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Go on a roller-coaster ride through the Twentieth Century with the great-great-great grandson of Baron Munchausen! Humor & Satire: The Fantastical Adventures of Leutenlieb of the House of Munchausen by master storyteller and nominee for the Nobel Prize in Literature, Shlomo Kalo

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The Fantastical Adventures of Leutenlieb is the story of the descendant of the famous Baron munchausen and his adventures in some well known places and events in the 20th century,from the trenches of WW1 ,west and eastern fronts to the chaos after the war,the american wild west and many more.What stands out as you read the book,is the unique wizdem the warm compassion and the respect to values that seems to disappear slowly from our world,and there is also a touch of true honor and chivalry that went unpopular lately for some reasone. I think this book can be truly educational for children,and a good read for adults.” – Amazon Review

Humor & Satire: The Fantastical Adventures of Leutenlieb of the House of Munchausen

by Shlomo Kalo
4.8 stars – 19 reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

That rarest of things, a children’s book for “children” of all ages….

In this picaresque and highly entertaining novel, Leutenlieb, a.k.a. Baron Munchausen (great-great-great grandson of his celebrated ancestor), takes us on a roller-coaster ride through the history of the Twentieth Century, introducing us along the way to a galaxy of iconic figures – from Hitler to Hemingway, from Al Capone to Greta Garbo – while describing how, with breath-taking imagination, brilliant ingenuity and technological expertise of staggering proportions (not to mention legendary modesty!) he succeeds in solving all the problems with which he is faced.

The darker side is there too – two world wars, Nazi extermination camps and Soviet labour camps – but through it all our protagonist maintains his optimism, his integrity, his belief in the power of the indomitable human spirit, and his sense of humour. The full tragi-comedy of life is there.

Master storyteller and nominee for the Nobel Prize in Literature, Shlomo Kalo breathes new life into a classic tale, crafting a rich and hilarious world that will have readers tight in its grip from the first time they open the book to the moment when they turn the last page of the memorable closing chapter.

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