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Special Fan-Appreciation Release Price! For a Limited Time, Download The Flirty Romance My Not So Super Sweet Life by Rachel Harris For Just 99 Cents! (Regularly Priced at $3.79)

“A super sweet read full of fun, flirty romance….Lucas is the YA dream boyfriend of the year!” ~ Caisey Quinn, best selling author of the Girl With Guitar series

4.7 stars – 20 Reviews
**Special fan-appreciation release  price only 99 cents (reg. $3.79)**
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Here’s the set-up:

My Not So Super Sweet Life is the third book in this wildly popular young adult series. A special digital edition prompted by fan request.Cat Crawford just wants to be normal—or at least as normal as a daughter of Hollywood royalty can be. And it looks like fate is granting her wish: she’s got an amazing boyfriend, Lucas; her fabulous cousin, Alessandra, living with her; and her dad planning his second marriage to a great future stepmom. That is, until her prodigal mother reveals on national television that she has something important to tell her daughter…causing a media frenzy.

Lucas Capelli knows his fate is to be with Cat, and he’s worked hard to win her over once and for all. Unfortunately, Lucas has his own issues to deal with, including a scandal that could take him away from the first place he’s truly belonged.

As secrets are revealed, rumors explode, and the world watches, Cat and Lucas discover it’s not fate they have to fight if they want to stay together…this time, it’s their own insecurities.

Well, and the stalkerazzi.


“My Not So Super Sweet Life is a great conclusion to Cat and Lucas’s story. This trilogy is a must read for time travel fans!” ~ Michelle Madow, author of The Secret Diamond Sisters

“Fun, funny, and very romantic, My Not So Super Sweet Life sparkles from start to finish.” ~ Joanne Rock, national bestselling romance author

About The Author

Rachel Harris grew up in New Orleans, where she watched soap operas with her grandmother and stayed up late sneak reading her mama’s favorite romance novels. Now a Cajun cowgirl living in Houston, she still stays up way too late reading her favorite romances, only now, she can do so openly. She firmly believes life’s problems can be solved with a hot, powdered-sugar-coated beignet or a thick slice of king cake, and that screaming at strangers for cheap, plastic beads is acceptable behavior in certain situations.

When not typing furiously or flipping pages in an enthralling romance, she homeschools her two beautiful girls and watches way too much reality television with her amazing husband. She writes YA, NA, and Adult Fun & Flirty Escapes. She loves talking with readers! Find her at www.RachelHarrisWrites.com

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