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Foreword Book of The Year Finalist – Now on Sale! J.T. Lundy’s Political Hilarious Satire Happy Utopia Day, Joe McCarthy – Just 99 Cents

4.5 stars – 37 Reviews
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Here’s the set-up:


Combining political satire with espionage parody, J. T. Lundy tells the story of an unlikely secret agent facing a bizarre, xenophobic government conspiracy

Chris Thompson thought his youthful dreams of being a secret agent had long ago been put to rest. He has a wife and child, a stable job with the US Customs Department, and–aside from a minor incident involving outsourcing American apple pie production to Bangladesh–no real worries.

This all changes when Chris receives a phone call from the president of the United States, Oscar I. Wright, regarding a secret invasion of America from Canada and Mexico–an invasion somehow tied to the “Big Mac Party,” a cultish political party that worships the legacy of the notorious Communist-hunting Senator Joseph McCarthy. Soon, Chris is equipped with firearms, designer suits, government helicopters, and an array of gadgets worthy of any top-notch spy. His mission: infiltrate the mysterious “Emergence” program founded by McCarthy within the shadowy halls of the US government–and, ultimately, save democracy as we know it from the xenophobic demons of America’s past.

A unique, bubbling combination of Christopher Buckley-esque satire, political farce, and espionage comedy, Happy Utopia Day, Joe McCarthy reveals–through encounters with a hilarious cast of hallucinating politicians, Border Patrol commandants, crew-cut torturers, stuttering computer wizards, supposedly immortal pilots, and more–just how frightening a contemporary abuse of government power can be, and just how much we sometimes stand to lose when we decide to pursue our dreams.


“A mild-mannered federal functionary battles a fascist takeover in this boisterous satirical thriller. …Lundy is a talented writer who crafts vivid characters, keeps the overcomplicated story moving at a brisk pace and serves up vigorous prose with punchy dialogue.” – Kirkus Reviews

“…humorous and scary, contains enough truth in it to keep you wondering if it might not all be true, and is a really fun read.” – Pam Bunch NPR Radio.

…a delectable confection of political satire with a healthy dose of prescient real-time insight – a must read…” Reader’s Favorite.

“It’s ‘Pineapple Express’ meets ‘Casino Royale,’ and the fusion is irresistible!” Almost Epic Adventures of a Librarian in Training.

About The Author

J.T. Lundy lives in Naperville, Illinois, where he writes novels and screenplays, and attempts to help his wife manage the chaos from raising three growing boys. He likes to read, write, travel, and eat good food. A graduate of Indiana University, he also holds an MFA from Spalding University and an MBA from the University of Chicago.

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