be harder than breaking into a police station.

No way, Blaire. They had a freaking destroyer offshore—

Shouts from the south checkpoint made me flinch. The guards were shouting at me, telling me to step away from the fence.

I obeyed. By the time I made it home, I had firmly decided—hopped up on endorphins—that I really needed that diary. And I had an idea.

So far Joe had resisted my attempts. But there was no way he could resist me.


That night I grabbed my shortest skirt, my highest heels, and spent an hour dolling myself up with lip gloss, eye shadow, and blush. I even ironed my hair into playful curls.

If the only way Joe would hand over that diary was if he thought it came with a blowjob, then so be it. Let him think that.

One glimpse of Barbie Doll in the mirror convinced me; by evening’s end the diary would be mine.  All I had to do was surprise him like this and crank up the charm, and he’d agree to anything.

But it was Saturday, so where would I find him? I dialed his office, which rang twice before diverting me into an automated menu system. I tried his home phone, and he answered with a gruff “Joe here.” I hung up immediately.

I found Joe Paretti’s address online and drove over to his house, a simple one-story in the suburbs with an orange tree for a lawn.

On the walk from the sidewalk to his front door, I had to tug my skirt down four times. I must have grown a few inches taller since I’d last worn it. It was hardly decent. With each step, I could feel a breeze slipping between my upper thighs . . . where it wasn’t supposed to.

On the porch, I arranged my hair so it just covered one of my eyes and rang the doorbell.

His wife answered.

Uh oh.

“Is Joe home?” I said.

She assessed me in from head to toe, and her eyes narrowed to slits. My cheeks burned with shame, and I squirmed in my outfit, struggling to lower my skirt again.

“I’m Blaire,” I whispered, too embarrassed to speak. “He’s working on my dad’s case.”

“You’re that girl who called earlier?”

“I’m so sorry,” I said. “I didn’t mean to bother you—”

“Oh, God.” Her hand shot up to her mouth. “He’s having an affair with you.”

“What? Joe? Ew, no—what are you talking about?” I blushed even hotter.

“You little whore!” She opened the door and chased me off the front porch. “You bitch . . . you slut!”

I ran, lost both my heels, and continued barefoot to my Jeep. Behind me, the wife lost steam quickly.

I dove into my car, hot and embarrassed, and slammed the door. On the drive home tears stung my eyes.

I had crossed a line.

Once secure in my bedroom, I ripped off my clothes, dragged on sweats, and crawled into bed mortified.

And for what? I hadn’t even gotten the diary.


On Sunday, smoldering with guilt and feeling utterly incompetent, I watched my father’s coffin lowered into the ground. Only a few people had attended the graveside service. Josh, some of my friends. Their parents. But they were here for me, not for him.

Their sympathy was all that kept me standing.

We were estranged from the rest of our family. Those who actually knew my father had been at the memorial service eleven months ago. In their hearts, he had passed on a long time ago. I didn’t even have numbers to call.

“May his soul and the souls of all the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace,” said the priest.

Then it was over.

Josh gave my shoulder a squeeze. I hadn’t even realized his arm was around me. I linked our fingers and squeezed his hand back.

Only when I left did I notice them.

Two figures in the shadow of a eucalyptus tree, watching the ceremony from a distance. I couldn’t make out their faces, though.

Just two shadows.


I woke up drenched in sweat.

Orange light poured through the cracks in the blinds, igniting the walls and tinting the air crimson. My bedroom shimmered.

It was light from the street.

I dashed to the blinds and lifted the corner to peek outside—and the blast of heat made my eyes water.


A house across the road and two lots up.

Flames exploded from the windows and slithered up the walls and burst into the sky. Above the house, a rising column of red haze bled into the fog.

But it was the scene in front of the house that sent prickles through my heart.

My neighbor was on his knees, begging for mercy.

A boy stood over him.

A boy in a yellow leather jacket, not much older than I was, leveling a gun at the man’s forehead.

At his side a can of kerosene spilled the last of its contents into the grass, and behind him a yellow Ford Mustang GT with a black racing stripe growled on the lawn.

Yellow and black.

Like a hornet.

Finally the distant whine of police sirens cut through the roar, the sound of safety and protection. Of civilization. I let myself breathe again. Thank God—

A flash, the boy’s arm recoiled.

The gunshot echoed up and down the street, and my neighbor keeled over, his lips still pleading for mercy.

I gasped, clutching my mouth to stifle it.

The boy holstered his weapon and peered up at the burning building with a lazy smile.

I couldn’t help it anymore. A shriek escaped my cupped hands.

And despite the deafening roar of the flames, despite the scream of the sirens, despite the double-paned tempered glass windows my father had installed for my protection, the boy heard.

His back muscles flexed, straining against the tight leather. He swung around, and from a hundred feet

KND Freebies: Smart, fun sci-fi thriller TRITON is featured in today’s Free Kindle Nation Shorts excerpt

4.5 stars – 46 reviews!

“…a terrific escape from the outside world. Fabulous characters with a fun storyline…”

Overnight, everyone onboard a huge cruise ship vanishes into thin air. Everyone, that is, except five teenagers…
in this fascinating sci-fi page-turner by the  always surprising Dan Rix.

Find out what happens while TRITON is 67% off the regular price!


by Dan Rix

4.5 stars – 46 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

In the middle of the Atlantic, four hundred miles west of Bermuda, the eight thousand passengers and crew aboard the cruise ship MS Cypress vanish into thin air. Everyone—men, women, and children—all gone. Taken.

Everyone except five teenagers.

In an instant, their seven day cruise becomes a nightmare: eighteen decks of haunted hallways, pools and bars completely empty, desserts still half-eaten in the abandoned Royal Promenade. A ghost ship the size of a city, sailing blind. At least their annoying parents are gone.

But now strange things are happening. Satellites are dropping out of orbit, falling from the sky. Satellites…and bigger things. They’re not as alone as they think. A message appears in an ancient language, burned into the carpet in the deck ten elevator lobby. It’s a warning. A monster lurks onboard, hunting them. What they’ve long suspected appears certain: the vanishing…it was an attack.

Now the most unlikely of friends must confront the shadowy pasts that link them and regain control of a runaway cruise ship, crack a four-thousand-year-old mystery, and wage war on a formless evil…before they too vanish into oblivion.

5-star praise for Triton:

Well-written teen-survival supernatural thriller

“…a page turner…I promise you won’t get bored…Great read for YA and Adults…”

Kept me guessing!

“Humor, action, impending apocalypse, and mystery, all rolled into one!…”

an excerpt from


by Dan Rix


Copyright © 2014 by Dan Rix and published here with his permission

So the Lord said, “I will wipe mankind, whom I have created, from the face of the earthmen and animals, and creatures that move along the ground, and birds of the airfor I am grieved that I have made them.” (Genesis 6:7, NIV)

The Interference Zone

Mauna Loa Observatory, site of cosmic microwave background observatory AMiBA.

Mauna Loa, Hawaii

Cosmology postdoc Joan Martinez pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose, tapped a few keys to amplify the signal, and watched the triangular blob progress across her LCD monitor again.

“Do you see it?” she said.

“I see it,” said Dr. Peter Granger, her postdoctoral advisor. He sighed and dragged his hand down his face, mirroring her own sleep-deprived bewilderment.

It was definitely moving.

She paused the playback and the shape vanished, camouflaged perfectly against the blue and teal thermal readout of the cosmic background radiation.

They had spent the last three months preparing this data for their joint presentation at the USP Cosmology Conference in São Paulo, which started Monday.

It was Saturday afternoon. Outside the windows of their portable, the shadows were already lengthening across the barren landscape of volcanic rock. They had twenty-four hours before their plane flight to determine how—if at all—this artifact would affect their results.

Joan buried her face in her hand and exhaled slowly through her fingers, dreading yet another all-nighter.

The cause of the artifact was obvious. Something way out in space had passed in front of their radio telescope at exactly the wrong time. Now it could render their entire data set useless.

As it was, the hot topic at the conference would be the recent spike in high-energy neutrino emissions from the galaxy’s core, not cosmic background radiation; their project was in serious danger of going unnoticed.

“How did we miss this?” said Dr. Granger.

“It only showed up after image processing,” she said. “Otherwise it’s invisible.”

“It’s alright, Joan. We can leave this set out if need be.”

“It’s our best set, Doctor Granger.”

“I know.” He peered intently at the screen. “What’s in the sky up there?”

She consulted the list they had printed out from the UCS Satellite Database. “Just EchoStar-9 and Galaxy-23, direct broadcasting satellites. They should have been downrange, though. Could it have been military? A spy satellite?”

“No, that area of disturbance is too big.” He leaned over her and tapped the screen. “At least five miles across. Plus the optical telescopes didn’t pick up anything. Whatever’s up there, it’s just interfering with the CMB. I’m guessing it’s just a cloud of dust, maybe debris from something older.”

“I can’t believe we had three months with this data and we never caught it,” she said.

“Like you said, it’s invisible.” He checked his watch. “It’s going to come around again in a few hours. Let’s aim every telescope we got at it. I’ll call around . . . see if I can get some more powerful eyes.” He patted her shoulder. “Don’t worry. We’ll figure out what the hell that thing is.”

Two years later

The Largest Cruise Ship in the World

Seventeen-year-old Cedar Edgerly followed his dad and younger sister out of the cruise terminal and up the gangway, now absent of their luggage, which the porters would bring to their stateroom separately. After hauling his bags into and out of taxis, security gates, and airports for the entire morning, his hands could find nothing to do, and he jammed them into his pockets.

  Through the glass and metal struts encircling the gangway, he glimpsed a dozen thousand-foot cruise ships presiding over the piers of Port Canaveral like giant condominiums. Ahead of them, the gangway plunged straight into the white hulk of their own ship, the MS Cypress.

  He craned his neck and counted ten levels of gleaming white balconies before his view cut off. He couldn’t even see the top.

At 1,187 feet, the Cypress was the largest cruise ship in the world. She carried over 5,000 passengers and weighed in at 110,000 tons, just shy of the gross tonnage of a Nimitz-class aircraft carrier.

The eighteen decks packed twenty-four different restaurants, a zip-line, a rock climbing course, twenty-one swimming pools, a basketball court, two theaters, a miniature golf course, and even a carousel. He wondered why they were even bothering to sail—they’d have just as much fun if they never left harbor.

The Cypress wasn’t a ship, it was a floating city . . . a dangerous floating city. Cedar’s gaze fell to his sister’s blonde head, bobbing in front of him on the gangway. He would need to keep an especially close eye on her.

They reached the end of the gangway and stepped onboard the cruise ship into a marble-floored atrium alive with excited chatter. The fragrance of roses and expensive leather hit him hard, like the perfume department at a mall. Cedar wrinkled his nose and jogged to catch up with his dad and sister at an elevator.

Before he could join them, though, he spotted a group of teenage guys playing Hacky Sack by a bar. One of them, an asshole in a tank top and aviator sunglasses, was ignoring the game and staring in their direction.

Cedar didn’t have to follow his gaze to know why—the kid was ogling Brynn, his fifteen-year-old kid sister. Blonde, blue-eyed, and an insufferable flirt, she drew way too much attention from guys for Cedar to ever relax when she was in public.

He veered to the other side of her, blocking the douchebag’s view and replacing it with his own ice-cold stare. After a second, the guy glanced away, and Cedar finally unclenched his fists.

He didn’t know whether he was more pissed at Brynn for wearing those stupid cutoff shorts or at their dad for letting her. But one thing he did know—he needed to warn her about guys on cruises. Before it was too late.

Once they got to their stateroom, he’d remind her that for the next seven days she was not to stray from his sight. Ever.

“Bro, come on!”

Eighteen-year-old Jake Carmelo looked down to see that the Hacky Sack had landed on the marble floor at his feet. He had been distracted.

He rolled the sack onto his toes, kicked it into the air, and whacked it back into the circle. Another guy caught the sack on his heel and dished out some wicked freestyle. As the footbag moved faster and faster between his feet, the other guys cheered him on.

Jake wasn’t interested. His eyes wandered back to the source of his distraction—the girl who’d just walked aboard with her family. Chin held high, confident. Just his type.

Before she boarded the elevator, he caught another flash of her long, flowing blonde hair, cute lips sparkling with lip gloss . . . flawlessly tanned legs. She looked awesome in those cutoffs.

Still, on a cruise ship that held over 5,000 people, he doubted he’d ever see her again. They might as well be in different cities.

“Bro, seriously . . . are you in or out?”

Jake glanced down and saw that once again the Hacky Sack had landed at his feet. He kicked it back into the group. “I’m out.”

He left the group and wandered back toward the guest services desk, where his parents were still trying to finagle their way into an ocean view stateroom.

He checked his cell phone.

In a half hour, the cruise ship would depart Port Canaveral. Their first stop—before the islands of Bermuda—would be just ten miles up the coast.

Tonight, the passengers onboard the Cypress would have front row seats to the midnight launch at Kennedy Space Center.

Brynn Edgerly led the way down the long, crowded hallway to their stateroom on deck fourteen, her dad and older brother in tow. The thick, royal blue carpet sank under her sandals, and every few steps she passed through the cold draft of a ceiling vent. They had cranked the air-conditioning up to the max to battle Florida’s August heat. Except for the fact that the end of the hallway was a long, long way off, they could have been in a luxury hotel.

“Deck fourteen. Room six-sixty,” she said, stopping at their room. She slid her key into the door, and the latch opened with a green flash and a click.

The room was spacious—a grand suite, after all—complete with a balcony, two twin beds, and a kitchenette. Their luggage had already been brought up.

She bounded into the room. “Dad, which bed do you want?”

He had already made a beeline for the bar to fix himself a scotch. “You take the one by the window.”

Which left the foldout couch for her older brother, Cedar. Served him right.

Brynn tugged open the sliding glass doors and burst out onto the balcony, and a warm breeze whipped through her hair. She ran to the glass railing and leaned out into the sun. A bird’s eye view of Port Canaveral stretched to infinity.

Below her, the dock bustled with activity. Forklifts carried food pallets into a loading dock inside ship. Crew the size of ants barked orders, gesturing wildly. Off to the side and clad in blindingly white, creased uniforms, a group of officers stood chatting, coffees in hand, proudly admiring their ship.

The cruise was starting off well. She had even seen a cute guy playing Hacky Sack—in fact, maybe her boyfriend Simon had even tried to reach her while they were boarding. Feeling giddy at the thought, she pulled out her cell phone.

Zero missed calls.

A pang of sadness jolted her heart. Stop checking, Brynn.

Behind her, the sliding doors slammed shut, startling her. She spun to see Cedar step onto the balcony, wearing a tight frown.

“What do you want?” she said, curling her lip. Another lecture was the last thing she needed right now.

“We need to talk,” he said. “About ground rules. Now.”

Seeing the mutinous look in his sister’s eyes, Cedar cut right to it. “If I so much as find you in the same room as someone’s dick, it’s getting cut off and you’re getting handcuffed to your bed for the rest of the cruise.”

“Jesus Christ, Cedar. I’m fifteen.”

Freaking fifteen. She had that number stuck in her head like it was some kind of badge of freedom. “Did you hear I just said?”

“You want to cut someone’s dick off, go ahead,” she said. “They have cops on ship’s too, you know.”

“You didn’t hear what I said.”

“No guys. I get it.”

She didn’t get it. She wasn’t listening. She never listened. Every single conversation with her was harder than the last.

But he had heard of rapes and murders aboard cruise ships. Somehow, he had to impress this into her thick skull and into that tiny brain of hers. “These are the rules: on this ship, you don’t go anywhere, you don’t do anything, you don’t talk to anyone . . . you don’t take a piss without my permission. Got it?”

She flipped him off and yanked open the door.

“Brynn, where do you think you’re going?” He chased her into the room.

“What do you think, asshole? I’m going to go find a dirty creep to have sex with.”

“Great, we’ll go together.” He threw his clothes back in his suitcase and laced up his shoes. “We’ll tour the ship.”

“I didn’t say you were invited.”

“I’m inviting myself. As your older brother and the only responsible one here,” he nodded to their dad, already comatose on the bed with a half-empty bottle of scotch at his side, “I am the law.”

“Cedar,” she whined, stamping her foot, “you always do this!”

“Because I love you and sometimes your decisions scare me to death.”

“Well, I hate you,” she said, and before he could react, she sprinted for the door, yanked it open, and was gone.

“Brynn, wait!” Cedar cursed and ran after her, but by the time he made it out the door, she was already a hundred feet up the hallway, running as fast as she could.

He sprinted after her, but just then an elevator opened between them and a surge of people blocked his way. By the time he had shoved through them, she was gone.

At the Sand Bar on deck fifteen of the Cypress, seventeen-year-old Naomi Delacruz slumped at a barstool, already bored out of her mind.

“Could I get another one?” she asked, sucking away the last of her virgin piña colada with a bubbly slurp.

Manny, the bartender, swung around, still polishing a glass, his barrel chest bulging under a Hawaiian shirt. “Just know I’m not carrying your drunk butt home when you pass out.”

She smiled, though it felt insincere. “Oh, so there is alcohol in these. In that case, give me two.”

With a chuckle, Manny prepared the drink and slid it up the bar toward her. She took a sip, and the burst of surgery sweetness in her mouth gave her a lightheaded rush.

Just then a guy about her age came up to the bar breathing hard and looking flustered. She glanced over—and did a double take.

He was cute.

Wavy, light brown hair hung down over his forehead, which he swept aside impatiently, and an adorable flush reddened the skin under his high cheek bones.

Inside, she cheered. The first cute guy she’d seen.

“Hey,” he said to the bartender, tapping the bar.

Manny, who was fixing a drink, didn’t hear him.

“Hey bartender,” the guy said louder. “I’m talking to you.”

And anger management issues. Lovely.

Manny swung around. “What can I do for you?”

“I’m looking for my little sister. She’s lost, I’m wondering if you’ve seen her. Blonde, real cutie, you’d know if you saw her.”

“Haven’t. Sorry.”

Alarmed, Naomi butted in. “Your sister wandered off?” On a cruise ship the size of Cypress, losing a little girl was not good news. There were a million places she could end up, and it could be hours…days until someone finally found her. “How old is she?”

“Fifteen,” he said.

Her prior alarm evaporating in an instant. “Oh, come on,” she sneered. “Fifteen? She’ll be fine.”

He narrowed his eyes at her. “She’s not supposed to wander off on her own,” he said, and then he was gone.

Naomi and Manny exchanged an eye roll, and she went back to her piña colada, disappointed. The tally of cute guys who weren’t jerks was still at zero.

Halfway through the shop-lined Royal Promenade on deck five, Brynn felt it.

The floor shifted underneath her. She glanced around at the other guests scattered around the promenade, doubtful anyone else had noticed. The diners at Sorrento’s Pizza feasted on, oblivious.

Then the boat swayed. Though subtle, she sensed the movement in her inner ear. The Cypress was casting off.

She ran outside and flung herself against the railing. The ocean breeze caught her long hair and whipped it across her face, but the lifeboats blocked her view.

She darted back to the elevators and took the first one that opened as high as it would go.

Deck seventeen.

She emerged outside the Viking Crown Lounge, out of which leaked a nauseating piano waltz. Ew . . . not here.

She fled down the stairs and burst onto deck sixteen, into full sun. The Florida heat hit her like a blast furnace, and she sprinted to the railing, suddenly giddy.

Brynn shoved past the other passengers and leaned out over the railing, drinking in the sight of the ocean and Port Canaveral. Hulks of cruise ships and tankers floated past, an unreal display of floating cities, each one baking in the heat. The sun kissed her hair, the golden strands glowing as they lifted in the wind.

Then the ship’s horn roared. The sound jolted her out of her euphoria. She clamped her ears, but the thunder filled her mind like a fog, obliterating any chance of thinking. Just as abruptly, the horn cut off, leaving the deck in dumbfounded silence. Timidly, she lowered her hands. Around her, the stunned passengers clapped and cheered, clearly just as shaken . . . and she found herself joining in.

The MS Cypress had officially begun its seven day cruise into the Bermuda Triangle.

Kennedy Space Center

In the Royal Promenade on deck five, Jake’s eyes wandered wistfully from their “outdoor” table at Sorrento’s Pizza to the sliver of ocean visible past the Prince & Green botique clothing store.

He had just seen her.

That blonde girl. She had run right past their table; her silhouette still lingered in his vision. Up close, that face . . . so freaking annoyingly adorable.

Jake turned back to his parents, seated across from him, wishing he were anywhere but here. Maybe after lunch he’d head down to the cruise ship’s fitness center and lift a bit.

“So . . .” Jake began, his third attempt at striking up a conversation. “They’re supposed to launch at midnight.”

“That’s kind of late, Jake-ey.” His mom tugged her sun hat lower, so it blocked most of the right side of her face—a move that had become a nervous tick since the fire.

Jake caught himself staring at the puffy scars visible under the hat’s brim and averted his eyes. “But this is the big one, remember? This one’s manned.”

“You go ahead,” his dad said. “We’re probably going to hit the sack early.”

“What do you they’re going to find up there, Dad?”

“I guess we’ll find out.” Like always, his father avoided his eyes.

“You think it’s got anything to do with all that neutrino radiation they’ve been detecting?”

“Just some kind of magnetic disturbance, that’s all,” he muttered. “Hope they don’t crash into it.”

“Come on, Dad, they’re not going to crash into it—”

His dad flinched at the sharpness of his voice, which Jake hadn’t intended, and his gaze dropped to his plate.

Jake,” his mom scolded, patting his dad’s knee reassuringly.

“I’m trying to be nice.” Fed up with his parents, Jake tossed his napkin on the plate and stood up. “Whatever. I’m going to go get some fresh air. I’ll see you guys back in the room later.”

His parents didn’t ask him where he was going, they just watched him leave with that sad, regretful stare . . . as if they hardly knew him.

Because of what happened six months ago. Because of what he had done.

Because of the fire.

Jake sauntered out onto the deck and decided he really needed to hit the gym and lift. Just a few sets to get the endorphin rush, the big muscle groups. Then he’d go for a swim.

The blank screen of Brynn’s cell phone tormented her. No calls. Not from Simon, not from anyone.

And once they hit open ocean, there would be no more reception.

Why did she keep checking?

She shoved her phone back into her pocket, feeling both angry and hurt. Simon had been the first and only boy she had ever been in love with. They had been perfect together.

Until Cedar had put an end to it.

Brynn hung onto the deck sixteen railing, reflecting on her shattered love life. As the Cypress cruised up the coast, the port shrank into the distance, replaced by a bare stretch of beach and flat marshes crisscrossed by Air Force service roads. In the noon sun, her hair singed the back of her neck.

All that ocean and all that heat made her want to swim. Yeah, a swim would take her mind off things. She slipped back through the crowd.

Brynn slipped into her bikini back in the stateroom. Her dad was napping on the bed, his hand still clutched around the empty bottle of scotch. Basically, he would miss the whole cruise. Cedar was probably still out looking for her.

She dragged her big fluffy pink beach towel out of her suitcase, wrapped herself in it, and headed back up to deck fifteen, the pool deck. Barefoot, the soft carpet tickled the undersides of her feet.

She chose the main pool and scanned the poolside for a cute boy to plop her towel down next to.

A real hottie by the deep end caught her attention. Her eyes roved over a chiseled bronze torso, a broad jaw and thick lips, deep-set eyes hidden behind aviator sunglass, a head of curly black hair. She pressed her lips together.


She trotted over to him and chose a poolside recliner two away from his. She recognized him. The guy she had seen playing Hacky Sack earlier.

“Excuse me?” she said. He didn’t move. “Hey, buff guy!”

He opened his eyes, squinted into the sun, and glanced over at her.

This is for you, Cedar. You asshole. She made doe eyes at the guy. “Do you think you can rub sunscreen on my back?”

He nodded and waved her over.

“Cool, thanks.” She giggled and dropped her towel, exposing her right side to him—and noted smugly the way his gaze descended slowly over her bikini-clad body. She carried the sunscreen over to his recliner. Success—

“There you are, Brynn.” Cedar appeared between them and dropped a load of his own stuff onto the recliner between them. “Awesome, you got sunscreen. Mind putting some on my back?”

Then her idiot brother whipped off his shirt and flashed the entire pool with the whitest skin they’d ever seen.


Beyond Cedar, the hot guy settled onto his back and closed his eyes again.

“Put it on yourself.” She uncapped the tube and sprayed her brother with a fat white glob.

Satisfied his sister had resigned to arm-crossed sulking on her own recliner, Cedar turned to the bro-hulk taking up space next to him. “Hey man, I’m Cedar,” he said, extending his hand.

The guy opened his eyes with a pained expression, but didn’t take his hand. “Jake.”

“Don’t keep me hanging.” Cedar held his palm right over the guy’s face, until he finally took it—about a minute later. Cedar gripped hard. “Attaboy . . . good firm handshake. You here with friends, Jake?”


“That’s cool. Where you from?”


“Nice. Why you here in Florida? They don’t have cruises in Cali?”

“Not cruises around the Caribbean.”

“You ever been on a cruise before, Jake?”

Jake shook his head.

“I like your board shorts,” said Cedar. “Where’d you get them?”

“Look man, I’m just trying to enjoy the sun.”

Cedar held up his hands in surrender. “No problem, just trying to make conversation. Oh, by the way—” He pointed over his shoulder at Brynn. “That’s my sister.”

“I get it, bro.”

“No, you don’t get it, bro. That’s my sister. She’s fifteen.”

“Cedar, shut up!” said Brynn.

“Just trying to make conversation,” said Cedar, laying back on his own recliner. “Just trying to enjoy the cruise.”

Later that night, Naomi watched the countdown to the launch from her mom’s bunk below the waterline. Every flash on the small flatscreen flooded the entire closet-sized cabin with blue light.

Even on the tiny screen, though, it was hard to miss the behemoth size of the Triton IV rocket—so named because it was NASA’s fourth attempt to investigate the interference zone.

The other three unmanned missions had vanished off the radar once they reached their destination.

They were never heard from again.

In the two years since its discovery, the interference zone had remained a complete mystery. Like a hole in space.

Some people saw it as an omen that Armageddon was near.

“T minus two minutes and thirty seconds,” said the announcer’s voice.

Well, she may as well watch the launch from the decks. She dragged herself unhurriedly off the bunk and slipped into the corridor.

From the deck sixteen railing, Jake’s gaze wandered across the glassy water to the Kennedy Space Center nine miles away. Earlier, the Cypress had sailed within three miles of the launch site, giving the passengers an up close view of the thirty-two story Triton IV rocket that would carry two astronauts into high earth orbit for the flyby. Now, just a few minutes until T minus zero, a constant patrol of military helicopters enforced the exclusion zone back to nine miles.

In the distance, the reflection of the floodlit launch site rippled off the water.

Jake thought of that girl he had met earlier that day, Brynn—her brother had used her name.

Trouble. She was nothing but trouble.

Yet, as far as Jake could tell, she remained the only cute girl aboard the entire cruise ship. Not that he had searched every cabin, but he had an eye for that sort of thing.

And he had a thing for blondes. Such silky blonde hair . . . girls like her drove him crazy.

But she was only fifteen, too young for him. If he tried anything, her brother would murder him in his sleep.

Behind him, the ship’s intercom system streamed the Kennedy Space Center announcer, “All systems are go. We’re about ninety seconds from the launch of Crew Rendezvous Vehicle Triton Four . . .”

He sighed. It wasn’t like he got a choice with Brynn, anyway; now that her brother had no doubt locked her in a stateroom and thrown the key in the water, he doubted he’d ever see her again.

The announcer fell into the familiar countdown. “All engines are go for ignition . . . in T minus ten—nine—eight—”

His heart picked up speed. Around the deck, the Cypress passengers joined in the countdown, which rose to a chorus. “Four—three—two—one!

The rocket’s base ignited in a white-hot flare, forcing him to shade his eyes.

“We have liftoff,” said the announcer. “Triton Four has just cleared the tower . . .”

The passengers cheered. The rocket climbed slowly, as bright as the sun, burning an arc through the heavens and flooding the Atlantic with blinding white light. It could have been daytime.

The sound wave rippled the water’s surface with lightning speed and slapped his chest. The blast of air tore at his skin, throbbed his eardrums, echoed in his lungs. Behind him, glasses clinked on tables. He opened his mouth to breath, but all that entered was the roar of two million pounds of solid fuel burning underneath the Triton IV rocket.

And for a moment, he forgot everything—Brynn, the gulf between him and his parents, the fire. In that moment, watching, feeling, the rocket streak into the sky, he only felt pride.

On the open air portion of deck fourteen at the back of the ship—the stern—Cedar let out his breath slowly, mesmerized by the blinding flare of the Triton IV thrusting skyward. The rocket burned like a torch atop a growing column of smoke, its reflection splintering on the water.

Next to him, Brynn stood just as mesmerized, her hands firmly clamped over her ears.

At midnight tomorrow, the Crew Exploration Vehicle would reach the interference zone, and Cedar knew what they would find. Some kind of radar jammer the Soviets had put up back in the sixties.

Nothing mysterious at all.

Though fainter now, the rhythmic thumping of burning propellant still made his ears ache. A projection screen in the Aquatheater below them still showed the rocket hurtling through the hazy upper reaches of the atmosphere.

The sight of the launch brought tears to his eyes, and for a second, washed away his demons. Everything. His anger toward his dad, his guilt over his mom’s death . . . and now his terrible remorse for pushing away Brynn, the only person in the world who still mattered to him. For a second, that was all gone.

The Vanishing Girl

After the launch, the first sea day passed without incident, just the unbroken Atlantic stretching horizon to horizon. The following evening, Brynn, Cedar, and their dad emerged from the elevators on deck four and entered the theater for the ten o’clock Headliner Show, which would feature singers, musicians, and a Broadway magician famous for his vanishing girl act—the renowned Zé Carlos.

The Opal Theater sat 1,380 guests and rose a full three decks. Purple and blue lights lit up row upon row of suede seats, already packed.

They descended the aisle and slid into their seats in the second row, which Brynn had had the foresight to book with their dad’s credit card months earlier.

Now she leaned forward eagerly, as the show began. She was most excited about the magician.

Cedar suffered through the singing and dancing acts without comment, but when the fraud magician came onstage and began his chicken-like posturing, he could barely take it anymore.

“The magic is a gift,” Zé Carlos boomed in a stilted Brazilian accent. “They kidnap me and take me into jungle for a year. They take everything—my family, my possessions, my memories. For a whole year, evil lives in my body, it feeds off me. When I begin to remember again, when I begin to wake up, I have this gift . . . this magic.”

“Look at that loon,” Cedar sneered aside to Brynn. “What an idiot.”

“Shut up,” she hissed.

“I require a volunteer.” Zé Carlos swept his cloak over his shoulder, and the spotlight cast ominous shadows under his sharp cheek bones. “A young lady, if you please.”

Next to Cedar, Brynn’s hand flew up. Of course.

“Brynn, put your hand down,” he said.

Instead, she raised it higher.

Zé Carlos paced the stage, peering intently out into the audience. His eyes settled on Brynn. “Perfeita,” he said. “The lovely blonde in the second row, if you please.”

Brynn giggled and climbed to her feet.

Cedar went rigid. “Don’t,” he warned, grabbing her arm.

“Cedar, stop it,” she whispered.

“Sit down. Now.”

She glared daggers at him, tugged her arm free, and pranced onto the stage, where she smiled shyly at the crowd. The little narcissist.

Cedar planted his palms on the armrests, ready to jump to his feet and drag her back to her seat if need be, but his dad’s hand landed on his arm, halting him.

“Let her enjoy it.” His alcohol-soaked breath washed over Cedar, potent enough to fumigate the theater. “It’s a show.”

“Her whole life is a show,” Cedar spat, but he sank back, defeated. He glared at her instead, teeth gritted.

She always got picked. Always. Her blonde mane stood out in a dark crowded theater like a homing beacon. Oh, and how she loved the spotlight.

Zé Carlos admired Brynn with a raised eyebrow and a satisfied smirk. At the hungry look in his eyes, Cedar’s fists tightened.

The magician raised a gloved hand and waved her over to a plain table, which he had spread with a red tablecloth.

He circled her. “This is terrible,” he said, taking a strand of her glossy hair between his fingers. “They will be too focused on you; they will miss the trick entirely.” He turned his head back to the crowd and gave a wink, which earned him a chorus of laughter.

Touch her like that again, and you die in your sleep. Cedar’s forearms strained against the armrest.

Brynn flashed a camera smile and tucked her hair behind her ear, as if her ego wasn’t large enough already.

“But enough preening—” Zé Carlos clapped his hands. He gave her a boost onto the table and instructed her to stand perfectly still.

For the first time in her life, she did as she was told. Chin held high and hands rigid at her side, she didn’t budge an inch . . . from the looks of it, she had even stopped breathing.

Cedar edged forward. What the hell was this voodoo?

With one hand tucked behind his back and flamboyant theatric flair, Zé Carlos circled the table, lifting the tablecloth at each corner so the audience could see there was nothing underneath.

The rest of the stage was well lit . . . drenched in light, in fact. Cedar tilted his head, trying to catch a shimmer of wire or a pane of glass, but he couldn’t spot the mechanism.

“The illusion,” Zé Carlos shouted suddenly, stepping in front of Brynn and interrupting Cedar’s thoughts, “is not the vanishing girl . . . the illusion is reality itself. The girl was never here.” He snapped his fingers and stepped to the side.

The audience gasped.

Cedar saw it happen, and his eyebrows tightened. Atop the table, Brynn’s body become translucent. Through her torso, he saw the ruffled curtains at the back of the stage. She was fading right before their eyes.

She raised her arm and peered at it, as if aware that she was vanishing. At the sight of her own ghostly arm, her mouth fell open. Fear crossed her face. Wide-eyed, she gaped at her audience, threw one last terrified glance at Cedar, and faded completely.

Then the tabletop was empty. Brynn was gone. Vanished. Just like that.

The crowd erupted into applause, a few even stood. Zé Carlos bowed.

But Cedar felt none of their delight. He scanned the stage, the back of his neck bristling. He had never seen a magician do a vanishing act on such a well-lit stage, with no props, no places to hide. Right in plain sight.

And where was Brynn? With a final bow, Zé Carlos swept his cloak over one shoulder and strode off the stage through the side curtain.

Oh hell no . . . this was not happening.

The lights dimmed, and a pair of figures dressed in black ran onto the stage.

Cedar squinted into the darkness . . . No, just stage hands, carrying away the table. He swiveled in his seat and scanned the aisles, heart thumping. Where was she?

Something was wrong.

The lights dimmed further, leaving him blind. Onstage, a spotlight illuminated a woman in a glittery dress—the next act. She started singing.

No. No, no, no. When you made someone’s little sister disappear, you brought them back. That was part of the contract.

You didn’t just leave them like that, hanging in limbo.

“Where’d she go?” Cedar said.

“Jesus Christ,” his dad barked. “Just sit tight. It’s all part of the show.”

“She’s supposed to unvanish.”

“She’s backstage.”

“I never should have let her go.” Before his dad could stop him, Cedar elbowed into the aisle

“Cedar, sit down!

He ignored the command. At the corner of the stage he swung a leg up—drawing a wary glance from the singer—and clambered onto the three foot high platform. The singer’s voice wavered. No one else seemed to notice, though; the spotlight was on her. Cedar barged through the curtain, shoved past a few technicians in the wings, and burst through a double door into a maze of corridors. He found Zé Carlos smoking in a backstage lounge.

“Where’s my sister?” he spat.

Perdão, senhor, you are not allowed backstage.” Zé Carlos rose to his feet and waved him out, his English more stilted than it had been on the stage

Cedar didn’t budge. “Where’s my sister?” he repeated. “The blonde girl you made disappear, where is she?”

Senhor, you must go.” He took another drag from his cigarette.

Cedar plucked the cigarette from his mouth, and flung it aside. “Not until you bring her back, asshole—”

Eyebrows arched, the magician reached sideways, flicked his wrist with a dash of panache, and closed his fist around empty air. When he opened his hand again, he held the burning cigarette between his fingers . . . as if by magic. Eyes locked on Cedar’s, he brought it back to his lips for another hit.

“See, you made that reappear,” said Cedar, pointing at the glowing butt. “You did it right that time. Now make her reappear.”

“I not do illusion,” he said. “I tell you already, your sister never there.”

“You expect me to swallow that crap?”

He shrugged. “I sorry. Cannot help you.”

Cedar gritted his teeth and jabbed his finger at the magician’s chest. “You’re an asshole.”

“I’m not so sure you point at right person.”

“His vanishing girl act,” said Cedar. “He made her disappear and never made her reappear.”

In his office across from the dressing rooms, the Assistant Stage Manager regarded him calmly across a wide oak desk, fingertips pressed together. “I assure you Zé Carlos didn’t actually make your sister vanish.”

“No shit, Sherlock. He kidnapped her and stowed her away somewhere on this boat.”

“Ship,” the manager corrected.

Cedar steadied his breathing…she’ll be okay. She’ll be okay. It will not end up like it did for Mom. “Stop the show,” he ordered. “We need to find her.”

The manager raised his palms. “No need to be hasty. I’m just trying to understand what’s going on here.”

“Ask any one of those people back there,” said Cedar, his voice rising. “Not one of them saw her reappear.”

“Zé Carlos claims he sent her back to the audience after his act.”

Cedar made fists then splayed his fingers in exasperation. “He’s a magician, for God’s sake. His whole career is based on lying and deception, and you believe him?”

“Perhaps she returned to her seat after you left to look for her.”

Cedar chuckled. “Now that would make me just plain stupid, wouldn’t it—?”

“Cedar!” said a girl’s voice from the doorway. He spun as Brynn stuck her head into the office. “Dad said you were making a fuss. I got back to my seat right after you left to look for me, dumbass.”

“The two astronauts aboard the Triton Four Crew Module are reporting minor radio-frequency interference as they near the rendezvous. So far, though, all onboard systems appear to be functioning,” said the NBC newscaster. The image blurred, melting into static, then came into focus again.

Naomi rolled onto her side and turned up the volume. Everyone aboard Cypress got satellite TV streamed directly to their cabins, but the dish was at the top of the ship, sixteen decks and more than two hundred feet above her. Considering the maze of wires the broadcast had to navigate to get to her mom’s cabin below the water line, Naomi was impressed there wasn’t even more static.

The newscaster continued. “. . . the Triton crew module is expected to pass into the interference zone sometime within the next thirty minutes, at which point Earth will lose all radio contact with the spacecraft. NASA will continue to update us on the astronauts’ status, but as to what they find up there . . . that will remain a mystery until their return on Thursday.”

The newscaster changed to a more jovial tone. “The hot spot of electromagnetic interference has been nicknamed the Bermuda Triangle of outer space—”

Naomi clicked off the news. Just a big tease, that’s all it was. The astronauts were less than thirty minutes away from making contact with whatever was up there, and no one else even got to see it.

She could hear the crew bustling outside along the I-95, the main passageway through the upper crew deck, still busy even now.

Her mom had been up before six for the early breakfast service, long before Naomi awoke. They hadn’t seen each other since. Now it was nearing midnight. With a yawn, Naomi rose from the bottom bunk and stretched out in the tiny cabin.

Well, if she didn’t get to see her mom, then she may as well make the most of the evening. She recalled a cool teen hangout on deck fifteen that was worth a shot.

She combed her golden brown hair, put on some makeup, and headed to the upper decks.

Cedar’s relief that his kid sister had not, in fact, been abducted by a Brazilian magician named Zé Carlos was short-lived. The rest of the show had sucked, and now he sat at the bar in The Living Room—a teen hangout on deck fifteen—one eye fixed on his sister’s game of foosball and one eye intent on the diagrams he had nabbed from the jerkoff illusionist.

Brynn’s expression of fear during the vanishing act, she told him later, had been part of the act. Apparently Zé Carlos had whispered the instructions as he boosted her onto the table.

As for the trick itself . . . Cedar studied the complicated diagrams the performer had sketched with wrinkled eyebrows. Why, it was nothing more than an adaptation of Pepper’s ghost, an illusion involving mirrors, a bright source of light, and a transparent screen.

He scoffed. Nothing special at all—

“So, did you find your sister?”

Cedar glanced up at a girl who had slid into the barstool next to him. About his age, thick caramel colored hair, rosy cheeks and full lips . . . plenty alluring. He recognized her from the Sand Bar: the girl downing piña coladas. Right, he had been looking for Brynn yesterday, too.

He nodded to the foosball table across the room, to Brynn. “That’s her.”

The girl raised her eyebrows. “Still babysitting?”

“She’s younger than she looks, okay?” He made no effort to hide the edge to his voice. “She’s only fifteen, and she’s not that smart. It’s like I blink, and she’s gone.”

“Probably just needs her space. You seem like a . . . protective older brother.”

Cedar nodded, conceding the point. “True.”

“I’m Naomi, by the way.”

“Cedar.” He didn’t hold out his hand.

Naomi ordered a virgin piña colada from the bartender. “So,” she started again, “how are you enjoying the cruise?”

“I’m not.”

“Neither am I.”

He peered sideways at her. “No?”

“It’s the third cruise my mom’s taken me on this summer. I’ve seen her maybe ten minutes total—she’s an assistant maître d’ on the ship.”

“Sounds impressive.”

“It’s not. She’s just a head waiter.”

“Hey, where do you guys sleep? I’ve always wondered.”


“Oh. Damn.”

“Like not actually underwater,” she said, “but below decks, you know, below the surface.”

“Yeah, I get it.”

She smiled, an impish little glint in her eyes. “Actually, I have access to crew-only areas. I could show you if you want?”

Her studied her for a moment, tempted by her offer. He was practically suffocating in this stupid teen zone, after all—his gaze jerked back to Brynn.

“Oh, come on. She’ll be fine.”

“She’s never fine.”

“You should trust her.”

Her? How about the twenty-five hundred douchebags on this boat who would give their left nut to get into her pants.”

Naomi’s gaze wandered dubiously over Brynn’s tomboyish ponytail, her baggy T-shirt, and the ill-fitting board shorts that fell to her calves. “She’s not that great a catch.”

Cedar blew air through his lips. “That’s what I keep telling her.”

“Come on—”Naomi tugged on his T-shirt. “Are you seriously going to babysit her twenty-four hours a day for seven days straight? She’ll be fine.”

Naomi did have a point.

Cedar watched his sister, still completely absorbed in a foosball game with a much younger girl. Without makeup, without her blonde hair flying all over the place, dressed in his board shorts—which he’d insisted she wear after the magician fiasco—Brynn might just go unnoticed. Come to think of it, she’d been on especially good behavior the last few minutes.

In fact, earlier when he’d scrounged up her outfit, she hadn’t even argued. She hadn’t even tried to put on anything skimpy. She hadn’t combed her hair, doused herself in fake perfume, or done anything to make herself into a sexual object. Maybe she’d finally learned her lesson.

The Brynn playing foosball reminded him of her much younger self, her nine-year-old tomboy self, back when she was innocent and adorable.

He breathed a contented sigh. Brynn wasn’t planning to sneak off the moment he left, she was just trying to enjoy the cruise like a normal kid.

Tonight, he could trust her.

“Hang on.” Cedar crossed the room to the foosball table. “Brynn, as soon as you’re done with this game, go straight back to the cabin, got it?”

She yawned. “Good idea, I’m getting pretty tired. I’ll call it a night after this game.”

Straight down to the room, Brynn.”


“No detours, no games, no sneaking off. Straight down to the room.”


“We’re in room six sixty, deck fourteen. That’s one level down. One flight of stairs—”

“I know, Cedar,” she snapped.

Satisfied that she had at last gotten the point, Cedar followed Naomi out onto the deck. He threw one last glance at Brynn and saw her yawn again and lean back over her game. Outside, a cool night breeze sliced through his shirt. Ah, it felt good to be outside.

Yet something about Brynn’s response nagged him. She had agreed too easily.

The moment he was through the door with that girl, Brynn stood up straight, alert and ready, and glanced around the Living Room. Free. She was actually free.

“Thank you,” she whispered, watching the girl Cedar had left with. Not that she had any chance with him, but God knew he needed a distraction.

“Got ya!” said the little girl she was playing foosball with, whacking the ball into Brynn’s goal. “Hey, are you still playing?”

“Here’s my advice,” said Brynn, kneeling down next to the little blonde—a miniature version of herself. “Tonight, find yourself a cute guy and have some fun. You only live once, right?”

“Are you leaving?”

“Don’t play innocent with me, young lady. I’ve seen you, you’ve been eyeing those boys over there all night, you little tiger . . .” she trailed off. “How old are you?


“Well . . . never too young to start.”

The little girl frowned. “Boys are icky.”

Brynn gave a sly smile. “You have no idea.” She winked, trailed her fingers across the girl’s cheek, and started toward the exit opposite the one Cedar had taken.

She went straight down to their stateroom to change, a thrill fluttering up her spine at disobeying her brother’s orders. Instead of going to bed, she dolled herself up for a night out on the ship.

Her dad, she noticed, wasn’t in the room. Could he actually be enjoying himself like Cedar? Was it too much to ask that the two overprotective men in her life—her dad and brother—had both forgotten about her for the night?

Practically giddy, she dragged on a short jean skirt they had no clue she owned—and wouldn’t let her own in a gazillion years—a loose fitting tank top, and platform sandals. Next she applied pink lip gloss and dark eyeliner, doused herself in Dolce & Gabbana perfume, and dashed out the door again, her confidence soaring.

Thank you, thank you girl-who-has-a-crush-on-Cedar. Whoever she was, Brynn owed her one for sure.

Her first stop was Fuel, the teen disco on deck fifteen astern. Cedar, of course, had forbidden her from setting foot in the place, but tonight she made her own rules.

Beams of neon light darted around the dark club, flashing over teens on the dance floor leaping up and down. She made out a few groups of friends dancing in circles.

She stepped onto the dance floor and started jumping up and down too in time with the beat. One of the circles opened up to include her, which she joined. Aside from the slitted eyes from the girl across from her, the rest of the group—mostly boys—welcomed her with smiles and head nods.

The guy dancing next to her was really cute, baby-faced and curly haired . . . like adorably cute. He grinned at her and angled his body slightly toward hers—in other words, a noncommittal signal that he might think she was cool that could be easily denied later if she didn’t return it. Excited, she grinned back, and angled her own body a few degrees toward him.

He swiveled a smidgeon more so he was facing her instead of the rest of the group, and they broke off from the circle to dance facing only each other.

But aside from furtive glances at each other and shy smiles, the boy stayed two feet away—no more, no less—as if held there by a force field. Cedar would be proud.

What was this . . . middle school?

That was the problem with boys her age. They were all too afraid to touch girls. She scanned the rest of the dance floor, not a soul touching. Zero skin contact. Pathetic.

But she also felt a strange sting in her heart, like she didn’t belong here anymore. Dancing in this room with strangers, she was more alone than ever.

Simon had been her whole world. She remembered when they had experimented with third base, it was the most natural and exciting thing in the world. Only afterwards had she realized most girls her age hadn’t even been asked out on a date yet, let alone been through a serious long term relationship. After Simon, her never-been-kissed best friends were jealous and treated her like an outcast. They wanted what she had, not realizing how much it hurt. How much it isolated her.

Brynn faced her guy again. “Want to dance?” she yelled over the music.

“What?” he yelled back.

“Want to dance? Like actually dance?”

He stared at her, for a moment confused before his eyes flashed with understanding. He nodded to the corners of the teen disco, where a handful of adults stood with crossed arms, watching the dance floor like hawks. Chaperones. Yuck!

And then she spotted something else . . . he was leaning at the bar: the hot guy she had seen by the pool whom Cedar had cockblocked. Jake, if she remembered correctly. Even in the dark club, he still wore his aviator sunglasses.

He was chatting with a couple of older girls and looked bored.

Brynn’s ideas of finding a perfect stranger flew out the window. She kind of just wanted him right now.

“Got to go,” she muttered to the boy she was dancing with and pushed through a gap in the crowd.

“Wait, I don’t even know your name?” the boy shouted behind her.

Brynn ignored him, hastily tugged down her skirt—which had been riding up ever since she started dancing—and trotted over to the bar. She slid onto a stool at the opposite end as Jake, feeling a bit alarmed when her butt came into direct contact with the cool, molded plastic. A quick glance over her shoulder reassured her she was still covered.

She glanced over at Jake. Though his head faced her direction, his shades blocked his eyes and she couldn’t tell if he was looking at her. She turned away, hot in the face.

Was he looking at her?

She peeked again, without moving her head, and out of the corners of her eyes saw the two girls leave. One of them pressed a folded note into Jake’s hand—a phone number, probably. He displayed no reaction, not even a thank you, just took the note stone-faced and pocketed it. His head didn’t move.

The girls gone, Brynn was even more self-conscious that he might be looking at her, and her cheeks flushed. Screw it. She sighed loudly and blatantly turned her head to stare at him.

He raised his eyebrows. “Where’s your brother?” he said.

Oh, so he had noticed her. “You shouldn’t be scared of him,” she said. “You could beat him up.”

“I don’t want to have to beat him up,” he said.

“He left with another girl,” said Brynn.

Jake’s eyebrow nudged higher. “You’re okay with that?”

“Why wouldn’t I be?”

“He gets to go off with some girl, but you don’t even get to sit next to me at the pool. Hypocritical, wouldn’t you say?

“That’s him.”

“Brynn, right?”

She nodded. “Jake?”

He rose from his chair, downed the dregs of an orange-colored drink, and turned to leave.

“Where are you going?” she said, not meaning to sound so accusing.

“Going to take a soak. You’re welcome to come.”

“A soak?”

“Hot tub. They won’t be too crowded this late.” He waited for her answer, face stoic like he couldn’t give a rat’s ass whether or not she joined him. Just her crap luck . . . he was one of those guys.

But then a thrill fluttered across her skin. Jake was one of those guys. Older, sexy, self-assured . . . and in a few minutes, they could be giving each other half-naked massages in a private hot tub. Would Cedar approve?

He’d have a heart attack.

“Let me just change into my bathing suit,” said Brynn, climbing to her feet and smoothing down her skirt again, blushing hotly at what she was about to do.


Naomi led Cedar, her unusual boy-find, through the hanging plastic flaps and into the crew-only area on deck two. Beyond the flaps, the floors were scuffed, the bulkheads made of unornamented white steel, and the overhead hidden above a maze of metal pipes and ventilation ducts.

“I should just check,” said Cedar.

“Give her space,” said Naomi. “She’ll love you for it.”

“I want her to be safe, I don’t care if she loves me.”

“Yes, you do care.”

A waiter hauled a pallet of food past them, forcing them flat against the bulkhead. The cart banged over a foot-wide metal gap in the floor. She noticed Cedar studying the break in the passageway.

“Watertight door,” she explained. “They close if there’s a hull breach, sectioning the bottom decks into individual watertight compartments.”

Cedar sneered. “No, Naomi, that’s what they did on the Titanic. I’m sure they have a better system by now.”

She sighed, already regretting inviting him along. Sure, he was cute, but his bad attitude was really starting to piss her off.

“Anyway, we’re here.” She veered off the I-95 down a smaller hallway and into a dark room. She flipped a switch, igniting an array of overhead fluorescent tubes.

The light revealed a ceiling mounted crane, a large rectangular door that opened through the ship’s hull, and in the room’s center, all gleaming yellow metal and plexiglass—a minisub.

“Whoa . . .” Cedar’s eyes widened, and for the first time that night, he didn’t sound preoccupied.

“It’s only available for private booking,” she said. “There’s an underwater tour, Shipwrecks of the Bermuda Triangle and all that, if your parents are loaded.”

“It’s just my dad. My mom’s not with us. Do you know how to work it?”

“I watched them do it once before. I could probably figure it out.”

Cedar ran his hands over the sub’s steel hull, his face mesmerized, his sister apparently completely forgotten. At last he faced her, and his intense gray-blue eyes invited her into a private world only he had access too—and made her rethink him all over again. “Let’s go inside it,” he said.

Jake did his best to remain impassive as he watched Brynn undress in front of him. When her jean skirt hit the de