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Kindle Nation Daily Bargain Book Alert: Scott Sherman’s First You Fall (Kevin Connor Mysteries) – 4.8 stars on 28 Reviews! – Just $2.99, and Free for Amazon Prime Members Through the Kindle Lending Library

4.8 stars – 28 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled

Here’s the set-up:
  • “Funny, intriguing, exciting – everything a great mystery should be” J.A. Konrath, author.
  • “Fans will be anxiously anticipating Kevin’s continued adventures.” Phila. Gay News
  • “..one of the best reads I’ve had this year.” Drewey Wayne Gunn, critic.
  • “Wow! Fast paced, sexy with a hero I adored.” Megan Hart, author.
Winner of the Lambda Literary Award for Best Mystery, 2009.

When his friend’s death is ruled a suicide, Kevin Connor–a hustler by trade, sleuth by default–sets out to prove a case of murder. It doesn’t help matters that the victim’s grown children, who disapproved of their father’s sexual orientation, are only concerned about their inheritance. But they are not Kevin’s only problem. His high-strung mother has moved in with him–and she knows nothing about his questionable . . . job. Throw in his super-hot ex – now a New York City detective – and Kevin has more than his hands full.

JA Konrath calls Sherman “the gay Janet Evanovich.” You’ll fall for this sexy, funny first mystery in the Kevin Connor series.

Scott Sherman has written for Newsweek, Genre, Instinct, and The Washington Blade. The follow-up to First You Fall, Second You Sin was released by Kensington in October, 2011 in trade paperback and for the Kindle. The third book in the series will be coming out in 2012.

About the Author

Scott Sherman is a writer and photographer living with his two sons in Maryland. Scott’s written for Newsweek magazine, as well for publications including Genre, Instinct and The Washington Blade. Scott won the 2009 Best Gay Mystery Award from The Lambda Literary Association for his first published novel, First You Fall.
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