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Kindle Nation Daily Horror Readers Alert! Joseph Garraty’s VOICE – 12 Out of 12 Rave Reviews And Now $3.99 on Kindle


by Joseph Garraty

4.4 stars – 12 Reviews
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

Local rock band Ragman is finally taking off. Stephanie Case’s flamboyant performances and scorching guitar work have started attracting crowds, and singer John Tsiboukas–aka Johnny Tango–is delivering the best performances of his life. After months of playing to dead rooms, it looks like success is at hand.

The thing is, there’s something wrong with Johnny’s voice. Until just a few weeks ago, he couldn’t hit the right pitch if you painted a target on it and let him stand real close. Now he sounds amazing. . . and strange things happen every time he sings. Lights burn out. Whole rooms become cold and hushed. People get violent.

And sometimes, people die.

For Johnny and Case, Ragman is a ticket out of a life of meaningless, dead-end jobs and one lousy gig after another, but as the weirdness surrounding Johnny begins to turn into outright nightmare, they find that the price of stardom might be higher than either of them could ever have imagined.

One Reviewer Notes

“Joseph Garraty has written a horror novel that ranks right up there with the masters – “Voice” is amazingly creepy, full of the sorts of things that will make you keep the lights on for nights to come. His characters are realistic, and you feel like they are people you know. By the end of the book, you’ll be so creeped out, you’ll likely not even want to listen to rock music for a few days.

John Tsiboukas – aka Johnny Tango – has been obsessed with music since he was a kid. He’s in a band named Ragman with his brother, Danny – who plays drums – and a friend named Quentin on bass. Case, a guitarist, is brought into the group after he hears her at a new-band-night gig. Ragman has a great sound, but John himself has no voice – he has no sense of pitch and his voice is too weak to carry the hard rock sound to match the rest of the group. So, one night, he goes with a strange man to a crossroads and makes a deal – fame, fortune and glory. After that, his voice fills in to the potential and Ragman starts gaining a following. But weird things start to happen – there are murders around their venues. Johnny starts substituting odd chants for the lyrics. And an obsessive group of followers begins to trail along with the band – their faces hungry, their eyes … there is something wrong with their eyes. And then the final show in Dallas, where the potential for wrongness comes to fruition …

If you love horror and love rock and roll, you’ll LOVE this book. You won’t want to miss it – get it TODAY” – Amazon Reviewer, 5 Stars

About The Author
Joseph Garraty is an author of dark fantasy, horror, and science fiction. He has worked as a construction worker, rocket test engineer, environmental consultant, technical writer, and deadbeat musician. He lives in Dallas, Texas.
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