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KND eBook of The Day: Preston Lang’s Comedic Crime Novel The Carrier – Sample For Free Now!

The Carrier

by Preston Lang

Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:

For a limited period, The Carrier will be sale-priced at $2.99 to reward early purchasers.

A drug courier gets held up by a sultry-voiced girl he picks up in a roadside bar. Throw in a sinister brother, bosses, a fast talking sex-offender and his oversized neighbor, a gum-loving Puerto Rican girl, stalks of corn and bars of gold, and you have… The Carrier, the debut novel from Preston Lang.

It’s a bad idea for a drug courier to pick up strange women in roadside bars. Cyril learns this lesson when the girl he brings back to his motel room points a gun at him.

But Willow isn’t the only one after the goods that Cyril’s been hired to pick up. A fast talking sex-offender and his oversized neighbor are also on the trail, as is Cyril’s sinister brother, Duane.

Willow and Cyril soon form an uneasy alliance based on necessity, lust, and the desire for a quick payday. But with so many dangerous players giving chase, will they nab their package?

If you like Tim Dorsey, Laurence Shames and Carl Hiaasen, The Carrier will be right up your alley!

Visit Preston Lang’s Amazon Author Page

And here, in the comfort of your own browser, is your free sample of The Carrier by Preston Lang: