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For fans of John Green, Rainbow Rowell, and Jojo Moyes: a beautiful, funny novel about loving life and everything in-between – CELEBRATION by Mounia Bagha

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4.6 stars – 5 reviews
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Here’s the set-up:
Abigail Mitchell wants the world. She wants the guy she’s falling for to love her back, the great job in the city and a place of her own, far – very far – from her parents. But in real life, Abby tries to make money from a job she absolutely loathes, keeps hopelessly falling for Mister Wrong and still lives at home with her parents.
Life couldn’t get worse if she tried. Yet when things do get worse one day of May, Abby knows she’ll have to pull herself together if she ever wants to find the one thing she needs more than the world.
Heart-warming and sometimes heart-breaking, Abby’s story shows how stumbling your way through life can help you find happiness even in the most unexpected ways.
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