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Kindle Daily Deals For Thursday, August 8 – Books Deals on Romance, Sci-Fi & Thriller Titles at Bargain Prices… Plus Don’t Miss Elizabeth Loraine’s Phantom Lives – Collier (book one)

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4.2 stars – 32 Reviews
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Here’s the set-up:
Another great series from top selling author Elizabeth Loraine!!!

From the author of Royal Blood Chronicles comes her paranormal series Phantom Lives!!

After the sudden death of her parents Abigail Black decides to take her life back from her abusive boyfriend, Dallas, and start over. She is drawn south from her childhood home in Memphis into a world she thought only existed in her dreams. Ones that she has had since she was a small child, of a place so real, she could describe everything and everyone in minute detail. And there’s Bill, a man who has her cautiously believing in love again.

Suddenly she discovers that the place in her dreams really exists and it is calling her to it. Why?

Another page turning romance adventure from Elizabeth Loraine. Phantom Lives intertwines the modern world with the post Civil War world of Collier, a plantation Abigail has had dreams about her entire life. Now she is about to find out why. It’s a fantasy world of spirits and immortals built in a way which fans of Ms Loraine’s will again thoroughly enjoy. Find out who Abigail was in the past, and how it changes everything.

5 Star Amazon Review

“I really enjoyed reading Phantom Lives because it appealed to my fantasy side and my mystery side all at the same time. Elizabeth Loraine keeps you so involved with the story with great twists and turns. So many times something totally unexpected jumps up and grabs you. I am so looking forward to the next book in this series because the story can only get better.”

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